The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 19, 1991, Image 1
xt iPaiIY i ii=; 8 iHk £ S ^P“ *ge8S&& with a high of 50 and a 40 '*®L 8 SM Hr^ m * S| y aB percent chance of light rain ^Hft8 MBtaJ® m 1|| 91 ,^1 ^SMBjtefc, PSLfaT ,«njm| jg Ip this afternoon. Decreasing aM aft SI 8$ M rnTWR UHlsft jflr fH B Si cloudiness tonight with the low -L ^ ft**^ JL ftft O JLV(ULX ft [ wrttf the^igl^ 55 60^Salur^3'' Cigarette taxes So finance Beadle Center By Michael Hannon Staff Reporter ’ I * he Appropriations Committee decided Thursday to appropriate $6.5 million to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln for the Beadle Center proj ect. Five million dollars of this money will come from the cigarette tax and die remaining $1.5 million will come from the state’s general fund. The 4-cent portion of the cigarette tax was the object of several conflicting proposals during the legislative session. Suggestions included using the money for prisons, financial aid for all postsccondary institutions, scholarships to private colleges in Nebraska and cancer research. Previously, the tax had been used for capital construction projects of the University of Nebraska. Six million dollars in state and NU funds is needed to match the federal contribution to the George W. Beadle Center for Genetics and Biomaterials Research. The total cost of the most needed repair to the utility system — the replacement of the chiller used to air condition UNL — is $3.5 million. These projects require S3 million more than the Appropriations Committee voted to give UNL. Sen. Scott Moore of Seward, chairman of the Appropriations Committee, said, “Yes, we’re going to help you (UNL) do Beadle, but you’re going to have to help us do it.” Moore said UNL will have to cover the remaining $3 million by internal reallocation, using research funds and seeking private funds. The state’s portion of the funds for the Beadle Center will be used to build a Vine Street utility extension and a biological sci ences greenhouse. In addition to the chiller, UNL soon will need a boiler and an emergency generator. Funding for these projects is yet to be provided. The Appropriations Committee voted to use the cigarette tax money for several other proj ects: •The University of Nebraska at Omaha would receive $2.9 million to renovate the Arts and Sciences Hall, $700,000 less Uian was pro posed. • The Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources would receive $4 million for proj ects in Scottsbluff, Whitman and North Platte, reduced from an early proposal of $6.1 million. See BEADLE on 3 William Lauar/DaHy Nabraakan Kingon EC success depends on economic recovery By Lisa Donovan Senior Reporter _ For the European Commu nity’s economic union to be realized in 1992, the world economy will have to recover sharply, said Alfred Kingon, for mer U.S. ambassador to the EC. “For Europe to succeed in the integration of East and West, we need a very strong economy,” Kingon said before a crowd of 200 people Thursday at the Lied Cen ter for Performing Arts. Kingon was referring to the plan of the EC’s 12 members to link their economics by 1992. Only a strong economy inside and outside the EC will support the transition, he said. While the world is in a reces sion, competition within the EC could double its economic prob lems and slow the formation of the economic coalition, he said. Domestic companies in EC nations formerly dominated their own markets, Kingon said. By creating one market, he said, com petition to sell goods and services will come not only from the United States and Japan, but also initially from other EC members. “They’re going to have 11 other competitors that they’ve never had,” he said. Europe has enjoyed tremendous economic growth recently, with production rates climbing annu ally, but the signs of slowdown are evident, Kingon said. Although the reunification of Germany will help Europe’s over all growth rate, Kingon said, east ern Germany’s poor money man agement could pose a real problem for the country. Kingon said many economists think the great pressure of rebuild ing the former East Germany will strain the German economy. It may require weakening the Deutschmark — Germany’s currency — and raising interest rates. “There is a real fear of that happening and I can’t give you an answer” to maintaining Germany’s stability, he said. The assets of eastern Germany are much less than expected and many of the people who were once big forces in creating the country are now fleeing to the western part, he said. But Kingon said eastern Ger many, more than other East Euro pean countries, has the power and commitment to pull together and survive. The problem in Czechoslova kia, Poland and other East Bloc See KINGON on 3 bducation council members want unity with commission By Heather Heinisch Staff Reporter The Nebraska Council for Pub lic Higher Education took the offense Thursday, calling for unity in the face of opposition from the strengthened Nebraska Coordi nating Commission for Postsecondary Education. Nancy O’Brien, a member of the NU Board of Regents and chairwoman of the council, said that unless the state higher education coordinating bodies can work together, the council won’t exist after a year. A bill in the Nebraska Legislature up for final debate outlines the pow ers of the new coordinating commis I sion, which was established by a constitutional amendment Nebraska voters approved in November. Com mission members now serve in an advisory capacity. O’Brien said the strengthening of the commission puts the council in a sales position. “We have to sell the idea of our need to have input,” she said. The council should take the of fense and enunciate a broader vision of education, she said, so it is not seen as trying to preserve the status quo. At the meeting, council members also expressed concern that the new commission will be too powerful. According to the bill, the commis sion’s powers will include establish ing and revising the role and mission statement for each public institution, revising and modifying plans for fa cilities that use tax funds, reviewing and monitoring new programs and capital construction projects and re viewing budget requests from all governing boards before submitting them to the governor. University of Nebraska General Counsel Dick Wood said the com mission may gain even more powers from the Legislature. Senators can assign additional powers to the com mission as long as it doesn’t invade the governance powers of the NU See COUNCIL on 3 | VUIICI I HO pi Cl I I IVI I l« tionwide education. Page 2. Celebrations for Earth Day are in the works, including a jazz festival — providing the weather cooperates. Pages 3 and 6. Columnist gives up and gives in. Page 4. A UNL gymnast gains inspiration for tough competition. Page 5. Men’s gymnastic season ends with 7th place finish. Page 5. INDEX Wire 2 Opinion 4 Sports 5 A&E 6 Classifieds 6 a ^ -m. Chancellor search held remains broad By Aaeana Leftin Staff Reporter_ Members of the UNL Chan cellor Search Committee did not narrow the field of can didates Thursday, but will broaden their knowledge of 25-30 of them, the chairman said. Harvey Perlman, dean of the Uni versity of Ncbraska-Lincoln College of Law, said that although the com mittee wants more information from 25-30 of the candidates, die others have not been dropped from the search officially.. He said there are some women among those asked for more informa tion. He said he believes there also are some minority candidates, but that that information was not included in their resumes. Perlman ref used to say if any inter nal candidates are included in the number. He also declined to specu late about the exact number of appli cants. “I’m not convinced yet that I know what the field looks like,” he said. Of those candidates asked to pro vide more information, Perlman said, all have substantial academic experi ence. He said the committee still is re ceiving resumes and nominations. Some of those nominated have not been informed of their nomination and others have not responded or expressed interest in the position, Perlman said. All candidates will be informed sometime next week if they arc among the 25-30 the committee presently is interested in. Perlman said the committee wants candidates to know it is interested in them before making discreet inquir ies into their backgrounds. He said that within the next two to three weeks the committee may have to decide lhat some of the candidates will not be pursued. “We don’t need to do that yet,” he said. Perlman said that during the next two to three weeks, the committee also will continue to look at new resumes and review some they’ve already seen. The committee still is working toward having a new UNL chancellor by next August or September, but Perlman said he doubts if that is real istic. ; ulation increased from 1980 to 1990 .. .. - - - * .. .. . ....... .. Amie DeFrain/Daily Nebraskan