The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 06, 1991, Page 2, Image 2

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    ISj pw^ SS&WPM.
X X* W W ij Edited by Jennifer O'Cilka
POWs freed ;tiprisings sweep cities
With rapid-fire prisoner releases and proc
lamations, Iraq struggled to clear away the
fallout of its Gulf war defeat Tuesday. But an
anti-Saddam uprising was reported sweeping
city after city, in what a dissident spokesman
promised would be “a long, violent battle.”
The Iraqis turned over 35 prisoners of war,
including 15 Americans, to the Red Cross in
Baghdad, and said they were the last allied
captives. Bad weather delayed a transfer of the
ex-POWs out of Iraq in exchange for Iraqi
The Iraqis formally annulled their “annexa
tion” of Kuwait and pledged to return looted
Kuwaiti property.
The Kurdish opposition claimed it seized a
major city in the north, just days after violent
protests agaiast President Saddam Hussein began
spreading through Iraq’s southern cities.
American military sources said Iraqi army units
were choosing sides in bloody local show
Officials and news organizations reported
that 28 Western journalists have disappeared
while traveling in southern Iraq to report on the
civil unrest. Four are newsmen from U.S. or
Pentagon sources said a first wave of return
ing U.S. troops would arrive at Andrews Air
Force Base outside Washington on Thursday.
The 4,400 soldiers, including members of
the 82nd Airborne Division, might be person
ally welcomed home by President Bush, the
sources said.
On Monday, the Iraqis moved quickly to
meet the allies’ demands for immediate pris
oner releases, freeing six Americans and four
other captives as an initial gesture.
On Tuesday, they freed a second group
according to the Red Cross. Their names were
not released.
“Iraq has completed the handing over ol all
prisoners,” an Iraqi Foreign Ministry spokes
man was quoted as saying by Baghdad Radio.
That meant 29 military people remained
unaccounted for in the war’s aftermath. The
Pentagon on Tuesday also updated the U.S.
casualty toll in the 43-day war to 115 dead and
330 wounded. Tens of thousands of Iraqis were
believed killed.
The Americans freed Monday in Baghdad
went by road to Jordan and then were flown to
Bahrain and the U.S. Navy hospital ship Mercy.
Air Force Col. Wynn Mabry, a medical team
chief, later told reporters, “I’m pleased to re
port that they are all in good shape and in good
i ne prisoners uccu iucway wcic iu nave
boarded a Red Cross plane for Saudi Arabia,
after it flew in 294 Iraqi POWs in an exchange.
But the flight from Saudi Arabia was scrubbed
because of poor visibility there and high winds
in Baghdad, U.S. military officials said. Weather
permitting, the swap will take place Wednes
day, they said.
The U.S.-led alliance holds at least 63,000
Iraqi prisoners. Terms of the provisional cease
fire call for a full prisoner release, but U.S.
officials say they will not repatriate any Iraqi
soldier against his will.
The allies also demand that an estimated
30,000 Kuwaiti civilians abducted by the Iraqis
be freed. Red Cross officials said they were
discussing the missing Kuwaitis with the Iraqi
While talking peace, U.S. moving
to rearm nations of Middle East
WASHINGTON - Even before the
smoke of the Persian Gulf war has
cleared, there are signs the Middle
East is moving to rearm — with help
from the United States.
There are U.S. plans to sell F-16s,
“smart” bombs, cluster bombs and
missiles to Egypt, and to provide new
military aid to Israel, Saudi Arabia,
Turkey and others in the region, ac
cording to Pentagon documents and
congressional sources.
“I don’t think the administration
has got a policy yet” for dealing with
postwar Middle East arms control,
said Rep. David Obey, D-Wis. “It
would be nice if they didn’t start
shoveling dollars until they have one.”
Secretary of State James Baker is
leaving for a nine-day trip to the Middle
East that will include discussions with
leaders about arms control, and Presi
dent Bush is expected to make the
topic a primary subject of his speech
Wednesday night to a joint session of
But the administration apparently
has no intention of imposing the kind
of across-the-board moratorium on
weapons sales called for by some
congressional leaders. “I don’t think
there will be any arms embargo” by
the United States, Bush said last week.
Developments that worry some on
Capitol Hill and elsewhere include:
•A notification that the United
States intends to sell SI.6 billion in
new weapons to Egypt, a leading ally
in the Gulf war. The list includes 46
F-16 fighter planes, 80 air-to-ground
Maverick missiles and 240 cluster
bombs. It also includes 48 guided
glide bombs of the type the United
States used to hit targets in Baghdad.
• A recent classified reportto Con
Congress listing $33 billion in pro
posed weapons sales this year to
American allies around the world,
with more than two-thirds of it des
tined for Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Tur
key, Israel and the United Arab Emir
• The administration’s apparent
intention to reimburse Israel and
Turkey for hundreds of millions of
dollars in military costs associated
with the Gulf war, and indications
that some U.S. weapons may be left
behind when troops withdraw from
Saudi Arabia.
•A new $1 billion credit program
through the Export-Import Bank in
President Bush’s 1992 budget request,
aimed at facilitating U.S. weapons
sales abroad.
Bush's popularity signals
'92 problems for Democrats
WASHINGTON - Twenty-one
months from Election Day, the
Democrats are looking at an in
cumbent Republican president who
is commander in chief of a striking
war victory and soaring around 90
percent in approval ratings. It’s no
wonder George McGovern is the
only Democrat openly talking about
challenging George Bush for re
About the only solace Demo
crats have is that Bush’s popularity
will likely go down.
“George Bush is in as good a
shape as anybody I’ve seen the
year before an election campaign,”
said Robert Beckel, who learned
about popular incumbents as man
ager of Walter Mondale’s 1984
challenge to Ronald Reagan.
There is a conspicuous reluc
lance among mg-name ucmocrats
to gear up for a challenge to Bush
in 1992.
“I am not running; I have no
plans to run,” Sen. Sam Nunn told
reporters in Boston on Monday.
The Georgia Democrat is at or near
the top of most lists of potential
Democratic contenders. He won’t
flatly rule out a run, but expresses
no enthusiasm for it.
Sen. Lloyd Bentsen of Texas,
Gov. Mario Cuomo of New- York,
House Majority Leader Richard
Gephardt of Missouri, Sen. A1 Gore
Jr. of Tennessee and Gov. Bill
Clinton of Arkansas all have their
backers. But not one of them has
made an overt move toward a presi
dential candidacy. Ask any one of
them about the possibility and the j
response ranges from coyness to
P Senators on^ Caripusi 1
J; Come Have Lunch With Your it
tl State Senator ^ - A
Search for cyanide
Thousands of capsules examined
SEATTLE - A sixth suspect Su
dafcd 12-Hour capsule was found
Tuesday during examination of tens
of thousands of capsules during the
investigation of three cyanide poi
soning cases, an official said.
“You can visually see that it was
different from the other capsules,”
Food and Drug Administration spokes
man Jeff Nesbit said from his Wash
ington, D.C. office. “Itscontents were
yellowish, or cream-colored.”
The capsule was one of 20 in a
| plastic-and-foil “blister pack” of the
| cold remedy that had been removed
from a drugstore shelf at the Tacoma
, Washington mall.
Nesbit said the tape seal on the box
had been reglucd, and the aluminum
part of the blister pack was broken
and then pushed back into place. The
capsule appeared different from the
others in the pack and probably was
not a regular Sudafed 12-Hour cap
sule, he said.
Two people died and a third fell
critically ill last month in the Puget
Sound area after taking Sudafed 12 -
Hour capsules that authorities say were
laced with cyanide. The poisonings
led the maker of the medicine, Bur
roughs Wellcome Co., to recall the
over-the-counter medication nation
Officials advised consumers who
have the capsules to return them to
the stores where they were bought,
and to alert authorities if anything
looks suspicious.
The discovery Tuesday represented
the sixth apparent tampering. All have
been in the Tacoma-Olympia area,
about 50 miles south of Seattle. In
vestigators have not publicly offered
a motive. No arrests have been made
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