Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1990)
Classified 472-2588 FINAL NEW STUDENT ENROLLMENT INFORMATION SESSION TONIGHT Meeting in City Union at 7pm, room posted. Come find out what it takes to be an orientation leader! Finance Club Meeting October 18 at 6:30 in the Union. FOOD FOR THOUGHT Fall 1990 Friday noon October 19 Brown bag East Carrpus Union Book Review The End of Nature by William McKibben Reviewer; Dr Sandy Kaplan Dept of Geology UNL FACULTY, STAFF, STUDENTS WELCOME GENERAL STUDIES STUDENTS Come and voice your concerns to your ASUN Senators Thursday, Oct. 18 from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m ASUN office —115 Nebraska Union SAA MEETING Thursday al Wick, 5pm Student Recreation Association Meeting Sunday, Oct 21, 7:30pm, room 228 Speaker and meeting to follow. All students are invited to attend* TCAB announces a forum on the 2% Lid. Informational speaker and question, answer period. Everyone is wel come 5:30 at Henzlik Hall (room to be posted) TCAB Monthly meeting, all members. 4:30 Henzlik Hall (room to be posted) STEAM JANUARY 2-12 • 5, 6 OR 7 BRECKEN JANUARY 2-9 *5. 6 OR 7 VAIL/BEAVER CRF,fK JANUARY 2-12 • 5, 6 OR 7 NIGHTS 9th ANNUAL COLLEGIATE WINTER SKI BREAKS TOIL FREE INFORMATION A. RESERVATIONS 1-800-3215911 Teacher* College Advieory Board applications are available in Henzlik Student Services Center. Due date Is October 24._ The Hunt Is On! Play the "S.O.U.R.C.E. Scavenger Hunt" and become eligible to win great prizes Free entry tor ms are available at CAP-City (200 Ne City Union) and at CAP East (300 Ne East Union). The official UNL Student Directory is now available Directories have been delivered to residence halls, g reek houses, and departmental offices Commuter students may pickup their copy at a booth in the City Union, Fri. and Mon.. Oct. 19 8 22, from 10:30 a m. to 2:15 p m., or at the East Union Information Desk. Lobby Level The directories will then be available, at no charge, at the Union's bookstores and at the Student Information Cen ter, City Union ThePlanet's Dying. . The Brady Bunch can help They're helping Ecology Now You can too. by being at the Commonplace this Friday at 9 OOom 3 bands. 3 bucks THEOLOGY FOR LUNCH Fall 1990 Thursday noon October 18 Brown bag Nebraska Union Book Review A Handmaid a Tale by Margaret Atwood Reviewer: Dr. Evelyn Haller English Dept Doane College FACULTY, STAFF, STUDENTS WELCOME UNL FRANCHISE CLUB Meeting Thursday. October 18, 5 30pm in the City Union (room posted) Speaker Cheryl Babcock from Subway New members welcome* UPC - KLPAC 4 :00 meeting today at City Union Everyone Welcomelll UPO REGISTRATION PARTY Sunday. October 21 7 30pm. City Union Bring your registration packets11 Women * Studies M*)or* Inlormal meeting tonight at the Women s Resource Center, 7:30 Anyone interested welcome to attend 120 (ireek Affairs__ SAE. Alpha Phi, NeiFuirctt and AGP. First Place banner. Second Place display. Way to 90" ' PRESENTS Every Thursday ^9 75 Pitchers • 75C Draws • $1.25 Imports //^ DJ - DANCING ^, POOL underground] food - NO COVER! dance at the New UNDERGROUND! ■KW JLBJMWT « ADPi SN LION HUNT 90 CONGRATULATIONS TO DARCIE MARTIN (KD) on your internship to Walt Disney World We are going to miss you. „ _ „ Love. Your Kappa Delta Sisters Congratulations to LisaB and RyanD. tor being selected Homecommq Queen and King . _ a The Men of AGS If you don't want to get reemed and you don't want to gel slammed. Find a good date to THE RICH AND THE DAMNED Phi Mu, SAE, DG. Delta Tau Delta Pi Kapp'S, We had a great time at the date dash. Maybe we could do it again sometime’ “ Phi Beta Chi Pipe (Sigma Chi) .. . _ You are the best Thanks for putting up with met Our banner was awesome Love, Shannon SAE, Neihardt and AGP, We had a great time during Homecoming Weekl Thanks for all your hard work „ „ Love, The A-Phis Thank you to Theta Xi. Alpha Delta Pi, and Fedde Hall for help on the Homecoming display. The Men of AGS To the Women of Phi Mu: The Roses were red, Violets are blue. The men here at SAM, Await bouncing with you 130 Student Government STUDENT GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN Senate positions open tor the following college#: Division ol Continuing Studies Graduate Committee poeitions open for: Publications Board Government Liaison Committee Parking Appeals Committee Parking Advisory Committee Nebraska Union Board Additional information and applications available at ASUN offioe - 115 Nebraska Union Deadline - 400 p.m. Oct 24 135 Meeting Others PEN PALS WANTED all races, single, physical fitness conscious, adventurous, romantic Photo Antonio Torre alba. Box 2210. Maracay. Aragua. Venezuela 140 Personals Helene, Sounds great! is 6 0" tall enough’ II so, where and when should we meet’ Gary Sweetie. Thanks a ton tor dropp ng me off It s 85 degrees down here and I'll be wailing w<ih open arms Love You. A P. Mag* (UNL B Ball). I am feeling kind of blue I would really like 10 see you l have fickefs tor Mr Wright would appreciate a call tonight br Respond through personals Are you up for a game ol horse 423-4720 (Kev) Helene Romantic anO tun loving guy who fits your characters tics would like lo meet you CT Mystery Man Stop by and |Oin me sometime when you see me ano you are tree I oertamty would like to meet Mary \ For the Friendliest { Service in Town and the COLDEST BEER V v AROUND 4 Old Mil.$6.79 & Old Mil. Lt. (Wm Case Save $1.74 < Bud.$9.79 & Bud Lt. & Dry Wm Case Save $2.11 Miller..$9.6$ & Lt. & Draft Wm Case Save $2.21 ,1COLD!! COLD!! COLD!! fSt. Pauli.$4.2$ & St. Pauli Dk. 6-pk. Save $1.70 H. Walker Schnapps 750 ml $4.99 6 Flavors rebate . $2 Q0 Cost $2.99 LITERS LITERS LITERS 'Rum, Tequila & Canadian.$5.49 Eastview Liquor 4M-sann 1/2 Blk. East of 48th & R' South Side of Econo Foods M-F 9am - lam Expires 10/24/90 Phi Mu Suzanne. How 'bout a date. I’m sure Den wonl mind. Loud Obnoxious Jacket at Talent Show (erf'Troy’ She was tall, attractive and intelligent too) But seriously. I'm 6'1/2“, brown hair and very Intel well as creative and tunny. Can I play, huh i OhYa lm 25 Awaiting Response- "Paris" Happy Birthday Apley! 21 and cute as a button. Todd the Bod— he's got a lot cornin’. Have a good onel Wool Abel 6 and Friends. The crazy idea was a great reality Jello Wrestling 90 Way to go CartosIH Jim H. (Beta Sig) The past two years have been greatl Shawnda Happy Birthday to Krick, Our 20 year old chic, man you can cheer, but you still can’t drink beer. _ Love- Fer a Staci Happy B-Dayl Hope it was great See you at the CU game Nums 145 Lost & jound_~ Lost at Oregon State game: Silver spoon ring in Section 33. Please call 423-8708 148 Wanted Backtrack Records 3833 S. 48th 489-3817 Lincoln s vintage record shop Buying Selling records, tapes, compact discs Great poster selection 10% stu dent disoount 149 Fundraising Best fundraiser on campus I Looking for a fraternity, sorority or student organization that would like to earn $500 1000 tor a one week, on carrpus. marketing pro| ect. Must be organized and hard working call Jeanne or Ashley at 1 800 592 2121 150 Child Care Needed 2 NANNIES NEEDED by Jan 1 by 2 active families in Brewster, NV Seek warm, energetic non smokers Housekeeping required Musi drive, swim One year commitment necessary. Excellent living condtions. sal ary 914 279 5963 160 Help Wanted •Hiring Now* TMI Corp.. ranked in the "Tcp 10" by the telemarketing industry's hade magazine tor the past 7 years « now hiring S6 50>hour guaranteed Realistic earning poten tial to $HVhour Flextole scheduling—you set your own hours around your classes' Day and evening hours available Raid professional training Convenient ioca lion 2 blocks from campus Contests, prizes, fun. friendly faces Cali ’oday tor a personal interview 4 76 7625 As* for Dianne 'rwm (EOt) Are you looking for a job that's close to campus and has ?reat daytime hours’* If you can work from 8:00am to OOpm Jan Drake* a Garden Cafe might have a job for YOU! Apply immediately at 131 S 13th between 8 30 11 30 Or 1 00-400 Dietary Aide Evening hours. $4 95 hourly Vacation and holidays Salary rev ew alter 6 months App'y at Lancaster Manor, 1001 South St.. Lincoln, NE 68502 EOEAA ENTREPRENEUR? TYPE A PERSONALITY? Earn up to $4,000 Gam management expene-c# on campus Set your own hours Earn from $2,000 54.000 dunng this semester Call Now f -800 950-8472 Ext. 25. Grandmother a Now hiring lunch shift waflery Must be available 'o stan at 1100 Apply in person Monday Friday 9 10 30am or 2 4pm Hashers needed especially Monday nights Call 475 1143 or 4368098 INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL OFFICIALS NEEDED There will be a meeling for studenis interested in being intramural basketball officials on Tuesday, 10 23 at 500pm in the Campus Recreation Cente’ Starting wage- $4 50'hour No previous experience is necessary but * helpful. 472 3467 INTRAMURAL VOLLEYBALL OFFICIALS NEEDED There will be a meeting tor students nte'estod in being intramural volleyball officials on Tuesday. 1&23 at 6 30pm m the Campus Recreation Center Starting wage- $4 ho nour No prevous experience is necessary but is helpful 472 3467 Junor account executive applications stilt available at the Daily Neoraskan. room 34 Nebraska Union Job responsibilities include prospeciing new clients and set tirig up appointments Positon will work closely with the advertising department and e a great entry level position to the Daily Nebraskan EOE Wanted Professional concrete Imishers Are you a pro tessionai’ Are you available lor work show up on time reliable, and willing to be a part ol a last paced and professional concrete company’ We are very busy and capable ol pouring concrete m cold weather We are looking tor beginning or experienced concrete finishers Must have valid drivers license and MVR lapon Tran* ponation and hand tools required Contact Caroi at 402 421 7165 Salary will commensurate with experience MICROCOMPUTER HARDWARE TECH UNL Computing Resource Center Service selected computer equipment in CRC labs. In vestigate broken equipment reports; run diagnostics^nd perform on-site repairs Perform odd |0bs (^tventory supplies, clean labs, make signs) when there are no equipment breakdowns Must have a working knowledge ot Macintosh operating system Knowledge ot MS DOS desirable Electronics skills a plus. Must be able to lilt 70-80 lbs Valid driver s license required 20 hours/week; schedule negotiable, S4 65/hour. Appli cation can be made at 1820 R Street Nebraska Book Co. Inc. 6400 Cornhusker Hwy. We have several openings Part time day hours, will schedule around your classes, Monday through Friday Miscellaneous duties stocking, packing, CRT data entry $4 50/hour. Temporary lull time work available alao. An Equal Opportunity Employer Nebraska Book Co. Inc. 6400 Cornhusker Hwy. Part-time delivery person needed Monday Friday 6:30 11 30am To stari November 1st Apply in person at Danter Dental Lab, 125 S 9th Part-time positions available tor day or night hours lor engergetic and dependable students. Responsbilities would include assisting with carpet cleaning production work Willtrain. Flexible hours around your school sched X ule. For application, please call 489 4511 M Photographers The Picture Man Special Events Photography is looking tor energetic, responsible, out going, we'l groomed party photographers. Must own 35mm camera, dependable transportation, willinq to travel, available tor night arid weekend work Call Craig Strong 475 8242 weekdays . 10 6. Pizza Shuttle now hiring lull and part time delivery driv ers Must provide own car, proof of insurance, and good driving record Starting wage 54 00 plus bonuses, tips, and commission Apply 230 N 17th. Security Officers Part time and tull time officers wanted No experience necessary. Flexible hours Fill out application at 3426 O St or send resume to Personnel, F>0 Box 30214, Lincoln. NE 68503 Spaghetti Works has positions open for evening salad prep Apply in person Monoay-Fnday. 8-10am, 2 4pm. 228 N. 12th Student helper to assist in plant sampling and daia analysis 10-15 hours per week. 472-3679 (Sharon) Taco Inn 13th A R now hiring part time day and evening positions Must be available tor lunch shift Apply ut person at 13th A R Taking applications tor bartenders, cocktail servers, hoststiostesses, waitery positions Apply in person. Kattie Kompany, 1535 N. 27th The YMCA is hiring youth volleyball officials Please contact (he downtown YMCA 'or more information 475-9622 Tony and Luigi • Now hiring full and pan time PM line cooks, fun and part time AM orep people No experience necessary Apply between 8am 4pm at 5 f 40 O St Travel Sales Representative Wanted, outgo-ng. aggressive sell motivated individu als or groups to market Winter and Spring Break trips on campus For more information call Student Travel Serv ce$ at t 800 648 4849 Unique opportunity in network marketing with last grow mg international company Set your own nours and deter mine your own income For mo'e information call 421 2734 atler 5 p m weekdays and anytime or. weekends Wanted Music student to help 10 yea-old practice vonn and piano three nights per week Call 483 2012 after 600pm Warehouse and delivery he*> needed Full or part time, flexible schedule. Apply Lincoln Lumber Company. 932 N 23rd Wendy’s 1336 Q Now Fixing AH Shifts 50% meal discounts, paid vacations, flexible hours S4 25/hour to Stan X Max Hatp i.ocal branch ot natonal tirm seeks help tor seasonal rush 30 students can work pan time, weekends, and breaks xt Lincoln or surrounding areas 58 10 starting pay rate Call 467 2672 162 Work Study Jobs international Educational Services seeks individual tor photo copying, tiling, running errands word processing, and general <yt ice work 10 15 hours week $4 00 $4 50 Contact Ronda Vietz 472-3264 EOE 170 Roommates Female roommate to share 2 bedrooms. 2 baths $242 50 plus 1/2 utilities 486 2062 female roommate needed. $150-month + 1/2 utilities Near Capitol 477 9124 M/F,$ 150 «1/2eiednc and deposit Spacious 2 bedroom at 22nd $ F 477 9674 m Roommates needed No deposit Close to campus Central air Washer Dryer. Cable $225/month Utilities paid 475 7870 175 Rooms For RenT Non smoking women only $175 utilities included 476 9437 180 Houses For Rent 804 Y Very nice. 3« bedroom. 1 1/2 bath, basement, parking Walk to campus. $526 475 1579 or 488 0061. 190 Apartments For Rent $180 4 Up Downtown furnished efficiencies 4 1 bed rooms 2 bedroom duplet in Bethany area 477 3648 2740 R. nicer 2 bedroom, laundry, air, parking $296, 488 6738 Furnished, pool side apartment. $200-mo utilities in cluded It party will help clean main house on weekly basis, pel and house sit 464 3821 Willowhaven 1800 Knott 4766200 [SUPE R CLEAN 2 bedroom. 1 bath '2 bedroom. ? bath, contemporary colors [FIREPLACES, low utilities ‘Close to downtown and campus Joseph E Kean Company 474-1666