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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1991)
Classified 472-2588 2 Appliances For Sale 13" Sharp Color TV, warranty. $130. 474-5014. 3 Bicycles For Sale Cannondale racing bike. 56 cm. cateye computer, excel lent condition. $450 OBO. 476-2843. 5 Clothing For Sale Pack-Rats Antique Co-op 1617 S. 17th Visit us lor men's and women's vintage clothing, dresses, suits, hats. ties. Open everyday. 474-4043. 10 Misc. For Sale Computer stand/desk, $75. Stereo system with two speakers.$75. Call 438-3844. Leave message. CURB PROTECTION Joggers. Students. Bicyclists and Housewives: Protect yourself this summer and always with Curb. Must be 18 years of age. Pocket/Purse Unit $11.50 ♦ 1.50 shipping and handfng. Home/Auto Unit $13.50 ♦ 1.50 shipping and handling. R8S Enterprises 2537 No. 67th, Lincoln, NE 68507. inquiries: 464-2855. 464-7729. _1& Stereos/1 vs i or Sale Boston Acoustic A60's - $160 Vector Research Re ceiver .45 watts/channel with remote - $150. 475-8039 Movie Continued from Page 7 many experience but few talk about. Hopefully, with Rainer’s next ef fort she will look at all aspects of her film more closely and give her audi ence a mnre rnntrnlleri mnvir he. — '= 20 Vehicles For Sale 1978 Pontiac Grand Prix, loaded, 2-door. V8, newtrans mission, new brakes, new tires, good shape, runs great. $1300. 474-5014. 22 Adoption Adoption We are both teachers who work with and love children everyday. Tragically, we cant have children o! our own. We re dreaming o< adopting your newborn. Legal, confi dential. Call Marilyn and Carl collect. 718-209-9521. Eager to give love, happiness, and security to newborn.Let us help you through this difficult time. Ex penses paid. Can Kate and Warren anytime (collect) 212 Happily married, financially secured, loving couple, will give newborn or infant an our love and the best of everything. Expenses paid. Please call Karen and John collect: 212-535-5329 PREGNANT ANO WONDERING WHAT TO DO? Explore the protection and benefits of adoption which are only provided by a licensed agency. No fee for our confidential servces. Contact: Nebraska Children's Home Society 4600 Valley Road 483-7879. 63 Pregnancy FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Confidential counseling available. Call tor an appointment LINCOLN CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER 941 O Street. Suite B-1 475-2501 PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment. 483-2609. cause she definitely has some good things to say. “Privilege” is showing at the Mary Riepma Ross Film Theater Friday through Sunday at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. Saturday matinees show at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m., with Sunday matinees show ing at 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. Admission for UNL summer session students is 80 Typing & Resumes Bring us your typing and word processing needs. We do Dissertations. Thesis. Long Term Projects. Papers, Reports, Resumes/Letters/Envelopes. Great rates, prompt service. Computer Type & Services 4230 Progressive Ave. 46712666 Laser typing word processing. All types o( jobs. 20 years experience, $1.25/page. 467-5737. Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 10 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. Professionally typeset and laser printed. S15 plus tax. Tuesdays and Wednesdays only. Dally Nabraakan,basement of Nebraska Union. 110 Announcements Get on the train. Sixties Dancel Saturday, July 6th. 7-10 p.m.. Cornerstone, 640 N. 16th. Coaltion for Gay/Lesbian Civil Rights. Everyone welcome. HEADING FOR EUROPE THIS SUMMER? Jet there anytime with AIRHITCH(r) for $160 from the East Coast I $229 from Midwest (when available.) Reported in NY Timee and Let's Gol AlRHITCH(r) 212-864-2000. Scholarships Available from private sector (to $20.000/year). Call 24 hour message for details: 213-964-4166, ext. 89. SKYDIVE! Jump out of a perfectly good airplane. Call Crete Skydiv ing Center. 488-7084. Ushers are needed for all performances of DRIVING MISS DAISY, OTHER PEOPLES MONEY and BIG RIVER Ushers receive free admission to the perform ance of their choice at The Rep. Nebraska's Professional Theatre. Sign up now! Howell Box Office. 12th & R Streets. 472-2073. 12-5 p.m., Monday-Friday. 150 Child Care Needed Do you have a special talent for working with very young children? Our 2 an a half year old and seven month old children need a full-time, permanent care giver in our home who will provide lots of fun activities and help manage our household. You must have your own car and be a non-smoker. Call 489-9000. ext. 255 by July 8 to arrange an interview. 160 Help Wanted Advanced amateur photographer seeks liberal female model 18-45. Send contact info and snap shot. Snap shots returned. WGC, P.O. Box 264. Weeping Water. Nt 68463. Clerk needed, afternoons and nights. Apply in person. Mfee's O Street Drive-Inn, 22nd 8 0, Needed Immediately - Local Consulting Group needs management graduate students to research business topics at UN-L. Must have background in current man agement topics and good writing skills. We pay well for quafty work. Can 1 -800-626-4142 And leave name and phone number. Religious school and Hebrew language teachers for Reform Congregation. Call Karen. 423-5852 or leave message at 435-8004. Rent Exchange Exchange 20 hours/week for free rent at the Rogers House Inn. Position open July 12.476-6961. Room and board in exchange for care of elderly gentle man/housework. Fallsemester-May. 1992 1915S. 77th, 18 minutes from campus. Need car. Call 489-2024. 170 Roommates Female roommate to share new three bedroom, two bath apartment starting August 1. Workout center, pool, vol leyball. park. 8225/month. Ask for Brenda. 733-9492. Male nonsmoker needed for a large two bedroom apart menf. 8212/month plus 1/2 utilities. Cal 475-2735 or leave message. Non-smoking female, large three bedroom apartment. 18 8 0. 8160/month, heat paid. Available 8/1.477-4429 Mala/Female. 8150.00/month. 8135 dapoeit and 1/2 utili ties. A/C.near Lincoln High. 477-9674. Responsible roommate needed to share four bedroom home in South Lincoln. Cal 474-6482. 180 Houses For Rent Six bedroom house. Wafe to UNL. Available August f. 4094393 Small one bedroom house, close to campus, washer/ dryer, water paid. $320/month plus utilities. 477-1646. 190 Apartments For Rent $200 & Up. Downtown furnished efficiencies and one bedrooms. 477-3648 or 437-7729. 1717 J Street. Two bedroom. Heat, water and garbage paid. $330/month. To see, call 483-2034. 800 H. 2 bedroom. $345-$365plus deposit, no pets. 467 3145 or 488-7755. Claremont Park Apts. This is the place to bel Hurry, only a few tnree bedrooms left. Brand new luxury living units. All units have micro waves, ceiling Ians and energy-efficient gas heat. Swim ming pool, exercise room, sand volleyball and laundry facffity. Three blocks from campus, four blocks from downtown. Call now. 474-PARK. NEED PRIVACY? Efficiency/1 bedroom, near Capitol, furnished, clean, quiet, non-smoker, no pets, low utilities. $220 + deposit. 475-4808. Nice one bedroom, furnished. Close to campus. $280 plus deposit and electric. 2005 R. 464-5170 or 466-9085. Want to have a GREAT summer? Make WILLOWHAVEN your home! 476-6200 -cool, refreshing pool -private tanning deck -central air -balconies Joseph E. Kean Co. 474-1666 Immigration Lawyer STANLEY A. KRIEGER 9290 West Dodge Suite 302 Omaha, NE 68114 (402) 392-1280 Member American Immigration Association of Lawyers Practice Limited to Immigration Law Asian works of art displayed at museum From Staff Reports More than 100 works of art will be displayed at the University of Ne braska-Lincoln’s Lentz Center for Asian Culture in an exhibit titled “The Diversities of Asian Arts and Crafts.” “This showing is unusual in repre senting both the private collections of Asian Arts and Cultural members and works from the guild’s permanent collection,” said Kam-Ching Leung, UNL professor of astronomy and curator of the exhibit. The guild was established in 1982 to share knowl edge of Asian arts and cultures and to help establish the Lentz Center. Leung said that to give a sampling of the diversity of Asian culture, he arranged works by art form rather than by age or country. Art forms displayed include painting, ceramics, lacquer works, metal crafts, textiles, prints and contemporary crafts. The showings of ceramics and lacquer arc especially complete, Leung said, with every major Chinese dynasty being represented by ceramic works and with Japanese lacquer pieces displayed. Metal works displayed include a gambling chip from China’s Song Dynasty, bronze arrowheads dating from 475 B.C., ancient Asian coins, tiny bronze animal figurines from the eighth century B.C. and Japanese swords. The display is open and free to the public until October in the Lentz Center, 329 Morrill Hall, 14th and U streets. fwlc's - W.C.TS| J TAKE A STUDY BREAK! J i Q i $2.30 Pitchers /h \ $1.00 Well Drinks M) fo | W.C.’S Downtown ^ JJ 1228 P’ Street iW.C/s, Coupon Not Good With An^ Other Offer W.C/sJ Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ACROSS 1 Gambol 6 Look over 10 Paleozoic, etc. 14 Soap substitute 15 Caution 16 Caesar's farewell 17 Hackneyed 18 Dismounted 19 Emulate Greeley 20 Famous scenic valley 22 Baltic capital 23 Kind of case 24 Prime mover 26 Tell, eg 30 Yodeler's milieu 32 Arietta 33 Alben Barkley was one 35 Attendant 39 Dinner tray 41 Umbrageous 43 Perception 44 Loafer 46 Churchill's successor: 1955 47 Rhinestone 49 Hankering 51 Scanty 54 Fad ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE A|H[A|MMKT|r|M|A^AlNlE[T I O T aMB R I A nIn EVE ■ DON qBBa tItIyIsMtIrIEIE [A D O n[T|S_ ■ O V E RRRSJEIRIEM b HrNlIi |ii|iil M1 |i H I 56 Saharan country 57 Cascade Range attraction 63 Like-of bricks 64 Wad 65 Ancient Greek colony 66 Clique 67 Icelandic epic 68 Inscribe 69 Duds 70 Hardy girl 71 Staggers DOWN 1 Hacks 2 Nanking nurse 3 Corn bread , 4 Fervor 5 Establish association 6 Oodles 7 Skullcap • Diva's forte 9 Infernal 10 Fla wildlife refuge 11 Spokes 12 Straighten 13 Bristles 21 Audacity 2S Science program on PBS 26 Vipers 27 Function 28 Group of families 29 Ark spa 31-jure 34 Formerly, formerly 36 Napoleonic battle site 37 Pitcher 38 Newcastle's river 40 Oolong and souchong 42 Privet's use 48 Harbingers 48 Esoteric 90 Stranger 51 Chic 52 Courtyard 53 "Take Me 1959 song 55 Rand's “ Shrugged* 58 Teased 59 Isolated 80 Pay for a hand 61 Baltic Sea port 62 Corn units