The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 31, 1991, Page 16, Image 16
RESERVATIONS AVAILABLE NOW' DAYTONA BEACH ,„,*119‘ 7 NIGHTS SOUTH PADRE ISLAND ,.J129' 5 AND 7 NIGHTS STEAMBOAT „„ *96 2 5 AND 7 NIGHTS FORT LAUDERDALE *137' 7 NIGHTS PANAMA CITY BEACH .*126' 7 NIGHTS CORPUS CHRIST! / MUSTANG ISLAND *108 5 AND 7 NIGHTS HILTON HEAD ISLAND „„ *112' 5 AND 7 NIGHTS CALL TOLL FREE TODAY 1*800-321-5911 'Depending on Area* dotes ond iengtn of 5ray Applications we new being accepted for the CAP Advt eory Board. Get them in CAP-C#y, CAP-East, Culture Center, or from your S A. There are 6 positions available. Deadline is February 6 in the CAP-City office. PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION Beginners or advanced. Lessons can include use of rental guitar at $8 per week. Zager Studio 489-2430, 423-2709._ Scarlet and Cream Singers are now auditioning for a Bass player for the current semester and '91 -'92 school year. Contacl Ray Miller, 472-2490. Shakespeare Is Alive! See Trip Shakespeare tonight at 8:00 in the Union Ball room. Tickets 8 dollars with UNL ID. 10 dollars without. By UPC Major Concerts. ENERGY Student Election Group Organizational Meeting Sunday 3p.m. City Union John Giboon 438-2786 COLLEGE NIGHT EVERY THURSDAY 5<K Off Your Favorite Drink When you Show Your College I.D. 8pm - lam 1823 "O" Street Home of Lincoln’s Finest Topless Dancers I WE DIDN'T RAISE OUR PRICES^] (YET) So come in now for your last chance at 1990 prices! 1412 "O" St. ---::— . IJCS - COtDESl tag AROUND - LOW EVERYDAY IJQUOg KBCH - INCEMsTT S _ s is S3 • o 2 S 0 m " 2 g 2 ® UJ O & ? a "" ai,R g JZ . 1 IBARTLES & JAYMES $2. o 0 AH Flavors, Warm 4pk 5 ? PYsJ’one $7.99 < Keg or Light, warm ease ~ ^ | MILLER $10.88 I z Reg, Lite, Draft, warm ease bottles $ 1 SCHAEFER $6.69 I |3j Reg or Light, warm ease 0 PABST BLUE RIBBON $7.69 f Warm ease cans ^ O 1 amaritoamaretto...750..$5.49 g 0 SOUTHERN COMFORT...750.. $7.49 5 R 3 § ...and much more thru 2/6/91 § > Please drink our products K in moderation ^ North of CghT Vine^ 477-7516 || kittes • coldest Abound • Lowest win; cpfrjg price? • hckllszL Have you hoard about the Biues Brothers? I hear they 're hot- come see them at Walpurgienacht Friday night in the City Union. Lesbian & Gay Marriages Topic for Thursday. Jan. 31 meeting of the Gay/Lesbian/ Bisexual Student Association. Room 342 NE Union, 0:00pm. NOTICE Dear Customers. This is in regard to our ad published in the Spring 1991 issue of the Lincoln College Coupons. We regret to inform you that this ad was printed in error and did not reflect our recent price increase effective January 1, 1991. Please accept our apology for any inconvenience this may have caused and Thank You for patronage. Pizza Shuttle STUDENT ELECTIONS Applications for all positions President/1st Vice Pres. 2nd Vice President All Senate sea's Advisory Boards Committee for Fees Allocation are available in the ASUN office, 115 Nebr. Union Filing Deadline~4:00pm-Thurs. Feb 14 Students for Choice Meeting Thursday. 7:30pm. City Union. Room Posted. STUDY IN THE PAN PACIFIC SUMMER 1991 Applications are being accepted to study overseas in Hong Kong. Malaysia, Singapore and Hawaii. UNL stu dents may earn credit for this course. Plan lo attend one of the information sessions Monday, February 4 at 11:30.12:30. ano 1 30 or Wednesday, February 6 at 300 and 4:00pm. All meetings are in the Nebraska Union room posted. If unable to attend, applications are avail able at the Center for Entrepreneurship or contact Dr. Robin Anderson at 472-3353 for additional information. SUNDAY WORSHIP Cornemtone-UMHE 640 N. 16th St. Sunday, February 3 "Common Forth In a Tima of War" Preaching; The Rev. Larry Doerr 10:00 AM Fellowship Time 10:30 AM Morning worship including Floly Communion ALL WELCOME Tired of the same boring parties77 Come to Walpurgis nacftt. Rated as one of tne Top 10 nor.-alcoholic college parties in the nation. TOTALLY POLLY! UPC-KLPAC meeting today, 4:30pmat Lied Center. Lots to Discuss!! New members are always welcome1 Come be a PIONEER of the Performing Artsl_ UNL Taekwondo-Karate Club Opens soon. Call 42a 1991. Campus 472 3915. Inatruc tor Master Lee. You cart enroll today to barn sett-defense and self-confidence __ UPC Talks and Topics First meeting of second semester, today at 7 p.m. in the City Union. Join the dub! Help make an imped on this campus P.S Not unlfce the impact that Vanilla Ice hat made. Wanna see 14 of your friends hypnotized?? Come to Wclpurgbnecfit and see the Worlds Most Famous Hypnotist- EDWIN BARON. np(;r^k^i?r=::-^ Beta Sigs You're goin' down... again I , AM Congratulation* to the new sisters of XO: Aibon A.. Jennifer A , Nichob B . Jane G.. Angie H , Julie J., Jfll J., Kim K.. LeAnn K.. Brenda K„ kari U, Cathy M., Kara If.. Kdefine M„ Gretchen N„ Steph P„ Erka P„ Keley O , Jenny R.. Dawn S„ Juke S.. Tiff T.. Jenny V.. Ho# V.. Gabnefb W . Shan W. Lome in XO Congratulations Becky H„ Amy K. and Liz S. for being selected to a Greek week oommmee and to Chris B. for being selected as a Greek week chair. Love Data Gamma Congratulations to the newly installed officers of Delta Deka Delta:president. A. Watkins;EVP. J Wscox;chap lain . B. Berens; scholarship, L. Honey man; pledge ed.. P Anderson; fraternity ed.. S. Jenkins; experna! social. A. Crook,; internal social. J. Andersen; rush. K. WinA; house mgr., C. Denesia, panhelbnic rep.. A. Ethredge; treasurer. J. Woods. Hey, Susan O. made Greek week committee. We are very proud of you. Your AOII »i«ters. SAE little eietere, Meeting 6:30 Thursday, February 31 at the house. SwEp*. Super Bow' Sunday was the beet. Thanks for all of the funl AOII Snow Bow! 1991 The war rages onll Thanks to the AXO snow crew: Kenn H„ Scott L. Jeff E.. Dann H.. Brian A.. Tom C., Sean M The Alpha Chi's To our favonte bedhead ATO's... You sing better than you look at 6:30 In the morning. Thanks tor the serenade. Love, the AOII's K4Q student liovemment ASUN Senate Vacancies Represent your college constituents. The following colleges have vacancies: Agriculture and Natural Resources Graduate Engineering Architecture - Business Teachers - Nursing Arts A Science* The to lowing oommkiees are also open: Racial Attars Committee Gay/LesbianrBisexual Committee Applications available at 116 Nebraska Union. Deadline: t;00pm - Tuesday. February 5,1991 Chief Juet'ce A Associate Justice* Student Government-Student Court The court deals with matters o( UN L student oroamra u ii5NabrMka“nton HEALTH CENTER ADVISORY BOARD The purpose of the board shall be to represent the student body In dealing with th* health concern* ot the Univstsity community. You do NOT have to be from Pre-Medical pffrfimloin. Deadline is February 13 at 400pm. Applications avail able «th* ASUN office. Rm. 1 iTNebTunion 135 Meeting utntis —SNOW B'ATC Saturday Night Dance: Drees utVDress down: February 2nd, 7- 10pm. Cornerstone, 640 N. 16th. Sponsored by Coalition for Gay-Lesbian Civil Rights 140 Personals CRASH, OUMPTRUCK Susan (KAO). Loved fondling your hairat the Rail Tuesday night. Hope you lei the same. Happy Birthday. Not Trent Debbie S., Happy 19th Birthday! Looking forward to tonight? No, you can't have any ravioli I The Grinch in 305 $200.00 Reward for return of lost doa. Male German Short Hair. Six years old. Liver/white. Scar on right hip. Answers to "Chaucer." Possibly stolen and sold last June west of Lincoln. Call Tom at 476-9838. ChadM.. Congratulations! D.O.T.M. Go Biz. No more Ma donna. Not applying there Peace i&TSTlw Found: 3 ladies rings on carpet, vacant bouse. North 26th. Ring owner may have back by contacting house owner. Lost at UNI Bookstore: Jartsport Backpack (blue). Please return contents to Service Counter. Keep back pack if you want. Lost green and white striped address book. Lost on Vine Street near campus. Call 466-9093. 150 Child Care Needed Need babysitter for one 6 year old boy. Tuosdays and/or Wednesdays, 3:30pm to 9:30pm. Need own transporta tion, leave message at 489-0948. “$500 TO $2000 PER MONTH, PART-TIME International help and fitness^ompany expanding into this area. Need 5 serious individuals part-time or full time. 466-9102. _ APARTMENT MANAGER Responsible, self-motivated person or couple needed to manage 150 unit apartment complex. Attention to detail and excellent communication skills a must Please 6end resume and letter ot application before February 15lh. 1991. to Box 246, c/o JSP Co.. 926 "P" Street. Lincoln, NE. 68508 Billy’s Restaurant 1301 H. Street Valet and lunch waRery position open to dependable individuaie. Lunch hours M-F. Apply in person after 1pm. Extra money for college. How to turn $15 into S50 For more information, send SA&E to P.C. Box 81524, Lin ooln, NE 68501._ Floral delivery oerson wanted. Flexible hours. Apply in person, Drttmer's Flowsr Shop, 1424 South Street. Help wanted on a farrow tc, finish hog operation Close to Lincoln, experience preferred. 794- 5070, ok for Ron OR 794-6595. aek for Cory._____ Help wanted part-time, no experience neceesery. Fresh men or sophomore preferred. Apply in person, interna tional Contact l ent, 3200 O. St. HELP!! Evening ticket seise Monday-FHday, 5-9, Saturday 9-1. kverace StOhr. Casual atmosphere Start tonight, 466 1397/7___ Lincoln s Hottest Production Company Hollywood Pope is looking for make-up artists. Tup pay. For information a# 474 2556 Of 477 0252 __ Manager trainee. $11 to start. No experience necessary . 420-1201._ Nannies immediate fuH-time placements In New York. Florida. Pennsylvania and Washington D C area Area repre sentative win be in Lincoln on Friday. February 1. CaR 913-827-3044. Mom and Tot Nanny Agency and Nanny Network Inc. Need Extra Money? McOoneid's is now hinng. Flexible hours, competitive ga^&enelts. and advancement opportunities. Cell 475 NOW HIRING! "New Subscriber Scholarship' Liaison. Sail-determined, flexible hours for enjoyable on-campus work. Perfect for an energetic, posi'ive, soil motivated person I $10/hour. Call National Scholarship Services. 469-8102. Reliable help needed, clothing sales end marking Day time hours. Saturdays 9:30-4:30. Also 2-3 days a week flexible Apply In person 9:30-4:30: Junior League Thrift Shop, 2201 O St Runza Restaurant 13th and E Positions available for part time nelp. Join our winning team and receive: S4.50per hour lor lunch hour hep. half price meals, flexible scheduling and great working envi ronment. Stop by and apply I Tower climbers for spring and summer work. Tram and work part-time now around your schedule. Pull time this summer. Call 489-7976. leave name, number, age. and major 164 Summer Jobs ~~ COLORADO SUMMER JOBS Anderson Camps in the Rockies near Vail, seeks caring, enthusiastic, dedicated, patient individuals who enjoy working with children in an outdoor setting. Counselors. Cooks. Wranglers. Riding Instructors. Nurses will be Interviewed on February 4th and 5th. Sign up. get appli cation at 236 NE Union. Questions7 Call us at 30SS24 7766_ Responsible, reliable, energetic person to take care ot 3 children end housework. Must love children, non smoker. valid drivers license. Majority of summer by the beach. Write with experience and expectations. Varod, 7 Carriage Court. Marlboro, NJ 07746 National Research Corp. NOW HIRING for part time Professional Interviewing Staff. Evening and Weekend Hours , Available 15+ Hours per week ABSOLUTELY NO SELLING for more info call 475-4520 Between 10-4_ ARE YOU LOOKING FOR SUMMER WORK THAT WILL ALLOW YOU TO... 'Make over $5,400? ‘Gain valuable career experience? *Build your resume? 'Travel? CALL 434-6599 SUMMER CAMP OPPORTUMTIES Nebraska's most beautiful camp, YMCA Camp KitaKi, located on the Platte River, is seeking applications for the following positions: Boys' Counselors. Girls'Counselors. Lifeguards, Lakefront Directors, Wranglers,Craft Instruc tors Nature Director, Target Range, Steward, Assistant Cook Maintenance, and Health Specialists. Must be available late May through mid August. Call or write Camp Office, 1039 P St„ Lincoln, NE 68508. 402-475 9622. 170 Roommates female non-smoking roommate or 4 people to take over our lease immediately! $136.25 ♦ 1/4 expenses. 29th & Holdrege. Call Diane. 467-2891, leave message. _ Female roommate needed. WiHowhaven Apartments 18th and Knox on bus route. $190 ♦ 1/2 utilities. 477 5277, leave message. _ Female roommate immediately. $145/month +1/3 utili ties Washer/dryer, dose to campus. Call Jen or Deb. 476-7705.__ Female Roommate Wanted to share house, low rentl Pnvale room. 466 0609. FomaJe student reeded to share large home one block south of East Campus. Non-smoker, own room, washer/ dryer, microwave, etc. Jennifer, 464-8745 (evenings), 4/4-2229 (days).__ Female wanted to share 2 bedroom apt. $157.50 per month plus 1/4 utilities. Call anytime ask for Paula. Shelly or Tammie421-8155. Looking tor roommate to share expenses in 2 bedroom house. Approximately $250/month. Call 488-4189 after 6 p.m.__ M/F $115/mo.,S 120 deposit, 1/3 utilities, S/W. Attractive, large kitchgn/living room. 477-9674.___ Male roommate needed to share casual campus dose coed house. $t55 +1/4 utilities. 435-5863. _ Non smoking loommate needed. S14Q/month+1/3 utili ties. 11/2 miles from campus. Call Mark, Scott 435-1421; 472-2220 _ Roommate to share 3 bedroom apartment. $1 f 5/month. 10 utilities Seven blocks from campus. 477-9890. ROOMMATE WANTED. Rent-S95. located 7 blocks from campus. Call 477 5712. _ Roommate wantedl Male. S174.50 + 1/2 utilities, 42nd A Holdrege. near East Campus. Available Feb. 1. Cali 464 4157. Uu._ __ Two makt/lemale roommates needed to share country farmhouse. W/D, outside pets. 476-7705. Lori or Jenny. 180 Houses For Rent" 5 Bedroom. 3 beths available immediately 2304 U Street. MSO/month 475-1579 or 488-0061. Close to UNL at 1501 N. t3th. 3 Bedroom,. washer/dryer. dehwasher. $455/month. 423-1535. 185 Duplexes For Rent 614.615 New Harrpehire. 2 Bedroom 7 Bedroom. 3 Bathe. Cine* to UNL. No pelt. 423-0389. 190 Apartments For Rent S180 A Up. Downtown furnished affioenews and one bedrooms Two bedroom duplex in Bethany area 477 364*_ __ $50 SIGNING BONUS Willowhaven 1800 Knox 476-8200 •SUPER CLEAN 2 Bedrooms *2 bedroom. 2 bath, contemporary ookvt •FIREPLACES, low utilities 'Close to downtown end campus Joseph E. Keen Company_ 474-1686 1020C Street. $210 Smel one bedroom Nice dean off street parking. Cali Kim, 477-0491. 1048 F. Large one bedroom, ft replace, bay window. $275. 1042 F, Large three bedroom, $450.423-4560 i9th and R. 2 bedroom. C/A. D/W. off-street perking. $365, 477-8876.__ 2203 Vine Large one bedroom, ail appliances, balcony, parking, laundry, no pets $299.476-3403 Century Realty Property Management 2741 P St. Large 2 bedroom, all appliances, microwave, ceramic tub/shower, large closets, storago lockers, laundry, cable, no pets. $380 plus electricity. 477-0043. 469 4973 508 S. 25th. 2 bedroom, newer. AvailableFeb. 1st. Leave message 483-2367. 640 S. 20th 2 badroom $370 and up, 1 badroom $309 and up. 475 7262. Close to East Campus On* badroom* in a groat cemplax.Prtvata patios and calling Ians, *295-335 with haat paid. Charry Hill Man agamani 439-3387. 7 Clooa to East Campus, 2 badroom, balcony, parking, £undry. no pats 4426 Baldwin, *300. 472-5349, 489 6668 East Campus arsa, larga two badraom. lirapiaca. all J*undry. $360 par monttf 4220 Huntington. availabia Fsbmary 1 Call 423-0902. 1,1 Adams. 3 badroom, 2 bWhs. *540 2bwtroom*390-5425. 515 W. Saundars, 2 badwm *365 Sacurlv butting. balcony, mini-blinds, matdwava. no pats 46&6067, 483 1130 ^ Walk tcFCampus ,h*** °°* «>d brand now 2 bad rooms in this *»5 and *425. Charry H«l