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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1991)
35 Gift Ideas_ Visit Clift's for a variety of wedding and usher gift Ideas 140 N. 12th Street. 37 Health & Fitness THE SPRING BREAK BODY BEGIN CONSTRUCTING YOURS WITH A PERSONAL IZED WEIGHT TRAINING SESSION. CALL BODY BY DESIGN 476-6583. 38 Insurance For all your insurance needs: Jim Wallace 474-5077, Mike Wilson 466-2411, or Russ Hansen 476-7578 American Family Insurance: Auto, Health, Home, and Life. 60 Misc. Services TYPEWRITERS WORD PROCESSORS Rentals Sales Service Rent-To-Own 1001 Garfield BLOOM’S 474-4136 62 Pregnancy FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Confidential counseling available. Call for an appointment. LINCOLN CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER 941 O Street. Suite B-1 _ 475-2501 _ nnc^utuT<) morunaouT t- - __ hand. ^Free^pregnancy test, please call us for appoim 78 Tutoring Wanted: Tutor for Computer Science 237. Transfer stu dent needs he0 testing out of class. WHI pay going rale. Call 423-0251 after 2pm. 80 Typinu & Resumes Laser desktop publishing and word processing; fuU-serv ice business and academic. Editing, writing, and tape transcription. 467-2001 Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 10 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. Resumes Professionally typeset or laser printed. 015 plus tax. Daily Nebraskan basement of the Nebraska Union Typing and Word Processing. Resumes-Papers. Call All-Types, 477-0445. Wo^rd^processing papers, reasonable prices. Call Mary Word Processing. Six cents/line. Excellent quality, fast service. Types papers, resumes, theses, anyihingl 466 8200. 110 Announcements Study At Oxford Summer 1991 Applications are being accepted to study at Oxford Uni versity In England next summer jJuly 22-August 16). UNL students may earn 6 hours of economics credit at the 400 level. Plan to attend one of these information sessions: Wednesday. January 23.10:30,11:30, and 12:30. Mon day January 28, 330 and 430. Tuedsay, January 20. 1130 and 1230. AD meetings wiN be in the Nobraska Union. Rooms will be posted. If you are unable to attend applications are available In CBA 241 or contact D'vee Buss CBA 242, 472-2310 for additional information. Application deadline Is February 1. 1001. SUNDAY NEWSPAPERS DENVER POST, CHICAGO TRIBUNE, NEW YORK TIMES. KANSAS CITY STAR. DES MOINES REGIS TER. Klein’s IGA, 11th 6 F. Sundays after 8am. the-ol-o-gy for lunch Spring iwi series •Theelogiee el Wer A Rseee’’ Thursday. Jan. 24 Dr. Louis DaOrazia- Prof, of Religion. Nebraska Wesleyan Brawn Sag Nebraska Union 11 aOLunch Fellowship 1205 Program with discussion following ALL WELCOME TUTORS The Student Information Center is compiling a list of tutors for student use. Anyone wishing to be on the list either to tutor or in need of a tutor, fill out an application at the ASUN Student Information Center. 116 Nebraska Union. $5,000 SCHOLARSHIP AVAILABLE! fordeujla*48$8i02^*11 NlU'0n*1 Scho(*,*h® Services Attention Freshmen: Innocents Society scholarship applications are avalabl# at the Culture Center CAP City and CAP Eatt Due February 27. •eel Fundraieer On Campus! Is your fraternity sorority or club interested In earning MuO to *1,000 (or a one week, on-campus marketing profoa? Cal Lena at 600-992-2121, out, it 5. COMMUTERS Are you tired of riding alone? Find someone to share the dde. Stop in the Student Information Center, Room 118 • Nebraska Union for more information. DANCE CONTEST every Tuesday. 9:30pm FOXY LADY, 1823-0-St. DECA Important meeting, Thursday, 6:30 p.m. All members please meet in the union. Finance Club Meeting January 24 ai 6:30 In the Union. New members welcome. GAY/LESB.AN/BISEXUAL STUDENT ASSOCIATION ™®tings every Thursday at 8:00pm in Room 342 NE Union. All supportive persons welcome. Honors Program Students The high school overnight will bo January 31-February 1. We need you to host a high school honors studentl Information meeting: _Thursday January 24, 7.00pm, Union. International Films Presents: Queen of Hearts Showing Sunday, January 27th at the Sheldon. Students with I.D.-S3.00 A non-students-$4.50. Times are 3,5,7, A 9pm. MALAYSIANS! General meeting Saturday (1/26) at 3:00 p.m. Agenda: Constitution and Malaysian Night. Constitution available ai NUMSA office. Rm. 331, Nebraska Union. 12 p.m. fo 5 p.m. Marketing Club Meeting tonight 7pm in Student Union, room to be an nounced. No executives meetingl MORTAR BOARD APPLICATIONS NOW BEING ACCEPTED for this na tional honor society. They are available at CAP-City, CAP Easi, 124 Administration and the Culture Center. All juniors are encouraged to apply. Deadline January 25th. Nude Jell-0 Wrestling Now I have your attention.. .Student Foundation Monthly Meeting today at 5:00pm in Union. Orchesis UNL Student Dance Group meeting Thursday, 8:30pm 304 Mabel Lee Hall. Everyone Weiccmel POLLING SITES ASUN ELECTIONS 1091 STUDENT GOVERNMENT The Electoral Commission will meet Tues. Jan. 29-4:30 3 m. at 115 Nebraska Union for input on polling site ©cations. All students interested in providing Input are encouraged to attend. PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION beginners or advanced. Lessons can include use of ental guitar at $£ per week. _ Zager Studio 489-2430, 423-2709. tesums Writing Workshop- TOOAYI 3:00-4OOpm. East Union ROOMMATES NEEDED f you are looking for a roommate, or a new place to Nve nop in the Sudent Information Center and check our files. Ne also have a list of off-campus housing available. Spring 1991 FOOD FOR THOUGHT IF NOT BY BREAD ALONE... THEN WHAT?" Beyond basics, what is needful for a fully human life? I. Friday, January 25 DR. KAREN E. CRAIG Dean, College of Home Economics Prof, Consumer Science & Education Brown Bag East Campus Union 11:30 AM Lunch Fellowship 12:05 PM Program presentation and discussion ALL WELCOME' Student Alumni Association New member drivel Applications available at City and East CAP offices and Wick Center. Information sessions, Jan. 23 at 4:30 at Wick and Jan. 2<4 at 7:00 at Abel North lounge. Applications due Jan. 30. STUDENTS FOR CHOICE Meeting Thursday, January 24, 7:30 p.m. Student Union. Room posted. IT FEELS SO GOOD ... Gold's offers over 100 Aerobic classes a month on our all new state-of -the-art wood suspension floor... feel the difference! The Finest and Most Proven Exercise Equipment; including Eagle, Cybex, Polaris, & Total Gym; and the Best Trainers in the Busi ness. Exclusive Weight Management Program Don't spend the best years of your life thinking about getting in shape CALL OR STOP BY TODAY!! LINCOLN . . . r:: :j : rtonday-Friday: 5:30 am-10 pm/Saturday: 8 am-6 pm/Sunday: 10 arn-6 pm ■ 1_IBBI