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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1991)
i 4 -.. mspa wgfflS Mostly sunny and warmer §|k 1 gE -» |g| today with tne high in the I m I ^ ffi — mid-60s and a southwest 1 iHk 1 milk Jp^tf m wind 1°-20 mPh ToniQht I HraJI m ™ WT Ji ^ B HLc JB W Ilf mostly clear and rnild with 1 MT^ H P m RNL 11 ■ the bw 35-40. Tuesday, X ^1 V ILJjL Ul^XVC41. L |_ggr.lyck.udy and a high 60 UNL research concerns quelled by administrator By Cindy Kimbrough Staff Reporter State senators’ concerns about the return UNL gets from com panies developed through the millions of dollars the state has fun neled into the Nebraska Research Initiative are unfounded, a UNL offi cial said. Interim Vice Chancellor for Re search Bill Splinter said spinoff companies evolved from inventions developed at the University of Ne braska contribute royalties to the university and benefit the commu nity. At a briefing with university offi cials in late February, state Sen. Dan Lynch of Omaha had questioned what benefits the University of Nebraska Lincoln receives from research fund ing that leads to the formation of spinoff companies, according to Michael Mulnix, director of the Of fice of Public Relations at UNL. University officials had been lob bying senators for $6 million in state funds to finance the George W. Beadle Center for Genetics and Biomaterials Research and had brought up one of the spinoff companies, BioNcbraska Inc., as an example of what the fund ing could do for the university’s high tech research effort. Lee Jones, provost and executive vice president of the University of Nebraska, responded in a letter to Lynch that the spinoff companies don’t just use NU research facilities and expertise, then leave the university to make profits on the resulting inven tion. The university must consider the private funds donated for research when developing contracts, he said. “When federal or state funds have supported the research, the patent is the sole property of the Board of Regents,” the letter stated. “Where private industry funds have supported the research to a significant extent, an agreement is usually written in the grant document giving that company the first right of refusal of an exclu sive license band on any patent re sulting from the research.” For example, Splinter said, a company called Finnsugar invested more than $200,000 for research re lated to sucrose esters. Because it had contributed a substantial amount, he said, the company was offered the first right to license the patents of the See RESEARCH on 3 Evaluations' value hard to assess, officials say By Michelle Wing Staff Reporter How much emphasis should be placed on the grades instruc tors get from students is diffi cult to evaluate, students and faculty members at the University of Ne braska-Lincoln have found. Ellen Baird, associate vice chan cellor of academic affairs, said stu dent evaluations arc “useful as a self improvement tool to fine-tune leach • tt mg. But English Professor Joyce Joyce said she thinks opinions other than classroom performance or competency are reflected in student evaluations. “If students get low grades, (the comments they write) may not be a reflection of the professor’s perform ance,” Joyce said. “I know of students that, as a group, dec ided to gang up on a professor and write negative evalu ations.” Stephen Hilliard, English depart ment chairman, said negative student evaluations can affect more than in structors’ classroom performance. “If students don’t feel they have learned in class, it’s very serious,” Hilliard said. “We use weak evalu ations with teachers to improve per formance, but they can affect merit pay or non-rcappointment.” Baird said student evaluations are taken into consideration most often in times of promotion and tenure, but action taken based on student evalu ations depends on the severity of remarks. “Comments must be kept in con See EVALUATIONS on 6 Shaun Sartin/Daily Nebraskan The agony of defeat Omaha Marian High School players Cara Timmerman (left) and Cristen Wuebben console each other during the last seconds of Saturday night s Class A Girls Basketball Championship game at Bod Devaney Sports Center. Omaha Marian lost to Omaha Gross, 36-34. | Mothers plan ‘little things’ for sons’ return By Lisa Donovan Senior Reporter Abed, not a cot. Four walls and a roof, not a tent. And good food, not military rations. For two University of Ncbraska-Lincoln students who served in the Persian Gulf war, coming home means Fremont and eating — eating some pizza or becoming a regular at the local McDonald’s. Glenda Tichota said she talked with her son Gary, who serves in the Army Reserve’s 1012th General Supply Company, Saturday morning and he said he couldn’t wail to see his family, say hello to friends and sink his teeth into a hot slice of pizza. “One of the first things he wants to do after he sees his family — he wants to have a pizza. He loves pizza,” she said of Tichota, who was a sophomore at UNL before he left for the Saudi Arabian desert in October. Another Fremont native, John Villwok, told his mother, Donna Millie, on Sunday that he was looking forward to enjoying the comforts of home, too. “The first week or two, he wants me to cook all his favorite meals — chicken, homemade noodles, chocolate cookies.” But Millie said she knows some of those home comforts won’t be found in her house. “He says he wants to be on a first-name basis at the local McDonald’s,” Millie said of Vill wok, who was a UNL sophomore when his See MOTHERS on 6 111 n i i YiimWrTHBT Defensive intensity was the key word in the men’s Husker bas ketball team’s defeat of the Jayhawks. Page 7. UNL faculty invent more than ever before. Page 3. INDEX Wire 2 Opinion 4 Sports 7 A&E 9 Classifieds_ 10 JN U endowments exceed U.S. donation average By Michael Hannon Staff Reporter The University of Nebraska has managed to escape the low en dowment growth that struck other colleges and universities na tionwide during the 1989-90 fiscal year. NU recorded an overall endow ment growth of 14.8 percent, exceed ing the national average of 9.6 per cent during 1989-90, according to figures from The Chronicle of Higher Education. According to Theresa Klein, di rector of public relations and publica tions at the University of Nebraska Foundation, “They (foundation offi cials) arc happy with the growth rate because it means that they arc being fiscally responsible to donors.” The foundation is an independent organization that manages $159 mil lion of NU’s $178 million endow ment. The remainder of the endow ment is managed by the university. It is hard to tell if the growth of See DONATION on 6 ■ NU Endowment Growth $ $ A look at how the NU Foundation compared with the rest of the nation from 1989 to 1990. L—m— - | ■ .i - ■ ■ ■ $ I 2? s I 3 I !»ourc«: tnrontcM 01 Hign<r baucaiwn j