The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 26, 1991, Page 11, Image 11

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    ‘Incredible experience’
Trip to Australia gives freshman new outlook
By Adeana Leftin
Senior Reporter
Although she had to be talked into
joining a student business organiza
tion during her sophomore year at
Lincoln Southeast High School, Stacy
Lovelace has more than reaped the
benefits of her involvement.
A freshman at the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln, Lovelace was se
lected last spring for an exchange
with the Australian version of Junior
Achievement, Young Achievement.
Lovelace said she made valuable
connections from the trip and called it
“the most incredible experience of
my life.”
Junior Achievement is a high school
organization in which students form
their own company for a school year.
The students sell stock to raise money
and then develop and sell a product.
Officers in the company are elected,
salaries and wages arc paid accord
ingly and, at the end of the year, the
company liquidizes.
Lovelace, who last year was voted
Junior Achievement President of the
Year for the Lincoln area, said Junior
Achievement has given her “more
than I could ever hope for.”
Her stay in Australia was paid for,
but she was responsible for travel
Fortunately, when she was awarded
-44 --
The world is such a
small place now. Every
thing is global now. We
need to be aware of
what our actions are
doing to other coun
tries, like Australia.
Junior Achievement exchange
-ft -
the trip at a banquet in March, a hat
was passed and $483 was collected.
Local businesses also contributed.
“It’s a different lifestyle,” Love
lace said of Australia.
Trips from Sidney to Brisbane and
living at a sheep ranch taught Love
lace that Australians and Americans
have many misconceptions about each
Some Americans are surprised when
they find out that the vast Backwoods
land of “Crocodile Dundee” fame
covers an area only equal to a com
bined Kansas and Nebraska.
Most young Australians love the
United States they know only through
the movies, she said.
When Lovelace tried to explain
that she would be going through so
rority rush when she returned to the
United States, she said her friends
responded with: “Oh, you mean like
‘Animal House.’”
But she said that as Australians
reach their 20s, they grow less fond of
the United States.
“They’re a little bitter (that) we’re
so powerful,” Lovelace said.
She was in Australia when Presi
dent George Bush granted most fa
vored nation status to China, subsi
dizing the cost of U .S. wheal to China.
China had been a major consumer of
Australian wheat, and Australians felt
the action was unfair.
Lovelace said she learned a lot
from her trip and is considering a
major in international business.
“Anything I can learn about other
cultures is an advantage,” she said.
Although she was considering at
tending other institutions, a chance
meeting with Gary Schwendiman,
UNL dean of the College of Business
Administration, at a Junior Achieve
ment awards banquet changed her
Exchange programs with schools
such as Senshu University in Japan
and Oxford University in England, as
well as corporate internships, played
See LOVELACE on 12
Michelle Paulman/Daily Nebraskan
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Continued from Page 1
of the need for a review.
“It would seem appropriate, if the
board is being requested to look at
changes for individual colleges, to
have someone look at the overall
(admissions) picture,” Rowson said.
Currently, freshmen must satisfy
only one of three requirements to be
admitted to NU. They must have
completed a core group of high school
courses as described m their student
bulletin, be ranked in the upper half
of their graduating class or have scores
on the ACT of 20 or the SAT of 850.
John Beacon, UNL director of
admissions, said that if freshmen do
not meet any one of those criteria,
they still may be admitted condition
Liberal adm issions policies are not
uncommon for universities of UNL’s
size, he said.
“If a difference has come up, it’s
that (at other universities) students
must satisfy the core course require
ment in addition to satisfying one of
the other two criteria,” Beacon said.
"That’s a trend, and that’s proba
bly where we’re headed.”
Massengale asked the committee
to “consider admissions policies which
reflect the individual character of each
campus in role and mission as well as
the standards of the University of
Nebraska as a whole.”
Milliken said the admissions
committee would submit its findings
and recommendations to Massengale
during the first quarter of 1992.
BN Foundation
gives UNL grant
From Staff Reports
The Burlington Northern Founda
tion has awarded $10,000 to the Uni
versity of Nebraska-Lincoln for the
purchase of instrumentation for er
gonomic evaluations.
Michael Riley, chairman of the
Department of Industrial and Man
agement Systems in the UNL College
of Engineering and Technology, said
the instruments will be used to meas
ure the physiological response of the
human body, especially the arms,
during exposure to cumulative trauma
risk factors.
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