Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1990)
1980 Citation. $400 o.b.o. 475-5324. BMW 1977, 320;. Perfect, $4000 firm. 4360665. Honda Scooter. 1982. Great shape, helmet and extra parts, great school transportation. $325 obo. 475-0742. 22 Adoption ADOPTION Loving, financially secure and well-educated future awaits your baby. Your child will have the best of every thing. Expenses paid. Call collect 212-876-2444. ADOPTION-AN OPTION FOR YOU AND YOUR BABY. If C would Ike your child to be raised in a loving, caring ncialty secure family environment, please call us collect. Medical/legal expenses paid. Jim and Nancy, 818-760-7252. EXTRA CASH NEW AND RETURNING DONORS RECEIVE $20.00!! your first time back in over ^ months Safer, faster plasma donation at ABI centers due to automated procedure. (Bonuses subject to change.) Monday - Saturday Free parking at any Park & Shop University Plasma Center Associated Bioscience,Inc 1442 "O” St. Lincoln 475-1358 BRING FRIENDS EARN EXTRA $$$ ff ' ■ ' -- -I Presents A LINGERIE SHOW THURSDAY - 10 PM 1823 "O" St. Adoption: Happily married couple wiehoe to adopt neerbom. Can provide love, fine education, and coun try home with stay at home mom. Medical mpenaoe paid. Call coHad 203-560 003*. Loving couple soaks baby to adopt into secure homo. Call collect 201-566-3668. PREGNANT AND WONDERING WHAT TO DO? Explore the protection and benefits ol adoption which are only provided by a licensed agency. No tee for our confidential services. Contact: Nebraska Children's Home Society 4600 Valley Road 483-7879. 60 Misc. Services Book Exchange Service Buying or selling books? Call in a list of books you want to seir or buy, we ll put you in touch with students with similar needs. BOOKFINDERS, 466-6893/475-5819, 5pm-10pm, Monday-Friday. Scholarships/grants for college are available Millions go unclaimed yearly. For details, 1-800-334-3881. TYPEWRITERS WORD PROCESSORS Rentals Sales Service Rent-To-Own BLOOM’S 1001 Garfield 474-4136 62 Pregnancy FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Confidential counseling available. Call for an appointment. UNCOLN CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER 941 O Street, Suite B-1 475-2501 PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us tor appoint ment, 483-2609. 80 Typing & Resumes Carolyn's Typing Service All typing needs Professional, prompt, and confidential Call Carolyn at 423-8791 THURSDAY 'TOO !\ sag. South 9tm sr i-tHOPi-w 476 sasi I Tonight thru Sat. It's Reggae Time with YABBA Yabba Griffiths and His Crack Reggae Band are Back October 4-6,9-1 THE ZOO BAR 136 No. 14th St. I ■ KEGS COLDEST BEER AROUND • LOW EVERYDAY UQUOli PRICES - INCtNSE _s i • 1 a s: cl m irt JO ' o 1 § k! | 2 5 g ? 8 to _ {i m 1 ? COORS LIGHT . | o warm case, Longneck returnableQQ AC\ x S y bottles.. .s>0.4y £ 0 *$1.20 bottle deposit required < 2 ROLLING ROCK qQ qq | * warm case bottles.... * 1 MILWAUKEE'S BEST Qo 1 Reg. or Light, warm case.... \>L/,00 | l OLD STYLE <vr oq % Reg. or Light, loose case warm.... £ c > ' S SEAGRAM'S WINE COOLERS^f^d § 5 warm 4 pk.... iL * 3 m u 8 i Wild Turkey 101...750 ml...$10.49 o : Bacardi Rum...liter...$7.99 5 Beringer White Zin...750 ml...$4.29 z to C 3 and much more thru 10/10/90 & Please use our products in moderation. 3 and never drink and drive! ? j Just north of z - 27th & Vine 477-7516 g n _ ? *- 1CIGS - COLDEST frEE^t A|oukD - LOWEST WINE COOLER PRICES • PICKIE CARPS Laser desktop publishing and word processing, lull-serv ice business and academic. Editing, writing, and tape transcription. 467-2801 Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 10 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. Resumes Professionally typeset or laser printed $15 plus tax. Daily Nebraskan basement of the Nebraska Union Typing and Word Processing. Resumes-Papers. Call All-Types, 477-0445 Typing services. Fast service at the right price. Call 488 0012 after 4:30. _ Word processing papers, reasonable prices. Call Mary 483-4010, 110 Announcements Alpha Delta Pi and Sigma Alpha Epsilon say DO IT SOBER Congratulations to DIANE SCHWERY, University Am bassador of the Month! Thanks for all your hard workl Finance Club Meeting Thursday, Oct. 4 at 6:30 in the union. Gays, lesbians, and ROTC. Dr. Louis Crompton presents the history of military discr vnination since World War I. Thursday, Oct. 4, 8:00pm, Regency Suite, City Union. Everyone is welcome. GOLDEN KEY ELECTS! I Don't forget send in your applications by Friday. October 51 __ _ HOMECOMING 90 Win, Lose or Draw Sponsored by Union Board Open to all students Wednesday. October 10th, 6:30 pm., Main Lounge Entry torms available in City Union, Suite 220 •DEADLINE THIS FRIDAY -OCTOBER 5, 5 00 p.m. Kickoff Events ★★ UPC Homecoming Committee is this year's Kickoff Activities The event will be held Monday. Oct. 8 from 3 30-5:00at Broyhill Fountain Ram site City Union Ballroom. Marketing Club Meeting TONIGHT! Union, Exec. 5:00, Meeting 6 00 Speaking is Tom McDonald (rom Swanson Lehman Hutton Inc. New Members Welcome! _ New Student Enrollment Information Session TONIGHT 7pm, Smith Residence Hall Study Room PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION Beginners or advanoed Lessons can include use of rental guitar at $8 per week Zager Studio 449 2430. Register to Vote!! Mail-in Deadline Oct 7 Stop by the ASUN Office. 115 Neb Union tor all of your registering needs DO IT TODAY'r ROTC Dr Louis Crompton presents the history of military dis crimination agamst gays ano 'esbians since Work) War II Thursday. Oct 4, BOOpm. Regency Suite, City Union Everyone is welcome. Talent Talent Talent Attend the Homecoming Talent Show Tuesday Oct 9th. 7:30-10pm City Union Ballroom General $3. wrth Stu dent 1.0 $2 see students perform their wonderful tal ents _ Travel to London and Paris Why not |Oin a UN-L study tour during semester break? Study the arts or theater and earn credit Cal' Finn's 4 Study Tours 472-3264 for details or stop by 1237 R Street. Room 102 UNL Women's Rugby New members wanted No experience necessary 476 7113. UPC - KLPAC Want to help wiih the product ion and promotion of Steven Wnght 4 UNLIVE '90? Important meeting today! 400 City Union. Everyone Welcomed UPC VISUAL ARTS AND DIRT CHEAP PRESENT: Rock 'n Roll poster sale City Union-Mam Lounge 10rt • 10/5 On sale 9:00-500 120 Greek Affairs__ TEKE's. We are *o excited tor TEKE TREK 90' Let s make it the best evert __ Love, the Pi Phi's To my Gamma Phi Mom. I think you are the greatest, even though I don't know who you are1 See you on Sunday! _ Love, Baby Marcy To the Blond Pi-Phi in Hy-Vee Sunday night. Great music. Any more7 Sig Ep Sacker _P S Respond Via Personals Alpha Chi Babies Have a great week but remember Mom t watching youll So be good! Alpha Gamma Rho Little Sisters meeting tonight, 5<X)pm. formal DG SAE STAMPEDE coming soon SAE little sister rush Congratulations Kerry B , Juliet Y., and Terri O or mak mg NHRI counselors I Love, the Pi Phi's Congratulations to Tricia 9 and Tami T for making Golden Key Honor Society Phi Beta Chi Dave Wlllman Congratulations on making homecoming finalist We re behind you all the way Good luck I The Men of Kappa Sigma Touchdown ’90 Phi Mu are you ready to score? The Beta Sigs are. Lets get pumped for Saturday. Gretchen, Since you never snooze, are you saying du never lose? Got ya! Janelle GUNSLINGER 90 Farmhouse -- Gamma Phi Beta Lisa Morris (AXO) and Andy Farber (Delt), Congratulations on your engagement and thanks for letting us join in the celebration! We're happy for you both Love, Alpha Chi Omega Michelle M, (Tri-Delt), Congratulations on aGR Little Sister. Tri Delt Actives DG STAMPEDE Sigma Nu Little Sister Rush Information Meetings Oct. 3&4 B p.m. In the Union, Room to be announced Attend one meeting only To the Men of Acacia, Thanks for the casting party. It’s one of many to come. We are looking forward to Melodrama! The Tri-Delta Touchdown ’90 The Superbowl of the Greeks SAT., Oct 6 Gather/ Pound Fields 10:30am 1st Down and Two Days to gol! Tri-Delta and AGS Wowl You did a fantastic jobl Smokoy was hot. the shower was cool, the ootton candy was tasty, the games were a hill The kids loved it, we couldn't nave done it without you Thanks! Zernan Carnival Committee Way to go Liz P on making FH Little Sistersl _Pi Phi Love 130 Student Government STUDENT GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN Senate positions open lot the following colleges: Criminal Justice Graduate Committee positions open for: Publications Board Government Liaison Committee Parking Appeals Committee Additional information and applications available at ASUN office- 115 Nebr Union Deadline- 4:00pm Oct. 10 140 Personate Michelle You are terrific and good looking! _Love C W Salt: To an old-fashioned woman. Thanks for dialing the wrong nurrtier Call again Old fashioned guy DW We are still feeling the repercussions of your water beo Let's do it again sometime when you can remem berlll __ V.H.C.S. D Kerry, Well, it's a bioooomm anniversary! Bow down! You have been are such a great friend (or is it eihibrting qualities thereof’) Thanks for everything Guess who’ Guess I Brown Haired Guy and Blonde Klutz, Blessings on your budding romance J.E. and u- - Well-wishing Onlookers Mel Happy 21st Birthday! Carolyn Mitchell, Shafer. Mulligan, Thompson- (Phi-Delts). Grab your cowfcoy gear, and we ll provide the cheer," get psyched cuz. Gunslinger 90 is finally herell Pick, Claassen, Fain, Bnnker Troy Happy Anniversary hon. I love you Love. Your Pirahna 145 Lost & hound Lost Mens gold wedding band and Casio watch in parting lot west of Reunion 01 near Rec Center 489 6818. 148 Wanted == Asthmatics Needed to participate in a medical study Must be 19 years or older, a non-smoker, and on daily asthma medication* Stpend $560 For more information call 559-6868. UNMC Omaha Backtrack Records 3833 S. 48th 489-3817 Lincoln t vintage record shop Buymg-Setlmg records, tapes, comped decs Great poster selection 10% stu dent decount. 149 Fundraising Best tundraisei on campus I Looking tor a fraternity, sorority or student organization that would like to earn $500- 1000 tor a one week, on campus marketing proj net Must be organized and hard woikmg, call Jeamne or Ashley at 1 800 592 2121 150 Child Care Needed Nanny Opportunities Salaries $150- $400 week Join our successful Nanny Network and experience growth with a greet family on East Coast Call Arlene Streisand, f 8Cr) 443 6428 Minimum t year Wanted E xperienced babysitter on-call, to care lor sick baby in our home 488-6398 160 Help Wanted Pen-tirne delivery person. 110Oem 600pm days per woek Mrs Martin 489-2717. $7.00 per hour Interesting work Good work environment Hudson Bay Company needs serious minded, erwoulote oeople to do phone work for environmental and con sumer groups Full or part time, $7.00 hourly week days and $8.00 hourly on weekends. References required .For interview call 11:00-1.00pm only Monday-Fnday 478 101O_ •Hiring Now* TMI Corp., ranked in the Top 10" by the telemarketing industry's trade magazine for the past 7 years, is now hiring $6.50/hour guaranteed. Realistic earning poten tial to $ 10/hour. Flexible scheduling-ypu set your own hours around your classesl Day and evening hours available. Paid, professional training. Convenient loca tion 2 blocks from campus. Contests, pnz*s• jun, (r lendlv faces. Call today for a personal interview: 476-7625. Ask for Dianne Irwin. (EOE)_ . A & S STUDENT ADVISERS Applications are available for an Arts and Sciences Student Adviser position in 1223 Oldfather. Deadline is October 17, __ Babysitter Mature, responsible non-smoker to watch our two-year old son Tuesday and Thursday days in our nearby country home. Apply at 21st and N, southeast corner, ask lor Mary S. _ __ Bartender- Cocktail Waitery needed. Pari time evening shift. Apply in person between 11-6, Safari Lounge, 2555 Cornhusker. __ Building maintenance 8:00 5:00 Monday through Friday and Saturday 800- 1200 Need 2 or 4 hours at a time. Interview McMaster Real Estate, 858 S. 27th. Draftsperson to draw plans lor houses and other small buildings. Must have completed Production Drawing or equivalent. Flexible hours, apply at Lincoln Luntoer Co. 932 N. 23«L___ Foreign language teachers for elementary students (Spanish and German.) Call 483-2983 or 476-5657. Morning and afternoon sessions available _ Free board and room in exchange for household duties and care for elderly gentleman 1915 S. 77th St Car necessary Call 489-2024 after 6pm. Godfather's Pizza Drivers wanted $4.25/hour starting pay plus 51/delivery. Apply 1209 Q St. or call 474-6000) Great Evening Job! So easy you won't even know you re workingl Call now and earn $6hour. Lincoln Premium Guide. 4s6-1397. Great part-time opportunities Flexible houral Competitive pavl Free uniformet Free mealel We can give you as few or as many hours as you need worked around your class schedule. Give us a call McDonalds 475-5238 LaunDRYLand now hiring part-time 8P-2A shift. $4.50/ hr. 56th A Hotdrege Lee's West has openings for waitery. Must be over 19 years old Evening hours, full or part time. Call 477-4339 for appointment. Need extra cash? Looking tor enthusiastic, self-motivated, responsible student who wants to earn extra money Set your own hours. Call Kevin, 421 8092 after 7pm Northeast YMCA needs dependable, responstole, indi vidual tor nautilus center 16-20 hours per week after noon, evening^ and Saturday morning hours available Jirrv Physical Director 464-7481. Pari time maid work 9OO 3:00pm on week days 900 5:30pm weekends Nebraska Center for Continuing Education 472 3435, 472-2293 or apply in person. Part-time evening desk position. Apply in person to Great Plains Motel, 2732 O St. Taco Inn 13th A R now hiring part-time day and evening positions. Must be available for lunch shift Apply in person at 13th A R The Dragon Palace in East Park Plaza is now accepting applications for part-time food prop or cashiers Please apply today m person Wanted Computer whiz to help with programming Smart Ware II. Part-time or fulFtime 467-5781, ask for Doug. WE NEE0 SELF-MOTIVATED STUDENTS. Earn up to AlOhr Market credit cards on campus Flexible hours Only 10 position, available Cell Now 1-800-860-8472 Ext 20. Wendy s 1336 Q Now Hiring All Shifts 50% meal discounts, paid vacations, flexible hours $4 25/hour to start X-Mae Help $8.10 to Start Local branch of national firm seeks 30 part time students tor seasonal rush. Start now Permanent positions pos stole Can 467-2672. 170 Rwmmates Female roommate wanted Non-smoker $145 rent* 1/3 utilities Washer dryer available Ash for Oonna 8am 5pm 475-5191 After 5pm 477 2423 Male roommate needed to share furnished, 2 bedroom, nice, apartment m historic district. $125»mo 489 8858 or 488 5999 Male roommate needed 3 bedroom house. $142 * 1/3 utilities. Call 477-8765. ash for Steve or Greg 180 Houses For Rent One bedroom house, dose to downtown, $225.month 435-2983, leave message Three bedroom, two blocks from downtown UNL. central air, washer.dryer $450. month, 435 2983. leave mes sage 190 Apartments For Rent 1 bedroom, mcebasement apartment, 1920 A St Excel lent location, off-street parking, $235 4 77 1565 2412 W Large two bedroom, all appliances, washer/dryer hookup wait to UNL, $355. Zimmer Management. 475 0180 2740 R, moer 2-bedroom, laundry, air, parking, $295. 488 6738 “ All-new furnished one bedroom apartments Next to campus, 20th & R 290* electricity and deposit 466 9084 or 464 5170. Basement apartment. $20amo , all utilities pad. Can see at 303 S 26th after 6:30 Stove and refrigerator Available now 423 5968 Circa 1880 Garret Newly restored, balcony, cathedral ceilings, 2 bedroom, central air, tile bath Available De cerrber l 476 2522 „ Eaet Csmpue 36th 6 Baldwin 2 bedroom in 4-Ptex w«h fireplace, appliances, laundry and parking Available immediately 467-1347 (leave message).