The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 04, 1990, Page 9, Image 9

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    Drab walls
make studies
look exciting
Lots of people go to Perkins or
Love Library if they need to study.
Even more people just stay in their
apartments and suffer through
advanced calculus or whatever.
I’m not one of those people.
I can’t study successfully in very
many places, mainly because I really
hate studying. My attention wan
ders if there is anything even re
motely interesting near me. Thus, if
I’m in my apartment, I’m more likely
to run up my long-distance bill
than torture myself with the history
of mass media.
At home, I also am easily dis
tracted by the TV and the VCR. I’m
more likely to catch up on “thirty
something” or a good movie than
force physical geography through
my brain cells. Unfortunately, I’m
not likely to be tested on why
Michael and Hope had their last
So, I head downtown to my
sorority -- and to the relative quiet
and boring atmosphere of the base
ment. The sorority basement pro
vides an atmosphere where staring
at my books is more interesting
than staring elsewhere
Don’t get me wrong The rest of
my sorority is tastefully decorated
The colors harmonize, the pictures
on the wall arc tasteful and niceiy
framed. People sit around talking
like rational human beings
But when you get down to the
study basement, tnc well-coordi
nated decor of the other floors
gives way to downright ugliness.
The carpet is a puke-green shag
The walls a re a dark, wood-grained
On the wall there are old com
posites, pictures of girls from years
past. On one of the most recent of
these old composites, I see a pic
ture of myself fre >m three years ago,
as a gccky-looking freshman.
I’d definitely rather look at my
In the basement of my sorority,
people sit around in old T-shirts,
with huge glasses of Diet Pepsi,
and mutter to themselves about the
subject that they’re studying
"Chemical engineering is . . “ or,
"the mesosphere is related to the
troposphere in the way that . .
In fact, the basement’s best feature
is the abundance of people to crab
at about studying. Somehow, it’s
easier for me to force myself to
study after I’ve complained about
how much I hate the subject.
Once I finally force myself to sit
down and do my homework, the
atmosphere is conducive to good
studying The room isquict, except
for the occasional strains of music
that waft down from the piano
directly above. A few people whis
per in the corner, but that’s better
than my apartment, where the
people next door probably are
having a loud party -- complete
with blaring headbanger music. I
still hate studying -- but in the
basement, at least, 1 get it done.
Julie Naughton is a senior news-edi
torial and English major and a Dally
Nebraskan senior reporter and copy
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