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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1990)
Co-Rec Flag Football Top 10 1. Sigma Phi Epsilon/ Gamma Phi Beta-A (3-0) 2. Prairie Dog Killers III (3-0) 3. Sigma Phi Epsilon/ Alpha Omicron Pi (4-0) 4. Snow Den’s Guns (4-0) 5. Sigma Nu-A (3-0) 6. Schramm 6 (3-0) 7. Abel Niners (3-1) 8. Prime Time (2-1) 9. Guns-N-Roses (2-1) 10. Boozin’ Burners (2-1) —^—~“172 Rentals 74 Social Servioes 76 Travel 2 Appliances 78 Tutoring 3 Bicycles 80 Typing ft Resumes 4 Books . ■■■ 5 Clothing 6 Computers 8 Furniture 100 Rides ® Garage Sales 110 Announcements 10 Misc. For Sale 120 Greek Affairs ]2 Musical Instruments 130 Student Government J? SS5 c . 135 Meeting Others 14 Photo Equipment 140 Personals 6 Sporting Goods 145 Lost ft Found ® Stereos/TVs 140 Wanted 19 Ticket Exchange 149 Fund Rai8,nQ 20 Vehicles ” 150 Child Care Needed 22 Adoption 160 Help Wanted 25 Automotive 162 Work Study Jobs 30 Bridal 164 Summer Jobs 3? Cleaning/Laundry - 36 Health ft Fitness 37 Horse-Boarding _ 38 Insurance 170 Roommates 40 Instruction 175 Rooms For Rent 42 Job Placement 180 Houses For Rent 44 Legal 185 Duplex For Rent 60 M isc. Services 190 Apartments For Rent 62 Pregnancy 192 Mobile Homes For Rent 64 Printmo 194 HorTWS por Sal® 70 Religious_198 Vacation Rentals $3 00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads $3 75 per day for 15 words on commercial ads $ 15 each additional word $ 75 billing charge Personal ads must be prepaid Found ads may be submitted free of charge DEADLINE: 2:00 p.rtv weekday before publica tion. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age. disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the nght to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras kan. 3 Bicycles For Sale 1989 20" GT Outpost Mountain Bike Red. Cro-moly frame. Shimano SIS shifting, great bike tor off-road or street use $289 00 or best otter. Call 436-9314 Bianchi Special 54cnrV21' road/racing bike Excellent components, low miles, plus Slocum Wind Trainer Sell together or separate, best offer. 483-2009 Lincoln Police Department sale of unclaimed bicycles. October 6.1000am. Linoolnland Towing. 410 West P St. No checks accepted. 6 Computers For Sale THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON "Step back, Lorettat... It’s a rad-hot pokar!” j East Division East Division U Buffalo Bills 3 New YorkGiants 4 0 0 Miami Dolphins 3 Washington Redskins 3 1 0 New York Jets 2 2 Dallas Cowboys 1 3 0 Indianapolis Colts 1 3 Philidelphia Eagles 1 3 0 New England Patriots 1 3 0 Phoenix Cardinals 1 3 0 Central Division Central Division Cincinnati Bengals 3 1 0 Chicago Bears 3 1 0 Houston Oilers 2 2 0 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 3 1 0 Cleveland Browns 1 3 0 Green Bay Packers 2 2 0 Pittsburgh Steelers 1 3 0 Detroit Lions 1 3 0 West Division Minnesota Vikings 1 3 0 Los Angeles Raiders 4 0 ... . . ._ Kansas city chiefs 3 1 West Division Denver Broncos 2 2 San Francisco 49ers 3 0 0 San Dieqo Charqers 1 3 Atlanta Falcons 1 2 0 Seattle Seahawks 1 3 Los Angeles Rams 1 2 0 Source: Associated Press New Orleans Saints 12 0 John Bruce/Daily Nebraskan IBM Wheelwriter Six, EMI screen and disk drive. In cludes desk and chair. $1200-488-9294. 8 Furniture For Sale Couch, $60, dining table set $60, coffee table $50. two chairs, $40, stereo, $725, two stools. 435-0885 10 Misc. For Sale Carpet and pad, 3 years old, color carmel. Room sizes: 17x 10,10 x 10,12x 17and 11x15. Very clean. Call 483 1748 after 5 00 Sega Genesis, 4 games, extra controller, $250 Call 474 0651. 12 Musical Instruments Yamaha VX55 Amp, Fender Bullet/ Hard case. Ibanez Super Metal Pedal Call Tim- 435-7336. 18 Stereos/TVs for sale JVC receiver, CD player, equalizer Remote, video in puts, all extras. Best offer, 483-2009 19 Ticket Exchange One one-way certificate for travel. Omaha ten cities in Florida, Midway Airlines before 12-19-90 $65, call 435 0225 ____ Wanted. 2-4 tickets for Colorado vs Nebraska game 488 6475. Wanted: 4 NU vs CU tickets Call 436-7891 20 Vehicles For Sale 1983 Honda V4^Sab^T5^CcTmany extras, immacu late condition. It's a steal at 51000. 476-3441. mIXa S T E A M B 0**1 JANUARY 2-12 • 5, 6 OR 7 NIGHTS ' BRECKENRI0£E JANUARY 2-9 • 5, 6 OR 7 NIGHTS VAIL/BEAVER CRFJfK JANUARY 2-12 • 5, 6 OR 7 NIGHTS ^"ZQ1 9th ANNUAL COLLEGIATE fit -LfrT WINTER SKI BREAKS TOLL FREE INFORMATION A RESERVATIONS 1-800-121-5911 * S«, IP Y»(j C«ecu, Livtt,^ -"Recommend s*Me-rwtf<i |— tesiLY "RAD- Like Mmel S*mcth(n<v witm -rw »r*- I -I J \ Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ACROSS 1 Savor 7 Actor Farrell 11 Person helping a taxpayer to the IRS 14 One of the Furies 15 Judge s bench 16 Computer in "2001" 17 With 62 Across, plea from a diminutive Pragutan, falling off a ladder? 19 Photog sabbr 20 Finish 21 Russian silk city 22 Doodad 24 Dispatch 26 Plane preceder 27 Mocks 30 Andy Williams s theme song 34 Lifeless 35 Styron s Turner 36 Bluish, to a Scot 37 Wire measure 38 Strange mis spelled city on the Black Sea7 42 Call-day 43 Learning mst 45 Brain specialist's rec 46 Montclair State beats Notre Dame! 48 Something to live up to 51 Aquarium fish 52 Ancient town in S Italy 53 Arthur Miller protagonist 55 Jostles 57 Celtic sea god 58 Lea sound 61 French coin of yore 62 See 17 Across 66 Tire filler 67 Hitchcock's "-Window'1 68 Meter preceder 6# G I s hangout 70 Swiss painter Paul 71 Australian port DOWN 1 Meet event 2 Verve 3 Give temporarily 4 Winter weather word 5 "She Conquer'' Goldsmith 6 What angels count 7 Little-firm org 8 Panama, e g 9 Captivates 10 More painful 11 Anton's variable set of reminders? 12 Glass sheet 13 U S A to France, in 1918 18 Sci course 23 Nursery item 24 Weight in Calcutta 25 County in Northern Ireland 27 Cause a traffic snarl 28 Popular puzzle acid 29 Courteous Soviet committee7 31 Western treaty org 32 Consumer 33 Gaucho s lasso 39 Remove flowers from corn 40 "Agnus-" 41 Absolute rule 44 Tricycle, for short 47 Slammer 49 Site of U S A s first big airport 50 Droop 54 Dissolves 55 Uncle of Joseph 56 Clark's friend 58 Swiss capital 59 Highest point 60 Nautical call 63 Clarke or Murray 64 A verb for you 65 Last letter, in London ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE [a[p|i|a| IBIOIMIBI . _