The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 18, 1991, Page 11, Image 11
3 Bicycles For Sale Bianchi Brava 12-speed, 20" frame, hardly used, great shape, $250. Call 464-4T62. Must sell! 1988 Cannondale racing/touring bike. 14 speed. Excellent condition. $350 o.b.o. Call 436-8300. 4 Books For Sale CREATIVE IDEAS-is more THAN a Bookstore-Over 3,000 volumes of ALL SUBJECTS-We buy and trade for your old books-We sell below new Pricing-We have Books, Records, Tapes and morel 5824 LOCUST IN BASEMENT: Sunday, 12pm-6pm and Tuesday-Thurs day, 6pm-9pm or CALL 488-9158. =KEKS=S=S=S= 6 Computers For Sale Educational Discounted Software, cheaper than book stores. Save $$$$ and call now 434-6569. Macintosh SE 20 Meg HD/4 Megs RAM 2400 Baud Modem Second Monitor Call 435-6358 Evenings 7 Jewelry For Sale sa=aaa=aa;n —— One karat diamond ring. $1500 obo. Call 759-4949, evenings. ssaaaagr. i."!. 8 Furniture For Sale Are you looking for student furniture for fall? ONE MORE TIME is the placet Open seven days/week. Free parking. 850 N. 27th_ 474-2065 Computer desk with hutch. $75. Standing mirror. $10. 420-1183. 9 Garage Sales Moving sate—Bicycle*, stereo, furniture, kitchenwar plants, lots more. Friday-Saturday. 475-7653. 1803 S. 25th Street. 10 Misc. For Sale 3 yrs. Mademoiselle Membership for sate. 2 yrs. unlim ited tanning. S200 obo. Call 466 9105 ask lor Lanette or Angela. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS HIRING. $16,000 $72,000-Yr.'1-805-564-6500 Ext.GBl0384 for immedi ate response. HOMES FOR SALE BY GOVERNMENT AGENCIES $1.00 (U-repair) or $1600 (move-in). 1 -805-564-6500 Ext HA10384 tor immediate response. Neon Miller Genuine Draft beer sign. $90. 472-3470 or come to Love Library, room 203D. 14 Pets 1 "" ■' ■11 - —» Oak finish 37 gallon aquarium. New. running and great condition. $225 or Offer. Call 420-1029. 18 Stereos/TVs For Sale Sony CarDiscman. Perfect tor car. home or portable Come* with adapters. Almost new. 475-3267. ask tor Travis. 19 Ticket Exchange NEED two validated Washington tickets, 464-1691 NU v. Washington SlOCVpair obo. Call 477-8008. FOR SALE: 2 GA NU v. Washington tickets. $100/pair obo Call 475-9301. Late evemng/early morning. WANTED BADLYII Three tickets for this Saturday’s Washington game. Call Scott, 436-0957 Wanted: 6 tickets to the NU vs. CU game. Call 436-03821 Wanted: Four tickets to the K State game. 466-4698. after 5 p.m. r ==="— " - 20 Vehicles For Sale '84 Mazda RX7 5-speed. Air, AM/FM, cruise, alloys, clean. $2950, offers. Baer's Auto Sales, 1647 S. 3rd. 477-6442. '81 Kawasaki CSR650,13500 miles, recent tune-up and overhauled carbs. Excellent shapel $650 obo. Might trade for mint condition, top of the line, road racing bicycle. 464-9427. '80 KZ440 LTD, belt drive, runs greatl S400 obo. 421 8703 ask for Jim. 1979 Mustang Cobra. $2500 obo. 438-5301, leave mes sage. 22 Adoption Adoption Loving couple wishes to adopt newborn. Will provide warm, caring home with bright future. Medical/legal ex penses paid. Confidential. Call Laurie/Larry, 718-343 5017 anytime. Happily married, financially secure, couple wishes to adopt second child. Mom home full-time. All legal/medi cal expenses paid. Strictly legal and confidential. Please call collect Jane or Rich at 1 -402-571-6955. PREGNANT AND WONDERING WHAT TO DO? Explore the protection and benefits of adoption which are only provided by a licensed agency. No fee for our confidential services. Contact: Nebraska Children's Home Society 4600 Valley Road 483-7879. Single and Pregnant? You don't have to gort alone—we're here to help. Nofees and confidential counseling. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children's Home Society 4600 Valley Road, Suite 304. 483-7879 36 Entertainment FOR A GOOD TIME don't miss BEN VEREEN with the Lincoln Symphony September 20 at the Lied Center. Tickets begin at $7. Call 474-5610. aa:^=aaaaa^.—■■ —— 42 Health & Fitness MUSCLE For a real workout get a real personal trainer! Call Body By Design now! 435-0435. leave message. 44 Insurance For All Your Insurance Needs. Jim Wallace 474-5077. American Family Insurance. Renters, Auto. Home. Health, and Life. 46 Instruction/Tutoring Do you need help in math or stats? Just call 436-6942, leave message. Reasonable rates. . ■ ""'”.1 "■ 63 Pregnancy PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment, 483-2609. 75 Tattooing_ Body Electric Tattoos. Sterile conditions, casual atmos phere Many designs —custom work. By appointment only. 486-3141 SoTypjn^T^esuines^^^^ Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers Over 10 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. RESEARCH FORMATION Largest Library of Information in U.S. 19,278 TOPICS - ALL SUBJECTS Order Catalog Today with Visa/ MasterCard or COD ^ 800-351-0222 Or, rush $2.00 to: Research Information 11322 Idaho Ave. #206-A, Los Angeles, CA 90025 -1—-1 Resumes Professionally typeset and laser printed. $15 plus tax. Daily Nebraskan,basement of Nebraska Union. S^^S5=S=^SSSSSS=SSSS=S 110 Announcements WSI Class leam to teach Red Cross swim lessons. Good source of income for the summer as well as possible local employ ment with Campus Recreation. Red Cross, or teaching private lessons. Register at 55 Campus Recreation to day. 472-3467. ART PRTFfTSALE!! Cover your naked walls with stylel Monet, Van Gough, James Dean, movie posters and much, much morel Sept. 16-20, 9-5 Broyhill Plaza. Rain site- City Union lounge. Sponsored by UPC Visual Arts. Attention Psych Studentsl Keep up to date with PsycHappeninga available in the center of Burnett 1st floor hallway. Coming to the Pla-Mor Ballroom Friday, September 20, Theflurrtles, 9-12:30, doors open at 8:30,6600 West O St. COMMUTERS Are you tired of riding alone? Find someone to share the ride. Stop in the Student Info. Center. Rm. 116 Nebr. Union for more info. ■ ' . ■ DON’T GET TOWED!!! Park in the REUNION tor less than the price ot getting towed once. Call FMA REALTY at 467 i 6996 tor more information. Jwwi'iYAiYiYrmriYtsbv Don't wash your clothesTSeeFLffCHjom the cult. Ted Nugent and Mr Rosenfetus will be there Thursday, Septerrtoer 19 at 7:30, Lincoln Theater. UPC. Fire the Deans Recent events demand that monies be shifted in priority within the university. Rather than cut departments or programs, I suggest that a few of those individuals making more than one hundred thousand dollars per year be fired. Mark Davis FLETCH Thursday, Sept. 19th at 7:30pm in the Lincoln Theatre (11th & P). $2 students-S4 non-students. | RAISE $500...$ 1000...$ 1500 | For your fraternity, sorority, team or other campus organization. ABSOLUTILY MO IMVtSTMIMT KIQUIMtD! HOMECOMING SAND VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT October 15,16 & 17. Sponsored by SAA $ UPC Home coming. Applications available at CAP City. Deadline. October 4. INTRAMURAL ACTIVITIES Three intramural activities, frisbee skills, hackey sack, and wallybaH tournament, will be held in conjunction with The Campus Recreation Allmghter on Friday, 9/20. Enter on site, no tees, check at either Campus Recreation Office for details. 472-3467. LIVE TALK. 1-900-773-3777. ADULTS ONLY. $2.50/ minute, 10 minute minimum. ODYSSEY PROGRAM "JOURNEY WITH ANOTHER LEADER" The deadline to sign up as an Odyssey protege is September 25, so it you are interested in developing your leadership skills, contact the CAP Office today at 472-2454, 200 NE Union. SEE THE WORLD — Join a study tour during semester break. Six tours to more than 10 cities, ottered tor credit. Call International Affairs, 472-3264 or stop by 1237 R Street. Room 102. SKYDIVE! Jump out of a perfectly good airplane. Call Crete Skydiv ing Center, 488-7084. UPC’s Best of the Rest Comedy, laser shows and even world records Come find out what we are all about. Meeting Thursday 3:00 in City Union. Room will be posted. All students are welcome. Bring your self, a friend and ideas. Come join the funl UPC-COLAGE Committee Offering Lesbian and Gay Events Meeting tonight at 7pm in room 342 Nebraska Union. Help us plan National Coming Out Day. Visit the pyramids of Mexico or experience the changes in Germany during semester break. Call International Affairs Wanted: Levi's, leather coats, sweaters, and fall A winter clothing. Six Feet Under. 17th A P. St.. Pickles Plaza, 474-2773. UNL Rifle Meetings: 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays in the basement of Military and Naval Science Bldg. New Members Welcome[ STUDENT DIRECTORY EXCLUSION FORMS NOW AVAILABLE Forms are now available for University of Nebraska Linooln students who wish to EXCLUDE their name and/ or address information from the 1991-92 Student Direc tory. This form is for EXCLUSION OF INFORMATION ONLY, no changes can be made. The exclusion forms must be completed in person in the Office of Public Relations. 208 Administration Building before Septem ber 20.1991. Proof of registration or identity is required for completion. Tenor voice Scarlet and Cream Singers have an opening for the 1991-92 school year. Contact Prof. Miller, 472-2490. The Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid is announc ing the Fan Semester distribution of Perkins Loan checks September 23.24 and 25 in the Ballroom of the Nebraska Union. Hours of distribution are 8:30 - 11:30 and 1 CO - 4:00 p.m. Checks not picked up during these three days will be cancelled. Students must bring their student ID s to receive a check. Borrowers less than 19 should bring their promissory notes, which must be co-signed by a parent or legal guardian. The Women’s Resource Center (WRC) is now accepting applications from individuals interested in serving on the WRC collective. The collec tive is the governing and decision-making structure within the center. In order to be a collective member you must first become a volunteer and demonstrate respon sibility. Students and community people are encouraged to apply. Applications available in the WRC, Rm 117 City Union or call 472-2597. Deadline is October 5. TUTORS The Student Information Center is compiling a list of tutors for student use. Anyone wishing to be on the list either to tutor or in need of a tutor, fill out an application at the ASUN Student Info. Center, 116 Nebr. Union. 115 Meetings Alpha Zeta monthly meeting. Wednesday, September 18 at 7 p.m. East Campus Union. ROTARACT-UNL WEICOME BACK—1ST MEETING WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 18TH @ 7:30pm CITY UNION. EVERYONE IS WELCOME! Society Of Physics Students Announces 1st meeting, Siept. 18, Wed. at 4:30pm in Brace 301W. Featured speaker: Dr. Jaswal on 'Fun with Physics'. Everyone welcome! S T E A M B JANUARY 2-14 • 5,6 OR 7 NIGHTS BRECKENRI JANUARY 2-9 *5,6 OR 7 NIGHTS " 'b-' VAIL/BEAVER JANUARY 3-12 *5 OR 7 NIGHTS 10«h ANNUAL - COLLIOIATI _ _ WINTER SKI BREAKS TOU FREE INFORMATION A RESERVATIONS 1-800-321-5911 THE PAR SIDE By GARY lARSON i*****1- /y Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson IT'S WUEN TOO SOAK A TOWEL I ALWAYS TUCOW L\FE* and TW'sr rrup >n\da nu\p boards were tost tavgkt »T STTNGS UKE CRAXT AND WON TD RESOSCVTATE PECftE \S WOCW NORSE TUAN SEVNG AND TWIN6S UKE TUAT. CPU). GET ttT pp\rr? s_^-7 1C t»~' wii^ ACROSS 1 Necromancy • Polaris or Aldebaran 10 Not fizzing 14 Let up 15 Mah-jongg piece 10 Carry into a carrier 17 French Impressionist 18 In the thick of 18 On the Caribbean 20 Alice in 38 Across 23 Hog haven 24 Tie fabric 25 Words from a rev 26 Lawrence's steed 28 Not at all 33 Height: Comb form 36 Author LeShan 37 Not so nasty 38 Memorable situation comedy 42 Periodically flowing and ebbing 43 Sun follower 44 Algonquian Indian 45 Expiated 47 Related maternally 49 Comparative ending 51 Bullring bravo 52 The Greatest 55 Ralph in 38 Across 59 Armstrong's was historic 61 Tree-trunk protuberance 62 Ga city 63 Decline to bid 64 This, to Juana 65 Like a moth hole 66 Part of A M 67 Twenty quires 68 Dissuade DOWN 1 Papas’ partners 2 Circa 3 -dancer (railroad worker) 4 Brain duct 5 Et follower 6 Drover's disaster 7 Watch information • Otherwise named 9 Flush 10 Defect 11 Colleen 12 Fruity drink 13 Afternoon gathering 21 Where to find Mocha 22 U of Maine location 26 Cagney role 27 "Now I 29 Flinch 30 Cake finisher 31 Drought-ridden 32 Celtic tongue 33 “-boy!" ' 34I o.u. 35 Make over 39 Oil-based 40 Handkerchief marking 41 -fours (creeping) 40 He played Or. Cyclops 40 Came down in torrents 90 Wash out 52 Broad necktie 53 Unpackaged 54 Kind of circle or man 55 Witticism 56 Church recess 57 “I could horse" 58 Swiss river 50 Bath, for one 60 Turn brown ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE ■ SmE[EJRIeIdIBp sIeJu[d|o]