The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 26, 1990, Page 11, Image 10
Ug$WQPPRV9BBB72 Centals 81 Jel11aBHBM 74 Social Services 76 2 Appliances 78 Tutoring 3 Bicycles 60 Typings. Resumes 4 Books - 5 Clothing 6 Computers __ 8 Furniture 100 Rides 9 Garage Sales 110 Announcements 10 Misc. For Sale 120 Greek Affairs 12 Musical Instruments 130 Student Government 13 Pets 135 Meeting Others 14 Photo Equipment 140 Personals 16 Sporting Goods 145 Lost & Found 18 Stereos/TVs 148 Wanted 19 Ticket Exchange 149 Fund Raising 20 Vehicles -- —***" 150 Child Care Needed 22 Adoption 160 Help Wanted 25 Automotive 162 Work Study Jobs 30 Bridal 164 Summer Jobs 32 Cleaning/Laundry 36 Health 4 Fitness 37 Horse/Boarding -- 38 Insurance 170 Roommates 40 Instruction 175 Rooms For Rent 42 Job Placement 180 Houses For Rent 44 Legal 185 Duplex For Rent 60 Misc. Services ]*> foments For Rent 62 Pregnancy H^£ FoTHle ' 70 Renffus_198 Vacation Rental, $3.00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student Organization ads. $3 75 per day for 15 words on commercial ads. $ 15 each additional word, 6 Computers For Sale PC with hard drive, printer and software, $600,489-0523. 8 Furniture For Sale Couch $60. dining tAbie set $60, coflee table $60, king size bed $50,1990 Mitsubishi GF. white. $14,500. Nego tiable, 474-0189. __ For sale: chest of drawers. 488-6611. leave phone num ber if not home. Quality used furniture and appliances at affordable prices. Second Season 139 A. St. 477-9354. Used baby crib in very good oondition. 489-0488. 9 Garage Sales Cheap used furniture, old music, old books, much mis cellaneous. Friday 8-6, Saturday 8-12. 1945 S. 44th. 10 Misc. For Sale_ Best Friends Coin Htckhctr Jeweler 's bronze or imitation pewter, name engraved on each half. Send $10.00, your name and friend's name to Andre Antmon, P O. Box 94802. Lincoln, NE 68509. MCAT and DAT complete test preparation package. 477 6453. _ Mizpah Coin MscAtooea Jeweler s bronze, name engraved on each half. Send $10 00, your name and lover's name to Andre Antinori, P.0. Box 94802, Lincoln. NE 68509. Sola iounge chair and foot stool; drapes. 53' long x 50' wide; wood drape rod; two mounted tires F 78-15; two- 61' shades; 61* Venetian blinds; one kitchen chair; full/twin bed frame. 488-7695 __ Two VHS VCRs $95 and $120 with remotes. 483-2349. 14 Photo Equipment Nikon FE 35mm camera with motor drive rMD-12) and Nikkor 35-70 3.3-4.5 zoom all near mint. $550. obo. 472 1686 or 475 8039. 19 Ticket Exchange 2 student tickets OSU game. Good seats. $7.00. 477 0192, leave message. _ Wanted: Four NU vs. OK tickets at Norman. Call 466 9334. leave message. _ WANTED: 38 Colorado tickets- NOW- Will pay $40/ ticket, preferably together. Call 435-7206, leave mes sage Wanted; Two Oklahoma State tickets. Preferably to gether. Can 436-9289 20 Vehicles For Sale 86 Ford Thunderbwo. All options, new transmission. Must sell Call evenings 435 0997 1987 Nmia250. Must sell. $950 or best enter 474 0600or 474 9065 after 5:30. 1985 Blazer S-10, Tahoe pkg., all-power options. Over 1000 below book. 797-5740, mornings. 22 Adoption ADOPT LET US HELP YOU! Happily married childless couple with lots of love and security to give wants very much to adopt your newborn. Expenses, legal/confidential. Please call collect 518 872-2567. ADOPTION Loving, financially secure and well-educated future awaits your baby. Your child will have the best of every thing. Expenses paid. Call collect 212-876-2444. Caring, educated couple will love, embrace 8 adopt special infant. Dad is a pediatrician & mom helps families with sick children. Give yourself, your baby and us a chance. Call Mindy collect, 718-347-5020. Loving couple seeks baby to adopt into secure home. Call oollect 201-586-3668. PREGNANT AND WONDERING WHAT TO DO? Explore the protection and benefits of adoption which are only provided by a licensed agency. No fee for our confidential services. Contact; Nebraska Children's Home Society 4600 Valley Road 483-7879. 36 Health & Fitness Exercise Instructor Basic training workshop Saturday, Sept. 29th, 8:00am 5:00pm. Call Jan 476-1492 for information. Karate-The unique and fun way to get in shape. One class free. Call 474-1729. 44 Legal Services Chapter 13 bankruptcy can discharge student loans. Statmore Law Offices, 474-1842. 60 Misc. Services Book Exchange Service Buying or selling books? Call in a list of books you want to sell or buy, we'll put you in touch with students with similar needs. BOOKFINDERS. 466-6893/475-5819, 5pm-10pm. Monday-Friday. Don’t Wait For your windshield rock damage to spread. Most insur ance companies pay in lull. Mobile service. Glas-Weld 477-8661. __ Scholarships/grants for college are available. Millions go unclaimed yearly. For details, 1-800-334-3881. STUDY ABROAD IN AUSTRALIA Information on semester, summer, and Internship pro 8rams. All under $6000. Call Curtin University 1-800 78-3696. TYPEWRITERS WORD PROCESSORS Rentals Sales Service Rent-To-Own BLOOM’S 1001 Gerfiekl 474-4136 62Pregnancy PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment, 483-2609 80 Typing & Resumes Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 10 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. Resumes Professionally typeset or laser printed. $15 plus tax. Daily Nebraskan basement of the Nebraska Union Typing and Word Processing Resumes-Papers. Ceil All-Types 477 0445. Typing services. Fast service at the right price. Call 408 0012 after 4:30. __ Word processing papers, reasonable prices Call Mary 483-4010. 110 Announcements A MULT1-CULIU RFORMANCE Muse and poetry will be performed by 4 of the Student Affairs Diversity Retreat Facilitators Budding Bridges and Strengthening Alliances wdl be the theme of this performance. Don't miss thisl Call the Women's Re souros Center 472-2597 tor more info Thursday Sep tember 27th at 800pm, Union Mainj.ounge. FREE Ml_ Appearng at the Pla-Mor Thursday, September 27: The Rumblee. 9-12:30. 6600 Weot 0 St THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON /Stony. Jimmy, you can have\ [that new bike if you can J (answer just one l Who+‘3 the average ra>nia//J \ in the Amazon BasinT^r e dwomc* FMturM OwtuM * Urw*r»» SyndKM | CBA STUDENT ADVISORY BOARD Applications are available now in City, East CAP offioes and the Dean's office, CBA 240. All business students are encouraged to apply! Compete For Cash Prizes Homecoming Talent Show applications available at both Dity and East Campus CAP offices and booth in City Jmon. Due Sept. 28. What have you got to lose? DECA!! DECA! DECA!! Collegiate marketing/business/education club meeting Wednesday Sept. 26, 6:30 pm, Nebraska Union. Every one welcome. We will discuss nationals in Denver, CO, and picnic Sunday. See you there! Emerging Leader internship This non-paid position includes curriculum development and co-instruction of Emerging Leaders classes. Great opportunity for a junior or senior with leadership experi ence! Applications at CAP City, CAP East, WRC or Culture Center are due October 1 by 4:00 pm. ENJOY COLLEGE MORE! Let National Scholarship Services eliminate your finan cial aid hassles. Call today, 489-8102 leave message. FREE ICE CREAM! Human Dev. & the Family Club meeting Sept. 26 at 5:45 in Home Ec. 104 Happy September Birthdays to the foxy women on Smith 6I Lori, Janna, Marctann, Linda, Erin STUDENT ORGANIZATION ORIENTATION SUMMIT SCHEDULE Culture Center-4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. August29. September 5.1CL 11. 12. 17. 24. 25. 26 Sunday. Sept. 9-6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. East Union-4:30 p.m. to 5:30 pm.. August 30. September 6. 13. 20. 27 Students For Choice MEETING Thursday, September 27th, 7:30 p.m. Student Union, Room Posted. HOMECOMING 1990 WIN, LOSE, OR DRAW TOURNAMENT Sponsored by Union Board Wed Oct, 10th, 6:30pm Application forms available in Suite 220 Deadline- Oct. 5 INTRAMURAL MANAGER MEETINGS The manager meetings lor the following activities will be Thursday, September 27: Men's and women's flag foot ball- 5:30pm NE Union. Co-rec soccer 6:30pm NE Un ion. Teams must have a representative in attendance or lose $7.50 of their forfeit fee. INTRAMURAL ARCHERY Intramural archery will be held Thursday, 9/27 instead of Wednesday, 9/26 in Mabel Lee 310 from 6:00pm-9:45pm. No fees. Enter on site. Be sure to bring current UNL photo I.D. 472-3467. Looking for a fun wayto get involved? UNL Student Foundation is the answer Applications available in CAP Office, City Union Due September 28 MFIGAIDU Yesl It's back I Thurs. the 27th 6:30 City Union, Room Posted My Friend Is Gay and I Don't Understand. PI MU EPSILON Tonight's the mghtl Meeting at 6:30 pm, room 203 Oldfa ther. Refreshments will be served. SAUD LIVE JAZZ featuring Galen Abdur-Razzag, Friday. September 28. 7:00 9:00pm. East Union cafeteria UPC-Air can-Amor can Special Events and Entertainment. Students For Life Meeting at 7:00pm. Thursday, Sept. 27th in the City Union, room to be posted. Anyone interested a welcome. Travel to London and Paris Why not join a UN-L study tour during semester break? Study the arts or theater and earn credit. Call Flights A Study Tours 472-3264 lor details or stop by 1237 R Street. Room 102. U.S. Pe3c£ Video A Information September 7:30pm Ne braska Union. UNION BOARD Goal Setting Retreat Today 4:30pm East Union UPC MAJOR CONCERTS Committee meeting Wed., Sept. 26,4 p.m. in NE UNION. £$& never, hat? a Wit tii_sh£ Recorded the ->on& ' vjJill Vrx) 'saaMs,.. WHICH 86CAM6 jS.jf i ONi ,I6NK BUT MOST avhjso, ^Krs ^SPlRilT^^ campus notes by brian shellito 7 I'lE Y~ \ owe I d ILL SAW. 1 VNtNttPSy wrunnaBTOS^L T>\KT VJOWW Ir'CKOP^^ Soo'ff K Of . iVOURE NCTM.L l -were wooR- \ SELF Ll-amtSTot Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ACROSS 1 Cardinal point 5 Tilting, as a ship 10 Great Barrier 14 Hans's spouse 15 Historic caravel 16 Inner Comb form 17 A powder 18 Where King Saul consulted a medium 19 Move like an eagle 20 Do a good job. in Sydney 23 Drop a pop-up 24 Ancient emp 25 Monetary gain 28 Saturn's wife 30 Expiate 34 Prefix with bar or therm 35 The ark's magic number 36 Nighttime noisemaker 37 Swimming stroke 41 A rival of Jennings 42 For instance 43 Actress Michele 44 Done in 45 To be. in Barcelona 46 He wrote "A Mind That Found Itself ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE ■ClHlol I |r~ H A_fL LL A iLii JL JL A_ S E S r nJHH| J_JL JL N R. 0 JL B|0|S|S|A|N[OIV|ABBA[S s t o o g e■MTmji rMBMMB ggMgjD E WlSlBBW I [G H T S IclAIrIoILBBC O T I LjL I O N ’[A L A SWA N N A sWm i mIeHd e e~R SMpIoIpIsBe IsIsTe" 48 City SE of Belgrade 50 Solti's title 51 Mob-related tribunal 57 Three Island 58 Kind of Belt 59 Carson's predecessor 61 Unique person 62 Shallot 63 Ceiba or cacao 64 Man s septet, a la Shakespeare 65 Aquarium fish 66 Pungent humor DOWN 1 Triton 2 Ancient Syria 3 Spacious hall 4 Victuals, to an Aussie 5 “ partridge in -tree" 6 Fish or heather 7 — Hittite (language family) 8 Small porches 9 French sociologist 1843-1904 10 Device in an electric circuit 11 TV role for Sonny Shroyer 12 Rhode Island, to Rene 13 Pro 21 Before, to Tennyson 22 Marseille money 25 TaradidcJlers 26 Ordinary 27 Mesa Calif city 28 Ruru or boobook 29 Aplomb 31 Pontiff s cape 32 More recent 33 Gardner et al 35 Asphalt ingredient 36 Curve on a hull 38 Pamt additives 39 Go back on a promise 40 Swiss river 45 Reliquary 46 Double this for a Chilean river 47 Vents 49 Sandal strap 50 Elaborate solo in opera 51 Gargantua, e g 52 Not aweather 53 R I P item 54 Aroma, in Madrid 55 -avis 56 Far East unit of weight 57 Extinct New Zealand bird 60 Emeritus Abbr