The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 25, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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    Letters explore First Amendment rights
White foundation
has no concern
for South Africa
While I support the current efforts
of the Anti-Apartheid Coalition of
Nebraska in its demands that the NU
Foundation divest of those compa
nies still conducting business in South
Africa, I am sure that the founda
tion’s board, who are all Caucasians,
has no interest in what is happening in
South Africa as a result of their in
After all why should a “private”
foundation be concerned that its money
has helped a government violate human
rights for centuries when all of the
membersof the foundation are white?
Let's be up front about this. These
individuals who speak for the founda
tion are saying, “Look, why should
we care about the plight of black
people in South Africa? After all, you
should be worried about black people’s
plight at the University of Nebraska,
and we give them money all the time.”
Well, that just shows me what kind
of an education these foundation
members have received. I just hope
that none of them have degrees from
I do not anticipate a swift end to
this debate of private support of inhu
manity vs. state laws condemning that
inhumanity. Because the longer this
simple-minded, racist puppet show is
prolonged, the more money well-to
do, so-called philanthropists will make.
A nH ai fAr oil 1 cn ’ f that 1 hn namo nf
the game: kill the indigenous people
and take the wealth of their land.
A page from the history book of
genocide and the theft from the
American Indians should tell most
Nebraskans that this is the same song
with an updated version.
Walter Robert Gholson, III
Equality should
include rights
for Caucasians
I am writing in response to the
article concerning the establishment
of white unions at various college
campuses (DN, Sept. 19). The Uni
versity of Florida student body presi
dent termed Uieir white union as “a
big joke on campus” and UNL vice
chancellor for student affairs James
Griesen commented, “I would cer
tainly hope none (the white unions)
would come to UNL.”
Why arc groups that support rights
for Caucasians automatically “rac
ist” while groups that support any
other groups appear as heroes? I am
very much in favor of a “black un
ion” if it is desired, and equality and
co-knnwledcc ainonc Lhc various races
populating the earth; but this equality
also includes a “white union” if
My question is tins: Has the world
made any progress in racial relations,
or have we taken five steps forward in
one direction while going backward
in another, reversing roles but mak
ing no progress at all?
Andy Galbraith
chemical engineering
Attacks on column
prove initial point
about amendment
Both Bri Frimodt’s and Andrew
Meyer’s attacks on Jana Pedersen’s
column (DN, Sept. 13) not, as it was
called on Monday (DN, Sept. 17), an
article, 1 think may have actually
proved Pedersen’s original point about
the fragility and necessity of the First
Frimodt took particular exception
to the use of one word. The word
homophobic, saying, for example that
it sounded like a mental disease How
does a single, vehement connotation
a reader brought to the text justify this
degree of condemnation? Who can
demand their own meaning for a word
be agreed to by the writer and audi
ence or else have the writer face such
a rebuke? What is the point of that
letter, anyway? How much of it is
truly about the column?
Meyer, while paralleling Frimodt’s
admission that he was not disagree
ing with the entire column, proposes
the complete abolition of the NEA
(DN, Sept. 18). He echoes others’
argument that they should not have to
support what they do not agree with
or condone. My answer would be that
what individual taxpayers are sup
porting is not individual artists but
the opportunity for many different
artists from many different fields to
explore and improve. To judge the
whole by a single example is to deny
the NEA s fundamental purpose. Do
we want the only art to be the popular
art? Are the only songs to be the ones
most often played.
I lived in Cincinnati, the city Pcd
ersen was referring to, until about a
year ago and the kind of blind rage of
prejudice Frimodl seems to be sup
porting has twisted that community
for years. It is the prejudice of a few
against anyone who is defined by
faith, heritage, philosophy, financial
standing or political principle as dif
ferent from them that continually finds
a way to spoil what could be a great
city. Meyer’s solution is just to avoid
the problem. These are national is
sues that need facts, no accusations,
and decisions based on the principles
of freedom, not fear.
Drn til (\ i /"> Ar r m mrln/ln Aor
in whatever form, starves a commu
nity from being what that word means;
a union of its diversification. It is a
conscious choice to live in fear, fear
of having self image and identity
shaken instead of encouraged by oth
ers’ rights to an equally vibrant and
independent existence. It is to de
mand the right for oneself to deny
rights and privileges to others. One of
those abstract purposes that we at a
university — students and teachers —
are to be constantly about is to con
tribute to the freedom and quality of
life around us. Whatever the example,
wherever the incident, we as Ameri
cans and members of the human
community can not stand silent when
others in the community try to howl
down a straightforward restatement
of our privileges and our responsibili
ties. That is what the column, an open
piece of opinion, was about.
I am not here to judge the quality
of writing in Pedersen’s column or to
debate strangers’ sexual preferences.
I am here to discuss what Pedersen
was writing about. That is the First
Amendment. That is how each of us
here is getting to have our own say. In
fact, I applaud the fact that wc all are
able to write what we have and this
institution provides to have it printed.
That is why the law says wc arc free to
say and do what wc wish as long as it
rln^s not attack the lihertv of others.
Words and the freedom to understand
arc what this is all about. That is w hat
needs defending, not a free market
economy. In one of these letters,
Pedersen was called “uneducated,”
but I think the need of know ledge and
understanding weighs heaviest in other
comers of this debate.
Michael Young
assistant professor
Radical solution
sought to find time
to expand horizons
In the Sept. 24 issue of the Daily
Nebraskan, Amy Edwards states that
imagination yields to information,
which is true. But it sickens me tc
realize this. Unfortunately this fact is
most evident here at a high-level
educational institution where we should
constantly be learning and expand
ing. Since I was little I’ve been taught
to expand my horizons and, believe
me, I’ve tried and am still trying.
But my current situation makes it a
bitdifficult. In these next few years of
college, all my time and energy will
be spent learning one trade. This is
necessary so that I can live comforta
bly in my future, but it is not the way
it should be. We need to know more
than what our future employers will
expect of us. Sure my freshman year
I was allowed to take a couple of
classes that weren’t related to my
major so that I may broaden my mind,
and it is broadened. But these few
token horizon-expanders are just not
enough to make me an intellectually
satisfied person.
I have no solution to this tunnel
vision effect college has on our lives,
but some radical-yct-practical solu
tion soon will pop into my head and
you will be the first to know.
Todd Molvar
Candidates’ debate
should not ignore
health insurance
Disgust, disgust, disgust with the
two candidates running for governor
of Nebraska. Not only are the junk
bonds of little value, so is all the
rhetoric we have heard so far coming
from the political ads. Let’s hear
something of substance.
The health care issue in the whole
nation is catastrophic. Now we hear a
debate on whether the Stale of Ne
braska should keep on furnishing
insurance for its employees that pays
100 percent of almost all health care
with no deductibles. Last year alone
health insurance costs paid by the
state rose 36 percent.
Thirty-seven million Americans are
without health insurance. Many in
Nebraska. Gov. Kay Orr vetoed LB
187, the Indigent Health bill, during
the last legislative session.
The escalation of costs is not only
affecting the state and the poor, it is
affecting all citizens and the workplace.
It is one of the most worrisome areas
for business in America. The average
cost of company-provided medical
plans rose to $2,160 in 1988, this
representing a 20.4 percent increase
in one year. These higher costs cause
loss of income for the worker. Many
companies are requiring employees
to pay a larger percentage of insur
ance coverage.
My husband and I have been dev
astated with the crunch. Our health
insurance increased in March to $974
per month. Every three months it has
been escalating until it was necessary
to cancel the coverage and seek more
reasonable insurance with less cover
The astronomical cost that we have
incurred in the last four months for
medical expenses will cost us at least
$6,000, plus our health insurance
premiums are now $450 per month.
So ... I ask the two candidates
running for governor, what are you
going to do about this terrible prob
lem that faces all of America. Who
will take a leadership role? Will Gov.
Orr come forward and take a leader
ship role in deciding if state employ
ees keep first dollar coverage health
insurance? Will Orr consider that some
of us have to pay all the costs of our
insurance and then pay taxes to cover
insurance for state employees that is
far superior to ours?
Why not answer this question during
one of the debates? Let the reporters
questioning the candidates sec how
each candidate responds. Who will
take the leadership role so Nebras
kans can all have adequate health
care that is affordable or free like the
privileged state employees.
1 challenge each candidate to have
an answer to this very importan
Dolores Schiebinge
Historical capsule
should be treated
with more respect
For the last 17 years the Univer
sity of Nebraska-Lincoln has shown
itself to be a poor custodian to a piece
of our nation’s history: the Apollo
009 test space capsule on display at
the UNL campus.
A recent article in the Lincoln Star
and Omaha World-Herald, told of an
organization called “Nebraskans for
the Advancement of Space Develop
ment,’’ who has urged the university
to lake care of this artifact that has
been left to the mercy of vandals,
neglect and the elements for nearly
two decades.
The university has responded to
N.A.S.D. and other individuals with
conflicting historically erroneous
information. The university has in
formed many that no funding ex ists to
take care of the capsule enclosure to
protect the capsule. Coincidentally,
the same statement was made two
years ago and the enclosure was never
built due to lack of funds. UNL has
also stated that due to a clause in the
original loan agreement with NASA,
the capsule can not be refurbished;
UNL has yet to produce the document
to substantiate this claim.
A source within the aerospace
industry informs that UNL has had an
offer from the Kansas Cosmosphcre
Space Museum to completely restore
the Apollo capsule. UNL has failed to
act on this offer or make it known to
the public. In its current condition the
Apollo capsule has no educational
value, in fact many campus residents
see it as an eyesore.
Why has Chancellor Massengale
chosen to leave this piece of history to
rot away when viable options are
l More action, less rhetoric IJNL!!!
Timothy L. Balvanz
r A concerned Nebraskan for the
i preservation of space history
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