The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 25, 1990, Page 6, Image 6

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UNL thefts on the rise
Value of stolen bicycles increases
By Cindy Wostrel
Staff Reporter
Bicycle thieves are getting pickier
this year, according to University of
Nebraska-Lincoln Police Department
Between Jan. 1 and Sept. 20,1989,
62 bikes were reported stolen. During
that period this year, 70 bicycles were
taken, a 13 percent increase. But the
dollar value of the bicycles taken this
year totaled $22,653,26 percent more
than last year’s $17,920.
Part of the larger dollar amount
increase might be because bicycles
are more expensive, said Sgt. Mylo
Bushing of the UNL police. The price
of bikes has gone up drastically, he
One bicycle that was taken this
year was valued at $1,400, he said,
and one was listed at $1,100.
And the bicycle parts being taken
are getting more expensive.
Last year, eight bicycle parts were
taken between Aug. 1 and Sept. 20 for
a loss of $163.
During that period this year, six
bicycle parts were stolen, 25 percent
fewer than last year, but the dollar
loss was $237,45 percent more than
last year.
Parts such as seats, posts, tire rims
and tires are taken, Bushing said.
The problem, he said, is that it’s
hard to secure bicycle parts from theft.
Since bicycle manufacturers be
gan selling bikes with quick-release
wheels, Bushing said, it has been even
easier for thieves to steal the parts.
And the parts aren’t cheap.
According to Mary Hayes, sales
person at Cycle Works, 27th and Vine
streets, alloyed rims cost from $44.95
on up. Seats start at $24 and seat posts
start at $19, she said.
Bushing said the thieves might steal
parts to construct a super-bicycle.
There’s no way bicyclists can secure
their bicycles from theft of parts, he
said, except by taking the bicycle seat
and post with them and using two
bicycle chains — one to lock a wheel
to the bicycle’s frame and one to hold
the bicycle to the rack.
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UNL tuition bill includes insert
Drug information explains policies, penalties, health risks
By Adeana Leftin
Staff Reporter
When students at the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln received their tui
tion bills this semester, they got more
than they bargained for.
To comply with the Drug-Free
Schools and Campus Act, informa
tion on UNL’s drug policy was in
serted into students’ bills, Personnel
Director Bruce Currin said.
John Wiltse, NU assistant general
counsel, said the law requires that
federally funded universities nation
wide distribute information to all
students and faculty members con
cerning drug policies.
This infonnation must include codes
of conduct, descriptions of legal sanc
tions and health risks, availability of
drug and alcohol education and reha
bilitation, and a statement of sanc
tions the university will take if codes
are violated.
UNL prohibits students and fac
ulty from illegally using alcohol and
drugs. For violating the policy, stu
dents can receive a warning, be or
dered to pay restitution, be put on
probation, be ordered to fulfill a be
havioral requirement or be suspended
or expelled.
Faculty members must abide by
the Drug-Free Workplace Act Policy
in the Drug-Free Workplace Act of
1988. They must notify their supervi
sor within five days of any conviction
of criminal drug use statute occurring
at a UNL workplace.
The act requiring information dis
tribution on these disciplinary actions
was passed Dec. 12,1989. By Oct. 1,
1990, all recipients of federal funds
must have a plan to comply with the
law and the information must be dis
tributed by the end of the calendar
“We’re ahead of the game,’’ Wiltse
James Griescn, vice chancellor for
student affairs, said pulling the infor
mation in tuition bills was an inex
pensive way to distribute it.
“It had to be a positive action of
delivery that would reach every stu
dent,’’ Griesen said.
The same information will be dis
tributed to faculty members in the
UNL employee newsletter, The Scar
let, by Oct. 1, said Jeanette Fisher, a
secretary for the personnel office.
Wiltse said he hoped students would
read the information and take it to
heart, but that he thought the univer
sity was “preaching to the converted.”
Students receiving the informa
tion already have made up their minds
about drugs, Wiltse said.
“The underlying purpose Congress
had in mind was to educate students
and employees about the consequences
of using drugs and alcohol, both
physical and legal,” he said.
One benefit of distributing the
information is that it gives the univer
sity a chance to make students aware
ot drug prevention education programs,
said David Hunnicutt, assistant pro
fessor of health education and UNL’s
coordinator of the alcohol abuse pre
vention grant.
Janet Crawford, interim coordina
tor of the Community Health Center,
University Health Center, said that
many programs are available for stu
dents wanting information or involve
ment in drug abuse prevention.
An assessment and reference pro
gram was designed to give students
the opportunity to receive a confiden
tial evaluation by a graduate student.
The student then is referred to the
proper source for help.
Drug education classes are sched
uled throughout the year to discuss
drug and alcohol abuse issues,
Crawford said. The classes satisfy
county requirements in drug educa
tion for those convicted of minor in
possession or drunken driving, she
The Peer Alcohol Educator Pro
gramming program trains students to
assist the after-hours staff of the
University Health Center in treating
acutely intoxicated patients. The stu
dents arc interviewed in the spring
and begin the one-credit-hour class
the next fall.
Hunnicutt said the programs pro
vide an emphasis to address issues
about drugs and alcohol.
“The jury is still out on what we
can expect from the program,” Hun
meutt said.
Continued from Page 1
belter with smaller sections and the
one student who desperately wants to
lake the course,” he said.
Overrides push class sizes up to 38
in some cases, he said.
Lewis said he wished class sizes
could be limited to fewer than 30
“Typically, grad students are long
on enthusiasm and short on experi
ence,” he said.
The graduate students could do a
better job teaching if the classes were
smaller, he said.
Sophomore and junior level math
courses should be held to 35, but
because the department wants to help
students, it has taken up to 45 or 46
students in the past, Lewis said. This
fall, the most serious problems with
class size occurred in Math 200 and
208, Lewis said.
Lewis said he also was not sure
that limits were tighter than usual this
year, but said he felt students were
more stressed about their getting classes
this semester.
“We perhaps see between 300 and
500 students seeking special over
And, Lewis said, the department
cannot estimate how many students
did not ask for overrides in closed
“The day Drop/Add opened (this
semester), about all 34 sections of
Math 100 and essentially all of every
thing we taught in multi-sections was
closed,” Lewis said.
4 ‘We all should be very concerned
about the stress this gives our stu
Frederick Link, interim chairman
of the modem languages and litera
tures department, said 25 is the usual
maximum for language acquisition
courses at the 100 level. The depart
ment tries to keep 200-lcvel courses
down to 22 students. Those numbers
have crept up by two or three students
in the past, Link said.
Students need to have opportuni
ties to speak in language classes, he
.. you need to be able to give
individual attention; there are lots of
daily assignments and quizzes that
take a lot of time to prepare and
evaluate,” Link said.
AddiUonal problems result because
students sometimes want to take
courses at certain limes, he said.
“Wc can’t offer all our classes in
the morning” because of space limi
tations, Link said.
Continued from Page 1
Anderson said the committee to
bring the quilt to Lincoln began meeting
once a month after the visit to Water
loo. In April, a public forum was held
to gel input from the public.
The committee then filled out the
application and sent it to the NAMES
project in San Francisco.
When NAMES approved the ap
plication, the committee began rais
| ing funds to transport the panels and
pay for advertising and an AIDS
NAMES representative to inspect the
display location, Anderson said.
The cost totaled SI3,(XX). The
committee raised more than S18,(XX).
The excess will be donated to the
| Nebraska AIDS project, Nellis said.
The Nebraska Stale Fair waived
the rental fee for Agricultural Hall,
where the quilt panels will be dis
played. Some students also have
become involved in bringing the quilt
lo Lincoln.
Wendy Weiss, an assistant profes
sor in textiles, clothing and design,
said Nellis contacted her last spring
with the idea of developing banners
for the display. Weiss thought it would
be a good project for her class.
They ’re aware that design can be
used for education," she said. "It
was an opportunity to talk about AIDS
and issues related to AIDS, topics we
don’t normally discuss in design class."
Before *e class began making the
banners, several speakers came and
spoke to them about AIDS.
'll was a good experience for the
entire class," Dalbey said.
‘ ‘It’s a wonderful thought to think
people want to remember them in this
way,” she said.
Spreading knowledge of AIDS also
has been important to Miller.
He has been active with the Task
Force on AIDS Education and has
spoken to classes.
“I find it frustrating to work with
college students," Miller said.
“They’re in a stage where they’re
totally in denial that anything can
change their lives.”
Miller said junior high and high
school students have many questions
and fears of what they can do to
protect themselves.
‘ * That docsn ’tfollowthroughwith
college students,” he said.
The highest incidence of new cases
of the disease is among college-age
people, he said.
Of the college students he has talked
to, Miller said, most arc concerned
with medical costs or how the disease
can be transmitted.
“It’s another STD (sexually tranS'
milled disease), but it has fatal conse
quences, always,” he said.
Brygger said that if people are
expecting to come to the display and
sec everyone crying, they 're wrong
“It’s a coming together of people
in love and friendship,” she said.
The quill display is free and will
be open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Oct. 2U
and 9 a.m. u> 5 p.m. Oct. 21.