‘Slow Fire’ give commentary through music, theater, motion By Julie Naughton Senior Reporter Unusual musical theater is the closest one can come to describing the performance art of the Paul Dresher Ensemble, which performed “Slow Fire” in the Lied Center’s Johnny Carson Theater on Saturday and Sunday. One of the most avant-garde theat rical renditions to recently play Lin coln, the ensemble performed an eclec tic combination of music, theater and movement. “We’re a group that doesn’t fit neatly into a category,” said the man for whom the ensemble is named, artistic director Paul Dresher. “Slow Fire” is the story of one character, Bob, portrayed by Rinde Eckert. Dresher, on keyboards arid guitar, and percussionist Gene Reffkin are seen in the background through out the performance. Bob is a wacked out hit man, and throughout the work, he recalls moments with his equally wackcd-out father. In Act 1, Bob remembers his fa ther, and asks questions. He recalls advice that his father gave him — to buy land. In a strange twist. Bob keeps singing “What state are we in now, Dad?” every few lines. The answers come “Nebraska,” “Wyoming,” “California” (this with a disgusted tone of voice.) Finally, we hear more locales: Vietnam, Cambodia, finally “real estate.” Dresher does both Bob’s voice and Dad’s voice, with Dresher and Reffkin filling in with electronic effects and music. As the work progresses, more weird aspects are revealed. Bob’s father kept telling him to buy real estate, to shoot into the clouds and to make duck decoys that the ducks would believe were real. Near the end of the work, it is revealed that his father shot himself in front of Bob when Bob was a young boy. And that Bob is a hit man, who dresses in a khaki vest, tic, pants, jacket and hat. Dresher said that the ensemble’s compositions, including “Slow Fire,” are motivated by strong feelings and opinions in political and social is sues. He said that the compositions are intended to be “commentary on our culture.” The “core group” of the Paul Dresher Ensemble consists'of nine people, including Dresher, as artistic director; Eckert, as a writer and per former; Robin Kirck, as producer and Gene Reffkin, as percussionist. Other core group members arc Melissa Weaver, production manager, and Larry Neff, lighting designer. The Ensemble evolved from Dresher’s work with solo electronic music, chamber music and experi mental music theater. According to Dresher, each composition the group performs is a collaborative effort; he says that there is no “hierarchy of importance.” Each member is impor tant, and has valuable input, Dresher said. Dresher frequently mentioned Rinde Eckert as an important part of the ensemble, noting Eckert’s per formance and writing skills. Dresher said that Eckert, the prin cipal performer in “Slow Fire,” has “personally evolved” the idiosyn cratic movement featured in the work. Eckert is an athlete by training, Dresher said, and has worked with Dresher and other members of the ensemble to perfect the work. Eckert has worked with Dresher since 1980. The Paul Dresher Ensemble will return in February to perform “Pio neers” on the Lied’s Main Stage. Dresher compared sizes of the two productions. ‘“Slow Fire’ is a chamber work,” Dresher said, “While ‘Pioneers’ is a full-scale orchestral work. There is a huge leap in scale.” Dresher said that he looks forward to returning to Lincoln. Paul Dresher NCO Continued from Page 9 there is,” Bavouzcl said. Prices start at SI5 with special rates for students. There also will be a pre concert talk presented by Noon and Braunslcin at 7:25 p.m. in room 132 of the Westbrook Music Building. Forget the Computer Lab Lines. Call and ask about our $49y a month lease-to-own ’STUDENT SPECIAL ‘(IBM compatible and softwaro) gRent-A-Computer 16th «'M' Streets 435-RENT (435-7368) Price based on 30 month lease 19:00 p.m. $20 UNL students $10 j Lied Box Office 472-4747 Attack the stacks. Bring your Syllabus. Your Stamina And your Zenith Data Systems PC. Taking notes is one thing. Pulling off a mental coup, now that takes something extra. You’ve got to lay the groundwork. Do the legwork. Follow through. Piece of cake, right? It is. Assuming you’ve got the kicker. A PC from Zenith Data Systems, of course. ZENITH data systems Groupe Bull Call today for the name of your nearest Zenith Data Systems Campus Contact, where you can find out more about our special student pricing. ZENITH DATA SYSTEMS INNOVATES AGAINm fora No. 17M