The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 03, 1991, Summer, Page 2, Image 2
No one can guarantee your acceptance to medical school. But we can guarantee that you’ll score your highest on the MCAT. Our unique Test Your Bcst,M guarantee is your insurance policy. If you’re not completely satisfied with your MCAT score, we’ll let you repeat the entire course at no charge! We offer expert live instruction, innovative home study materials, unlimited review in our TEST-N-TAPE* labs and lots of personal attention. That’s why Stanley IT. Kaplan has prepared more test takers, and produced more top MCAT scores, than everyone else combined! g STANLEY H. KAPLAN Jb Take Kaplan Or Take Your Chances Class Begins June 30th 216 N. 11th, Ste. 102 Lincoln,NE 68501-1401 gTYV^jr*! A\rv/> £ AND CO-SPONSORS I REQUEST \ THE PLEASURE ' OF YOUR COMPANY _ _AT THE 102.7 KFRX SUMMER BRIDAL SHOW Sunday, The Fourteenth of July from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the # Comhusker Hotel and Convention Center Lincoln, Nebraska r Pick up your invitations at: KFRX Sartor Hamann jewelers Formal Fantasies Russ's IGA Ba*kery Russ's IGA Floral Habitat Complete Music Mary Kay Cosmetics Bethany Pantry Sassi's at the Wedding Tree Mademoiselle Figure & Fitness Land and Sky Blomgren Barger Photography Best Styles Formal Wear Elleven Restaurant Econo Foods Bakery Magic Music The Phoenix Special Moments Wedding & Party Shop Optique Eyewear Center Commercial Investment Take This Course And You’ll End Up In Court S STANLEY H. KAPLAN JL Take Kaplan Or Take Your Chances Wc offer prep courses for the PSAT, SAT, ACT, LSAT, GMAT, GRE and MCAT tests at over 150 locations worldwide. Class Begins July 17 216 N. 11th Suite 102 Lincoln, NE 475*7012 .. — - WAICII FOR JULY SPECIALS! 245 N. 13th St. Gunny Complex 475-5550 ' ' - ■ — Q ffW|ptfeB|[W)) TACO ■^■IPS5ab^ 'BELL. 245 N. 13th St. V^ukrlul'iilOTaSl WBWPy Lower Level 13th & Q 475-8007 THE PLACE THAT HAS IT ALL! The MarieU Slate Bank MMnkiai Amium* IrtUr Mitlwin m +* Immmy t MaU n Official: Cause of fewer gifts not recession By Steve Pearson Staff Reporter The University of Nebraska Foun dation, bucking the national trend, is not blaming lower gift levels on the recession, an official said. Speaking after the end of the 1990 91 fiscal year June 30, public rela tions Director Theresa Klein said the foundation is not attributing curbed gift levels to the recession. An article in The Chronicle of Higher Education reported that some university foundations lowered their money intake due to the recession. Private contributions to U.S. col leges and universities rose 10 percent in 1989-90, and the NU Foundation reported a record gift income of more than $28 million. Income for the 1990 91 year will not be released until A nmict Klein said the foundation does not expect 1990-91 gifts to match the previous year, but that officials do not believe the recession is the cause. “We do anticipate that gifts will be down slightly from last year, but we had a $6 million gift from the Lied Foundation. There are a lot of ups and downs in fund raising,” Klein said. “It is hard to attribute fluctuations in gifts to any particular outside event like a recession,” she said. Foundation officials are “not aware of a single incident where a donor has asked to delay a gift” due to the reces sion, she said. But factors such as the recession may figure in individuals’ decisions about making charitable contributions, Klein said. The full impact of the recession, she said, may not be fell in the 1990 91 fiscal year. “On a national average, your ma jor gift is an 18-month process. The effects of an outside factor such as a recession may not be fell for awhile.’ ■ •% LUBE r" r17th & fN* St. o Appointments Necessary.-t 476-9466 SgOOQff I Full Service Oil Change i I Quaker State 10W-30* ^I Pannioll-10W-30 f •‘Jfl J Now For $ <4 J I Only I O (Rag. <24.95) ■ * We change oil, oil filter up to 3 quarts * W* lubricate the chassis I . * W* check and till: transmission fluid, . brake fluid, battery fluid, power ■ steering fluid, washer fluid. * W* check anti freeze, air filter, wiper Made, lira pressure, vacuum Interior, wash windows . Best Service in I Just 10 Minutes Most brands available Expires 7-31-91 j Mon Fr^ 8to^Sal 8to 4^ ^ j