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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1990)
Carolyn * Typing Service AD typing needs. Professional, prompt, and confidential Call Carolyn at 423-8791. Laser desktop publishing and word processing; f ull-serv Ice business and academic. Editing, writing, and taps transcription. 467-2801 Typing services. Fast service at the right price. Call 488 0012 after 4:30. _ Word processing papers, reasonable prices. Call Mary 483-4010. 110 Announcements 4 Fantastic Attendance. .. 4 Let's do it again future teachersl Come hear Ruth Ann Wylie and Tim Carroll talk about "Discipline in the School System", Oct. 9, at 6:30 p.m. int he City Union. Room will be posted. SEA members and non-members welcome. -Attention Business Students Meet your elected ASUN Senators at the ASUN Busi ness Senator's Open Meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 10 from 1:30 to 2:30 in CBA Rm. 233. Appearing at the Pla-Mor Ballroom Friday, Oct. 12: Street Legal. Doors open at 8:00, Music 9-12:30. 6600 West O Street. Become an Orientation Leaderl Attend an NSE information session: Wednesday, 4pm. Culture Center Thursday, 4pm, East Nebraska Union. t < J EW ELRY °UJ'"y ^ ^ ^^^^Incs 1*01 Jk I WEDDING RING ▲ I SPECIALIST £ a Wholesale Prices ▲ Newest Styles V Custom Design A Shop and compare f ♦ but see us last. a 3111 "O” St. 474-6044 £ Ag Econ Agribusiness Club Meeting Tuesday, October 9 at Easl Campus Union, 5:30 initiate meeting. 600 regular meeting. Speaker on "Dress for Success” and final protege program sign-up._ Career Workshops for the Week of Oct. 8th Tues. 10/9: Cover Letter Writing, 4:30-5:30, East Union Thurs, 10/11: Interviewing Skills, 9-10am, NE Union Collegiate 4-H meeting, Tuesday. Oct. 9th at 7:00pm in the East Campus Union. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE UNL STUDENTS WHO WERE HONORED FOR THEIR ACCOMPLISH MENTS IN SOUTHWESTERN SUMMER SALES PRO GRAM THIS PAST WEEKEND IN KANSAS CITY: Ron Anderson Todd Apley Linda Barry Rita Bodlak Jeff Boyd Elizabeth Hansen Jay Hoelscher Rod Hubbard Brian Kutechar Teresa Krauanick Mike Lewia Brian Lichter Milch Mason Kathy McGahan Tom Mulka Stephanie Oden Joel Peterson Curtis Rogers Julie Schmidt Amy Sedlscek Mark Wets. EXTRA CASH c NEW AND RETURNING DONORS RECEIVE $20.00!! your first time back in over 2 months Safer, faster plasma donation at ABI centers due to automated procedure. (Bonuses subject to change.) Monday - Saturday Free parking at any Park & Shop University Plasma Center Associated Biosc<ence,lnc 1442 "O" SI. Lincoln 475-1358 BRINQ FRIENDS EARN EXTRA $S$ X OFFER GOOD October 1990 ! numero unt O . ? Bring in this coupon p for a FREE regular wash ^ We havo big screen W y TV, drop oil laundry, CE Jm"" pool tables, videos, Q Ank dry cleaning, snack ^ i JIM bar, small screen TVs Lb SrLljKV r Until I Cmip<m pei Vi*rt .. | ^ .Sihic KcsliHlnmx A|i)»ly, *N. 27TU & STARR llTSTTj' ,----1 Part Time Customer Service Reps. ' We need people to answer insurance Insursnce company billing questions. Good communication skills, math aptitude and 40 WPM (after errors) required. • Excellent Wages • Ideal Flexible P.T. hours 1:30pm to 6:30pm Mon. thru Fri. • Ability to speak fluent Spanish is a plus! (not required) Allied Group Insurance 700 N. Cotner Call (EOE)465-7792 plump tomato pizza co. On Campus - in the Reunion 477-6122 OPEN UNTIL 1:00 AM - 7 days a week FREE DELIVERY ^ ($4.00 minimum) SLICES TOO!I f Large 16* Cheese I Pizza * $7.99 * each add. topping .75 (&Kp*m WJ&O)^ COME TAKE A STUDY BREAK!!! Single Slice of Pizza ft Reg Drink $1,99 Campus Red Cross 6 p.m. Oct. 9 Tuesday Union Attend (Please) CORNCOBS Important meeting today, 4 :30pm in the Union. Bring your float ideas. _ _ Cover Letter Writing Workshop- TODAY! 4:30-5:30pm, East Campus Union Interested in: Broadcasting, Politics, News. Government, Activism, Being part of a weekly TV show’ ACRA needs individu als to help edit, film and produce a weekly TV program. Call 477-1806 ask lor Nell, or leave message on ma chine. INTRAMURAL ENTRY DEADLINES Tuesday, 10/9 is the entry deadline for men's and women's racquetball, and men's and women's table tennis singles No fees Enter at either Campus Recrea lion office. 472-3467. Love, Romance, Travel, Fun, Priaea... ‘Lincoln Love Link* Lincoln’s very own version of the Love Connection is coming soon Win a free night on the town, Vegas, cruises and much more with the date of your choice. For more information send SASE: Lincoln Love Link 2602 Park Blvd. Lincoln, Ne 68502 or call 477-5177. Pre-Dental, Pre-Hygiene Club Meeting Wednesday. Oct. 10. 7:00pm, Dental College We will oe touring the Anatomy Lab and collecting dues. Anyone interested can attend. If questions call Jim, 477 7978 Pre-Physical Therapy Club will meet on Wednesday. October 10th, at 6:30 p.m. in conference rooms A & B at U H.C. Speaker Pat Hageman-Director of P.T. curricu lum at U.N.M.C. PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION Beginners or advanced Lessons can Include use of rental guitar at S3 per week. Zager Studio 499-2430. Public Forum tor parking including faculty, staftl and students. October 10, 130- 3:15pm in the NE Union lounge Meeting with parking consultants Timing Team: Interested in NCAA collegiate swimming’ Join the Timing Team and see the NU Mens and Women's swimmmc and diving meets Any questions, call Sandra Rogers 477-0285. TRAVEL TO LONDON AND PARIS Why not join a UNL study tour during semester break’ Study the arts or theater and earn credit. Call Flights 8 Study Tours 472-3264 tor details or stop by 1237 R Street. Room 102. TRAVEL TO MEXICO Disfruta y aprenda en Mexico iY gana crednos tambieni Join a study tour during semester break Call Flights 8 Study Tours 472-3264 tor details or slop by 1Z37 R Street, Room 102 SCEC Come join us Today. City Union, 4:30, room will be posted Bare Bailey will be speaking on impact of 2% lid on education Student Body. Tonight Only! The fabulous Blues Brothers Show Band and Revue. 7:30 Union Ballroom (Talent Show) Jake and EMrood P S We re on a mission from God1 Students Against 2% * Come and pick up information at our meeting tonight. October 9th at 600 in the Union All members of the Univ oommunity welcome. ARE YOU AFRAID OF INITIATIVE 405? WE ARE Talent Talent Talent Atlend the Homeoomma Talent Show Tuesday Oct 9th, 7:30 10pm City Union Ballroom General $3. with Stu dent I D. $2 See students perform their wonderful lal ents Engineering Conaituente Meeting Meet with your ASUN senator Bring your questions concerning campus affairs Any engineering student is enoouraged to attend Tues . Oct. 9. 2:00pm Rm 206 WSEC Guest Speaker Sandra Knight BUSINESS CAREERS FOR THE 21 ST CENTURY Tuesday. October 9, 5:45 p.i>... UBA Auditorium Everyone Welcome Sponsored by P8l UNI Women s Rugby New members wanted No experience necessary. 476 7113.__ UPO meeting, Tuesday, October 9th, 3:30 and6:30 p.m„ Burnett 120. Vca, Mastercard and Discover credit card applications at UPO booth in Union, 9:30-12, M,T,W I _ • U S Peace Corps Video and Information Session Tuesday, Oct. 10,1990. East Campus Union. 7:30pm VOLLEYBALL DOUBLEHEADER Tonight- 7:30 pm at the Coliseum. Men's & Women s leams both go against Iowa St. Volleyball at its best Young Democrats Meeting Thursday, 7:00pm. City Union, room posted. Dr. Parker speaking on "Racism in America. 120 Greek Affairs Amy S. (ADPi), .. Congratulations on your pinning! We are all so excited lor youl Love & Loyalty. Your Sisters Thanks for a great dinner exchangel Here's to Home coming 19901 _ _ Love, Delta Gammas Beta Slgs, . „ . . Thanks for inviting us to coach Touchdown 90 We nao a blast. , ,.. Love. Phi Mu Delt Football Players, We had a great time coaching youl Your Phi Mu Coaches. Jennifer, Steph. Lisa Judi (ADPi), Congratulations on getting into Omicron Nu honoraryl We are so proud of youl Love 8 Loyalty. Your Sisters Kris R. (ADPi), Congratulations on your engagement I We are so happy for youl Love 8 Loyalty, Your Sisters Sigma Nu Lil Sis Mandatory Meeting Wednesday. 9:00 p m. __ Towns Club, ATO, Cather. DG Homecoming 1M0 Tri Dell Flap Jack Snack Attack Thursday, Oct. 11, 10pm-lam Tri Delt pledges, Great (ob on 3rd Place in ATO Softball, but you re Nurrtoer 1 to us. Love, the Actives UNL Are you ready for Tri Delt's Flap Jadt Snack Attack on Thursday, Oct. 11? 130 Student Government STUDENT GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN Senate positions open for the following colleges: Criminal Justice Graduate Committee positions open for Publications Board Government Liaison Committee Parking Appeals Committee Additional information and applications available at ASUN office 115 Nebr Union Deadline 4:OOpm Oct 10 140 Personals Hey Boogaloo. E-8> it months already’ Wheres my surprise’ Maybe soon’ I love youl Boogaloo too Short red headed woman who laughed at my racquetbali skills Friday. Ocl 5 at Rec center- Would Ike to meet you Clumsy Camp RHA Staff, Together we journeyed far. dodged marshmallows, scav enged accomplished things and had a blast1 Thanks for everything! We Who Survived Mr. Ad god Thanks Don! give up I see success in your eyes Your 1C Connection Giggles, Hw Be lated Birthday (Thanks lor letting me know Giggles #2 ToKKK Happy Birthdayl Dean Rob Two years ago you said you'd wal for me... You did. Now ft's my turn. I love you. Shannon Now I'm even more fond of you Verbal shrug. 145 Lost & Found Found outside Bancroft Hall Redfoiack wire framed glasses in black case Identify and claim at Daily Nebras kan. 34 Nebraska Union Lost Black Hills gold ring, west of football stadium Sentimental value, $50 reward 472-8257. Lost Honda Keys with white Council Bluffs key holder. Oct 5 Call Chu, Chemical Engineering, 472 2750 Lost Set of keys on blue key chain Call 436 0768 148 Wanted Backtrack Records 3833 S. 48th 489-3817 Lincolns vintage record shop Buying Selling records, tapes, compact discs Great poster selection. 10% stu dent discount. 149 Fundraising Fast Fundraising Program $1,000 m just one week Earn up to $1,000 tor vour campus organization plus a chance at $5,000 more' This program works) No investment needed Cal! t -800-932 05», ext 50. 150 Child (are Needed == Nanny Opportunities Salaries $150 $400 week Join our successful Nanny Network and experience frowth with a great family on East Coast. Cali Arlene treisand, 1 800 443 6428 Minimum 1 year. 160 Help Wanted HELP WANTED: Brown Baggers Downtown. Hr$: 8a m 2 p.m preferred, but negotiable Call Mary Ann, 475 3609, •Hiring Now* TMI Corp., ranked in the "Top 10” by the telemarketing ndustry's trade magazine for the past 7 years, is now tinng $6 50/hour guaranteed. Realistic earning poten ial to $10/hour. Flexible scheduling—you set your own tours around your classes I Day and evening hours available. Paid, professional training. Convenient loca ion 2 blocks from campus. Contests, prizes, fun, friendly aces. Call today for apersonal interview: 476-7625. Ask 'or Dianne Irwin. (EOE) Downtown CPA firm has immediate opening for part-time data entry operator. Speed and accuracy a must. Duties include tax processing, basic MS-DOS, experience pre (erred Apply in person at Dana F. Cole and Co. 200 NBC Center Draftsperson to draw plans lor houses and other small buildings Must have completed Production Drawing or equivalent Flexible hours, apply at Lincoln Lumber Co. 932 N. 23rd. Godfather's Pizza Drivers wanted $4.25/hour starting pay plus $ 1/delivery Apply 1209 O St. or call 474-6000. Godfather s Pizza, N. 48th A Vine, now hiring delivery drivers. Short evening shifts. Apply in person. Nebraska Book Co. Inc. 6400 Cornhusker Hwy. We have several openings Part time day hours, will schedule around your classes. Monday through Friday Miscellaneous duties: stocking, packing, CRT data entry. $4.50/hour. Temporary full time work available alao. An Equal Opportunity Employer Nebraska Book Co. Inc. 6400 Cornhusker Hwy. Part-time delivery person, 11:00am 5.00pm 3-4 days per week. Mrs Martm 489-2717. PART-TIME DISTRICT MANAGER This position requires a mature individual with good communication skills who can motivate newspaper car rters and can work with parents and customers. This is an excellent opportunity for a university student and re quires being available by 2:30 p.m. daily. 9 a.m. Saturday and some Sunday mornings. This position requires approximately 35 hours per week Your own vehicle is required with mileage paid. Applications wiH be excepted at the Journal Star Personnel office, 926 P St., 8 a.m. to 4 p m through Friday October 12 EOE/AA Pizza Shuttle now hiring full and part time delivery driv ers Must provide own car, proof of insurance, and good driving record Starting wage $4.00 plus bonuses, tips, and commission. Appfy 230 N. 17th. Sales persons needed Flextole hours, weekends a must. 15 to 25 hours weekly. Apply in person to Super Saver Bakery. 48th and O St Spaghetti Works has positions open tor evening salad prep Apply in person Monday-Friday. 8-10am, 2-4prr, 228 N. 12th Taco Inn 13th & Ft now hiring pan-time day and evening positions. Must be available tor lunch shift. Apply m person at 13th 4 R Telemarketing Position No cold calls 3 4 evenings weekly. Experience and references required 466-6515 The Dragon Palace in East Park Plaza is now accepting applications for pan-time food prep or cashiers Please apply today in person. The YMCA is hiring youth volleyball officials. Please contact the downtown YMCA lor more information 475-9622 Waite ry Pan time, some weekends and evenings, morning hours available No phone calls please Holiday Inn. 5250 Cornhusker Hwy. Wendy’s 1336 Q Now Hiring All Shifts 50% meal discounts, paid vacations, flexible hours *4.25/hour to start. X Mas Help $8.10 to Start Local branch of natonal firm seeks 30 part time students tor seasonal rush Start now Permanent positions pos stole Call 467-2672 162 Work Study Jobs Eoonomics Departments seeks individual for Photo copying. light typing, running errands, word processing and genera'offce work 10-12 hours week Prefer after noons and/or 8 10 Tuesdays/Thursdays $4 25 $5 25 depending on qualifications Contact Carol Nelson. 472 2319 EOE 170 Roommates Female roommate wanted Non smoker $145 rent* 1/3 utilities Washer/dryer available Ask tor Donna flam 5pm 475-5191 Aher 5pm 477-2423 Female roommate to share 2 bedrooms, 2 baths $24? 50 plus 12 utilities 488 2062 Female roommate to share 3 bedroom $141 ♦ 1/3 utilites 476 1159 Female roommate wanted to share 3 bedroom home Sate neighborhood. 10 minule drive from campus 421 7908 Female roommate $180* deposit, 1/2 uiilmes, washer dryer in apartment, close to campus 474 7967 Male roommate needed 3 bedroom house. $142 ♦ 1/3 utilities Call 477-8765, ask tor Steve O' Greg Wanted Female non smoking roommate Quiet neigh borhood, 2 bedroom with balcony. $162 50-each, low utilities Call 466 9314, rt no answer 764-2951, ask tor Lon 1 HO Houses lor Rent 2621 P St three bedroom, wooden floors, $350 ♦utili ties, references, 488 9628 M-F, evenings only 190 Apartments For Rent 1 bedroom, nice basement apartment, 1920 A St. Excel lent location, ott-street parking. $235 477 1565 2412 W large two bedroom, all appliances, washer dryer hookup, walk to UNL, $355 Zimmer Management. 475 0180 2740 R. nioer 2-bedroom, laundry, air, parking. $295. 4886738 Circa 1880 Garret Newly restored, balcony, cathedra1 ceilings, 2 bedroom, central air, tile bath Available De oember 1.476-2522 194 Homes For Sale Condo For Sale. Close to campus—walk or bike1 YMCF next door De Jonge Realty. 489 4702