The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 27, 1990, Page 9, Image 9

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Art offers treasures
Why should you bother to care about art,
anyway? You’re a college student; you’ve
got more important things on your mind.
Like your econ exam or that endless ‘'Odys
sey” your weird mythology' teacher is mak
ing you read under protest. And when
you’re not studying, there’s this little thing
called a social life that you’d like to have.
Besides, you have all these bad memo
ries of being dragged into museums when
you were little. It was boring looking at all
those pictures that didn’t even look normal
Art was like the cereal your parents bought
instead of the Lucky Charms that you really
wanted. It was good for you, so automati
cally it wasn’t any fun.
And no one can even agree on what
constitutes art, anyway. So there’s no reason
to care, right?
Wrong. There are definite reasons why
art matters to you -- right now and for the
rest of your life, no matter what your excuse.
“There are no museums or stuff around
Thai s whai you think. At UNL you are
surrounded by art. You can’t avoid it, just by
walking to class you’ll pass “Old Glory,” the
“controversial” sculpture near the College
of Business Administration. You may even
have tried to jump in the fountain in the
Sculpture Garden where Gaston Lachaise’s
“Floating Figure” perches.
Right on campus we have the Sheldon
Memorial Art Gallery. Yes, it’s a beautiful
building (there’s even a remarkable story
behind its construction), but did you know
that Sheldon attracts major exhibits each
year? In 1989, for example, Sheldon hosted
a collection of Auguste Rodin bronzes. Besides
that, Sheldon’s permanent collection boasts
an impressive selection of American art —
even some artists who turn up on slides in
your art history classes.
If you’re not into formal settings, there
are many other galleries around Lincoln
within minutes of campus. The Burkholder
Project and the Haymarket Art Gallery both
are located in the Haymarket District. Or
you can have a cu p of gourmet coffee at The
Coffee House while looking at local artists’
work. Without even leaving campus, you
can see what your fellow students are doing
in the Art League Gallery at Richards Hall.
“But 1 don’t have enough lime to get into
You will never have this much opportu
nity to look at art again. Whether you
graduate or not, you will still eventually
have a career and a stressful life in.the “real
world.” You will not be able to drop into a
gallery between classes or during a study
break to see what’s going on.
“I don’t understand art, anyway. Nobody
even agrees on what it is.”
You’re right. Art isn’t like calculus That’s
why developing your own response is
important. Don’t worry about what your
professor or anyone else thinks. Ask your
self, “Why don’t I like this picture?” or
“Why did the artist do this?” Figuring out
why some things affect you in certain ways
helps you straighten out your personality,
likes and dislikes. Some people spend thou
sands of dollars yearly on psychiatrists’
couches to figure this out. Going to a gallery
or museum is much cheaper — in fact, it’s
usually free.
If nothing else, resume material aside,
you’re supposedly at college to be exposed
to different ideas.
“I want a social life. How can art help
It can help in more ways than you can
imagine. One thing art develops is a sense of
taste. No matter now much money you
eventually make, if you don’t have taste,
you’re probably not going to get respect
from your employees, your boss or any
potential love interests. A sense of what
looks good and what doesn’t can only help
you socially, even if all it does is make you
throw out a few really tacky clothes you
used to think were the coolest.
More importantly, you begin to look at
the world in a different way, without taking
everything for granted just because it’sthere.
Maybe you suddenly realize why you think
the “barn and bucket” style paintings on
sale at East Park Plaza are ugly. Maybe while
brushing your teeth, you notice all the
subtle colors in a print that’s always hung in
your parents’ bathroom.
“How does art concern me? I’m not an
See ART on 11
Live lazz!
Date: Friday, September 28th
Time: Seminar: 7:00-8:00 p.m.
Performance: 8:00-9:00 p.m.
Place: Performance at East Union
Cafeteria. (Shuttle to East Campus at
Lyman, every 1 hr. until 10:30 p.m.)—FREE!!!
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Union Festivals
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