The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 11, 1991, Page 6, Image 6

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Continued from Page 1
“It’s not that we want the
military off campus,” said Doug
Overfield, a junior English major.
“We just want them to change
their policy.”
Overfield said he hopes the
rally will show how military
policy is difterent from UNL’s
Another kiss-in participant
was Kat Hindman, a senior pre
law major, who organized Queer
Nation Nebraska in December
Queer Nation is a multicul -
tural, direct action group dedi
cated to fighting heterosexism
and homophobia and promot
ing “queer visibility,” Hindman
“We’re celebrating what
happened last night (at the
Academic Senate), but at the
same time we’re telling D.C.
that it’s got to stop” discrimi
nating, she said.
* ift\y
ROTC discrimination
ASUN ursed to protest policy
By Adeana Leftin
Staff Reporter
At its first meeting Wednesday,
the 1991-92 ASUN senate was con
fronted with student concerns about
ROTC’s homosexual exclusion pol
Scott Shanks, a senior in the Teach
ers College, and Paul Moore, a senior
speech communications major, en
couraged the Association of Students
of the University of Nebraska to
consider as one of its first resolutions
a stand against ROTC discrimina
Shanks mentioned the anti-discrimi
nation rally on campus earlier Wednes
day at which he was attacked. He
asked ASUN to join the protest.
He said the protest was not against
ROTC, but against discrimination
based on sexual preference.
UNL’s Academic Senate passed a
“ ((
if we set down a prece
dent . ..the Defense
Department will have
no other choice than to
change the policy.
UNL senior
—-- 99 ~
resolution Tuesday calling for the
ROTC program to change its policy.
If the policy is not revoked by 1993,
the resolution urges renegotiation of
ROTC contracts to eliminate credit
for ROTC courses.
“If we set down a precedent... the
Defense Department will have no other
choice than to change the policy,"
Shanks said.
Former AS UN College of Arts and
Sciences Sen. Andrew Sigerson said
kicking ROTC off campus is not the B
He said many students depend on
money provided through participa
tion in ROTC to pay for school.
Sigerson said he was denied an
opportunity to address the Academic
Senate with his concerns.
Teachers College Sen. Steve Th
omlison also was not allowed to ad
dress the senate.
Thomlison said he was told by
Academic Senate President James
McShane that too many students
wanted to speak.
He said one of his first pieces of
legislation in this year’s ASUN will
be “strongly worded senate action
that I don’t think that’s kosher ”
Students are allowed to speak at
meetings of ASUN and the NU Board
of Regents and at hearings of the
Nebraska Legislature, Thomlison said.
« ^ • *
Festival promotes ethnic diversity
From Staff Reports
Students from around the world
gathered Wednesday at the Culture
Center, 333 N. 14th St., to “expose
the campus to ethnic diversity.”
Reshell Ray, coordinator for eth
nic minority programs and services
for Campus Activities and Programs,
said students from about 10 countries
took part in the 5th annual Springfest.
This year’s theme was “A Festival of
Culture, A Celebration of People.”
Chinese, Asian-American, Mexi
can, American Indian, Palestinian,
Nigerian, Malaysian, Indonesian and
Pakistani students “celebrated and
displayed a part of their culture through
foods, artwork, traditional dress and a
wide range of artifacts,” Ray said.
She said about 150 people viewed
the exhibits in the morning.
The event, which was sponsored
by CAP, was expanded this year to
include international students, Ray
The ethnic artwork that was dis
played will be sold at the Culture
Center until Friday.
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Continued from Page 1
with a “dedicated core” of nine stu
dentsandsix University of Nebraska*
Lincoln faculty and staff members.
They will be charged with the respon
sibility to advise the vice chancellor
for student affairs on issues concern
ing minority affairs and minority
student life.
The feat of improving campus life
for minorities is going well in many
regards, Griesen said, but “it’s had
some problems.
Griesen said the timeline for the
group puts its first meeting just three
weeks away, April 30.
The team was created to replace
ad hoc committees with an organized
group to tackle various projects, Grie
sen said.
“We expect a dedicated group with
a sustained interest,” he said.
With RPAT, Griesen said, he hopes
to see some past ideas turned into
Peg Blake, an assistant to the vice
chancellor, said DREAM (Develop
ing Realistic Educational Activities
for Minorities), a now defunct group
designed to promote appreciation of
cultural diversity, touched on some
of the issues but struggled with lead
ership and money.
Blake said she hopes RPAT will
involve a diverse group of students,
including members of all races, both
undergraduate and graduate students
and many majors.
Gricsen said a representative group
is desired but not guaranteed because
committee members will not be se
lected through quotas.
One of the main items on the agenda
for the group, he said, is planning
UNL's annual retreat on diversity issues
scheduled for the fall semester.
“I hope the group will develop part
of their own agenda. All we have now
are examples of projects,” he said.
Blake said the group’s projects
will complement those of the Chan
cellor’s Commission on the Status of
Advising on issues of faculty and
staff hiring, organizing diversity pro
grams for the classroom and serving
as contact persons for students will be
duties of RPAT, she said.
“The group will need to have a
baseline understanding of the diver
sity on campus and the barriers in
volved,” she said. .
Student members will be selected
for one-year appointments and are
expected to give from six to 10 hours
a month to tne team.
Applications are available at the
Office of Student Affairs, the Office
of Multi-Cultural Affairs, the Asso
ciation of Students of the University
of Nebraska office, Campus Activi
ties and Programs offices, the Culture
Center and at the law and dental col