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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1991)
Classified 472-2588 $500 TO $2000 PER MONTH, PART-TIME International help and fitness company expanding into this area Need 5 serious individuals part-time or full time. 466 9102. __ Advertising sales representative wanted at the VOICE News. Excellent opportunity for energetic, self-rroti vated. hard-working individual. Service existing ac counts as well as establish new accounts in Lincoln, and surrounding communities. Sales experience or journal ism background preferred. Send resume: VOICE. 118 Locust, Mick man, NE 68372. _ Clerical assistant Pan-time person needed to perform miscellaneous cleri cal tasks. Approximately 20 hours/week. Apply at Tech nical Management, Inc., 421 S. 9th St. Suite 222.9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Equal Opportunity Employter **FREE DRY SPECIAL,** January 15-30 Wash your clothes with us and you don’t have to pay for the drying! 31th and Cornhusker HELP!! Evening ticket sales. Monday-Friday, 5-9, Saturday 9-1. Average StQihr. Casual atmosphere. Start tonight, 466 1397. JOB HUNTING? Visit the UNL Student Job Boardsl _236 NE Union. Lincoln's Hottest Production Company Hollywood Pops is looking for make-up artists. Top pay. For information call 474-2556 or 477-0252. Manager trainee. S11 to start. No experience necessary. 420-1201. Nannies Immediate full-time placements in New York, Florida, Pennsylvania and Washington D.C. area. Area repre sentative will be in Lincoln on Friday, February 1. Call 313-827-3044. Mom and Tot Nanny Agency and Nanny Network Inc. Need Extra Money? McDonald’s is now hiring. Flexible hours, competitive pay, benefits, and advancement opportunities. Call475 5238.__ __ NOW HIRING! "New Subscriber Scholarship’' Liaison. Self-determined, flexible hours for enjoyable on-campus work. Perfect for an energetic, positive, self-motivated person! S10/hour. Call National Scholarship Services. 489-8102. ___ Part-time Food Production and Counter Help needed mornings and afternoons Monday-Friday. Apply in per son Fusilli’s Lincoln Square Food Court 13th and O. Paste-up Artist Junior and senior art students, part-time paste up/dark room position, flexible hours. Apply at Impressions Ink, 226 S. 16th._ ___ _ Profs, Grads, Students VMC-Alcas has immediate openings in all areas. People skills a plus. AAFP scholarships/mtemships. Interview needed. Call 467-2672. __ Recreation major or recreation minded individual to supervise activities in City Center, part time. Call Karla, 471- 7951. Sears Part-time help, automotive department tire installers. Variety of hours. Apply Sears Gateway Personnel. Mon day 10-7, Tuesday-Friday 10-4. Equal Opportunity Employer. Shipping Clerk needed, 15-20 hours/week. Call or write for application. 423-1623 or P.O. Box 67001, Lincoln 66506 _ Twisters Music Now accepting applications, all three locations Apply in person. _ UNL Nebraska Center for Continuing Education needs motivated individuals to provide housekeeping services for our guest rooms. Duties include making beds, chang ing linens, and cleaning bathrooms and carpets. Some lifiting required. Temporary pos; .ons available for week days and weekends for February, March, and April Must be service oriented. Apply by calling Barbara Shappell 472- 3435 weekdays 8am-5pm. UNL is an Affirmative Actiorv/Equa! Opportunity Employer. Runza Restaurant 13th and E Positions available t or pan time help. Jo'^ciurwinnina team and receive: $4.60 per hour lor lunch hour help, halt price meals, flexible scheduling and great working envi ronment. Stop by and apply 1_______ Warehouse and local delivery persons. Part-time, flex ible schedule, piefer some morning availability. Apply Lincoln Lumber Company, 922 N. 23rd. 162 Work Study Jobs WANTED: Art Museum Security Guard Great Plains Art Collection. Ten hours per week, after noons, plus some weekend work required. Must be work a, reliable. See; Jon Nelson, 206 Love Library, 472 164 Summer Jobs_ Counselors/Summer Childrens Camps/Northeast-top salary Room/board/laundry, travel allowance. Must have skill in one of the following activities: Archery, Crafts, Baseball. Basketball, Bicycling. Dance. Drama. Drums, Fencing, Football, Golf, Guitar, Gymnastics. Hockey, Horseback-English, Juggling. Karate^ La crosse, Nature, Photography, Piano, Rocketry, Roller blading. Ropes, Sailboarding, Sailing. Scuba. Soccer, Track, Watarski, Weights. Wood. Men call or write: Camp Winadu 5 Glen Lane, Mamaroneck. N.Y. 10543 (914) 381-5983. Women call or write: Camp Vega, P.O. Box 1771. Duxbury. MA 02332 (617) 934-6536. Drop by tor informal interview: Monday, Jan. 28, NE Union Resource Lforary, Room 225, between 1 lam-5pm. COLORADO SUMMER JOBS Anderson Camps in the Rockies near Vail, seeks caring, enthusiastic, dedicated, patient individuals who enjoy working with children in an outdoor setting. Counselors. Cooks. Wranglers, Riding Instructors. Nurses will be interviewed on February 4th and 5th. Sign up, get appli cation at 236 NE Union. Questions? Call us at 303-524 7766. SUMMER CAMP OPPORTUNITIES Nebraska's most beautiful camp, YMCA Camp Kitaki, located on the Platte River, is seeking applications for the following positions Boys Counselors, Girls' Counselors, Lifeguards. Lakefront Directors, Wranglers, Craft Instruc tors Nature Director, Target Range. Steward, Assistant Cook, Maintenance, and Health Specialists. Must be available late May through mid August. Call or write Camp Office, 1039 P St., Lincoln, Nt 68508. 402-475 9622. Swimming Jobs (WSI)-Summer Childrens Camps-North east-Men and Women who can teach children to swim, swim team, beautiful pool and lakes in the Northeast Good Salary, Room and Board, Travel expense. Men call or write: Camp Wmadu, 5 Glen Lane, Mamaroneck, N Y. 10543 (914) 381-5983. Women call or write: Camp Vega P.O. box 1771. Duxbury. MA 02332 (617) 934 6536. Drop by for informal interview: Monday, Jan. 2e, NE Union Resource Library, Room 225, between 11 am 5pm. _ Tennis Jobs-Summer Childrens Camps-Northeast-Men and women who a n teach children in the northeast. Good salary . Room and board. Travel expense. Women call or write: Camp Vega, P.O. Box 1771, Duxbury, MA 02332 (617) 934-6536. Men call or write: Camp Winadu, 5 Glen Lane. Mamaroneck, N.Y. 10543 (914) 381-5983. Drop by for informal interview: Monday, Jan. 28, NE Union Resource Lbrary, Room 225, between 11am 5pm. EXTRA CASH NEW DONORS RECEIVE AN EXTRA $5 WITH THIS AD Safer, faster plasma donation at ABI due to automated procedure. (Bonuses subject to Change.) Monday - Saturday 2 hours free at any Park & Shop University Plasma Center Associated Bioscience, Inc 1442 "O" St. Lincoln 475-1358 BRING FRIENDS EARN EXTRA $$$ {Thing ] Thurs-Fri-Sat | Jan.24,25,26 22 Adoption Adopt: Happily married profeetlonab with to adopt newborn. wb give love and secunty. Expenses paid/ Legal. Phylb and Ha! 914-223-3247 colecr __ PREGNANT AND WONOEMMG WHAT TO DOT Explore the protection and benefits of adoption which are only provided by a licensed agency. No toe for our confidential services Contact: Nebraska Children's Home Society 4600 Valley Road 483-7879. 23 Alterations & Sewinu Akerations ft Designs-Proteesional alterations of ail Kindt including ooot zipper replacement. 710 "P* Street 436-2101. 24 Apartment Finders •APARTMENT FINDERS* FWOS APARTMENTS 435-6656 Joseph E. Keen Company 474-1666 27 Bicycle Service BIKE PEDAIERS t33H ft B) Sale*, Service al make*. Tune- ups 817.05. New and used bfcs satos/rentai*. 474 TWO.___ iJotmtowu Bk* Stap-Juat sir blocks from carrpu* New and wed b*ec. Expert repair* tor afi makes 427 South 138). 430-232*. 32 Cleaning/Laundry Come to Apple Street when you're fed up with wimpy wether* and drippy dryer*. Wo make laundry last and aasyl AppleStreet Laundry 33rd and Apple open 7am 10pm. 35 Gift Ideas Money Clips available at Cliff's Smoke Shop 140 N. 12th Street. 4764118. 38 Insurance For all your Insurance neodt: Jim WaJace 474-5077. Mke Wilson 466-2411. or Ruts Hansen 476-7578 American Family Insurance: Auto. Health. Home, and Lie. 44 Legal Services OWI? JOHN C. VANDERSLICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. REPRESENTING CRIMINAL DEFENDANTS. 474 1718. 60 Misc. Services __ Dyed to match wedding, parly shoes. Barker's Down town, 1211 O St__ ____ TYPEWRITERS WORD PROCESSORS Rentals Sales Service Rent-To-Own 1901 OsrfeM BLOOM'S 474-4136 61 Music Exchange BACKTRACK RECORDS 3833 S. 48th 489-3817 Buy irvtj'Sellmg records, tape*, compact discs. Great poster 62 Pregnancy PREGNANT? HRTHRKSHT is a confidential helping hand. JFree^segnancy teat, please cal us for appoint 80 Typing & Resumes Laser desktop publishing and word processing; ful-serv ce business and academic. Editing, writing, and tape transcription. 487-2801 Prompt Service - Great Rates Al typing needs tilled at Computer Type And Services 476-8973 -1630 Qua Street Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 10 years #m>enenc8 proven retuks. 464-0776. Resumes Prahmt tonoUytypout or laser printed $1S pita tax. Daiiy Nebraskan basemem of the Nebraska Union Word processing papers, reasonable prices. Call Mary Word Processing. Six oems/ftne. Excellent quality, fast service. Types papers, resumes, theses, anything! 468 170 Roommates__ Female roommate to share spacious 2 oedroom+loft apartment close to boih campuses. $150*1/4 utilities. 474-1956, leave message. Male non-smoking roommate needed tor 4 bedroom house. Between campuses. $138/month + 1/4 utilities. Deposit required. Call 435-0673. Need a tamale non-smoker to share a two bedroom apartment dose to campus. 477-9992, leave message. Non-smoking roommate needed. $l40/month+1/3 utili ties. 11/2 miles fromcampus. Call Mark. Soott 435-1421; 472-2220 _ Responsible non-smoking female to share 2-bedroom apartment near 48th and O. $165/month plus 1/2 utilities. Call Dan, 489 8503 after 5 p.m. or leave message Roommate wantedl Male. $174.50 * utilities, 42nd & Holdrege, near Fast Campus. Available Feb. 1. Contact 464-4157. Liu. 175 Rooms For Rent Very large room. Use of washer/dryer. $115/month plus low utilities. Call 475-0028 180 Houses For Rent 5 Bedroom. 3 baths available immediately. 2304 U Street $650/month. 475-1579 or 488-0061. Close to UNL at 1501 N. 13th. 3 Bedroom, washer/dryor, dishwasher, $455/month. 423-1535. 185 Duplexes For Rent 614,615 New Hanpshne. 2 Bedroom. 7 Bedroom. 3 Bates Close to UNL. No pets. 423-0369. Near UNL nice 3 bedroom duplex 545 N. 25th. S45C * utilities Call Brian 477 7406. 423-1371 Two bedroom duplex, 1531 S. 24th, $375/month, large garage, no pets. 421-2058 Available now 190 Apartments For Rent SI SO & Up. Downtown furnished efficiencies and one bedrooms. Two bedroom duplex in Bethanv area, 477 3648._ ’Arapahoe Village, 1200 Arahapahoe St. 1 bedroom. $31(3month. 423-5729 or 475-0134. ’2101 D St 1 bedroom. $285/month. 423-5729 or 475 0134. ’ 1209 F St. 1 bedroom. $245/month. 423-5729 or 475 0134. ’French Quarter, 4645 Dudley. 1 bedroom. $30(3 month. 464-4751 or 475-0134. ’Willow Wood. 1215 Arapahoe Si. 2 bedroom. $345/ month. 423-5729or 475-0134 Midcontinent Properties Inc. 475-0134 020 C Street. $210. Small one bedroom. Nice clean off street parking. Call Kim. 477-0491. 1979 Sotfh Street. 4 bedroom, redecorated, new kitchen and bath. Electricity and water paid $500. 421 2416. 2741 P St. Large 2 bedroom, all appliances, microwave, ceramic lub/shower. large closets, storage lockers, laundry, cable, no pets. $380 plus electricity. 477-0043 489 4973 640 S. 20th 1 bedroom $309. 2 bedroom $370, furniture exira 475 7262. Close to East Campus One bedrooms in a great complex Private patios and ceiling Ians $295-335 with heat paid Cherry Hill Man agement 489-3387. E Campus like new one bedroom basement furnished, utilities paid Quiet non smoker, $285. 467 3979 eve nings. '—; 'oihu iwu uogroom, nreplace, an appliances, laundry $360 per month. 4220 Huntington, available February 1, Call 423-0902. Furnjhed nice one bedroom apartment close to univer Si1? •'•c*r«rty. deposit 2005 R Street. 464 5170. 466 9085 1,1 and Ad*™ 3 bedroom, 2 baths, 5546 2bedroom $390 $425 515 W. Saunders. 2 bedroom $385 Security building, balcony, mini-blinds, microwave, no pets 483-6057. <83 1130 Walk to Campus Come see these one and brand now 2 bedrooms in this quiet and well-kept complex $295 and $425. Cherry Hill Management. 489-3387 Walk to campus Large one bedroom, all appliances, balcony, parking, laundry, no pets. 2203 Vine $299, 476 3403 Century Realty Property Management Willowhaven 1800 Knox 476-6200 ’SUPER CLEAN 2 Bedrooms 2 bedroom 2 ba’h. contemporary colors •FIREPLACES, low utilities . ... Close to downtown and campus Joseph E. Kean Company 474-1866 WORSHIP SERVICES Messianic Judiasm is a biblically-based, world-wide move ment of Jewish people who have come to believe in Yeshua (Jesus) of Nazareth as the promised Messiah of Israel. We welcome everyone (Jew and Gentile) who is interested in learning more about our Jewish Messiah to join us in worship, praise and fellowship at our Friday evening Messianic Sabbath Service, 7:30 p.m., YWCA Georgian Room, 1432 'N' Street. For further information, call 489-7491 Experience wholesome, ancient, and authentic Christian worship. Traditional Services. St. Tikhon Russian Orthodox Church 1319 So. 11th St., 476-2676 Daily 6 PM, Sunday Liturgy 10:00 AM CORNERSTONE UMHE 640 North 16th Street Sun. Worship 10:30 AM St. Mark's On The Campus (Episcopal) 1309 R' Street Sun. 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 5:00 PM UNIVERSITY LUTHERN CHAPEL 1510 'Q' Street (Comer of 16th & Q Streets) Sunday Worship: 9 & 11 AM Spiritual Growth Opportunities are offered at various times during the week First Presbyterian Church 17th and F Sunday Worship 8:45, 11:00 Sunday School 9:45 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES FIRST C HI RCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST CHURCH & SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:30 AM WEDNESDAY EVENING- 7:3()I>M 1900 D.476-3680 Reading Room 1640 L Suite H.477-5656 Reading Room Hours Ml- 10:00-4:00 SECOND CHIRCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST CHURCH & SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 AM WEDNESDAY HVENING-7:30 PM 84th & A Si. 488-1255 Reading Room I vast Park Pla/.a.464-2774 Reading Room Hours Mall Hours Please contact Tracy at the Daily Nebraskan at 472*2589 to be included on the Worship Services listing. HUNGRY? When was the Iasi time you went away feeling well fed on the Word of the Lord? Do you crave more than a nibble on a short, thought provoking devotional? If what you are craving is a full meal of solid teaching from the Word of God, join us at Indian Hills Com munity Church for systematic Bible study with pastor-teacher Gil Rugh. Learn what Cnxl has to say about the Christian life as you study each verse, each chapter,each book of the Bible in detail. ARE YOU HUNGRY NOW? You're welcome to join us when you're craving "more than a nibble". Indian Hills COMMUNITY CHURCH 1000 South 84th Street Lincoln. ME 68510 Sundays- 9:30 am, 6:00 pm College Class- 11:15 am Fellowship meal at noon