Popular past hobby now sees dollar signs By Dionne Searcey Staff Reporter Collecting baseball cards is still a popular hobby,butpeoplearen't in it for fun anymore — tney do it for money, local merchants said. R.J. Harris, owner of Bases Loaded Sportscard, 2061 S. 16th St., said people of all ages collect the cards for financial gain. "They may start out doing it for fun, but most people do it for money," he said. Merle Schlotfeld, owner of Merle's Baseball Card Shop, 3939 N. 48th St., agreed. * The hobby could start when a 7 |year-old buys a lot of baseball cards r— just to chew the tasty gum in side, Schlotfeld said. "You used to get a big chunk of gum. The gum was as big as the card." he said. But now the "nickel a-pack" cards cost between 50 cents and $1 — and the piece of gum is smaller, too. But, Schlotfeld said, collecting cards pays off. "There's money in baseball cards," he said. Well, not literally. A pack today comes with about 10 cards, he said, in addition to the gum. Harris said a 50-cent pack might contain "rookie" cards worth $5 — "if it's a rookie that a lot is expected from, like Frank Thomas or a card that's likely to be some what valuable." New cards are printed every year during baseball season, he said. "But there's nothing today that will be truly rare." The cards that really pay off are the ones that date back years ago, he said. Old cards are worth any where from "a nickel to hundreds of thousands of dollars." A Mickey Mantle card recently sold for $49,000 and a 1968 Nolan Ryan card sold for $1,200. And "tobacco cards" from the late 1800s are the most scarce, Harris said. Collectors travel to collector's conventions across the country to find special cards, he said. But, Schlotfeld said, the love of baseball doesn't drive people to invest in the cards. Most people are not true "collectors," he said, but "collector/investors." The 1968 Cincinnati Reds rookie card of Johnny Bench and Ron Tompkins sells for $500 at Casey's Sports Cards & Collectibles, 233 N. 48th St Opening Day celebrated at local sports oars By Erik Unger Staff Reporter Opening Day is more than just the start of baseball season. It is a tradition that stirs memo ries in any baseball fan's mind. Whether they remember huddling around a radio straining to hear every word of Red Barber's play by-play, or sitting in a big league park watching their favorite team m action — fans remember. But baseball tradition transcends the ballpark. It is also a big draw for bars across the country. Lin coln is no exception. Both the SportsPagc and Bleach ers reaped the benefits of being sports bars on Monday's Opening Day. The SportsPagc Lounge, 13631 Energy Way, had 35-40 people watcmng baseball on its five tele visions Monday afternoon, up from the usual afternoon crowd of one or two, according to manager Roger Draper. Bleachers, 5601 S. 56th St., had 15-20 fans taking advantage of 12 television screens showing base ball as well as a World Football League game and the Stanley Cup Playoffs. Yet despite the variety, the fans were there especially for Opening Day. "It's a good excuse, Opening Day, to go to a bar and watch baseball. Brad Berka, an assis tant tennis coach at Northeast High School, said. "We are here tonight to watch Nolan Ryan pitch," tie said. Bleachers owner Gary Weiss, a diehard Milwaukee Brewers fan, said baseball is good for his bar. This will be the first full season his bar will be open. "It's a good beer-drinking sport," he said. "You don't have to pay attention to every play of the game. It's a lot of fun, Weiss said. However, beer isn't the only lure to Opening Day. "For people who have experi 'N enced Opening Day at a major league park, growing up with base half, Opening Day is an event," he said. SportsPage owner Bobbie Dom said Opening Day symbolizes the coming of spring and is one of the bar's big attractions. Dom, an avid Boston Red Sox fan, shows loyalty to his team by decorating his bar with a symbol of the Red Sox. A patron can't reach the restrooms in the Sport sPage without passing throdgh a wall designed as a replica of Fen way's Green Monster. The wall is covered with other sports and baseball paraphernalia including photos of Ted Williams, World Series team photos of the 1961 New York Yankees and 1986 New York Mets, a Japanese base ball uniform and a picture of old Ebbs Stadium, home of the Brooklyn Dodgers. Dom said it helps to add at mosphere and uphold the sense of tradition the game holds. "Wrigley Field and Fenway are tradition and that is how it is," he said. But not all the fans watching baseball Monday are interested in the tradition. "I'm a baseball fan now for self defense/' Dianna Ratzlow of Lin coln said. She was watching the Rangers Brewcrs game at Bleachers with her husband Russ. He said he had been a fan all his life, since he listened to games on the radio. Now that they both have an interest, the couple will take a baseball vacation this summer, taking in games in Kansas City, Chicago, and Milwaukee. She said the best part of the game for her is seeing the rookies come up and following their prog ress. At The SportsPage, in which baseball clientele makes up 90 percent of its afternoon business, drink and food specials are of fered during the Chicago Cubs televised games, Draper said. "Baseball is one or the leading forms of entertainment," Weiss said. 'There is something special about baseball." ■ *1 \ Celebrate Our lYear Anniversary j This Friday April, 12 25C Draws from 2:00-12:00 Drawings for Prizes from Fanatics from 3-5 The Pub in the Reunion [