The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 12, 1990, Page 4, Image 4
Editorial Eric Pfanner, Editor, 472-1766 ^ L-Jd.liy ^ Victoria Ayotte, Managing Editor ■ \T ^ ^ ^ "J^r ^ Darcie Wiegcrt, Associate News Editor I H,/ ,lT d. -Ink Cl. .ML 1 Diane Bray ton, Associate News Editor Jana Pedersen, Wire Editor .. . Editorial Board Emily Rosenbaum, Copy Desk Chief University ot Nehresks-Uncoln Um EJ„„, Bush should lead President’s stand on deficit isn’t clear Since Congress began working on a deficit reduction com promise in May, it has been weighing spending cuts and tax increases. As the summer moved along and the end of the fiscal year approached, President Bush said Congress needed to quit hemming and hawing and come up with a proposal by the end of the fiscal year, Sept. 30. So in August, Congress took a vacation. They came back, September passed and legislators and the president failed to push through a compromise as the fiscal year expired. So, it’s back to Square One. But this time, the president is the one who needs to be admonished, j At a press conference Tuesday, the president said he would consider a tax hike on upper-income families in return for democratic support of a cut in the capital gains lax rate. That has been the stumbling block from the beginning of the nego tiations. Later that day, after talking with some GOP cronies, Bush decided he didn’t like the deal after all. When reporters asked Bush to dispel the confusion over his stance on the tax issue, he was flippant and noncommittal. His I response; “Confusion?” Bush was asked if he was giving up on a capital gains tax cut, the item the Democrats supposedly were to trade for his support of higher income taxes on the wealthy. “Read my hips,” Bush said, pointing at them as he jogged by. “Let Congress clear it (the confusion) up.” Perhaps Bush doesn’t know that prolonging the political lug o-war is costing time and voters’ patience. . On Saturday, Bush was taking this budget thing pretty seriously, fie vetoed Congress’ stop-gap measure to keep the government temporarily afloat. He tried to place blame for the confusion on Congress. But Congress can’t draw up a budget proposal and expect it to pass unless Bush makes up his mind. The deficit reduction budget needs to be addressed in a I serious manner — immediately. Hypocritical behavior from the nation’s leader simply slows congressional efforts to work on the budget. Unless Bush begins heeding his earlier advice, no one’s going to read his lips or his hips. — Lisa Donovan for the Daily Nebraskan I I HIM III! ■■■Ill M Ml ■ — ——IIMH UllUftfll"—TTTia'Mraiimi^M~ Number of Bugle Boys poor measure of support Well, National Coming Out Day came around again. As usual, much of the student body knew nothing about it. What’s worse is this crap about wearing blue jeans for support. It’s not the event but this show of support that really bothers me. Who is the person that came up with this blue jean idea? Docs any body know just how many pairs of jeans are worn everyday, especially here on campus? Jeans are a part of our culture. Why should those who don’t support gays/lcsbians go out of their way and not be able to wear their favorite pair of Bugle Boys, or SOI’s. Those who support the activity should go out of their way. Isn’t that what support is all about? For example, wear armbands or a certain T-shirt. Support is making oneself known and blue jeans arc too popular for this, or is this what the supporters want? They can show their support, but yet re main hidden in the crowd. Something to make you say “Hmm.” I can just imagine how many of you out there arc calling me homo phobic. Well, you’re wrong. What reason do I have to be afraid? AIDS. Well, I have to tell you that I’ve gotten the facts on AIDS, and I’ll be the first to admit it’s not always got ten from sexual contact. 1 had to get the facts since I have a friend whose brother has AIDS. How he got the disease is beside the point. In order to talk to my buddy, I had to get infor mation on the disease. I’m glad I did. In closing, I’m not against gays or lesbians. It’s a free country and they can do whatever they want. I accept this. I have to, for there isn’t much I can do about it. I just feel that if support is going to be shown, do it in a way that docsn ’t involve the general population and boost the statistics on support falsely. Dave Hint/ scnioi meteorology tdatumJUZ .—_ Editorials do not necessarily re flect the views of the university, its employees, the students or the NU Board of Regents. Editorial columns represent the opinion of the author. The Daily Ne braskan’s publishers are the regents who established the UNL Publica tions Board to supervise the daily pro duction of the paper. According to policy set by the re gents, responsibility for the editoria I Some T.H.R.O.-ing is needed Replacing old congressmen with new faces eliminates waste His name is Jack Gargan. After learning about who he is and what he stands for, 1 have ar rived at one conclusion. I like Jack Gargan. Gargan, a retired financial ana lyst, is like millions of Americans. He is concerned about the future of this great nation. And he is simply fed up with an incompetent and corrupt Congress. Sure, many of us complain about those whom we elected to the Senate and House of Representatives. We complain about the ever-increasing, largely ignored S3 trillion national debt. We complain about Congress’ reluctance to perform even its mini ia. r r \ it j . _ . nidi uuiy ui pdNMiig d icucidi uuugui, balanced or not. We complain about the 51 percent salary increase for its members that it tried to push through without a roll-call vole. We complain that the members of Congress arc better representatives of special inter est groups than the people who elected them. Yet, this is where most of us end our bellyaching. And year after year, term after term, we continue to re elect these same members back to their isolated, cushy lifestyles in Washington, D.C. Not Jack Gargan. You sec, Gargan believes in this political system we call a democracy. He believes we should have a govern ment by the people, for the people And that is precisely why he started an organization called T.H.R.O. Inc Throw the Hypocritical Rascal: Out. Gargan created T.H.R.O. in ar attempt to do a little bit of hous^ cleaning in Washington. Hisorgam zation advocates voting against al incumbents in the House and Senat< and voting only for new candidate: who pledge to strictly limit the tern of office and to prohibit deficit spend ing. Gargan used $45,000 of his own savings to start T.H.R.O. and to begin running advertisements in more than 100 major newspapers throughout the country. Why would someone want to go to all this trouble? The great thing about Gargan is Mark Fahleson that he tells us why. “I’m mad ash!*# and I’m not going to take it any more!” No messy phrases. No political mumbo jumbo. No runaround. Gar gan shoots straight from the hip. He says that he is “outraged” that Congress even talks about further raises in our taxes while totally ignoring the SI80 billion in sheer government waste documented in the Grace Commis sion Report. Gargan says he is tired of all of the money pouring into incumbents from political action committees. He’s tired of paying for the franking privileges and printing costs used by incum bents as “blatant advertising disguised as newsletters.” He’s incensed about standing in checkout lines behind people in “designer jeans and SI00 sneakers who pay their bills with food i stamps.” Go get’em Jack. More! More! Gargan said he is insulted that I Congress has set up its own pension : plan that will pay a congressman in i six years what the average American i under social security must work a lifetime for. He’s upset that 14 con victed felons currently draw from these i pensions. Gargan has a point. Our system of government has evolved from one in which members of the House and the Senate were citizens who went to Washington for a few months each year into a system in which these members are professional bureaucrats. It seems as if the only things they are interested in are eternal tenure, high salaries and one of the most generous pensions in the world. And once they gel to the nation’s capitol, they stay. Congressman Dan Rostcnknowski of Illinois was elected to the House in 1958. He has been an elected bureaucrat longer than I have been living. In the 1986 and 1988 elections, percent of incumbent members of the House seeking re-election were re turned to office. Certainly James Madison, John Jay and the rest of our founding fathers never envisioned that Congress would one day become a retirement home. Gargan has recognized that there is a need for change. Whether that means voting every incumbent out of office or simply limiting the terms of our congressional delegates, some thing must be done. And Gargan is trying. Perhaps the best thing about Gar gan is that he neither represents nor endorses a political party. The only party Gargan said he is for is “the huge party this nation is going to throw on election day when wc throw those arrogant bums out on their col lective butts!” Name the time and place, Jack. I II be there. Fiihleson is a second -year law student and a Daily Nebraskan columnist. klt£f=^ I The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor from all readers and interested others. Letters will be selected for publi cation on the basisofclarity,original ity, timeliness and space available. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit all material submitted. I Readers also are welcome to sub mit material as guest opinions. Whether material should run as a let ter or guest opinion, or not to run, is left to the editor’s discretion. Letters and guest opinions sent to the newspaper become the property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned. Letters should be typewrit ten. Anonymous submissions will not I be considered for publication. Letters 1 should include the author’s name, 1; year in school, major and group alfih- I, ation, if any. Requests to withhold I names will not be granted. Submit material to the Daily Nc- m braskan, 34 Nebraska Union, 14(X) R L St, Lincoln, Neb. 68588-0448.