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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1990)
Financial investments, gifts to UNL reach record level during past year by Jennifer O Cilka Senior Reporter Two years into the university’s Five-Year Initiative, the NU Founda tion’s focus on the “personal touch’’ has led to a record level of new gifts and investments, an official said. Theresa Klein, director of public relations for the foundation, said gifts and investments topped out at a rec ord $46.5 million during the 1989-90 fiscal year. Credit for the increase goes to the response by University of Nebraska alumni after the foundation started its push in support of the Five-Year Ini tiative, she said. The initiative is a program an nounced in August 1988 for a state, federal and private partnership to improve faculty and research at the university. “The Five-Year Initiative really fueled a lot of response because that focuses a lot on the human resources of the university,” Klein said. Such an approach worked “par ticularly because it had not been done before,” she said. Klein said the foundation reached $46.5 million because gifts and be quests to the foundation rose to $28.4 million, a $2 million increase from the past fiscal year, and investment income increased nearly S1.9 million to a record of $17.9 million. The increased money helped the foundation fulfill its goal of provid ing the “margin of excellence” be tween state and federal funding and the money the university needs, she said. The foundation had 56 active pro fessorships in its 54-year history, Klein said. During the last two years, 63 more professorships were added. Forty-six of those professorships will be active before the end of the five-year period and the remaining 17 will be financed through deferred gifts, which are established through a trust ora will and become the foundation’s after the person’s death. Professorships arc annual stipends typically of S5,(XX) to S25,(XX) used for faculty rewards or to add more faculty, depending on department needs, Klein said. Besides the additional funding for professorships, Klein said, the initia tive led to the designation of more than $4 million for research in the past two years, SI.6 million for the encouragement or retainment of fac ulty members, more than S8 million for graduate fellowships and $713,000 for university libraries. Because of the record donation level, the foundation’s transfer of funds to NU jumped to $27.5 million, $10 million more than the $17.5 million transfer made in 1987-88. The record transfer level to the university was possible because of the greater amounts of expendable funds, or dollars donated for immedi ate use; additional endowed funds, from which the interest is used; and funds specifically donated for cam pus buildings and improvements, she said. The money donated for campus buildings and improvements went for such projects as completion of the Henningson Memorial Campanile and Durham Science Center at the Uni versity of Nebraska at Omaha; con struction of the Food Processing Center and Veterinary Training Center; ex pansion of the West Stadium and Cook Pavilion; and payments on bonds is sued for construction of the Lied Center for Performing Arts at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Although donors restrict most contributions to certain uses, unre stricted funds are donated for the area they are needed most, Klein said. “You never know when an oppor tunity to start a program or fund some significant research will come along,” she said. “By unrestricted funds, we can capitalize on those opportuni ties. * * NU Foundation records for 1989-90 fiscal year I * Figures are approximate. Source: NU Foundation Lax life down under suits UNL students By Anita Parker Staff Reporter University of Nebraska-Lincoln students aren’t worrying about life in the land down under. “It was such a relaxed and friendly atmosphere,” said Chris Sommerich, a senior political sci ence major. “People went to school barefoot and girls didn’t wear any makeup. Americans spend a lot of time studying and stressing out, but over there they say ‘Oh mate, don’t worry.’” “I don’t get as stressed out as I used to,” said Doug Agne, a senior business major. “I take things with a grain of salt. In Australia there are no definite plans, you just play it by ear.” These students took part in an exchange program UNL began in the fall of 1988 with the University of New England, Northern Rivers in Australia. It has been the most requested place to study since then, said Susan Dahm, UNL study abroad coordinator. Craig JcphcotL an Australian student attending UNL this semes ter, said, “When I get back home, I think I’m going to take school more seriously. There is much mote pressure to excel here. It kind of bums me out because things are always tense and there is always work to do.” To participate in the program, students fill out an application that is reviewed by a selection commit tee of faculty and international studies staff, Dahm said. The prospective exchange stu dent’s grade point average is not the most important factor, she said. The students’ reasons for wanting to study abroad and the courses they plan to take arc more impor tant, she said. “If one student has a 4.0 and wants to study English and another student has a 3.0 and wants to take some general classes, the 3.0 stu dent will probably have preference,” Dahm said. The cost to attend school in Australia is no different than the cost at UNL, Dahm said. Tuition and housing is paid di rectly to the university at UNL rates, she said, although the student must pay air fare. The number of outgoing UNL students depends on the number of students coming to Nebraska from Australia, Dahm said. The money paid to UNL from students bound for Australia is put into an account, Dahm said. The account then is used to pay the tuition of the Australian students who study at UNL, she said. There arc four UNL students in Australia this semester. The credit is transferable as long as it is in an area of study offered at UNL, Dahm said. Bike Continued from Page 1 cificdalc for beginning construction has been set. The trail would be an extension of the existing Rock Island Trail that runs on or parallel to die abandoned Rock Island Railroad right-of-way. The trail would deviate from the abandoned right-of-way at Y Street, Bricn/o stud. The Lincoln City Council is pro viding up to S25,000 for a design study on the trail. Hammer said this is part of a SI.7 million bond issue the city passed in 1989 for the Mopac trail that officials hope eventually will link up with the Capitol-campus trail at 19th Street. The money left after completion of the Mopac trail can be used on other bike trails, she said, although the 597,000 that Orr allocated should be enough to build the basic concrete trail between J and Y streets linking Capitol Parkway and campus. St. Paul United Methodist Church College Students: Sunday School i 9:30 a.m. Worship 11:00 a.m. Other Fellowship, Social & Study Activities for college aged 12th & 'M* (Just South of Campus) Si. 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