The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 23, 1990, Page 12, Image 12

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    Classified 472-2588
^ 1901 A
Wholesale Prices
A Guaranteed Best Prices ^
Custom Design A
▼ Financing Available
^ Shop and compare ^
♦ but see us last. ▲
JANUARY M2 • 5, 6 Ofl 7 NIGHTS
JANUARY 2-9 • 5, 6 Ofl 7 NIGHTS ^HJ
JANUARY 2-12 • S, 6 Ofl 7 NIGHTS
UPC American Films and Talks and Topics
Cry Freedom
Sheldon Film Theater
Wed. Oct. 24 at 9:00pm
Tickets. $2 students, $3 Non.
Part ol Apartheid Awareness Week
UPO Meeting
Tuesday, October 23 3:30 and 6:30pm. Burnett 120
Sign up for sweat shirts I
120 GreeiTAffairs
Congratulations to Diana’R ’ and Alyssa W on your
Disney World internships I
love, the A Phi's
Congratulations to the SigEp Co-Rec Flag Football team
on winning the A-team tournament. Good luck in New
The Brothers of Sigma Nu
P S We look forward to playing you in Mens
Congratulations to the Sigma Nu Co-Rec Flag Football
team on receiving runner-up (2nd place) in the A team
tournament. We didn't get New Orleans, but your efforts
were awesome.
The Brothers ot Sigma Nu
Congratulations to Chr« "Greedy" Reade. King Pin
Brother of the Week "You are second to none. Greedy
What the hell would we do wiihout you7l"
The Brothers of Sigma Nu
Congratulations on winning Mud Tug1 Claassen,
Dolmsky, Atchity, Hostrieder, Brinker. Dalbuy. Fain, Wil
hams, Thompson, and Swenk' Way to gol
Love, Your Gamma Phi Sisters
Gamma Phi Co-Rec Football Team:
Thank you tor a most victorious season You girls are the
best on campus. Get ready to drink on Bourbon Streei
and play at the Sugar Bowl
Sig Eps
If you dont want to got reemed and you don t want to get
slamned. find a good date to:
Phi Mu, SAE, DG, Delta Tau Delta
Sigma Chi's ft Sammy s.
Thanks tor a great Homecoming week Our banner was
the best
The Women of Gamma Phi Beta
Sigma Nu III' Sis Meeting
8 30 old, 9:00 new
Wednesday at the house
The Kappa's would tike to congratulate Peg H„ Leah S„
Bmoke R , Kelly Z , and Michele Me. on making Golden
Key National Honor Society. We are to proud of youl
Love, the Kappa a
The men o> Beta Sigma Pal would like lo thank the ladies
of Phi MU for hewing us make Touchdown 90 a success
Congratulations and Thank you to all the teams who
particpated Special congratulations toATO'B'teamfor
1st place, and to SAE for runner-up
%ock.n <Ko((
'fiou tique
Be the life of the party
Come see our
Wristbands -Bootstraps
•Handcuffs and Much more
2017 ’O' Street
"...brought the crowd to its feet
with his guitar work and
exuberant showboating."
-Rolling Stone
Tues., Oct. 23, 9-1, $3
THE ZOO BAR, 136 No 14th St
I OFFER GOOD October 1990
r — -— — ;.r.!■:■!■!
5 numero unc
? Bring in this coupon
g for a FREE regular wash
^ f | We havo big screen
^ \^J TV, drop off laundry,
pool tables, videos,
O JWB dry cleaning, snack
^ bar, small screen TVs
J l’c»
^g * Sonic l<c» trillion* A|*|»ly.
*N. 27TH & STARR 2TST& .1
To the bouncers of Phi Mu:
Through rain and shine, you were great to bounce withl
Thanks, The Men of Sigma Alpha Mu
130 Student Government
Senate positions open for the following colleges:
Division of Continuing Studies
Committee positions open for:
Publications Board
Government Liaison Committee
Parking Appeals Committee
Parking Advisory Committee
Nebraska Union Board
Additional information and applications available at
ASUN office • 115 Nebraska Union
Deadline - 4:00 p.m. Oct. 24
135 Meeting Others
PEN PALS WANTED: all races, single, physical-fitness
conscious, adventurous, romantic. Photo. Antonio Torre
atoa, Box 2210, Maracay, Aragua. Venezuela.
140 Personals
Happy 22nd Birthday, (Good luck on your test.)
To the Oligarchy,
only in your perverted little prepubescent minds.
Love. The Boredom Brigade
Abel 320 Arachniphobe
How about a date9
Spider man in 301
We met at a considerably large (unction on Friday night
and talked briefly, but in came the Boys in Blue and I
couldn't find you I would really iike to meet and talk to
you again. Please respond via the personals.
Rob (The Beverage Tender)
Knight in Shining Blue
Well dance and drink at the Halloween Ball,
We II scare and dare until we near the call.
The pumpkins will spin,
the lights will dim,
and if will be hard to miss,
that we'll be In a deep kiss
Royal Lady True
Don't eat anything that s in the refrigerator. Consider
this a friendly warning
Your roommate.
Dear Helene.
Curious as to how your 3 rendezvous encounters
went Also how can I be included in your collection ot
The Onlooker at Pears
Stop looking! My name * Kim and I am very outgoing,
sensitive and fun to be with. Give me a ring! 474-7649
Looking (Kim)
Christie (down South!),
Happy Halloweenl Don! eat anything I wouldn't
eat and keep those cards and letters coming!
the guy witn no ma/or
To an Original Cookie.
You're the class ot Spanish Happy 1st personal
145 Lost & Found
l ost Blue bag with cassette recorder near Union foun
tain 10< 16 Please call Bill 477-6338
Lost Ladies gold watch between Lyman and Hamilton
Hail. Friday Oct 19 It tound. call evenings 436-0797
14X Wanted
Backtrack Records
3833 S. 48th
Lincoln s vintage record shop Buying Selling records,
tapes, compact discs. Great poster selection. 10% stu
dent discount
150 Child Care Needed
NANNY OPPORTUNITIES $150-S400^ik "Live in
child care positions with families on East Coast Arlene
Streisand. 1-800-443-6428 MINIMUM ONE YEAR.
160 Help Wauled
‘Hiring Now*
TMI Corp . ranked in the 'Top 10" by the telemarketing
industry's trade magazine tor the past 7 years « now
hiring S6 SO/hour guaranteed Realistic earning poten
tial to SKVhour. Flexible scheduling—you set your own
hou« around your classes• Day and evening hours
available Paid, professional training Convenient loca
tion 2 blocks from campus Contests, prizes, fun, friendly
faces Cell today tor apersonal interview 476 7625 Ask
for Dianne Irwin (EOE)
Are you lookino lor a job that s close to campus and has
great daytime hours' N you can work Irom 6:00am to
Itoopm Jan Drakes * Garden Cafe might have a job
for YOU! Apply immediately at 131 S. 13th between
8:30 11:30 or 100-400
Dietary Aide
Evening hours. $4 95 hourly Vacation and holidays
Salary review after 6 months Apply at Lancaster Manor
1001 South St., Lincoln, NE 68502
_ __FOE/AA
There will be a meeting tor students interested in being
intramural basketball officials on Tuesday. 10/23 at
5:00pm in the Campus Recreation Center Starting
wage- 34.50/hour No previous experience is necessary
but is helpful 472 3467
There will be a meeting tor students interested in being
Intramural volleyball officials on Tuesday. 10/23 at
6 30pm In the Campus Recreation Center Starting
wage- $4 50'hour No previous experience is necessary
but is helpful 472-3467.
LaunDRY Land now hiring an attendant tor the 2 8:00
p m shitt. 3 days per week Apply in person. 56th 8
Now hiring Our brand new store has a job to fit your
schedule McDonald's is now hiring lull and part-time
positions lor the new locanon at 56th 8 Hwy 2 You can
receive excellent starting pay. advancement opporium
ties, flexible hours, regular wage reviews, tree meals
tree uniforms Apply at the Van Dorn McDonald s, 2600
S. 48th. ask lor Melania or Ronall.__
Great Part-Time Jobt
Catering, $5.00/hr„ flexible schedule, free meals, close
lo campus. Call 475-9915, ask for Tony._
Part-time delivery person needed. Monday- Friday 6:30
11:30am. To start November 1st. Apply in person at
Danter Dental tab, 125 S. 9th.
Part-time help needed. The Video Zone, 56th and
Holdrege, 466-8229.
Pizza Shuttle now hiring full and part-time delivery driv
ers. Must provide own car, proof of insurance, and good
driving record. Starting wage $4.00 plus bonuses, tips,
and commission. Apply 230 N. 17th
56th and Holdrege
Now hiring part-time day and evening help. Very flexible
schedules and competitive wages. Apply Monday Fri
day. _
Taco Inn 13th & R now hiring part-time day and evening
positions. Must be available for lunch shift. Apply in
person at 13th & R.
Taking applications for bartendors. cocktail servers,
hosfs/nostesses, waitery positions. Apply in person,
Kattle Kompany, 1535 N 27th.
The YMCA is hiring youth volleyball officials
Please contact the downtown YMCA for more (
information. 475-9622.
Tony and Luigi's
Now hiring full and part-time PM line cooks, full and par!
lime AM prep people No experience necessary. Apply
between 8am 4pm at 5140 O St.
Travel Sales Representative
Wanted, outgoing, aggressive, sell motivated individu
als or groups to market Winter and Spring Break tnps on
campus. For more information call Student Travel Serv
ices at 1-800-648-4849._
1336 Q
ing All Shifts
50% meal discounts, paid vacations, flexible hours.
$4.25/hour to start.
Womsn's clothing store needs a reliable, hard-working
individual approximately 20 hours a week. Responsibili
ties include errands, slock work, shipping and receiving.
Must have a valid driver s license Apply in person at
Cheryi's Fashions, 2801 Cornhusker Hiway
X-Mas Help
I ocal branch ol national firm seeks help for season^
rush. 30 students can work part time, weekends, and
breaks in Lincoln or surrounding areas. $8.10 starting
pay rate. Call 467-2672. _
needs business minded, people oriented, team player for
year-round operation. Including summer resident camp
responsibilities. 1990 flexible, 1991 full-time Call
Suzanne at 475-9622 for info.
170 Roommates _
Female 'oommate. Nice 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom wilh
balcony. Very close to campus!! Robyn 477-6537.
Female roommate needed IMMEDIATELY! Newer 2
bedroom, 2 bath apartment. $220/mo. *1/2 utilities. 44th
A Leighton 464-8804. ____
Male/Female to share large, furnished apt. Microwave,
dishwasher, washer/dryer in apt., TV, VCR, stereo-CD,
black leather furniture, white carpet, balcony, hot tub,
very contemporary. $225/month Call 423-9751.
Needed: Female roommate Nice 3 bedroom house in
Highlands. Rent $200,476-3159.
Responsible non smoking female to share 2-bedroom
apartment near 48th and O. $180/month plus 1/2 utilities
Ask for Dan, 489-8503 after 5 p.m. or leave message.
175 Rooms For Rent
Non-smoking women only. $175 utilities included 476
180 Hou *s For Rent_
804 Y. Very nice, 3+ bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, basement,
parking. Walk to campus, $525 475-1579 or 488-0061
190 Apartments For Rent
$180 A Up. Downtown furnished efficiencies A 1 bed
rooms 2 bedroom duplex in Bethany area. 477-3648
1800 Knox 476-620C
•SUPER CLEAN 2 bedroom. 1 bath
‘2 bedroom, 2 bath, contemporary colors
‘FIREPLACES, low utilities
‘Close to downtown and campus
Joseph E. Kean Company 474-1666
22 Adoption
Heppfhr n amed c-MMUw crJUaw wishes to Am ow
Svo* aim newborn. Levina home, good educajkin, end
love of outdoors awaits. Legal i cunfKteiitta.' Expenses
pajd.Pteaao call Elaine A Steve codec! at 212- 31&3&4
Conetdebno ADOPTION? HappHy married oouoN «rth
We and affection to share seeks to adopt newdsom to
rrefce our tarty corrpMe. Reside in imeH town near
Rocky Mountains Both educators, financially secure
Medio# and aft legal expenses paid "lease sell Nancy
or Ken codec* after 6pm or on weekends Confidential
Give ycur oatoy a happy childhood and hught future
Professional couple loves camping, pets and Victorian
home, but moat of all children Call Cheryl and Dear,
oodect 201 782-8060
Lovrtg, financially secure couple in San Francisco, with
Nebraska roots, desire; to aoopi baby to complete our
(amity. AH expenses paid. 416 491 8228.
Explore the protection and benefits ot adoption which are
only provide!I by a licensed agency No fee lor our
confidential services Contact
Nebraska Chi'dren'a Home Society
4600 Valley Road
Wishing to adopt an infant. Expenses paid Legal. Collect
213 8&-1733. Mary.
36 llairstlying_
Mkct^ p?ock**». \m and n
38 Insurance
I 1 AnwicAii
ftsfir"6* A" —• »-—* *~h- '«•
... .
44 Legal Services
*>ud*nt **"
cm S^S^SU^Ij. 476
-L-. ,. —
60 Misc. Services
23 Alterations
SSJSKmTT n^.gr.r'r’VoUi^onai alteration* Ot m
kind* including t»toa jean tapering 719 ’P‘ Straw 435
24 Apartment Finders
Jceapft E. Kaar, Company 474- 1MS
27 Hie vote Service
BIKE PEDAOtERS Sakw/Servieo at! make* Tuna-up*
919.96. Near and used bite satae/remak (33rdSB 74
OowrrHoam U4w Shop-Nea. and ueed Mr**. Expert re
pa** tor ati makes 427 South 13th. 436 2322
32 Cleaninulaundrv |
Complete saN-tervio* laundry. Dry Cleaning. Full aerv
27 T-',’WtJDS Pf** P<lpO0,n Cto*# 10 Canpu* 929 N.
33 Computer Service
Computer Rentals
s.'arrng at 676/morWt
gwn^.-trig Point Computer Canter 17th and P, Prckk*
34 Kntertainment
62 Pregnancy
r**0**"77 Wp'fHBtaHT » canjWrtW
.LjiTjMB ^fWHy iw, ptew> r#* u* few appo*
.■■«-■■■ • .V- —„
72 Rentals
Vkteo nantali.Qirn n^^t. . ^ ^
tfkl llAi LI "* 'IWW HUO«^
; » * 4j* * ^ y A