The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 28, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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    Students pick:
Pizza, tacos,
By Wendy Navratil
Staff Reporter
A survey will be conducted this
week to help determine what will
replace the Pizza Bakery in the Ne
braska Union, a Union Board mem
ber said.
The Union Board is conducting a
survey of 500 University of Nebraska
Lincoln students, beginning with a
booth survey today in the Nebraska
Among the board’s priorities is to
fill the space currently occupied by
the Pizza Bakery with something that
will benefit students, said Colin Theis,
a Union Board member.
“The student survey results will
have a huge impact on what goes in”
the space currently occupied by the
Pizza Bakery, Theis said.
The Pizza Bakery is expected to
leave the union by the end of the
week, he said. Theis said the decision
to leave was not based on financial
The survey is designed to discover
students’ concerns and attitudes about
the services the unions offer, while
making them aware of some services
they may not have used yet, he said.
A similar survey conducted by the
Union Board last year helped it de
cide what renovations were needed
for the Harvest Room, now called
Fast Break.
Students surveyed will be asked
what their food preferences are at the
“We’re thinking maybe pizza,
Mexican food, icecream or yogurt—
something that’s going to be favor
able to students,” Thcis said.
The survey also will ask students
why and when they visit the unions,
and if they’re aware of the extra serv
ices that are available through the
University Bookstore.
They will be given the opportunity
to rate the services they have used at
the unions.
About 250 responses will be gath
ered from the booth surveys.
A phone survey will be conducted
on Wednesday to obtain another 250
responses. The board will choose which
students to survey randomly from
names in the student directory.
The next Union Board meeting
will be 5 p.m. Tuesday. Students can
attend to offer input on the survey
questions or voice concerns, Theis
said. _
Beginning Thursday, Jan. 24
8:45 a.m. — Car antenna broken,
17th and R streets, $30.
10:29 a.m. — Tree hit by vehicle,
35th and Fair streets, $60.
11:58 a.m. — Book bag stolen,
University Bookstore, $120.
12:47 p.m. — Two bicycles sto
len, 425 University Terrace, $380
and $270.
12:50 p.m. — Auto window bro
ken, 19th and T streets, $150.
4:01 p.m. — Book bag and con
tents stolen from auto, meter park
ing lot off U Street.
4:15 p.m. — Man arrested for
narcotics, Abel Residence Hall.
9:11 p.m. — Auto hub centers
stolen, Harper-Schramm-Smith
complex parking lot, $100.
11:58 p.m. — Attempted auto theft,
19th and R streets.
Beginning Friday, Jan. 25
8:47 a.m.—Water leak setoff fire
detector, Nebraska Center for
Continuing Education.
9:58 a.m. — Non-injury auto acci
dent, 14th and R streets, $400.
1:11 p.m.—Non-injury auto acci
dent, 38th and East Campus Loop,
1:18 p.m. — Outside police assis
tance, man suffered minor injury,
refused medical attention, 16th and
Y streets.
2:00 p.m. — Purse stolen, Oldfa
ther Hall, S50.
2:49 p.m.—Non-injury auto acci
dent, 35th and Holdrege streets,
3:10 p.m. — Non-injury two-car
accident, Harper-Schramm-Smith
complex parking lot, $500 and $200.
4:54 p.m. — Outside police assis
tance, non-injury two-car accident,
14th and Avery streets, $2,000 and
6:42 p.m.—Woman injured knee,
Mabel Lee Hall.
6:09 p.m.—Compact disc player,
mobile phone, radar detector, speak
ers, 135 compact discs, clothes and
sunglasses stolen, Harper-Schramm
Smith complex parking lot, $6,895.
Films’ topics
racism, African
UNL will kick off Black His
tory Month with a satellite pres
entation of “Beyond the Dream
in” on Thursday in the Nebraska
Union’s Regency Room.
The presentation from noon
to 2 p.m. will reflect on the
struggles and accomplishments
of African descendants from the
future perspective of 2041.
World leaders in politics, busi
ness, education and the arts will
participate in the videoconfer
ence to offer solutions to world
wide problems of people of
African descent.
The presentation will be free.
Another satellite videocon
ference, called “The Rise in
Campus Racism,” will be pre
sented Feb. 20 from noon to 2
Both broadcasts will be made
available for future use in class
rooms or other settings through
the Affirmative Action office.
Continued from Page 1
‘‘I was 17 years old. I was ex
tremely naive. The recruiters got ahold
of me so fast. But they only tell you as
much as they want you to know,”
Hanna said.
“They tried to make me think life
was worthless. I just respect life too
He said he would refuse to serve
even within the United States.
“That would be still supporting the
war machine. I’d be handing them the
gun and saying, ‘Go kill.”’
Hanna is supposed to report to Fort
Leonard Wood on Thursday. Until
then, he and his supporters arc striv
ing to gain as much recognition for
his cause as they can. A vigil took
place in support of Hanna's efforts
Sunday night, and a press conference
is planned for 9 a.m. Tuesday at the
Rev. Larry Doerr of the Comer-’
stone Ministry, who supplies infor
mation about how the draft system
would work, possible exemptions from
service and how to obtain them, said
he didn’t know if all the publicity was
the right approach.
“My own feeling is that that would
just make the military touchier—and
his fate is in their hands,” Docrr said.
John DcFrain, a UNL professor of
human development and the family,
supports Hanna’s efforts.
“Our greatest fear is that Gary will
report and they’ll give him the forms
(to apply for conscientious objector
status), and then whisk him away on a
plane for Saudi Arabia. . . . We’ve
heard reports that some of them (people
who have applied for exemption) are
disappearing. No one knows where
they’re taken; no one has any contact
with them.
“Sure, he’s afraid of dying," De
Frain said. “But he’s more afraid of
not living by his principles. And that
makes life a lot harder.”
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Housing director: Costs
expected to rise in ’ 90- ’ 91
By Kristie Coda
Staff Reporter
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
housing costs are expected to rise
$195 per student for double-occu
pancy rooms next year, the director of
university housing told the Residence
Hall Association on Sunday.
Presenting the 1991-92 Residence
Hall Rate Study, Doug Zatechka said
the major causes of the increase are
salary and benefits increases for per
manent staff members and student
employees, a 10-15 percent increase
in utility costs, a cable TV rate hike in
the halls and higher food and tele
phone service costs.
To keep the rate increase to a
minimum, the Division of University
Housing has made cuts in capital
purchases, professional travel, over
time and student positions. It also has
increased employee meal charges,
single-room rates and vacation hous
ing rates.
Housing rates would have increased
nearly $300 without the budget re
ductions, Zatechka said.
“I know it isn’t cheap,” Zatechka
said, but “comparing to peer institu
tions, we’re way cheaper than the Big
10 schools.”
Zatechka said he didn’t think the
higher rates would make some stu
dents choose off-campus housing.
“I don’t think they can get by
cheaper,” he said.
Another cut being considered for
next year is the removal of phones —
but not phone service — from jsi
dence hall rooths. The phones in use
now should be replaced, Zatechka
said, but that cost could be avoided if
students are required to bring their
own phones.
“It’s just not a good year for stu
dents,” Zatechka said. “Costs are just
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