The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 25, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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    A , Kiley Timperley/Daily Nebraskan
A practice run
Mark Rettig takes a break from jogging to watch the Cornhusker football team practice
Monday afternoon.
Officials: More steps needed
Women’s job progress slowing
By bneiiey Biggs
Staff Reporter
Although the role of racial minori
ties and women in government has
improved, some minority government
officials say more steps need to be
Speaking to a group of about 20
people at a panel discussion in the
Nebraska Union Monday, Susan
Welch, chairwoman of the Chancel
lor’s Commission on the Status of
Women, said the employment of
minorities and women has greatly
improved but has slowed and even
regressed in the past decade.
Society must be concerned with
the competence of the total work force,
including all minorities and women,
while looking to the 21st century, she
“Black and white women are still
lagging behind black and white men,”
Welch said.
Women minorities bear twice the
burden of every minority group, said
Harold Clarke, director of the Ne
braska Department of Correctional
Black women have a 69-percent
college dropout rate compared to a
52-percent dropout rate for black men
and a 48-percent rate for white women,
Clarke said. Only 39 percent of white
men drop out of college, he said.
The high dropout rate for black
women results in them accepting less
demanding jobs that pay less and
require less education.
* ‘The two major issues now for the
minority women are equal work and
equal pay,” Clarke said.
“Minority women have to be double
qualified,” said Helen Meeks, direc
tor of the Bureau of Examining Boards
for the State Health Department.
But minority women shouldn’t view
the need to be more qualified as un
fair or negative, she said.
“It can be positive,” she said,
because it makes women more com
petitive and better at what they do.
Race should not become the focal
point in terms of qualifications, Meeks
“Race plus superb qualifications
equate excellence,” she said.
Meeks said minorities can have
the greatest impact on society by
educating the public, not only in the
classroom but also through leader
ship positions in the health field and
public administration.
“People can have an impact on ]
setting public policy to ensure things
are available to all people,” she said.
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UNL dear students say attitudes
of others aid college experience
By Erik Unger
Staff Reporter
Living in a silent world does not tone down
the college experience for two University of
Nebraska-Lincoln deaf students.
Kenny Walker, the starting right tackle on
the Comhuskcr football team, and Cynthia
Smith, a senior from Alliance, said handi
capped students get a good education at Ne
braska despite studying in ‘‘adifferent world.”
Walker and Smith arc the only two deaf
undergraduate students at UNL that use an
Christy Horn, coordinator of UNL Handi
capped Student Services, said the university
provides 10 interpreters for the five students -
two undergraduate and three graduate — who
need them.
Walker, the first deaf football player in the
Big Eight, came to Nebraska because Handi
capped Student Services offered the interpreter
Handicapped Student Services also provides
auditory trainers, note takers and a microphone
hookup between the instructor and student,
Horn said.
Professors are picked for the students based
on how easy they arc to understand and lip
read. Students also arc offered alternate test
Smith and Walker said the deaf student
experience is made easier by the good attitude
of the student body toward deaf students.
“The students treat me like a typical stu
dent,” Smith said.
Walker said being deaf hasn’t hurl his social
“I have a good time here. I’m never alone
and get along with everyone, no question.”
He said his teammates don’t treat him dif
ferenily on the football field, either.
“When they saw my ability, it didn’t make
any difference,” he said.
A few adjustments are made, however. Walker
gets his signals from a special mouthpiece.
This works well except sometimes “the line
backer has foam or blood in his mouth and I
can’t understand.”
Walker said the only difficulties come when
he can’t find his coach or on quick calls, which
he sometimes misses.
Walker and Smith have one common prob
lem: They do not understand some professors.
Although most instructors try to help, some
don’t understand what deaf students need to
function in class, Smith said.
One professor, Smith said, stuck her in the
comer of the classroom after she requested to
sit in the front.
“Teachers don’t know how to work with
interpreters,” Walker said. “I’ve learned to be
Despite the problems, Horn said, the serv
ices offered by UNL arc among the best in the
The reputation of the services offered to the
deaf students at UNL speak for themselves,
Horn said, and the staff doesn’t do any recruit
However, the athletic department does let
hearing-impaired athletes they are recruiting
know about services the university offers.
Horn said the high quality program is due
partly to the new computer system constructed
with the help of a Department of Education
Demonstration Grant.
It recently was expanded to access the uni
versity libraries’ card catalog system from the
office of Handicapped Student Services, Horn
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