The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 22, 1991, Image 1

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    T i Daily -« bsbw;bi
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Faculty: UNL women
need more key roles
By Dionne Searcey
Staff Reporter
UNL faculty members Friday
urged the NU Board of Re
gents to appoint women to at
least two of the four top administra
tive positions available and to repair
female salary discrepancies.
Susan Welch,
chairwoman of
the Chancellor’s
Commission on
the Status of
Women and a
University of
coln political
science professor, told the regents
that women should fill at least half of
the four available positions of chan
cellor, vice chancellor for academic
affairs, director of university rela
tions and vice chancellor for research/
dean of graduate studies.
“We have a rare and golden oppor
tunity to incorporate women into higher
administration positions,” she said
during the commission’s report to the
. . We simply need the will. It
takes will, not money, to hire women.”
Susan Gregory, an assistant to the
NU president, said that in 1986 there
were no women and 16 men serving
in administrative positions at UNL.
Currently, 15 men and two women —
one full time and one part time —
serve on this level, she said.
Women also are less likely to hold
positions at other employment levels
at UNL.
Gregory said that at the manage
rial-professional level, 45 men and
16 women served in 1986. Currently,
she said, 40 men and 24 women work
at this level.
But at the office-service Jcvel, she
said, there were nine men and 35
women in 1986. Today, there are 10
men and 26 women.
Welch said women not only don’t
fill certain key jobs at UNL, but also
in some cases lack salaries equivalent
to those of men.
She said that over a 12-year pe
riod, at least eight reports have con
firmed gender differences in faculty
salaries. A study completed by the
chancellor’s commission found that
women in office-service and mana
gerial-professional positions are
^subject to a triple whammy.”
These women are less likely to be
placed in higher salary grades, are
paid less within each grade and are
less likely to be given managerial
status, according to the study.
The study also found a gender
based salary difference of $ 1,509 for
office-service positions and $2,274
for managerial-professional positions.
Welch said UNL should take
immediate action to give equal sala
ries to its male and female employ
In July 1989, the regents, after
reviewing a study that showed gen
der-based salary discrepancies, made
across-the-board adjustments of $1,000
to each female faculty member at the
University of Nebraska at Omaha.
Welch said UNL needs to rectify
pay inequalities of women faculty,
But, UNO Student Regent Charles
Valgora asked if salary discrepancies
could be adjusted in light of the
Appropriations Committee’s proposed
4 percent across-the-board cuts for all
See WOMEN on 3
Chairwoman calls UINC
chilly toward women
By Dionne Searcey
. Stall Reporter
UNL may be hurt by its reputa
tion of being a “chilly cam
pus,” one official said Friday
during the Chancellor’s Commission
on the Status of Women’s report to
the NU Board of Regents.
Susan Welch, chairwoman of the
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Chancellor's Commission on the Status
of Women and a political science
professor, said UNL’s image is hurt
by gender-related discrepancies.
“A chilly campus climate is when
women students feel like visitors when
an instructor refers to ‘hims and hes’
instead of ‘hers and shes’... and the
dean who calls secretaries ‘girls,’”
Welch said
She said people have been angered
by the wav the university treats its
female staff and students.
“We may think it’s hidden from
the public; it’s not,” she said.
Welch said UNL may lose private
donations if women are discriminated
“An institution hostile to women
will lose financial support,” she said.
Welch encouraged the regents to
“improve the administrative accounta
She said lighting needs to be. up
graded on many dark streets and park
ing lots. The administration also should
create a fair process for sexual harass
ment cases, she said.
Site also told the regent fhat “family
friendly” policies should be imple
mented. She said an adequate family
leave policy should be installed, and
adequate child care facilities should
be available on East and City cam
UNL also should try to reduce
women faculty turnover, she said.
“It’s not efficient to have women
leave because they’re discontent,” said
Welch, who is leaving UNL because
of sexism problems.
Monty Larson of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, left, takes a hit from Todd Hurt of Phi Delta Theta
during the 15th annual Sigma Cni Fight Night Friday night inside the 4-H Building at the
State Fair Park. Two spectators at the event were arrested for third-degree assault and
disturbing the peace.
Two arrested at Fight Night
By Stacey McKenzie
Staff Reporter
Two University of Nebraska
Lincoln students were ar
rested for third-degree as
sault and disturbing the peace Fri
day at Sigma Chi All Greek Fight
Night, the Lancaster County Sher
iffs Department reported.
Mike Novacek, Lancaster
County deputy sheriff, said two
male students were arrested after
chairs and punches were thrown
and obscenities shouted during seven
altercations in the crowd at the
boxing event.
The sheriff's department reported
that 11 deputies, including eight
off-duty deputies, were needed to
disperse 25 to 30 people involved
in the altercations inside the 4-H
building at State Fair Park.
Medical units were called when
one female student was hit in the
face with a chair and another fe
male student was kicked in the
face, sheriffs reports said.
The woman hit with the chair
was blinded for about five to 10
minutes, Novacek said, but regained
sight when medical units arrived.
Novacek described the event as
“out of control” and “a battle zone.”
“This was the worst and the
most drunk students I’ve ever seen”
at the event, said Novacek, who
has worked at about four of the
Fight Nights.
Kevin Dasher, co-chairman of
the event, said things were not
unusually violent and he had had
no complaints about the event.
“I don’t want to be ripped on in
the Daily Nebraskan about this
event,” he said. “There were a lot
of parents and children there, and
they said the event ran very well.”
Dasher said some of the fights
were “traditional fights” between
rival fraternities that have fought
in the past.
Beer was not served after the
fifth boxing round, as requested by
the police, Dasher said.
Although extra police were pres
ent, it was hard for them to control
the event because of the way the
facility was set up, Dasher said.
Members of the fraternity have
discussed the crowd violence and
safety and have decided that the
event probably will be at another
location in the future, he said.
• t •
Regents postpone a decision
on a proposed voluntary pro
gram that would involve a man
datory faculty retirement age.
Page 7.
Two Husker football players
get tapped in the first-round NFL
draft. Page 8.
Wire INDEX 2
Opinion 4
Sports 8
A&E 11
Classifieds 14
Researcher: U.b., British education diner
By Wendy Navratil
Staff Reporter
Though Martin Holmes’ depic
tion of an Oxford education
gives some substance to the
“Oxford Blues’’ portrayal of the ex
perience, his account reveals differ
ences from the U.S. system that go far
beyond those shown in the film.
Holmes, a senior research fellow
at Oxford’s Mansfield College, said
British and American students have
equal potential to develop their skills.
but differences in the American and
British systems of education lead the
groups to specialize and enter the
work force at different rates.
Oxford and oilier universities
operate on a three-year rather than a
four-year system, so Oxford students
graduate at the end of their third year.
“In terms of economics, America
sees the effect of the delay," Holmes
said. “Its graduates gel into the labor
force later. That extra year gives the
Japanese and Europeans an economic
Holmes has “tutored” American
students, including two groups of
University of Nebraska-Lincoln stu
dents, while lecturing about the po
litical economy of Great Britain at
Oxford University.
Holmes, an author and expert in
the period of former Prime Minister
Margaret Thatcher’s leadership, has
traveled to the United States twice a
year since 1984 to give lectures across
the country.
He first came to Nebraska in 1987
at the invitation of Vin Gupta, a UNL
graduate and Omaha businessman who
had attended a seminar at Oxford in
1986. Holmes met with the dean of
the UNL College of Business Ad
ministration, Gary Schwendiman, and
eventually the two agreed to set up an
Oxford study abroad program for
students interested in economics.
In the summer of 1989, CB A sent
a group of 36 students to Oxford’s
Mansfield College to study econom
ics for four weeks under Holmes and
See OXFORD on 3