The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 11, 1990, Image 1

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    t'* *i r~ i
H -g 5 W y Correction: In Mortday'i Uaily N^brkskikrt. ffte UfWK Snap WAS in»rr&CTiy KWHIIIUW as 1
mm m m H a 9/ the printer of “South of the Border" party T-shirts. Dier’s Screen Printing printed the shirts,
isqygk ihhmi <«■ y ,W M JB jm B lu The Daily Nebraskan regrets the error.
I ^Bjk I .jlyilljjk Jft ' **aiaL98 U r4ffii|^®5^k Today, partly sunny, southwest wind 5-15 miles News Digest.2
BA 1 af^jB SB g* 9T JN 9 H8 Bg 5H per hour becoming northwest at 10-20 miles per Editorial.4
§|p fjg 91 SEMfik -ig^rrl 55 55 hour in the afternoon, high in the mid to upper 60s. Diversions.5
91 fia m 55 9i 9v H 9p iMF H an H Tonight, partly cloudy, low near 40 Friday, partly Sports 13
•dans ^9 *Brh !bH^ |^9 % ,F M, 4Mb, f§|L sunny, high in the lower 60s. Classifieds.14
October 11,1990 University of Nebraska-Lincoln Vol. 90 No. 33
By James P. Webb
Staff Reporter
Progress Wednesday in the
delayed renovation of UNL
East Campus greenhouses
was good news for researchers as
falling temperatures began to
threaten plants vital for research.
After a 30-day delay, workers
began installing the glass roofing
on 20 greenhouses on East Campus
Wednesday, said Tom Johnson,
I Institute of Agriculture and Natu
ral Resources facilities coordina
I he progress was welcomed by
three University of Ncbraska-Lin
coln IANR departments that have
been displaced from the greenhouses
since July, especially as the tem
peratures dipped below freezing
Tuesday night.
The bankruptcy of one of the
material suppliers caused the 30
day setback, Johnson said. The
deadl inc for completion of the $ 1.9
million project now is Dec. 3, he
Alan Moeller, assistant vice
chancellor for IANR, said that if
the renovation schedule slips fur
ther, alternative space will have to
be found.
“We cannot afford to lose re
search,” Moeller said.
Robert Shearman, head of the
agronomy department, said the
department’s biggest component
of research, the wheat breeding
progrant, so far has not been af
fected by renovation delays or freez
ing temperatures.
“We’re concerned about the
delays but we’re optimistic that if
the Dec. 3 deadline is met, our
needs will be met, and we will be
able to conduct our research with
very limited cffoct,” Shearman said.
But Shearman said the lack of
Due process
for NCAA
By Dionne Searcey
Staff Reporter
Following Nebraska’s lead, a
recently introduced congres
sional bill would play hardball
with the NCAA, state Sen. Ernie
Chambers of Omaha said.
The federal bill currently in a House
committee states that the NCAA could
not investigate and issue penalties to
member institutions without due proc
The state law, passed in early
February by the Nebraska Legisla
ture, requires due process for coaches,
players and institutions sanctioned by
the NCAA.
Mike laiisnik, legislative director
to Rep. James Bilbray, D-Nev., said
the federal bill doesn’t call for abol
ishment of the NCAA’s power. It
asks that the NCAA, which controls
intercollegiate athletics, abide by the
recognized principles of due process,
Talisnik said.
Earlier this year, a Supreme Court
decision ruled that the NCAA was a
private organization and did not have
to abide by the due process clause of
the U.S. Constitution when accusing
athletes, coaches or schools of wrong
Chambers, who sponsored the
Nebraska bill, said the NCAA’s power
needs to be reined in by a due process
law. The NCAA can “use threats and
intimidations to try and compel coaches
and schools to knuckle under.” The
NCAA has been known to “use an
unfair process to impose punishment,”
he said.
Al Papik, University of Nebraska
assistant athletic director for admin
istrative services and compliance
coordinator, said the NCAA has the
power to prevent nonconforming
schools from participating in colle
giate sports.
The organization can take action
Kevin Heaton, left, and John Gieski of Lincoln Builders Inc. lay glass windows Wednes
day in one of 19 East Campus greenhouses. About 300 windows cover each greenhouse
roof, Gieski said.
Planned location of homecoming dance out of business
By Adeana Leftin
Staff Reporter
Plans to hold Friday’s home
coming dance at M.R. Ducks
have been shot down.
Chrissy Hawkins, chairwoman of
the Homecoming Committee, said she
“heard it through the grapevine" last
week that M.R. Ducks, 826 P St., had
Hawkins said she had contacted
M.R. Ducks about holding the dance
to “try something different.” The dance
usually is held on campus.
Hawkins said she tried to contact
the owners but couldn’t reach them.
“We went out of business,” Ben
Mientka, co-owner of M.R. Ducks,
said. “I was really disappointed. I
wanted to do this.
“I may have been mistaken in not
contacting them soon enough, but I
was kind of upset,” Mientka said.
Mientka said that instead of busi
ness going up with the start of fall
classes, it had gone down. The busi
ness closed Sept. 24, he said.
He said he would have carried out
the agreement but “they shut off the
No money was involved in the
contract, Hawkins said.
“They were not going to charge (a
rental fee) and the music is free. M.R.
Ducks was just going to charge a door
fee,” she said.
When she didn’t hear from the
owners, Hawkins said, she made plans
to hold the dance at Broyhill Foun
In case of inclement weather, she
said, the dance is “not gonna hap
___ »»
The dance is scheduled to be at
Broyhill Fountain from 7:30 to 9:30
on Friday night. KKNB/B104 will be
providing the music for the dance.
which is free to the public.
The committee discovered M.R.
Ducks’ closing while the posters
advertising the dance were being
printed. “We couldn’t do anything
about it,” Hawkins said.
No money was lost, though, she
said, because Kinko’s was printing
the posters free of charge.
Parking meeting brings up issues
I Consultants disappointed with forum turnout
I By Mindy Wilson
r Staff Reporter
Representatives from two consulting firms
conducting a parking survey for the
University of Ncbraska-Lincoln were
; | disappointed at the lack of attendance at a
s forum Wednesday, an official said.
Dick Kenney, a representative of Walker
Parking Consuliants, said the firms had antici
I paled a much larger crowd since parking had
been a major issue on campus in the spring.
Walker Parking C’onsultantsof Minneapolis
[ and Chance Management Company of Phila
[ dclphia conducted the forum in the Nebraska
I Union main lounge. Lt. John Burke, UNL
( parking administrator, also participated in the
s forum.
Burke said he, loo, was disappointed in the
turnout. He said forum organizers had con
I tactcd several organizations that they thought
might be interested, such as the Association of
Students of the University of Nebraska. No
representatives from ASUN attended the fo
ASUN President Phil Gosch said he did not
attend the forum because he was in class. He
said he could not speak for the other senators as
to why they did not attend.
Gosch said he would be able to voice his
concerns about parking on campus at a private
meeting planned with the consultants.
Burke said he thought there was low atten
dance at the forum because the parking situ
ation had improved since last year.
Five students and one stall member who
spoke at the forum raised concerns about light
ing, reserved spaces, the remoteness of student
parking and parking meters.
Richard Halvorsen, a senior business major,
said he thought student parking was moved
farther from campus to accommodate staff and
The city also took away parking, he said,
when it pul a crosswalk in front of Mabel Lee
Hall, eliminating some parking spaces.
Eric Yeuttcr,a graduate student in teaching,
said he thought hours should be extended on
some parking meters.
“You could at least have a few meters that
are more than two hours long,” he said. It is too
much trouble for students to go back between
classes that are 10 or 15 minutes apart and put
more money in a meter, he said.
Rasma Straulkalns, a secretary in the Office
of Multi-Cultural Affairs, asked the panel why
there is a need for 24-hour reserved parking
spaces when those spaces arc empty most of the
Kenney said that the 24-hour stalls probably
arc for people who have to leave campus a lot
during the day.
The students’ comments and other informa
lion gathered during the study will be used in a
report that describes the parking supply and
demand, Kenney said.
The firms then will make recommendations
to the Parking Advisory Committee, he said.
The firms have hired 25 people to poll
commuter students, Kenney said. The poll asks
the students if they drive, where they live and
how long they stay on campus. A similar ques
tionnaire also has been sent to 23 percent of the
staff and faculty, he said.
Twenty-five people arc counting cars in
parking lots to see how many spaces are occu
pied throughout the day, Kenney said. Polling
and parking lot counts were begun Wednesday
and will continue today, he said.
The firms will corclude their second visit to
campus on Fnday, Barbara Chance of the Chance
Management Company said. They plan to have
the parking study finished by the year’s end.