The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 28, 1991, Page 11, Image 11
Classified 472-2588 •82 Kawasaki KE 175, one owner, 1,400 miles like new $500 firm. Jim 423-3810, ’ '62 Mercury LN7 Hatchback, aun root, 5 speed, re conditioned, Excellent school car. Si 800, call 436 9777 and leave message. 78 Dodge Omni 4 Dr., $800 Neg. Runs good. Call after 5 p.m, 475-6675. 1988 Honda Hurricane. Red and white, matching helmet, tow miles, $3000/obo. 474-9065, leave message. 1986 Escort GT, black, 5-speed, air. $4195/obo 477 6689 after 5pm._ 1985 Kawasaki LTD 1100 with extras. Call 435-5576. 1983 Audi 5000,5-speed, all options, $3800/obo. Before 6pm, 409-6007, after 6pm 786-3371. Ask for Tom. 1981 Z28, t-tops, code alarm, many extras, must see. $3100 obo. 477-0025. 1980 Mazda GLC Sport, 5 speed, $600 obo. Must sell. I Call Mathias, 467-1493.___ Datsun 810 with Z-car motor, needs tune-up. Cai! 438 2546____ _ For Sale 1984 Honda Interceptor. 750cc. Best ofter. Call Todd, 475-0654^_ _ FOR SALE: 1983 Thunderbird Turbo Super Coupe. 2.3 litre, great gas mileage, 5-speed overdrive, premium sound, suspension package, Michelin TRX polished aluminum wheels with new speed-rated TRX rubber. Cloth interior with high-option seats. Midnight black with blackout windows. 42,000 miles, mint condition. $4,500 firm. Call York 362-2621. Will show on campus. V.W. Bug, red. good condition, $1,000, obo. 435-3105 or 486-1503. Must sell this week. 22 Adoption Adopt: Happily married professionals wish to adopt newborn. Will give love and security. Expenses paid/ Legal Phyllis and Hal 914-223-3247 collect. ADOPTION— DEAR BIRTHMOTHER: Let s help each other. Loving family eagerly awaits your newborn. Se cure future with all the opportunities you'd hope tor. Expenses paid. Legai/confidential Call collect after 7pm EST, or weekends, 212-249-5840. Adoption. Nebraska couple desires to adopt again. Stay home mom, professional dad. Call Gary/Mary collect. 1 402-691-0802.____ ADOPTION: Nurturing, health conscious couple who love children, animals and each other promise to provide a loving home for your baby. Weil educated and finan cially secure, we offer the child the chance to achieve full potential in a secure, happy environment. Beautiful city home on a park, country house on a lake. Will pay all expenses. Call Laura and Alan at 212-514-6923 collect. Film maker eager to give infant loving, secure home. Expenses paid. Call collect. 617-547-9420. PREGNANT AND WONDERING WHAT TO DO? Explore the protection and benefits of adoption which are only provided by a licensed agency. No fee for our confidential services. Contact: Nebraska Children's Home Society 4600 Valley Road 483-7879. 35 Gift Ideas Pinning Cigars! Available at Clift's Smoke Shop. 140 N. 12th Street 476-0119. 37 Health & Fitness THE SPRING BREAK BODY BEGIN CONSTRUCTING YOURS WITH A PERSONAL IZED WEIGHT TRAINING SESSION. CALL BOOY BY DESIGN 476-8583. 38 Insurance For all your insurance needs: Jim Wallace 474-5077, Mfce Wilson 466-2411. or Russ Hansen 476-7578. American Family Insurance: Auto. Health. Home, and Life. 60 Misc. Services TYPEWRITERS WORD PROCESSORS Rentals Sales Service Rent-To-Own 1001 Garfield BLOOM’S 474-4138 62 Pregnancy PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT Is a oontWential helping X 48'W6099rdnCy ,e8,• P,ea8e Cail u8 ,0r a*JPoi"1 72_Bentals " ~ " Rent-A-Center ,ar9®st Rent-to-own company. TV’s. VCR s £22?®.’ *bmiture appliances. Guaranteed lowest prices in townl 2021 0 Street. 435-1075. p Laser desktop publishing and word processing; ful-serv ce business and academic. Editing, writing, and tape transcription. 467-2801 * ^ f, f!,5i®nJ *yP*»t lor those compositions, re ports. etc.? CaH Denise at 435-7454. Will not type lengthy term papers with footnotes. ^ 1 Prompt Service - Great Rates All typing needs filled at Computer Type And Services 476-8973 -1630 Que Street Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 10 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. Resumes Professionally typeset or laser printed. $15 plus tax. Daily Nebraskan basement of the Nebraska Union Typing and Word Processing. Resumes-Papers Call All-Types. 477-0445. Word processing papers, reasonable prices. Call Mary Word Processing. Six cents/line. Excellent quality, last service. Types papers, resumes, theses, anythiogi 488 8208. I1U Announcements WAl^blS^^T CENTENNIAL ROOM- CITY CAMPUS ■i DON'T KNOW - I SUGGEST YOU BUY AS MANY BLUES ALBUMS AS YOU CAN.’ GAY,'LESBIAN SUPPORT GROUP forming at Southeast Community College. For Informa tion, Rodney 464-0371. Get Shakesperienced •Thursday. January 31 at the CentennialRoom at tlie Nebraska Union. Tickets $8 with UNL t&iJiO without By UPC Major Concerts. MONEY FOR COLLEGE $135,000,000 in private funding went unclaimed last yearl This year we ll help you claim your share. Call National Scholarship Services, 489 8102 or toll free 1 S00-USA-1221 oxl. 1435. NOTICE Dear Customers. This is in regard to our ad published in the Spring 1991 Issue of the Lincoln College Coupons. We regret to inform you that this ad was printed In error and did not reflect our recent price increase effective January 1. 1991. Please accept our apology for any inconvenience this may have caused and Thank You tor patronage. OUTDOOR ADVENTURES STAFF The Office of Campus Recreation is now accepting appli cations »or UNL students to work in Outdoor Adventures program and equipment rental. An Informational Meeting will be held January 3i. 7pm at the Campus Recreation Center. Send letter of application and resume to Jim Fullerton, Coordinator of Outdoor Recreation. Office of Campus Recreation, Room 55 CREC, Lincoln, NE 68586-0232 by February 6, 199 V _ Phi Beta Chi Spring Rush The newest sorority on campus. Monday. January 28. At 7 p.m. City Union Room posted _ _ POLLING SITES ASUN ELECTIONS 1991 STUDENT GOVERNMENT The Electoral Commission will meet Tues. Jan. 29-4 30 &m. at 115 Neoraska Union for input on polling site cations. All students interested in providing input are encouraged to attend. I THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON •ATTENTION* .at your opinion be heard. Fill out a survey on student Jnion services. This Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in the Union. ACT-UP NEBRASKA AIDS ACTION NOWI Activist group forming now. For ^formation, Rodney 464-0371. SILENCE-DEATH Any organization who has not been contacted yet about co-sponsoring the Yellow Ribbon Dance contact the RHA office at 2-1095. Ask for Jeff Gorder. Applications are new being accepted lor the CAP Advi sory Board. Get them in CAP-City, CAP-East, Culture Center, or from your SA. There are 5 positions available. Deadline is February 8 In the CAP-CHy office. Big 8 Conference on Blau* Student Government The Ultimate After Hours at Connections 8th 4 P featuring: S.T.E.W. Friday, February 8, 1991 Time: 9:30pm-4am Saturday, February 9, 1991 lime: I0pm~4am Cover $5. first 20 in tree both nights TWO LEVELS Level 1:18 and up- Jingle-um Baby Hype Level 2: 21 and up- Drinks will be served until 1am Career Workshops for the Week of January 28th. Tuesday 1/29: interviewing, 11:00am-noon, Nfc Union; Friday 2/1: job Hinting Strategies, 11am-noon, East Union. DANCE CONTEST every Tuesday, 930pm FOXY LADY, 1823-0- St. Don't torget to place a special Valentine's Day personal to your loved ones. Deadline is 2 p.m. Februa’y 13. AAA ENERGY Student Election Group Organizational Meeting Sunday 4 p.m. City Union J. Matt Wickleea 4M-27M FRIDAY- FEBRUARY 1ST ONE NIGHT ONLYI THE FABULOUS. HARDWORKING BLUES BROTHERS SHOWBAND & REVUE PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION Beginners or advanced. Lessons can include use of rental guitar at $8 per week. _Zeger Studio 489-2430, 423-2709. Scarlet and Cream Singers are now auditioning lor a Bass player for the current semester and 91-'92 school year. Contact Ray Miller, 472-2490. Study At Oxford Summer 1991 Applications are being accepted to study at Oxford Uni versity in England next summer (July 22-August 16). UNL students may earn 6 hours of economics credit at the 400 level. Plan to attend one of these information sessions: Mon day January 28, 3.90 and 490. Tuedsay, January 29, 11.90 and 1230. All meetings win be in the Nebraska Union. Rooms will be posted It you are unable to attend applications are available in CBA 241 or contact D'vee Buss CBA 242. 472-2310 for additional information. Application deadline is February 1, 1991 UNL Biology Club Meeting Tuesday, Jan. 29. 7pm, Room 118 Manter. Ail those interested in biology are welcome. EXTRA CASH NEW DONORS RECEIVE AN EXTRA $5 WITH THIS AD Safer, faster plasma donation at ABI due to automated procedure. (Bonuses subject to Change.) Monday - Saturday 2 hours free at any Park & Shop University Plasma Center Associated Bioscience, Inc 1442 "O" St. Lincoln 475-1358 BRING FRIENDS EARN EXTRA $$$ ($50$50 MONO Have you had mononucleosis within the last month? Ii so, your plasma could make a valuable contribution to research and earn you $50 at the same time. I For additional details, call | Lincoln Donor at 474-2335. UPC-Nebraska Mode! United Nations WE ROCK! February 27-March 2 REUNION 16th A W Stmu/On City Car 10% Discount With Student I.D. 5-8 p.m. Dining room only offer valid only at Reunion Tonight karaoke . INlfiht Over 600 songs You provide the voice We provide the rest. Showtime 9:00 p.m. Drink Specials Ciiesterftefefs 12th & Q Gunny Bid, 475-8007 campus notes by brian shellito i-^- 1 \ r-I /" 7HEKE A»E MOT OF < BlANVC FACES OUT WERE< TH\S MOREm&. J n \ 1 NMOMDtK VAOVsl MMW OF J ( TWtSt PfcOPLE. REAU-V < V^LMct- ^«OVT^TW^OK^y OKW VJE.TS WAWt K O-KSS DISCUSSION KBOUTT ^OOR FfcfcUNGS ON THE. NNKR .. GOOD K MOUUNTtER.. . 'TT5 I Am ^EAV\ \aJ\U_ \ \NE BE "TESTEP Oi 1 ims ? V-7 c-/ Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ACROSS 1 French fry 5 Stale 10 Tiff 14 Oven 15 Exudes 16 Stuff 17 Supreme 19 Hither 20 May birthstones 21 Cricket team 23 -strut (plane part) 24 Former NYC mayor 25 Stylish 28 Traces 31 River to the Mediterranean 32 Hollowed 33 Add 34 Logger s travois 35 Annoyed 36 Skirt type 37 What the dr ordered 38 Truckle, in a way 39 Ponerology topic 40 Set right, in a way 42 Discover 44 Lineage ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE f|a|c|u|l|aMf[a I R O N I CMA £ J_£ E S Tic G O nBBp AJS T iilMEi T ° T]a smTo MHtlf. N _ F I C T I V eMf I N LlTlN EMFjA £ £ aMaTsTp Ttc S E ££■■■££ T ■BBTa sIa to S H O S H O N T1 sentinel! a1r1s1e1n1a|t|eB 45 Mendacious one 46 Account 48 Union 52 Absolute property in feudal days 53 Claim or title to something 55 Ponder 56 Greek dialect 57 Rightful 58 City m S France 59 Intimidate 60 Collections DOWN 1 Ecclesiastical mantle 2 Mischief 3 Words of understanding 4 Mollusk 5 Tillie of comics 6 Musical form 7 Enamgs for idol and immortal 8 Decade 9 Highly regarded ; 10 Outline 11 Vitamin C for colds, e g 12 Swiss river 13 D C group 18 Capital of Maldives 12 Cry from a crow s-nest 14 Slant ?5 Bond Comb form More qualified 17 Incline J8 Swept, as with the eyes 29 Invigorating 30 Pole or bird 32 Fawn 35 Fearless 36 Versemakers 38 Link closely 41 Piano exercises 42 Candid 43 Merit 45 Quarter preceder 46 Hindu deity 47 Jewish month 48 Computer list 49 Yorkshire river 50 Style, taste Fr 51 Chemical endings 54 Kiwi