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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1991)
Classified 472-2588 ljj 2 Appliances 3 Bicycles 4 Books 5 Clothing 6 Computers 8 Furniture 9 Garage Sales 10 Misc. For Sale 12 Musical Instruments 13 Pets 14 Photo Equipment 16 Sporting Goods 18 Stereos/TVs 19 Ticket Exchange 20 Vehicles 22 Adoption 23 Alterations & Sewing 24 Apartment Finders 25 Automotive 27 Bicycle Service 30 Bridal 32 Cleaning/Laundry 33 Computer Service 34 Entertainment 35 Gilt Ideas 36 Hairstyling 37 Health & Fitness 38 Insurance 40 Instruction 42 Job Placement 44 Legal 60 Misc. Services 62 Pregnancy 164 Printing A Copying 72 Rental* 74 Social Services 76 Travel 79 Tutoring 80 Typing A Resumes 100 Rides 110 Announcements 120 Greek Affairs 130 Student Government 135 Meeting Others 140 Personals 145 Lost A Found i M8 Wanted 1149 Fund Raising 150 Child Care Needed 160 Help Wanted 162 Work Study Jobs 164 Summer Jobs f>0 Roommates 175 Rooms For Rent 180 Houses For Rent 185 Duplex For Rent 190 Apartments Foe Rent 192 Mobile Homes For Rent 194 Homes For Sale 198 Vacation Rentals Oscar's 800 'O’ St. Haymarket I i I I A $3.00 per day for 15 words on individual studeni and student organization ads. $3.75 per day for 15 words on commercial ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid Found ads may be submitted free of charge DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. weekday before pubiica tion. The Dally Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any persor on the basis of sex. sexual orientation, race religion, age, disability, marital status or nationa origin. » The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edi or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras kan. 2 Appliances Avanti refrigerator: 3.5 cu.- $50. Call 476-9684. 3 Bicycles For Sale ~ 1990 19“ specialized Crossroads, 21-speed Shimano gears, like new, $295 obo. Gary, 467-4478. 1990 Bridgestone MBS mountain bike 8 accessories. Excellent condition. $400 obo. 474-5141. 1990 Trek 1200,4 month old racing bike. $425 obo.477 7854, leave message. 27“ Raleigh Olympian 12-speed, $150.4351263. 59 cm Torpado, Campy. Columbus. 425 2322, ask tor Bob Or 423-9441. Paul. 84 Bianchi San Remo, good shrte, 18 spd., $300 obo Call Dave at 436-7741. CANNONDALE road bike, blue/yellow, Shimono 105 components, Cateye computer, Scott/lemond clip-ons. excellent condition, $500.476-2843. <j : I I | Attention Graduates! | You are going places. And you'll go much further with a car from William son Oldsmobile, Honda and Mitsubishi. Stop by and ask us about our easy financing for graduates. i i ip Services Experience wholesome, ancient, and authentic Christian worship Traditional Services. St. Tikhon Russian Orthodox Church 1319 So. 11 th St., 476-2676 Daily 6 PM, Sunday 8AM and 10AM UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL 1510 Q’ Street (Corner of 16th & Q Streets) Sunday Worship: 9 & 11 AM Spiritual Growth Opportunities are offered at various times during the i week St Paul's Methodist 12th &M Worship Services: 9:30 & 11:00AM Sunday School: 9:30AM Young Adult Class: 9r30AM CORNERSTONE UMHE 640 North 16th Street Sun. Worship 10:30AM St. Mark's On The Campus (Episcopal) 1309 R' Street May 5th: 8:30, 10:30AM; 5:00PM May 12th: 8:30, 10:30 AM First Presbyterian Church 17th and F Sunday Worship 8:45, 11:00 Sunday School 9:45 These Lincoln Churches Wish you good luck during finals week and hope you have a great summer!! Lke new. Centurion Ironman 12 speed touring bike. Call Doug, 421-6451. __ Must sell 1990 woman’s Sterling street bike. Like new for $200. Call 476-9785 _ Schwinn Super Letour. Excellent condition. Lots of ex tras. $250, obo. 466-0697, leave message. 6 Computers For Sale 28612 megahertz IBM compatible computer. 2M RAM, 40M HD, SuperVGA monitor, 5 1/4 and 3 1:2 high density floppy drives. Brand new. 438-3318._ Apple IIGS, 512k, 2 drives, RGB Monitor, mint condition. Call 438-2646. 7 Jewelry _ Men's 14 carat gold ring, Size 8 3/4. Appraised at $250, taking best offer. 436-0181. ___ One carat diamond cluster ring with 14 carat gold thick band. In perfect condition. Chris, 421-7364. leave mes sage. 8 Furniture For Sale Dorm lofts for sale. Delivered and installed. $94.23. Call Todd, 475-0654^ _ _ Loveseat, sofa, table and chair. Must seel Best offer. Call Mke 436-8268 Leave message. Queen-size waterbed, complete, Ike new. $200. 26th and Vine. Call Ramsay, 476-1735. S/S Waterbed- 1 year old- $200 complete. 2 dressers $20 each. Call 476-9684. Sofa and loveseat, real good condition, $150. Full size dryer, $50. Call Dan. 470-3824. __ White French Provinaal dresser. Six drawers, large mir ror. excellent condition, best offer. Call Kristi, 483-0054. Wooden loft with ladder, $70 obo. Call 436-9075. 10 Misc. For Sale 14” color TV with remote control, 3 years old. $300/obo. Peugot ten-speed $150. 786-2216. Adjustable drafting table, "bo” x 42". like new. Call 477 Contemporary couch, dean, new, $165; electronic hu midifier, $35; living room .amp. $15; o.b.o. 474-7601. Formal dresses, sizes 8-12; bike, $35; T.V.. $35; Iron, $7; baby clothes. 483-0571 after 3pm. GAPS complete MCAT test preparation kit. 477-6453. I’m moving and I don’t want to take them with me. dining table 6 4 chairs- $70; AJAY rowing machine- $15; hexa gon aquarium ♦ supplies- $25. Call Jay at 476-9677. Kyosho Burns R/C Car. Capable of 60mph. Complete and ready to run. Chris, 436-8476. Stock up for summer. Save 50% on Mary Kay Cosmetics. Saturday 10-5,1500 Nemaha St. 12 Musical Instruments For Sato: Fender Baseman 50 amp, Peavey StudioPro 40 amp. and B.C Rich guitar. 489-7884. For Sato: Peavey wireless microphone with rack mount receiver. Excellent condition. $350. Call Jett, 436-8963. Ibanez J Bass; Fender Tele; Crate 60W Bass Amp; 2 Monitors. Dave. 483-5085. Randall 100 watt amp., $150. Call476-9973._ Yamaha console piano, excellent condition. S2000/obo. 489-7884. 13 Pets CFA registered Siamese Kittens. 435 6585. leave mes" «*g»_ Purebred Dachshunds lor sale. Male and Female. 3 months to 2 1/2 years.. Call 476-7560. 14 Photo Equipment Olympus OM-10 w/ tons, plus zoom lens and flash Call 435-5576. 15 Office Furniture Professional. Legal/Medical Like new Steelcase furni ture - reception desk/chair, executive desk-chair, files, conference tables, sled chairs - ph 476-2811, ext. 182 - days. 477-3015 - evenings. 18 Stereos/TVs For Sale Alpine 7180 pullout, digital cassette, selectable fader. Dolby NR system, and much more. $300.436-8220. New. perfect shape. 7-band 30CW. booster-equalizer for car stereo. S135. 436-7967. _ Sony 5-disc CD-player CDP30, 16 mch Fisher 120 watt speakers. Make offer. 474-9065. leave message 19 Ticket Exchange One way from Lincoln !0 Spokane. WA. May 15.695. Cali eveei 4M-3413, SUMMER IN EUROPE FROM $338 each way on dis counted scheduled airlines to Europe from Omaha. Call (800)325-2026. 20 Vehicles For Sale 86 Toyota Tercel, red. 2 door. 4 speed, AM/FM. dean. $2250 otters. Baer s Auto Sales. 1647 S. 3rd. 477-6442. 76 convertible MG Midget, white, super shape. $2,850. Can 488-2440, ask tor Bill. 1988 Honda Hurricane. Red and white, matching helmet, low miles. $300Q/obo. 474 9065, leave message 1988 Kawasaki Ninja 600R. Only 3,000 miles. Better than new. $2,500.476-1914. ask for Shane. 1987 Yamaha FZ700. Very clean, low miles. $2,400 476-1914, ask tor Shane._ 1985 Kawasaki LTD 1100 with extras. Cal 435-5676. 1983 Audi 5000. 5-speed, all options, S2800/obo Before 6pm, 489-6007, after 6pm 786-3371 Ask for Tom 1981 Z28. Hops, oode alarm, many extras, must see. $3100 Qbo 477-0025. 1979 BMW 3201, mint, new exhaust. AC. Alpine stereo, Rally wheels 423-9022, evenings or weekends. Buy my bike. 82 650cc Yamaha Maxim. $400. Call Steve W42V7398._ Datsun 810 with Z-car motor, needs tune-up; Cal 438 2546 22 Adoption Adoption: Loving coupie, doctor and teacher, longing to ahaie our love with newborn. We'll give your baby a caring, warm, and happy home. Expenses paid. Call Carol and Frank collect 212-874-3537. Happily married professional couple desires to give newborn all the advantages of a loving home and family Let us help you through inis difficult time. Call Diane and PhH anytime collect (908) 972-1933. Happily married couple with lazy fat cat wishes to give their love and the security of a wonderful home and family to a newborn If you can help, please call Miriam and Al collect. 718-643-0574. Expenses paid, legal/oonfiden tial. _ PREGNANT AND WONDERING WHAT TO DO? Explore the protection and benefits of adoption which are only provided by a licensed agency. No fee for our confidential services. Contact: Nebraska Children's Home Society 4600 Valley Road 483-7879. 35 Gift Ideas_ Visit Cliff's for a variety of wedding and usher gift ideas. 140 N. 12th Street. 37 Health & Fitness Take over Mademoiselle t-itness Club membership. Five months free, one year tanning free. $10.50/month. 476 3315. 40 Instruction PRIVATE GUITAR , INSTRUCTION Beginners or advanced. Lessons can include use of rental guitar at $8 per week. Zager Studio 489-2430, 423-2709. 60 Misc. Services Personal storage: secure, weather-tight, well-lit; keep your key tor 24 hour access. Best rates for the space. Havalco Storage. 60th & Platte. 466-5120. When you’re through cromming for finals cram into CSS for summer. Comhusker Sell Storage, 3636 Cornhusker Highway, 10 foot by 20 foot. $50/month 489-4127 63 Pregnancy FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Confidential counseling available. Cali for an appointment. LINCOLN CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER 041 O Street, Suite B-1 ■_476-2501_ PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT Is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please can us for appoint ment. 483-2600. 72 Rentals U-Haul Truck and Trailer Rentals. Andy's 66th and U Haul 2701 West O 475-2829. Recommend advance reservations 78 Tutoring Need sixth grade summer tutor for math and reading Call Jerry or Vicky at 423-7034. 80 Typing & Resumes i aser typing - word processing All types o! jobs. 20 years experience. $1 25/page 467-5737. Resumes Prolees tonally typeset or laser printed. $15 plus tax Daily Nebraskan basement of the Nebraska Union Word^processmg papers, reasonable prices. Call Mary 100 Rides Need ride to Lawrence. KS weekend of May 10. Will help pay for gas. Call Emily 488-7831. 110 Announcements Appearing at the Pla-Mor Ballroom Friday. May 3rd-The Rumbles. 9pm-12:30am. 6600 West O. St.. Lincoln. NE. ATTENTION: JUNIORS The Student Foundation Senior Scholarship is avail able to alt 2nd semester Juniors. The scholarship is $300 Applications are in the CAP office and are due May 3rd by SOOpm. Questions: Andrew Sigerson 436-7869. CO-REC SOFTBALL Tuesday. May 21.1991 Is the entry deadline tor intramu ral co-rec slow pitch softball (summer). 472-3467. Entrepreneurs Exciting environmental products and opportunities Video presentation Thursday. May 2. 340 Nebraska Union, at 1100, UJflO, U». 2fl0. jflO, and 400 HEADING FOR EUROPE THIS SUMMER? Jet there anytime with AIRHlTCH(r) for $160 from the East Coast* $229 from Midwest (when available.) Reported in NY TTmes and Let's Go I AIRHITCH(r) 212-664-2000 HEALT^StDESI Thanks for your competency in assisting students and for *P*f** We appreciate you I Congratulations to the 1990-91 Outstanding Health Aides I Abel/Sandoz B™, Michael Saylor. Debra Hagemeister. Julie Florell. Harper/SchramnVSmith: Jody Stodola. Patrick Phelps, Larry Rock. Cather/Pound: June Stoural Connie Moore, Tamora VonKampen Sedeck/Neihardt John Sweeney. Nick Harpster, Jennifer Canine. East Carrpus: Carey Jackson, lisa Krzycki. Fratemities/So rorlues: Jodv Krajewski. Scon Cunningham, Gregg Dahlgren, Chris Kadow. Tom Shafer. John McPhalr Jalnm Moravek. Heather Watsh. Dave Kaufman. Honors Program Students Treats in office 6-10pm, Fnday, Sunday. Monday. Tues day. Come in and study! [ r INTRAMURAL DEADLINES Tuesday. May 21.1991 is the entry deadline for intramu ral co-rec slow pitch softball jsummar). 472-3467. k 1 IS YOUR PROFESSOR VIOLATING THE DEAD WEEK POLICY? H so, complaint forma and information available at ttw A SUN office, 115 Nabr. Union. Our Works: Literature A visual arts from the community Saturday, May 4th. 7-10 PM. Cornerstone, 640 N. 16th Coalition for GAY/LESBIAN CIVIL RIGHTS PhiU Meeting, tonight a 6pm in East Union, room to be posted Scholarship Available $500 scholarship offered by uPMA-Cornhusker Chapter for Computer Science major (or equivalent), Junior standing or above. Minimal requirements. To receive application, contact: DPMA-Scholatwhip, Box 81672, Lincoln. NE 68501 or call 402-486-7251. SKYDIVE! Jump out of a perfectly good airplane. Call Crete Skydiv ing Center, 488-7084. Women's Resource Center Advisory Board openings fo 1991-92. Student, faculty and staff positions are open. Applications available at Multi-Cultural Affairs, Women'; Resource Center and the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs office. Applications due Friday, May 3. For more information call the Women's Resource Center at 472 2597.__ YOU'RE INVITEDI The Friend Volunteer Fire Depart merit would like to invite you to our Centennial Celebra tion June 21 and 22.1991 in Friend, NE. Live music both nights, food, displays, contests, parades, and more. Come help us oelebratell 120 Greek Affairs Chrystine L. (ADII), Congratulations on your internship! Loyally, your sisters. Congrats Susanna B. (Phi Beta Chi) on making Mortar Board Notable and for winning The Best Pledge Award from Delta Sigma Pi. Way to gol Love, Your Sisters Congrats to Cherie B., Tricia B., Kristi B„ Kim A., Cari B.. Heiol S.. Jeanna B. of Phi Beta Chi for making Peer Leaders. Love. Your Sisters Congrats to our newest actives: Lisa L.. Tammy P„ Jeanna B.. Susanna B.. Elizabeth H„ Jolynn H.. Angie G., Julie K.' Love, The Women o( Phi Beta Chi Congratulations to the newly elected officers of Sigma Alpha Epsilon: President, C. DiNon; Vice President, E. Braesh,; Secretary, S. Young; Treasurer. M. Dunn; Pledge Ed., E. Lankas and G. Hermanson; Social. C. Vyhlidal and D. Wilcox; Rush. M. Harry and E. Braesch; HouseMgrs. M. RobertsandS. Hunke;SocialTreasurer, S. Miller; Scholarship, S. Felton; IFC, S. Lubeck, Rsk Mat. K. Atkinson; Intramurals, B. Ray; Man at Arms, L. Oloerding; Little Sister, C. Dupper and T. Parker; Song. T. Bryans; PhiT., B Burmood-Comp. Room, J. Johnson; Pop. Pool. Bulletio Board, D. Maloley Congratulations to Dan Owens. Sigma Nu King Pin Brother of the Week. Your efforts this weekend were great I The Men of Sigma Nu Congratulations to John P. (Sigma Nu) and Sarah K. (AXO) on their pinning The Men of Sigma Nu Congratulations to Rachel 8. (Gamma Phi) on your pin ning to Andy T. (Phi Delt.) We re happy for youl Love. Your Sisters CONGRATULATIONS to the new Greek Yearbook As sistant Editors Editorial Assistants: Dawn Wmscot-Chi Omega. Vicki Harris-Chi Omega, Stan Lewis-Acacia Advertising Assistants: Wendy Mott-Chi Omega. Kns Stelzer Alpha Phi Photography Assistant: Jennifer Murphy-Alpha Delta Pi Here's looking (onward to a great year I Love. Truex Gamma Phi Beta. Thanks for your hard work and patience the weekend at Sandbash! Let's do it again sometimel The Men of Sigma Nu Jennifer E (Phi Beta Chi) Congrats on being elected to Lutheran center Council, we re very proud ALSO congrats on your engagement to Ted (Beta Sia)l The Women of Phi Beta Chi Kappa Alpha Theta, Thank you for making Tennis Classic another suc cess. The Men of Sigma Nu SAE Little Sisters Final meeting tonight at 8:15. Discussion of summer rush. ._ Sigma Nu Seniors, It's been great! Now It's time to take on the work Good luck. The Men of Sigma^Nu Wendy S. A Laura H. (KKG), Have a good time studying in Lancaster next semes ter. We're gonna miss youl Love, your sisters 140 Personals TS^CSET^^ Say farewell to your Irtends for the summer with a personal In the DaHy Nebraskan. Ads must be placed by 2pm on Friday. May 3rd. * ' Jill Greetings to the boys: I missed you in action on Saturday but there's just something that I have to say. There once was a guy who played Nebraska football His legs looked like tree trunks and he was over six foot tall He ran like a rabbit and ate like a horse He could do all these things well, except his laundry, of course. GO BIG PINK III Love ya. Cornhusker Carolee MLFer's past and present. It's been great knowin' you. Write me a tetter sometimt Happy belated birthdays to Helen and Lori. -Cindy Todd, I hope you can handle it here without me. Don't get toe rowdyl •Cindy P S. Hi Mom. Dad A Jason Blue Eyes! Happy 7 month anmversaryl You're such a great guy! Love ya-Brown Eyes Gin No Tors Congrats. Kurt. Dawn and Joel Showdown Rules. Here's to shaving cream and falling out of showers. _ Get Some! Jim C., Why am I so anxious to celebrate your birthday? i) I'm so glad you were bom. and 2) You're older tnan m now— na ha ha. * Much Love. Your One A Only