The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 23, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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    Official: Job outlook good
oy uiumic oeciroey
Staff Reporter
Job opportunities in the Midwest
remain healthy even though employ
ment options in other areas of the
United States have declined, a UNL
official said.
Larry Roulh, director of the Ca
reer Planning and Placement Center
at the University of Nebraska-Lin
coln, said former “boom areas” of
employment, such as the East Coast,
have experienced employment drops.
But, he said, the agricultural industry
is doing well and provides a solid
base for new graduates.
“The Midwest remains one of the
healthier locations in the country for
employment opportunities and
growth,” Routh said. “A lot of gradu
ates will take a serious look at the
Midwest when looking for a job.”
Some geographic regions have a
lower entry-level salary rate than
others, but the Midwest continues to
have competitive salaries, he said.
“Across the board, starting sala
ries (for fall and spring semesters)
will be up by a few percentage points,
but this varies tremendously,” Routh
The best entry-level salaries are in
technical areas such as engineering
and geology, he said. Higher salaries
can be found wherever supply falls
short of demand, he said.
Hiring trends vary, Routh said.
This year, environmental waste man
agement is “a hot area” because more
people are concerned about ecology
and environmental pollution. But, he
said, some firms, such as defense
contractors, arc cutting back on hir
ing new employees.
“In general, some employers are
taking a cautious attitude because of
the economy,” Routh said.
L. Patrick Scheetz, assistant direc
tor of Michigan State University’s
Career Development and Placement
Services and co-author of “Recruit
ing Trends 1989-90,” said last year’s
job market showed a decrease and
this year the cutbacks are continuing.
In 1988-89, Scheetz estimated,
U.S. employers hired 83,623 college
graduates, 13.3 percent fewer than in
1987-88. And he said he is not opti
mistic that this year’s market will be
“The job market will be just as
competitive, if not more,” Scheetz
Routh said that reflecting the econ
omy and the job market, the number
of firms and companies coming to
interview students at UNL has lev
eled off this year.
Continued from Page 1
for elected officials, elimination of
certain improvements, and the reduc
tion and privatization of services,
Lamphcar said.
He observed that:
• Growing communities would be
hit harder by the 2 percent lid than
declining communities.
• Declining communities would
experience the closing of commu
nity-owned hospitals and nursing-care
• Governments would be penal
ized for past practices of efficiency.
• The law could increase local
property taxes to offset reductions in
state aid to local governments.
Wallace Peterson, an economics
professor at UNL, agreed with Lam
phear’s assessment of the disastrous
consequences of the lid.
“Devastating is not too strong a
word for describing it,” Peterson said
in an article called “A ‘Do-It-Your
self-Kit’ For Measuring The Effects
Of The ‘Lid’.”
Peterson said Monday that he
developed the kit, which gives a step
by-step formula for 2 percent lid
projections, because he is concerned
about the lid’s impact.
Although it is impossible to pre
dict the future, Peterson said, appli
cations to past budget figures show
that the effect of the lid would be
Continued from Page 1
tion because university administra
tors proved to the Nebraska Legisla
ture that minorities were underrepre
sented at the university, he said.
Some of the statistics, Griesen said,
showed that UNL minority enroll
ment was about 5 percent lower than
the kindergarten through 12th grade
minority enrollment at Nebraska public
and private schools.
The campus climate also has played
a part in the increasing minority en
rollment, Griesen said.
“Students are attracted to positive
opportunities,’' he said. “It’s unreal
istic to lake students into the univer
sity if we’re not going to give them
some special help if we know they get
One thing students look for is how
committed the school is to helping
them pay for college and adjust to
college life, Gricscn said.
The increased aticntion placed on
attracting more minorities to UNL
was intended to help both minority
and non-minority students, he said.
“The majority students, just like
the minority stu mis, need to learn to
work in a multicultural world,” Grie
sen said.
Students need to know how to work
with minorities on the job, in local
government and in the community,
he said.
“Employers who come here are
very anxious to get students who are
more worldly and have the kind of
experiences and background that would
indicate that they can work together
in sellings of diverse peoples,” Grie
sen said.
In the next five to 10 years, Grie
sen said, his goal is to double minor
ity enrollment figures. UNL will work
to increase the number of minority
programs to accomplish that goal, he
jin brief,,,
I Voters can register at three locations
I Voters can register for the Nov.
6th general election at three loca
tions in Lincoln.
Voters who have changed their
name or address must re-register at
dte election commissioner’s office,
555 S. 9th St.
Office hours will be today
through Thursday from 8 a.m. to
5:30p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to
6 p.m.
Registration will be at the Cen
trum, 1111 O St., today and Thurs
day from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
and Friday from 11 a.m. to 1:30
Registration will be at the East
Park Pla/.a, 220 N. 66th St.,Thurs
day from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. and
Friday from noon to 6 p.m.
I Professor to give ecology speech
i David Pimenlal, a prolessor ol
insect ecology . and agricultural
scienccsatCornell University, will
speak at 4 p.m. today.
Pimcntal will discuss “Ecology
and Sustainable Agriculture" in
Room B101 ol the Animal Science
Building on East Campus.
I Channel 5 to televise ASUN meeting
The Alternative Candidate Re
source Association will televise the
Oct. 17 meeting of the Association
of Students of the University ol
Nebraska at 2 p.m. Thursday on
Channel 5, the educational access
At last week's meeting, an
amendment to create a standing
cultural diversity committee was
voted down.
I Spending lid forum to be in library
I A lorum on the proposal z per
cent spending lid will be at 7 p.m.
today in the Love Library Audito
The lid amendment, which will
go before Nebraska voters Nov. 6,
would limit spending increases for
state and local governments to 2
Panel members will be Lincoln
Mayor Bill Harris, Randy Moody,
a lobbyist for the Nebraska Educa
tion Association, Sens. LaVon
Crosby of Lincoln and Tim Hall of
Omaha, and Robert Miewald, a
UNL professor of political science.
I Poet to give reading in Andrews
I Poet Gerald Stem will read his
poetry in the English department
library, 228 Andrews, at 7:30 p.m.
Stem, author of “Lucky Life,"
“The Red Coal” and “Lovesick,”
has won ihe MclvilleCaine Award,
ihe Lam on t Poetry Prize and the
Interested in an
International |
Assignment? f
Mcnnonile Central Committee, the social concerns
organization for North American Mennonite and Brethren in
Christ Churches, seeks committed Christian Volunteers.
Needed: health workers, agriculturists, teachers,
community services workers and others.
Meet MCC representative Dana Neff at Ag Carreers Day,
October 23, 9:30-3:30 in the East Campus Union or
call 438-1300 for an appointment.
24-Hour Open Hour Line
Call 473/7431 £na igjBSOTniyersi^ Heajth Center
Student Advi-jwp^Board heaTySurWnni ents, con
cerns or comf^kitsabout your care a\id service at the
University Health CehfSIT ^ \
nAll calls will be kept confidential.
UNL is a non-discriminatory institution. n