The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 25, 1990, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 1[^^J ^ ^ P C ^ Associated Press Nebraskan j
JL ^ %*> w f JL^ Edited by Jana Pedersen Tuesday, September 25,1990
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Nuns market T-shirts
with heavenly designs
a heavenly marketing idea.
Two nuns from Miami Shores,
Fla., seeing what pictures on T
shirts, posters and the like have
done to raise the profile of Bart
Simpson, decided to do the same
with the Virgin Mary, St. Francis
of Assisi and other heavenly he
Sister Kathy Hollywood said she
and Sister Lorraine Hale of the
Sisters of the Presentation of the
Blessed Virgin Mary got the idea
while working on doctorates on
Catholic schools.
“During visits to Catholic
schools, we asked the kids who the
teachers told them to be like,” she
recalled. “They said Jesus and the
saints. But the kids wanted to be
like Madonna.”
The nuns responded with shirts
containing colorful decals of popu
lar saints as a way to ‘‘revitalize
Catholic tradition in a contempo
rary way,” said Sister Kathy. She
sold some of the sh irts at the Catho
lic Education Conference here
The nuns also arc working on
saints’ greeting cards and have
developed games, quizzes and
puzzles for kids.
They wouldn’t be unhappy if
Iheir merchandise gives animated
anti-hero Bart Simpson a run for
his money.
‘‘Wc want to portray Catholic
values,” Sister Kathy said. ‘‘I don’t
think Bart is helping us. Wc hope
in some way to balance out Bart.”
Bush meets with de Klerk,
lauds ‘dramatic progress’
WASHINGTON - President Bush
on Monday praised South African
President F.W. de Klerk for making
“dramatic progress” toward abolish
ing white supremacist rule and vowed
the United Slates won’t impose new
conditions for lifting economic sanc
“These conditions arc clear-cut
and are not open to rc-intcrpretalion.
And 1 do not believe in moving the
goalposts,” Bush said about sanc
tions imposed in 1986 over President
Reagan’s veto.
Bush also said all political groups
in South Africa “have a special re
sponsibility to support the process of
peaceful transition.”
That statement appeared aimed at
African National Congress leader
Nelson Mandela, who refused during
a meeting with Bush in June to for
swear violence.
De Klerk, the first South African
leader to visit the United States since
1945, assured Bush that the process
of reform is irreversible.
“We will not turnback,” dc Klerk
The leaders met at the White House
for two hours, first in the Oval Office
and again over lunch. The meeting
was a showcase of U.S. political support
for de Klerk’s efforts to guide South
Africa toward a post-apartheid demo
cratic system.
“Clearly, the time has come to
encourage and assist the emerging
new South Africa,” Bush said at a
farewell ceremony, standing along
side de Klerk in front of the sun
drenched South Lawn.
Behind them, a black Marine held
the flag of South Africa; a white Marine
held the American flag.
But Bush said that despite “the
dramatic progress that we salute here
today,” South Africa hasn’t moved
far enough to meet the conditions for
removing economic sanctions.
Supreme Soviet moves toward
Western-style market economy
MOSCOW - The Supreme Soviet
legislature voted Monday to move
toward a Western-style market econ
omy and gave President Mikhail S.
Gorbachev sweeping new powers to
make the switch.
Despite warnings by some law
makers that the special powers would
make Gorbachev a virtual monarch,
the legislature passed a resolution
allowing him to issue decrees on
property, wages, prices, the national
budget, the financial system and law
and order.
Gorbachev promised to exercise
the powers with care.
“It’s a responsibility,’’ he told the
legislature. “It’s not a tea party.”
After rancorous debate, the law
makers were unable to agree on a
specific, step-by-step program to move
away from the central planning sys
tem that they blame for technological
backwardness and shortages of hous
ing, food and consumer goods.
Instead of choosing one of the three
plans presented in the past two weeks,
the Supreme Soviet set up a commit
tee to combine them and report back
by Oct. 15.
Despite disagreement on how to
make the switch, the Supreme So
viet’s vote marked the first time it has
committed the country to a market
based system and was a departure
from seven decades of Communist
Since the 1920s, ministries in
Moscow have kept a tight grip on the
economy, issuing detailed five-year
plans that told thousands of factories,
farms and businesses what to pro
duce, where to sell it and how much to
The most radical reform proposal,
written by economist Stanislav Shat
alin, calls for junking the central plan
ning system and moving to a market
economy within 500 days by selling
factories to private owners and break
ing up collective farms.
The most conservative proposal,
backed by Prime Minister Nikolai
Ryzhkov, would leave the govern
ment in control of most of the econ
omy while moving gradually to allow
free enterprise.
Gorbachev has backed a compro
mise that contains many elements of
the 500-day plan but would not move
as fast. He also wants a national refer
endum to decide whether to return
land to private fanners.
Before and during the Supreme
Soviet’s meeting, protesters gathered
outside the Kremlin and at Pushkin
Square in downtown Moscow to
condemn the decision to give the
president additional powers. They said
Gorbachev did not deserve such au
thority because he was not elected by
direct vote of the people.
“The people don’t trust Gor
bachev! ’ ’ shouted a group of demon
strators outside the Kremlin’s Spassky
Gate. They held signs saying, “a
President -- Not an Emperor” and
“All Decrees of the President are
Battles Against Democracy.’’
Gorbachev was elected to a five
year term as president by the Su
preme Soviet in March. Previously,
his power had come from his position
as general secretary of the Commu
nist Party, which he has held since
The legislature voted 305-46, with
41 abstentions, to allow Gorbachev
the special powers until March 31,
1992. The time limit was intended to
cover a 500-day economic reform
plan, should one be approved.
Mapplethorpe trial draws protest
CINCINNATI - About 150 people
demonstrated for freedom of expres
sion Monday outside a courthouse
where an art gallery and its director
went on trial for showing Robert
Mapplethorpe’s sexually graphic
About 50 police officers patrolled
on foot, on horseback and on motor
cycles outside the Hamilton County
Municipal Court, where jury selec
tion began for the misdemeanor ob
scenity trial of the Contemporary Arts
Center and its director, Dennis Bar
In addition to rallying at the court
house, the protesters, organized by a
gay-rights group, walked 10 blocks
through downtown. Some people lay
in the street, briefly hailing traffic.
But no one was arrested.
Somcof the officerson patrol wore
rubber gloves. Catherine Adarns, a
lawyer for Gay-Lesbian March Ac
tivists, said she told city and county
authorities last week mat some
members of the group had AIDS.
Inside the courthouse, attorneys
questioned a pool of 50 people as they
worked to seat a six-member jury.
At the beginning of the trial,
Municipal Judge David Albancse
denied three defense requests.
He denied a motion to limit poten
tial jurors to Cincinnati residents.
Because of structure of the Hamilton
County Municipal Court, the jury pool
is drawn from residents of Cincinnati
and its suburbs.
The judge also denied a motion to
increase the number of peremptory
challenges allowed. The defense ar
gued that because of publicity, it would
need to eliminate more jurors than in
a case with less notoriety.
Albancse also rejected the defense’s
request to question potential jurors
The case has become a rallying
point for artists. First Amendment
activists and people who believe the
indictments are part oi a wider etion
to intimidate homosexuals.
Demonstrators shouted, “Who’s
our Hero? Dennis Barrie; Who’s the
Crook? Simon Lcis.”
Leis, Hamilton County shcnfT. stood
on the courthouse steps and smiled.
The seven-week exhibition of
photographs by Mapplethorpe, who
died of AIDS in 1989, attracted a
record crowd of more than 80.000
people to the gallery last spring.
But a grand jury indicted Barrie
and the gallery, concluding that seven
of the 175 photos violated commu
nity standards. One photo shows a
man urinating into another man’s
mouth. Others show oral sex and anal
penetration with objects.
Barrie, 43, and the gallery arc
charged with pandering obscenity and
with using children in nudity-related
material. The second charge stems
from two photos, one of a boy and one
of a girl with their genitals exposed.
World leaders condemn Iraq at U.N.
World leaders opened a U.N.
General Assembly session Monday
by condemning Iraq as a warlike stale
for its invasion of Kuwait, as Iraqi
President Saddam Hussein vowed to
fight for “a thousand years” to keep
the oil-rich emirate.
While the world body prepared to
tighten sanctions on Iraq, the eco
nomic repercussions of the Persian
Gulf crisis spread and strengthened.
Oil prices peaked at S39.20 a bar
rel and settled at a record $38.25 on
the New York Mercantile Exchange,
where oil futures have been traded
since 1983. Gasoline and home heat
ing oil both topped $1 a gallon. The
International Monetary fund, mean
while, moved to help poor countries
whose economies arc being devas
tated by the conflict.
The slock market in New York fell
to a 14-month low Monday, battered
by rising oil prices and trouble in the
banking industry. The Dow Jones
industrial average tumbled 59.41 points
to 2,452.97.
French President Francois Mitter
rand delivered the first of a series of
condemnations of Iraq, warning that
Iraq’s aggression could lead to global
anarchy. Soviet Foreign Minister
Eduard Shevardnadze speaks today.
and President Bush is to address the
160-member assembly next Monday.
Iraq’s foreign minister, Tanq Aziz,
was to address the United Nations the
same day as Bush, but he has insisted
on traveling to New Yoric aboard Iraq’s
flag carrier, Iraqi Airways. The United
States lias not approved landing rights.
Aziz was not on hand for the General
Assembly opening, but the Iraqi
ambassador to the United Nations
listened silently as Mitterrand assailed
the Baghdad government and said the
international community would not
retreat from its demand that Iraq give
up Kuwait.
Talks continue as Gramm-Rudman date nears r
WASHINGTON - President Bush
will veto any attempt by Congress to
postpone the $85 billion in Gramm
Rudinan spending cuts scheduled next
week unless a budget deal is reached,
White House officials said Monday.
“We’re T-minus seven,’’ said
presidential spokesman Marlin Fit/wa
ter, referring to the number of days
before the slashes occur. “We’re suck
ing with it and still talking.’*
Filzwater spoke as administration
officials and congressional leaders
prepared for yet another session aimed
at working out a five-year, $500 bil
lion deficit-reduction package. With
the new fiscal year beginning next
Monday, the two sides remain locked
in a budget stalemate that has per
sisted all year.
“We’re getting closer, but we’re
not there, that’s for sure,’ ’ said White
House budget chief Richard Darman.
Negotiators continued to reveal little
about the details of their closed-door
discussions. The principal hangup
remained a dispute over a reduction
in the capital gains tax rate, which
Busn wants and Democrats oppose.
On Oct. 1, the Gramm-Rudman
law automatically will impose $85
billion in cuts in the $1.2 trillion
federal budget, an amount that would
hobble many federal programs.
Democratic congressional leaders
planned to begin moving legislation
through the House today, temporarily
providing financing to the govern
But frustration with the stalled
budget talks caused debate on every
bill brought to the House floor Mon
day to deteriorate into an argument
over which party was to blame for the
budget impasse.
A day intended for action on 37
non-controversial bills became one
of parliamentary delays by Republi
cans, angry because a vole on the
budget had not been scheduled on this
week’s calendar. Democrats said a
vote couldn’t be scheduled or. a bill
that didn’t exist.
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