The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 09, 1990, Page 2, Image 2

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    -r •ll~\ • g By The
I ATAJC 1 11 O-r^Cir Associated Press
JL W 1 * 1 ^ Edited by Jana Pedersen
House adopts revised deficit-reduction plan
Leaders seek budget approval
WASHINGTON - Senate Repub
lican and Democratic leaders pressed
for approval Monday night of a re
vised $500 billion deficit reduction
plan essential for averting a wide
spread shutdown in government serv
ices this morning.
President Bush declined to say
whether he would agree to the plan,
which envisions smaller cuts in
Medicare but possibly higher tax
increases than an earlier version the
House rejected last week.
“We’re giving no signals,” said
the president’s spokesman, Marlin
Fit/water. “We’ve got to sec what the
bill looks like” when the Senate fin
But thousands of federal workers
faced the threat of forced furloughs
and lawmakers warned of chaos if the
White House and Congress failed to
resolve their months-long impasse over
the federal deficit.
1 his has just been playing marsh
mallow stuff’ so far, said Sen. Alan
Simpson, R-Wyo., the Senate’s assis
tant Republican leader, referring to
the limited impact on the government
during the Columbus Day holiday
“Any thoughtful, reasonable per
son now knows what happens to this
government tomorrow.”
Republican and Democratic lead
ers searched into the evening for
support for the package, which was
passed by the House 250-164 in a
post-midnight session early Monday.
The measure contains far fewer spe
cific spending cuts and tax increases
than the version that went down to
defeat last week, putting off those
decisions for later in the month.
Republicans and Democrats met
separately to go over the plan, with
both leaders, Democrat George Mitch
ell of Maine and Republican Bob
Dole of Kansas, seeking support.
Agreement on a deficit-reduction
plan is essential for avoiding the
shutdown of government services.
Bush has vetoed one emergency bill
to restore the government’s spending
authority and has said he would veto
others that come to him without spend
ing cuts.
Many lawmakers of both parties
believe that in the end the new plan
will also contain a cut in the capital
gams tax rate and higher income taxes
for the wealthy. Bush has wanted to
slash the capital gains tax — levied
on sales of property — for years,
while Democrats have demanded the
higher rates on the wealthy.
The new proposal would elimi
nate many of the specifics from sav
ings proposals that had driven a ma
jority of both Democrats and Repub
licans to reject an initial package Friday
in the House.
r Proposed Amendment to the ASUN Constitution
Eligibility for Division of Continuing Studies
The ASUN Constitution states that in order to be eligible for election or
appointment to the student government you must be enrolled as a full time
student (12 hours). The proposed amendment would lower the requirement
for students in the Division of Continuing Studies to three hours of enrollment.
ARTICLE V. Branches
B. Eligibility
1. Elected members. To be eligible for
election to the Senate, a candidate
a. Be a regularly enrolled member of
the college he proposes to represent
and agree in writing to resign if he
should terminate his enrollment in that
college during the term of office for
which he seeks election.
b. Be regularly enrolled as a full-time
student, either as an undergraduate or
as a graduate student.
c. Meet university regulations for partici
pation in extracurricualr activities.
HYES A vote yes will change the
_requirement to 3 hours
| | NO- A vote no will keep the
requirement at 12 hours
ARTICLE V. Branches
B. Eligibility
1. Elected members. To be eligible to
election for the Senate, a candidate
a. Be a regularly enrolled member of the
college he proposes to represent and
agree in writing to resign if he should ter
minate his enrollment in that college
during the term of office for which he
seeks election.
b. Be regularly enrolled as a full-time stu
dent, either as an undergraduate or as
a graduate student.
c. The senator from the Division of Con
tinuing Studies must be enrolled with at
least three credit hours.
d. Meet university regulations for partici
pation in extracurricular activities.
Tuesday, October 9 8:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M.
v_Polls - City 8t East Union_)
Two American pilots crash;
eight others missing in Gulf
Two American pilots serving with the multinational force facing
Iraq died in a jet crash Monday in Saudi Arabia, and the Navy searched
for two helicopters and eight crew members missing in the Arabian Sea.
The Pentagon said search and rescue crews had spotted the wreckage
of at least one helicopter late Monday but no bodies had been found.
International forces in the Persian Gulf crisis showed a new measure
of teamwork when U.S., British and Australian warships upholding the
U.N. trade embargo forced two Iraqi ships to stop and submit to
searches. In one case, the Western ships fired shots.
The official Iraqi News Agency, monitored in Nicosia, Cyprus, said
the actions amounted to harassment by “sea pirates.”
U.S. military officials said a RF4C Phantom reconnaisancc jet
crashed in the southern Saudi Arabian peninsula.
The jet belonged to a unit of the Alabama Air National Guard
assigned to Operation Desert Shield. A military spokesman, Navy
Cmdr. J.D. Van Sickle, said the crash was under investigation and that
he could provide no other details.
Names of the pilots were withheld pending notification of relatives.
The two Marine helicopters disappeared about dawn during a
training flight over the north Arabian Sea, east of the Persian Gulf, said
Cmdr. J.D. van Sickle, a Navy spokesman.
Naval officers ruled out hostile action and said there was no
indication that the helicopters might have collided.
Pentagon officials in Washington said the Marines were from Camp
Pendleton, Calif.
A Kuwaiti official said his nation’s government-in-exile will ask the
United Nations to allow an airlift of medicine into Kuwait City to help
people who are critically ill.
“We are very concerned about people who arc dying because of a
lack of medical supplies,” Suleman Mutawaa, the government’s plan
ning minister, said in London.
Police open fire
on Palestinians
at Temple Mount
JERUSALEM - In Jerusalem’s
bloodiest rioting in more than two
decades, police opened fire Monday
on stone-throwing Palestinians at the
Temple Mount sacred to both Jews
and Moslems. At least 19 Arabs were
The violence erupted after Pales
tinians hurled a barrage of stones from
the mount onto thousands of Jews
gathered just below at the Wailing
Wall, where they were celebrating
the festival of Sukkot. The wall is
Judaism’s holiest site.
The Arabs were apparently an
gered by rumors that Jewish extrem
ists planned to march onto the Temple
Mount, which is revered by both Jews
and Moslems but is under Moslem
Prime Minister Yit/hak Shamir
expressed regret but insisted Israeli
forces were blameless.
Israeli Police Minister Rom Milo
said 19 Arabs died in the Jerusalem
clash and about 140 were wounded.
Arab hospital officials at first said 22
were killed, then lowered their count
to 18, with 125 wounded.
The discrepancy between the Arab
and Israeli casualty counts could not
immediately be explained.
Editor Eric Planner
472- 1766
Managing Editor Victoria Ayotta
Assoc News Editors Darcie Wlagarl
Diana Brayton
Editorial Page Editor Llaa Donovan
Wire Editor Jana Pedersen
Copy Desk Editor Emily Rosenbaum
Sports Editor Darran Fowler
Professional Adviser Don Walton
473- 7301
The Daily Nebraskan(USPS 144 080) is
published by the UNL Publications Board, Ne
braska Union 34, 1400 R St, Lincoln, NE,
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ideas and comments to the Daily Nebraskan
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