The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 30, 1991, Page 7, Image 7

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    New faculty position will boost
water research, link campuses
By Juliet Yenglin
Staff Reporter
To enhance cooperation between
two university institutions, a new
faculty position in the water science
research program has been established,
said Bob Volk, director of the Uni
T versity of Nebraska-Lincoln Water
“The best place to start this posi
tion would be where there is already
some existing expertise” and the
University of Nebraska Medical Center
provides this experience, Volk said.
The position will be located in the
UNMC pharmacy department, which
will supply space and additional re
Creating and filling the faculty
position, which was made possible
with funding from the Nebraska Re
search Initiative, will integrate the
water science program with existing
medical research.
Hiring an agrichemical water toxi
cologist will develop a strong research
program, complement the existing
programs and enhance cooperation
between the two campuses, Volk said.
The main task of the toxicologist
is to “develop a collaborative pro
gram to study the health effects of
nitrates and pesticides in drinking
water, both in animal models and
humans, including interactive effects,”
according to a Water Center press
The appointee also will seek out
side funding, supervise graduate
students and participate in intcrcam
pus toxicology and water-related teach
ing and research activities.
Interviews for the position will
begin within the next few months,
Research scientists win two-year grant
scientists irom me university
of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Center for
Nontraditional Manufacturing
Research have won a two-year grant.
The scientists won the $ 120,000
grant from the National Science
Foundation to develop a control
system for the abrasive flow ma
chining process.
AFM is a process used to finish
parts from hardened steels, com
posites and other modem manu
facturing materials. The process
forces an abrasive putty to flow
over the material’s surface, remov
ing excess material.
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” * vUIICjIKIT y
Aug. 28
8:41 a.m.—Awning burned, Ruth
Staples Child Development Labo
ratory, $25.
9:48 a.m. — Female had seizure,
Henzlik Hall.
9:48 a.m. — Backpack stolen, Abel
Residence Hall Food Service, $85.
9:58 a.m. — Property damage —
vehicle door slammed into another
vcmcie aoor, parking 101 norm oi
UNL police headquarters.
2:30 p.m. —^Bookbag stolen, Uni
versity Bookstore, $100.
3:11 p.m. — Wallet stolen, loop
by Coliseum, $10.
3:15 p.m. — Bookbag stolen. Uni
versity Bookstore, $110.
4:35 p.m. — Two vehicle non
injury accident, West Stadium
parking lot, $500.
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