The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 06, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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Doc Homer/Daiiy Nebraskan
Ingeborg Ewoldt of Black Forest, Germany, serves cream
puffs at the International Bazaar in the City Union Tuesday.
Continued from Page 1
we have to prioritize,” he said.
UNITY second vice presidential
candidate Gwyn Vaughn said that
rather than seeking cuts, funds should
be allocated in a manner that uses
them best for all students.
The candidates agreed that special
problems of East Campus, including
a lack of availability of books re
quired for East Campus classes and a
shortage of administrative and stu
dent government offices compared to
City Campus, must be addressed.
ENERGY first vice presidential
candidate Kristi Truex said it was
Continued from Page 1
who also sits on the board, are often
from the same political party.
In years other than this year, Gosch
said, students have complained that
ASUN was closed because the Ap
pointments Board didn’t always give
students a “fair shake.”
However, he said, this year the
speaker of the senate and the second
vice president were from different
political parties.
The amendment would keep the
speaker of the senate as the Appoint
ments Board chair, but the other two
members would be appointed by the
previous year’s Executive Board. The
selections of the two students-at-large
wouid be made before the general
AS UN election.
Gosch said he hoped the amend
ment would eliminate any “elitism”
on the Appointments Board and give
the second vice president an opportu
Continued from Page 1
small countries fight for water, oil
and land, he said.
The Western world benefits from
these disputes, he said, because the
conflicts prevent die Middle East from
becoming a superpower.
Zafer Abrass, a graduate student
in architecture from Syria, said the
Arab region has enough resources to
become a superpower.
But countries in conflict will not
be powerful, he said, and America
and the Soviet Union will not have to
worry about another country becom
Continued from Page 1
1993. The amendment failed.
Coordsen said he thought the
amendment would have allowed
businesses that draw in similar but
not equal annual sales to remain
Coordsen said, for example, that
one employer may gross $350,000
annually while a competitor makes
$365,000. With the 90-cent increase,
Coordsen said, the employer who
makes less in this scenario would
have a lot to lose by die minimum
wage increase.
“We could be creating a situation
here where not only are we increasing
the minimum wage but we’re doing
away with jobs because of the non
competitiveness of the situation, he
said. „ ...
State Sen. La Von Crosby of Lin
coln said she was in favor of Coord
sen’s amendment because she didn t
want to see the small mom-and-pop
businesses sink.
“I’m really concerned about small
businesspeople who are going to get
squeezed by this bill,” she said.
The cost of running small busi
nesses is getting more expensive, said
state Sen. Elroy Hefner of Coleridge,
and a 90-cent increase could ruin a
mom-and-pop business.
By phasing in the full wage in
crease, Hefner said, “this will give a
chance for the free enterprise system
to work a little better.”
Hall countered, saying that if the
Legislature had passed a similar bill
last session, which phased in the
minimum wage increase, senators
would not have to be talking about it
“We didn’t do that, so now we’re
here trying to catch up,” he said.
Hall said he introduced LB901 last
year to pick up those businesses that
don’t fall under federal law.
The 1989 Federal Minimum Wage
Act called for the hourly minimum
wage to increase 90 cents over two
years. The first increase on April 1
boosted the minimum wage to $3.80.
The second increase will take effect
this April, setting the minimum wage
at $4.25.
Beginning midnight Monday,
March 4
6:53 p.m. — Indecent expo
sure, C.Y. Thompson Library.
8:40 p.m. — Bookbag stolen,
Nebraska Union, $245.
9:00 p.m. — Room entered,
Sandoz Residence Hall.
11:35 p.m. — Man and woman
in verbal dispute, Selleck Resi
dence Hall.
inconvenient for East Campus stu
dents to drive back and forth to City
Campus to speak to administrators,
advisers and ASUN representatives.
Kister said East Campus students
need to speak up about their con
But Wickless said bringing more
services to East Campus might be
difficult because “it’s not free.”
nity to concentrate on strengthening
advisory boards, scholarship and stu
dent life commissions and public re
A third bylaw amendment to ad
dress legislative procedures also will
be considered by the senate.
The amendment, proposed at last
week’s meeting but forwarded to
committee, would require any legis
lation not killed or passed within two
weeks of its introduction into a com
mittee to be advanced automatically
to the next senate’s agenda._
ing a superpower.
The Arab people want the Middle
East to become one country again,
Abrass said, because Arab nations are
religiously united.
“When I see these people (Arabs)
on the street, I don’t think Palestinian
or Jordan, I think Muslim. We be
lieve in one country,” he said.
Currently, federal law exempts
businesspeople who have fewer than
10 employees or have sales that don ’ t
exceed $500,000 annually.
LB297 picks up those businesses
that don’t fall under federal law.
The last state minimum wage in
crease was in 1987, when the hourly
rate increased from $1.60 to $3.35
and tipped employees’ hourly wages
went from 90 cents to $2.01.
Under the provisions of LB297,
tipped employees’ wages would be
boosted from $2.01 to $2.13.
The bill also provides for a 90-day
training wage of $3.61. New employ
ees who are 20 years and younger and
not seasonal or m igrant workers could
receive the training wage for 90 days
from their hiring dale. The new em
ployee could be paid an additional
training wage if he or she were par
ticipating in on-the-job training that
requires technical, personal or further
job instruction.
Legislators also advanced an ap
propriations measure to allot $68,505
from the general fund to carry out the
provisions of LB297 during the 1991
93 biennium.
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Bazaar’s 18 groups
offer cultural diversity
By Michelle Wing
Staff Reporter
Sampling different cultures, crafts
and snacks, University of Nebraska
Lincoln students are getting a taste of
international diversity Tuesday and
Eighteen international groups are
participating in the sixth annual Inter
national Bazaar in the Nebraska Un
Occupying 26 tables in the union’s
main lounge, groups are offering items
such as Chinese egg rolls, Malaysian
tropical fruits and Nigerian baskets.
Some booths have food or craft items
for sale, and some have objects for
display only.
At one of the three Chinese tables,
names written in Chinese were avail
able, as were Chinese postcards.
At the African tables, bracelets
and lengths of fabric were for sale,
and African stamps and currency were
on display.
Christa Joy, program coordinator
of International Educational Services,
said the goals of the bazaar were “to
increase awareness of the diversity
on campus and to give international
students the opportunity to share their
food, culture and crafts with Ameri
can students.”
Joy said the bazaar serves to make
Americans more aware of the diver
sity that exists on campus.
Participants said they thought it
has positive effects on the studenis at
“It makes students more aware of
the fact that we have diversity,” said
Horacio Xaubet, a professor of mod
em languages and the bazaar repre
sentative for Uruguay.
Xaubet said it was unfortunate that
so many students spent time and energy
preparing the international food, yet
the majority of students Tuesday
preferred to go to Burger King.
Adib Saafir, the husband of a UNL
student, agreed that the bazaar bene
fitted students.
“Anytime you can learn more about
other nationalities, it benefits you,”
he said. “It’s part of an education.”
The bazaar, which ends today at 2
p.m., is sponsored by the Interna
tional Students Organization and Inter
national Educational Services.