ry l\l 1 "% tfjr 4^? Jb Associated Press Nebraskan I ^ JL W B. IfaC %t Edited by Jana Pedersen Friday, October 5,1990 Arms-control treaty would be largest in history Bush: Deal would balance military power W ASHINGTON - President Bush on Thurs day hailed a tentative accord requiring the Soviet Union to destroy thousands of tanks, artillery pieces and armored vehicles in Eu rope, saying it would “decisively improve the balance of military power” on the continent. The Conventional Forces in Europe treaty would be the largest arms-control deal in his tory and the first in Europe since the end of World War II. If final details arc resolved, it will be signed by the 22 nations of the Warsaw Pact and the NATO alliance at the Nov. 19-21 Paris summit of the 34-nation Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe. The accord would set a ceiling on non nuclear forces for both alliances. Each side would be limited to 20,000 tanks, 20,000 artillery pieces, 30,000 armored com bat vehicles and 2,(KM) helicopters in the area stretching from Europe’s Atlantic Coast to the Ural Mountains inside the Soviet Union. The two sides are still grappling with over all limits on combat aircraft for each military alliance. However, after long negotiations, they agreed to a limit of 5,150 warplanes in any single country, Secretary of State James A. Baker III announced at a joint appearance with Bush. The agreement docs not put any limit on the number of soldiers. The United States and Soviet Union agreed to skip that step in order to meet the Paris deadline. Within the overall ceilings, no country could have more than 13,300 tanks, 13,700 artillery pieces and 1,500 helicopters in the region. On Capitol Hill, Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell, D-Mainc, called the announce ment of the tentative accord good news. He said he hoped there would be ‘ ‘early and enthusiastic approval” of the agreement in the Senate early next year. Bush said that despite the collapse of hard line communist regimes in Eastern Europe, the continent ‘‘is still the site of the greatest con centration of armed strength in the world.” ‘‘As Europe is transformed politically, we must also redraw the military map of the con tinent and lift some of the shadows and fears that we and our allies have lived with for nearly half a century,” the president said. Bush said the treaty would ensure that “the political transformation of Europe is matched in the military field.” He pledged full support to conclude the agreement, calling it ‘‘a treaty that would decisively improve the balance of military power on the continent and back our hopes for lasting stability.” Baker and Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze agreed in principle on major elements of the treaty during a five-hour nego tiating session Wednesday. The two officials will meet again in New York today to press toward agreement on a separate treaty slashing their nuclear arsenals. Budget package debate heads toward first vote WASHINGTON - A wary House debated the $500-billion deficit reduction plan Thursday night as the election-year package of tax boosts and spending cuts moved toward its first, uncertain congres sional test. After a week of intense arm twisting by President Bush and congressional leaders from both parties, top lawmakers spoke bravely of gamering majorities of Demo crats and Republicans. One GOP official said Bush was hunting for votes over the telephone even as debate began. The first votes would be on an outline of the five-year plan that Bush and congressional leaders completed last weekend after four months of bargaining. Voles on specific spending cuts and tax in creases were planned in two weeks. But with legislators leery of the plan s Medicare slashes, mgner gasoline taxes and other painful items, vote-counters acknowledged that they remained uncertain of the support they needed. The problem was especially acute among House Republicans, who, one official said, remained 11 votes shy of providing a majority of their 176 members. “It is the best thing that we coulddoallhispomi,” Rep. James Quillen, R-Tenn., said as debate began. “If we have to hold our nose and vote for this, let’s do it.’’ “We’re going to have a major ity when we get there,’’ said Sen ate Majority Leader George Mitch ell, D-Maine. The first votes would be on an outline of the five-year plan that Bush and congressional leaders completed last weekend after four months of bargaining. Votes on specific spending cuts and lax in creases were planned in two weeks. Bush has threatened that unless Congress approves the outline b> today, he will reject any extensior of the temporary financing legisla lion that has kept the govemmen operating since the new fiscal year began Monday. That financing expires tonight. As part of what administration officials have called the Bush presi dency’s most intense lobbying campaign, the president brought 60 GOP lawmakers to the White House Thursday morning to press for votes. Maverick Republicans spoke of getting phone calls at home from Bush, Vice President Dan Quayle, White House Chief of Staff John Sununu and even former President Gerald Ford. “The president called me at a quarter to seven in the morning, and Sununu called two hours later,” said Rep. Gerald Solomon, R-N.Y., who opposes the plan. “They’re not threatening me, and they better not.” Pressure was applied in the Capitol as well, with Commerce Secretary Robert Mosbacher among those roaming the halls. Foley and others emphasized that lawmakers could support the outline now and then work for changes in details during the next two weeks. “Foley has been pleading and pleading and pleading,” said one Democratic aide. Opposition w ithin Bush's own Republican Parly came from con servatives, who complained about the package’s SI 34 billion in new taxes, and spending cuts they con sidered too shallow. But the package, which would save $40 billion in the new fiscal year, has something for all law makers to dislike, including tax increases and spending cuts that would affect virtually every Ameri can. Droves of liberal Democrats expressed displeasure with the plan, complaining that its taxes and spend ing cuts came down too harshly on the poor and frail. They railed most bitterly about its Medicare reduc tions and some $ 11 billion in small business lax breaks that they said were merely tax shelters for the i rich. “This package represents the wrong values,” said Rep. Thomas Downey, D-N.Y. “Democrats have made an art form of explaining to the American voter how the rich aren’t taxed, and then we produce a package that doesn’t hit them.” Republican candidate may end bid for Louisiana senate seat BATON ROUGE, La. - The Re publican Senate candidate pulled his radio commercials and canceled public appearances Thursday, feeding specu lation he will drop out of the race to keep ex-Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke out of a runoff. Ben Bagert had been endorsed by President Bush, but national party leaders said they feared his consistent third-place showing in polls would prevent anyone from getting more than half of the vote in Saturday’s primary election, forcing the top two into a runoff. That presumably would mean a runoff between Duke, running as a Republican without party endorse ment, into a runoff with Sen. Bennett Johnston, a Democrat. Kelly Johnston, deputy political director of the Republican Senate Campaign Committee, said a runoff between Johnston and Duke “would be the worst possible thing that could happen to us.” It would allow Democrats across the nation to link any Republican in the November general election to Duke, she said. On Wednesday, eight Republican senators in Washington urged Louisi ana voters to reject Duke. Duke represents hatred and big otry, and Bagert can’t win, the sena tors said. “All of us would be embarrassed and mortified to have to serve in the United Stales Senate with David Duke masquerading asa Republican,” Sen. John Danforth, R-Mo., said Wednes day. WWL-AM radio reported Thurs day that Bagert had canceled his commercials. Bagerl’s office didn't confirm that but said he had canceled his campaign schedule and set an afternoon news conference at his home in New Orleans. If Bagert does indeed withdraw, it would essentially make Saturday’s election a two-man race between Johnston, an 18-ycar incumbent, and Duke, a first-term state representa tive. Workers at Bagcrt’s campaign headquarters said they had not been told anything about his possible w uh drawal. i Filipino rebels willing to talk to government CAGAYAN DEORO,Philippines - A rebel leader whose troops seized two military garrisons without firing a shot said today he was willing to negotiate with the government. There was no immediate word on the proposal by Col. Alexander Noble, but President Corazon Aquino had earlier urged troops to wipe out the rebels on the southern island of Mindanao. “I’m wailing (to negotiate),’’ said Noble, who launched the uprising Thursday. “It’s the people who should decide what to do with Mindanao.” Noble said no one had approached him to open a dialogue. He also did not elaborate on what he seeks from the government. Rebels had earlier dec lared inde pendence for Mindanao, the nation’s second largest island. Noble appeared in complete con trol of the military garrison today in the port city of Cagayan de Oro, about 500 miles south of Manila. Noble said his followers seek to form acivil lan-military junta to govern Mindanao. Aquino, who has survived six coup attempts during her four years in of fice, promised to crush this revolt, which broke out before dawn Thurs day. The Armed Forces on Thursday said it would not permit the country to be “dismembered,” and the nation’s leading Roman Catholic churchman called on Filipinos “to close ranks once again” to defend the govern ment. In Cagayan dc Oro, thousands of people turned out to catch a glimpse of the mutineers, who marched in a festive “victory parade” through the city streets. On Thursday, die armed forces went on nationwide alert and Aquino huddled with her Cabinet and senior military officers and congressmen at the presidential palace. Flights to Mindanao were canceled and schools on the island were closed. Soviet envoy brings message from Gorbachev to Baghdad A Soviet envoy carried a secret message from Mikhail Gorbachev to | Baghdad and Japan’s prime minister met with Iraq’s No. 2 leader Thursday in new efforts for peace in the Persian Gulf. Five Europeans used a 10-foot boat in a daring escape from Iraq and plans were announced to evacuate more Americans. The USS Independence -- the first American aircraft carrier in the gulf in 16 years - left the waterway after a brief show of force. A Navy warship enforcing a U.N. embargo on Iraq stopped a Sudanese freighter from entering the Gulf of Aqaba, the Pentagon said. Iraq planned to argue its case before the United Nations. The world body, which has condemned Iraq’s invasion and placed a naval and air embargo on the country, may consider stronger measures. At the United Nations, Iraq’s planned address to the General Assembly was postponed after the nation’s U.N. ambassador suffered a nose bleed. Amnassaaor Abdul Amiral-Anban was expected toreadastatemem in response to President Bush’s suggestion Monday that an uncondi tional Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait could lead to “opportunities” j toward a broad Middle East peace settlement. i U.N. officials said the speech would be rescheduled, possibly lor Monday. British Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd, following up on Bush’s suggestion, said Thursday that Israel must be prepared to negotiate the Palestinian problem once Iraq withdraws from Kuwait. Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has tried to link a pullout from Kuwait with Israel’s occupation of temtorics it captured in the 1967 Middle East war. Yevgeny Primakov, a senior adviser to Gorbachev, arrived in Baghdad carrying a message from the Soviet president, Soviet diplo matic sources said. Its contents were not disclosed. Tass quoted him as saying in Baghdad that a negotiated solution was needed “to avoid a military explosion.” Primakov planned to request that some of about 5,(XX) Soviet citizens, most oil industry workers, be allowed to leave Iraq, the diplomatic sources said. Primakov also met early Thursday with Palestine Liberation Organi zation chairman Yasser Aralat in Amman, Jordan, and delivered a message from Gorbachev, said a PLO source who requested anonym ity. Aralat met later in Baghdad with Saddam and the two 4‘agreed that a political solution to the crisis is possible within an Arab context,’ ’ said a PLO source. Gorbachev said Thursday he saw no reason to send Soviet troops to join the U.S.-led multinational force in the gulf. In response to a query. Gorbachev told reporters in Moscow: “I think there are already more than enough troops there.” Nebraskan Editor Eric Planner 472-1766 Managing Editor Victoria Ayotte Assoc News Editors Darcie Wiegert Diane Brayton Editorial Page Editor Lisa Donovan Wire Editor Jana Pedersen Copy Desk Editor Emily Rosenbaum Graphics Editor John Bruce Photo Chief Ai Sc ha ben Night News Editors Matt Herek Chuck Green Art Director Brian Shelllto General Manager Dan Shattll Professional Adviser Don Walton 473-7301 me uaiiy Net>rasKan(Ui>KS> 144 oboj is puonsneo by tne unl KuDiicanons Boara. 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