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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1991)
Adoption: We share happiness, security and love and we need a child to complete our family. Confidential. Ex penses paid. Call Wendy and Barry collect. 718-225 6852. __ California professional couple with much love and secu rity to offer, desire to adopt baby to age two. A| expenses paid, totally legal. PLEASE call Joanne collect at 818 508-7024.THANK YOU._ Desire to begin family California young couple, loving and secure, want to adopt nexworn. House. Good schools. Near ocean. Expenses paid. Please call collect. Indy/Bill. 818-879 8553. Our adopted daughter just turned three and cannot wait lor a baby sister or brother. We are a loving and secure family looking forward to welcoming our second child, u Leoal and confidential. Please calf collect. Janie and Jack. 914-381-7322. PREGNANT AND WONDERING WHAT TO DO? Explore the protection and benefits of adoption which are only provided by a licensed agency. No fee for our confidential services. Contact: Nebraska Children's Home Society 4600 Valley Road 483-7879. 63 Pregnancy i» —-■ i — FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Confidential counseling aval lab13. Cali for an appointment LINCOLN CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER 941 O Street. Suite B-1 475-2501 PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping mem ^eejiregnancy test, please call us for appoint 23 Alterations & Sewing Have your school clothes made. Will do professional sewing and alterations. Also crafts. Call 477-4156. 80 Typing & Resumes Bring us your typing and word processing needs. We do Dissertations. Thesis, Long Term Projects, Papers, Reports, Resumes/Letters/Envelopes. Great rates, prompt service. Computer Type & Services 4230 Progressive Ave. 467-2666 Lase r typing - word processing. All types of jobs, 20 years experience. S1.25/page. 467-5737. Resumes By Ann Quality .resumes, prolessional writers. Over 10 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. 110 Announcements Gay/Lesbian College Youth Group sponsored by Par ents & Friends of Lesbians and Gays. Next meeting: 7/23 600. For location call 435-4688. Confidential. ; $ Earn Fast Cash $ ■ | by Donating Plasma | I Fully Automated Procedure New donors or donors who have not donated in the past 2 | months bring in this ad and receive $20 on your 1st & $20 on your | | 2nd donation within 5 days. I Lincoln Donor Center I I 126 N. 14th St., Suite #2 474-2335 ■ ... LIVE TALK. 1-900-773-3777. ADULTS ONLY. *2.50/ minute, 10 minute minimum. Scholarships Available from private sector (to $20.000/year). Call 24 hour message for details: 213-964-4166. ext. 89. SKYD|VE! Jump out of a perfectly good airplane. Call Crete Skydiv ing Center, 488-7084. Ushers are needed for all performances of DRIVING MISS DAISY, OTHER PEOPLE S MONEY find BIG RIVER Ushers receive free admission to the perform ance of their choice at The Rep, Nebraska's Professional Theatre. Sign up now! Howell Box Office. 12th & R Streets. 472-2073, 12-5 p.m.. Monday-Friday. 160 Help Wanted Campus Recreation is looking for energetic people to become fitness instructors. There Is a mandatory instruc tor training August 20-23 to qualify for a position. For more information call 472-3467 or stop at either office (55 CRec or 32 E.C.A.B.) to apply. Deadline for applications is Friday. August 2 at 5:00 p.m. Immigration Lawyer STANLEY A. KRIEGER 9290 West Dodge Suite 302 Omaha, NE 68114 (402) 392-1280 Member American Immigration Association of Lawyers Practice Limited to Immigration Law EXTRA CASH NEW DONORS RECEIVE AN EXTRA $5 WITH THIS AD Safer, faster plasma donation at ABI due to automated procedure. (Bonuses subject to change.) Monday-Saturday 2 hour free at any Part & Shop University Plasma Center Associated Bioscience, Inc 1442 “O” St. Lincoln 475-1358 BRING FRIENDS-EARN EXTRA $$$ ACROSS 23 You were, to 50 Sawbones'org 1 Brand Caesar 51 See 5 Bout 24 >elicacies M ltalian jover ^ . . 28 Kind of crew cut M __„ 10 And music of » 58 -Rhythm - _fare" 31 R3Ce „ „ ace . , n . „ 59 Bulletin-board Lovelace 32 Dismal, to Dylan arilljncts *~i"? 61 Burr and uDmnerware paye co Hamilton 15 Sequence of 62 Support for John stages, in 37 Las Vegas area Sloan ecology 39 Gats 63 And others Lat 16 Man's marks on 40 French upper - abbr the moon house „ .. . 64 Vetch 18 Orient 42 Smgspiel ci . „ .n River int0 Lake 19 Elaines 44 Court divider Geneva hometown 45 Adjective for a 20 S R 0 patron 12-year-old 66 !.y0^bpany 22 Once around the *7 Patterns track 49 Caterpillar's hair DOWN 1 Pai icpi icp ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 2 Selves 3 "Little Things Mean 1954 song 4 Narrated again 5 Road levelers 61 o u 7 Yen part 8 Micraners. e g 9 An anagram for staple 10 Willful 11 Gaelic , 12 Plexus 15 Thesmothete 17 Highland wrap 33 Pen name of 48 Jacob’s other 21 Arafat, tor one Charles Henry name Gen 32:28 .. , , , Smith 51 Chaucer's 24 n ers an 36 Inventors’rights of Bath 25 External 35 Introduction to » Op«'at,c Pence 28 Alert ,he Constitution 53 Pahlavt' ,ormerlV 27 First canonized 41 yyha, ^ane 54 ^°rner native-born A^etost American _ ” 56 Heroin, in _ . 43 Racetrack tie slanquaqe 28 Sunnysideup , , * ,y o. 48 Island 57 Formerly 29 ait© of Hill A r b discovered by Christiania 30 Lapel grabbers Roggeveen 60 Service org Custodial hefcer 20 hours/week. 4pm-8pm daily Mon day-Friday. $4.50 per/hour. Call Harold 474-5334. EOF Do you look good in a swim suit? We have a job for you. Needed 10-12 men and women on July 26.27,28 for a beach party advertising promotion. Paying SlOO/person. Call Nichols Media at 605-339-1841 collect. Ask for Sue. Part-time district manager This position requires a mature individual with good communications skills who can motivate newspaper carriers and work with parents and customers. This is an excellent opportunity for a university student and re quires being available by 2:30 p.m. daily, 9 a.m. Saturday and some Sunday mornings. This position requires be tween 30-35 hours/week and your own vehicle with mileage paid. Applications will be accepted at the Jour nal-Star Personnel office, 926 P Street through Friday, July 26. Put your love for animals to work 50 communicators needed! Humane Society Phone-a-thon project now through August 10th. A.m./p.m. hours available Monday-Satur day. Use your communications skills to educate, inform, and appeal for support. Excellent pay, dependability bonus. 475-2210. Religious school and Hebrew language teachers for Reform Congregation. Call Karen, 423-5852 or leave message at 435-8004. 170 Roommates Male/Female. S150.00/month. S150 deposit and 112 utili ties. A/C,near Lincoln High. 477-9674. Vale/female roommate for four bedroom townhouse with hot tub. $166.25 plus 1/4 utilities. Please call Keith or Jim, 421-7859. Available August t. Nonsmoking, responsible, clean (emale to share two bedroom apartment, 13th and D. 438-3629. Two m/f non-smoking, 5 bedroom house, furnished. Washer and dryer, cable. $170.00 plus long distance calls. 475-1907 after 10.00 p.m. Mo or Norble. 180 Houses For Rent Six bedroom house. Wak to UNL. Available August t. 489-4393. Wanted: Three or tour students to occupy ground floor of older home, nice, quiet 2 bedroom, den with fireplace (can be third bedroom). Mostly furnished Some an tiques, dishwasher, color TV, oak fHors, central air, laun dry, fenced backyard, off street parking. Rent for three $160 each, for four. 5135/montn each 1750 Prospect Street, 1/2 block off 17th St., 4 blocks south of "A" Street Call Muth Williams, landlord, anytime. 477-1821. Land lord lives in basement 190 Apartments For Rent $200 & Up. Downtown furnished efficiencies and one bedrooms. 477-3648 or 437-7729. 24Q s 26th. One bedroom. New. Neat. Built in microwave. 244 S. 26th One bedroom. Utilities paid. Available August 1st. Leave maaaaga. 493-2357. 3501 BALDWIN —EAST CAMPUS. Large, dean, 2Bed room, c/a, appliances, f/p. laundry, parking, energy-effi dent 4-pJex. 483-4600. Beat the August Rush GREAT LOCATION Across from Governor's house ‘nearer brick building 'gaa heat —cant ml air •10 minutaa from campua •quiet 9 aacura $255/month plus gas-elec. 488-6889 after 1 p.m. Large efficiency near East Campus. 3236 "S" Street Newly remodeled. $180/month plus. 488-0555. Large Selection Etficiences. 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, dose to city and east campus. Available now through September 1. S189 $450 476-2500 Century Management Company NEED PRIVACY? Efficiency/1 bedroom, near Capitol, furnished, clean, quiet, non-smoker, no pets, low utilities, $220 + deposit 4754808. Want a like new apartment without paying a “new” apartment price? Make WILLOWHAVEN your home! 476-6200 -modern kitchens with dishwasher and garbage disposal -lots of closet space -cool, refreshing pool Joseph E. Kean Co. 474-1666 We love students! Nice three bedroom one block from campus. Washer/ dryer included. $525 423-1535. 111 I Alligator Recording Artist KENNY NEAL ”... one of the brightest young stars on the blues horizon.' - Living Blues “He is the most exciting thing to happen to blues since Robert Cray... and a far stronger performer." - Los Angeles Herald Examiner Thurs. July 25, THE ZOO BAR iw-c" VV.cJsl \ TAKE A STUDY BREAK! J j/ $2.80 Pitchers HJ N* $1.15 Well Drinks V* 1 W.C.'S Downtown H7 h 1228 T' Street Lw.c/s. Coupon Not Good With Any Other Offer _W.C/sJ £FREE WASH g I li«*l 1 C^tpor> to V,*il cl J to Aod'»*» I