The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 02, 1991, Page 8&9, Image 8

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    The new Apple StyleWriter.
The new Apple Personal LaserWriter LS.
Like everything about Macin
tosh®, it’s simple logic. First, you
—--J duce affordable
The StyleWriter gives you laser- • i .
quality printing for about the printers to go
same cost as a dot matrix printer. t/llGIYl- tllG
new Apple® StyleWriter® and
Personal LaserWriter® LS.
Just like the Macintosh comput
ers that preceded them, these
printers combine a price almost 4
anyone can afford with the kind of *
practical inovations only Apple can
The StyleWriter is a 360-dot
per-inch, laser-quality printer. And
it incorporates TrueType™, Apple’s
new, precision font technology.
Which explains why you can hold
pages printed on the StyleWriter
next to those from printers costing
thousands more, and be hard
pressed to tell the difference.
It’s also small. Quiet. And it
costs just a little.
The StyleWriter prints up to
one page per minute fast enough
for most people. But if you’re
cranking out a lot of reports,
memos, and presentations, you’ll
want the horsepower of the new
Personal LaserWriter LS.
It’s a no compromise, full
fledged Apple LaserWriter. It
pumps out as much as
four pages per minute.
Has a built-in, high
The StyleWriter’s Speed Serial
onlythfng’that’s interface so
Ztbya'ttgh'by complicated
5” deep, it fits any orr a Till 1 OS
desk as well as any B1 ^P111^
budget. WOIlt
slow it down. It also utilizes on solving their problems instead
TrueType. And it even " of solving their computers,
prints in the background, The CRC Computer Shop,
so you can be working at located in the University
the same time it is. Bookstore, can show you ex
But what makes these actly what we mean,
printers special isn’t just And discover the power
the printers alone. It’s that ffiS? you buy a computer for in
they’re built with the same > assistant?,212%, the first place. _ 0
philosophy as the Macintosh ^es The power to do
computers they’re intended to has the right to a great image, more than ever.
work with. The power to be your best.®
There are no dip switches to set.
No cards to mess with. No font car
tridges to buy. And they work the
same way with every Macintosh
and every Macintosh program. Just
plug them in.Turn them on. And
they’re ready to start printing.
It’s all part of the seamless,
practical approach that makes it
easy for the millions of people who
use a Macintosh to concentrate
f "". >
For more information contact the
CRC Computer Shop
University Bookstore
Lower Level Nebraska Union 472-5785
Hours: 8 am-5 pm
<£>1991 Apple Computer, Inc. This ad was written, designed, typeset, planned, rewritten, approved, budgeted for, rewritten and produced on a Macintosh. Apple, the Apple logo, Laser-writer, Macintosh, StyleWnter and "The power to be your best are registered trademarks, and TrueType is a trademark ofApfle /