The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 11, 1991, Page 9, Image 9
Dreams come true \ in baseball league 1 By Connie L. Sheehan Senior Editor Four years ago, Kirk Lehl joined the ranks of about 100,000 other baseball enthusiasts across the United States who own and man age their own major league base ball teams. After hearing of a friend's ex periences, Lehl decided to form his own Fantasy Baseball League, an imaginary league with fantasy teams. "It's also known as Rotisserie Leagues — named after a restau rant in New York where the (imagi nary) drafts first started," he ex plained. Lehl said he came up with a league system that works well, although variations of the hobby exist an over the states. The league starts with a player's draft, Lehl said. Lem saia nine parhcipants (owner/managers) draft from real American and National League baseball players, choosing 30 as members for their fantasy team. One of the major variations between our league and the Rotis serie Leagues is that the Rotisse ries usually bid for their players during the draft, he said. In the league the winner of last season has the choice to go first in the draft, then teams talce turns. "Whatever happens to that player in the regular leagues happens to the player on your team," he said. If a player hits a home run, then he is credited with a home run for the fantasy team. Each play is worth so many points, Lehf explained. A home run might be worth threepoints, a single worth one point and a strike out worth so many points. The season is divided into 13 rotations, a rotation being equal to two weeKs, Lem saia. roints are accumulated during each rotation and the team that wins the most rotations also wins the season. Lehl said that later in the "sea son," a few more players are added to each roster and the managers can trade players like the regular leagues. wlt both your first-base players are injured, the manager can trade for a nealthy one," Lenl said. Lehl saia he used to accumu late the players' statistics during the season by hand. "Now I use the USA Today computers," he said, explaining how ne phones the computer serv ice by modem. "It does cost but it's 1,000 percent easier." Basically, there is no cash re ward for winning the season, he said, but the winner does get to join the league for free the next season while the runner-up pays half price. Lehl said the $55 fee covers the cost of computer time, postage and his time to process the informa tion for the teams. Lehl calls his Fantasy league the "Baseball Fanatics League," which consists of three separate leagues. The "Ernie Banks League" met Tuesday night for their draft. Walking into me Lehl basement, the managers were greeted by the Tuesday night ESPNoaseball game on the big screen television. Wait ing for tne managers were Xerox copies of baseball statistics, a list of eligible players and other base ball publications. Manager Wayne Westin arrives decked appropriately in a Cub's See DREAM on 13 Hot new Sony releases at super low sale prices RollingStonesFla*hpoint C 4 C MUSIC FACTORY 9 fftiMH FREEDOM WILLIAMS mV ZE1MA DAVIS A DANCES GONNA MAKE YOU SWEAT VV1 I H Hm w« O^UM^tRocA A RdFI CMM WOLVES TSissr.sJEns Rolling Stones "Flashpoint" Cassettes $6.77 cd's $9.77 Wynton Marsalis STANDARD 1IM6 VOl 2 ILL MWMMN EMMC1A9LI •hat « run nmc call to low* SLtf AVTMf OOWW AOUTHINO 0* A LOVI im Dances With Wolves "Soundtrack" Cassettes $6.77 cds $9.77 C&C Music Factory "Gonna Make You Sweat" Cassettes $5.77 cds $9.77 A. tbebooLeg senes whan 1 3 , (rare«UDreieasedj MM J CO B ot 3 CaiBHIti Celine Dion "Unison" Cassettes $5.77 cds $9.77 [SANTANA I LOTUS - «*AA>akJ pom r«t nm r rim Thr fgsndmy Ihw Jsp< mm iNcwOwg Cdntew BLACK MAG* WOMAN/GYPSY QUEEN 0 YE COMO VA/WOOENT AT NCSNAPUP Wynton Marsalis Standard Time Vol. II Cassettes $5.77 CDs $9.77 Mike Reid "Turning for Home" Cassettes $5*77 cm $9.77 Bob Dylan "Bootleg Series,Vol. I-III" Cassettes $21.7V cds $28.77 Santana "Lotus'* Cassettes $ 12.77 cos $19.77 Prices effective through 4-17-91 Hi