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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1991)
Page 10 Sports ___——--— ;—_ - • • — r - — •—— — r- —-—- - 1 - - . - ’ - NetSraskan Thursday, July 18,1991 Lincoln to host State Games By David Moyer Staff Reporter —;—^ It’s time to sound the trumpets and put on the athletic shoes, because the Nebraska State Games are getting underway Friday with open ing ceremonies at Seacrest Field in Lincoln. The ceremonies will be an Olympic-like celebration, beginning with entertainment and the parade of athletes. The evening will be highlighted by remarks from both Lincoln Mayor Mike Johanns and Nebraska Governor Ben Nelson. Theending will see the presentation of the games torch, followed by a fireworks dis play. Tom Ash, the executive director of the games, said he is looking forward to getting things started. The target number Ash wanted was 16,000 participants, and he has processed 16,031 thus far. Ash said the number computes to about one in every 100 Nebraskans participating. On Saturday the sponsors of the games will be hosting a barbecue for the participants at the State Fair Park, where a drawing will be held for an all-expense paid trip to the next Ne braska football bowl game. The same day will mark the beginning of the weekend’s competition with the continuation of adult soccer in Omaha. The rest of the sports will take place in Lincoln. Ash said the activities include everything from Olympic sports such as track and field to recreational activities including horse shoes. The games will constitute 39 different • competitions, including 29 major sports cate gories. “We have six different shooting competi tions which we put under the category of shoot ing, and three different swimming categories which we pul under the ghcading of aquatics,” he said. The games will conclude Sunday. , ~ Al Schaben/Dally Nabraskan Kevin McMahon practices a dive at Bob Devaney Sports Center July 9. McMahon will be a freshman on the NU diving team this fall. Ramos’ hearing of due process put on hold From Staff Reports__ A due process hearing for Jose Ramos relat ing to his alleged violation of the extra benefits clause of NCAA rules has been postponed for 30 days, according to A1 Papik, Nebraska’s assistant athletic director for compliance and administrative services. Papik said that Ramos and Craig Sherman, his attorney from Miami, requested and re ceived a continuance in order to prepare for the hearing. When the hearing is held, Ramos and others will testify before Dr. James O’Hanlon, the university’s athletic faculty representative. “The purpose of the hearing is to determine whether or not the University will seek rein statement of Mr. Ramos’ eligibility from the NCAA,” said Richard Wood, Nebraska’s vice president and general counsel. O Hanlon will submit his findings and rec ommendations to Interim Chancellor Dr. Jack Goebel and Athletic Director Bob Dcvancy, Wood said. The final decision lies with Goebel, who will forward his decision to the NCAA. A public announcement on the status of Ramos’ eligibility will be made at that time. If thc'Univcrsity docs not choose to petition the NCAA fbr a reversal Of its decision on Ramos’ eligibility status, Ramos will have no other course of action available to him, Wood said. “If the University docs not seek reinstate ment, Mr. Ramos has no recourse with the NCAA,’’ he said. The hearing will be closed unless Ramos requests an open hearing. When contacted at his office in Miami, Sherman declined to comment on the matter. Baseball goes back to basics; All-Star game shifts season Baseball is still baseball. All the prescason talk of baseball losing its credibility to overpaid play ers has been erased. Baseball has gone back to being a game. Last week’s All-Star Game proved it. Each year, the All-Star Game rep resents the all-important shift in the season. Fans either become score board watchers for the contenders, faithful watchers for the middle of the road teams, or in the yearly occur rence in Cleveland, non-watchers (or never-watchers). As the second half begins this year, it is important to assess what hap pened in the first half — and what those results mean for the second half. In the National League West, the Dodgers arc showing what they arc capable of. Even with injuries, the Dodgers have looked insurmountable. Also, the Atlanta Braves have proven they aren’t the losers they’ve been in the past millennium. Hiring John Schucrhol/.as the new general manager last winter has proven to be the best move Braves owner Ted Turner has made since asking Jane Fonda to marry him. Schuerholz has turned the team around in just one year, and with a talented farm system coming up, the Braves could be, per ish the thought, the team of the 90’s. The Cincinnati Reds have hung tough, but injuries have hurt them. Look for a Reds run late in the season, but it will be loo little too late. OK, so the Pittsburgh Pirates were n’t flukes last season. After an early season run, the Pirates have forced the rest of the National League East to play catch-up. The New York Mels have been hot and arc capable of catching the Pirates, but it would lake a continuous hot streak and a Pirate falter. The St. Louis Cardinals have been the surprise team of the year in the majors. Predicted to finish last by a mile, the Rcdbirds have played good ball, thanks to a career year by Ozzic Smith and the inspiring play o£ the youngsters. The Chicago Cubs, on the other hand, continue to play under the lights and in the dark. Cubs fans arc once again frustrated,and thingsdon'tlook to get brighter. The National League Champion ship Series— Pittsburgh vs. Los Angeles. The shoot-out in the American League West is by far and away the best race in the majors, and maybe of all-time. With six teams still in the race, and the Kansas City Royals still a miracle outside shot at the title, the West is shaping up to be a nail-biter down to the last day of the season in October. The Texas Rangers and Minnesota Twins have finally put their good talent to use, both compiling long winning streaks in the first hall. Oakland and Chicago both arc loaded with talent and could put it together, but California looks to be the best team, even though they arc in the middle now. They’ve been the only true consistent team all year, and have the pitching and hilling to win the title. Look for the Royals to climb out of the cellar with a late season surge. George Brett has vowed the Royals will never finish in last as long as he’s in uniform, and he is still capable of carrying a team even at 38 years old. The American League East has held true to form with Toronto and Boston leading the way. Both were predicted at the begin ning of the year to finish one-two and have played good baseball all year. Detroit and New York have played decently, and C levcland is sti 11 Cleve land. (At least for a couple more years, then they’ll be Sl Petersburg or Washington). No matter, Toronto looks to be unbeatable with all its pitching and the power of Joe Carter. The American League Champi onship Series— Toronto vs. Califor nia. California will win the pennant behind pitchers Mark Langston, Chuck Finley, and Brian Harvey, plus the fact Toronto never wins the champi onship scries. The Dodgers will win the National 5 Clothing For Sale ■■B5355555555H5HS555S55H55S55355555E Pack-Rats Antique Co-op - 1617 S. 17th Vita u* for man'* and woman* vlntaga clothina, dra**a>, »uil». hat*, tiaa. Opan avaryday, 474-40*3 10 Misc. For Sale !• Jmp< $44 through tha U.8. govarnmant? Call lor tact*1504440-5745. axt. 8-0527. Why rant? Homa* lor $1. Rapo*. Govarnmant givaway program*! For Inlormation. 604441-0003. axt. R4527 SSSBSSBSBS=BBS=S 20 Vehicles For Sale castana. Excallant throughout 03050 oflar* Baar* AutomoOvaSala*. 164/ s Third mi &**2. League pennant with its overpower ing pitching staff in another heart breaking defeat for the Pirates. The Angels will meet the Dodg ers, selling up an all-Soulhem Cali fornia World Series. Forget the nachos and hot dogs, we're going to cat sushi and trail mix for this scries. And save Jack Nicholson a seat, because the stars are sure to be out in full force. World Champions? Los Angeles. They have the expe rience and the talent to win it all. Moyer is a senior speech communications major and a Daily Nebraskan reporter and columnist. 1987 Mazda Pickup. B2000LX 8 speed Air. Loaded. Sharp. 64450 offers Baer’s Automotive Sales. 1647 South 3rd Street 477-6442. 1962 Mazda QLC. Two door hatch. Five speed. Air. Cruise. AM/FM cassette. 47.000 miles. Above average 62350 offers. Baer's Automotive Sales. 1647 South 3rd tStreet 477-6442. 1961 Ford Granada Two door. V-6. Excellent condition. AM/FM. Cruise Control. 61700 or best cash offer. 421 SI 38. 1977 Ford LT0. Engine, great shape Less than 40.000 Body needs work. Make offer. 665^5301. 22 Adoption Adoption We are both teachers who work with and love children everyday. Tragically, are cant have children of our own. We re dreaming of adopting your nevrttom. Legal, confi dontial. Cal Marlyn and Carl coflea. 716-209-9521 ■