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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1990)
■S Classified 472-2588 JSgSr.. Flexbl* hour* mad* for students Part-time position during earty evening and early morning. Jobe available now. Apply el Lincoln Janitorial Services 1033 O St., Gold's Galleria. Mezzanine Suite t (use N St. doors). New hiring server-utility cooks full and part time. Flexible hours. Earn up to $5.0o/hour. Apply 1 -5pm at the Sizzler 6811 ‘O' Street in person only. National Research Corp. ~ NOW HIRING for part time Professional Interviewing Staff. Evening and Weekend Hours Available 15+ Hours per week ABSOLUTELY NO SELLING for more info call 475-4520 Monday-Friday _Between 9-5_ LEE’S EAST Ml North 70th Now hiring mature evening and week-end kitchen per sonnel. For appointment call 466-2660 ask for Jan. Lee's West has openings lor bus people. Musi be over 16 years old. Evening hours, lull or part time. Call 477-4339 lor appointment. Need experienced farm help for fall harvest. 786-3139 COUPON FREE EAR PIERCING with purchase of ear studs ; Prices si art at $S.(X) per pair. Patented Ivcmess System 100% Safe, 100% Sterile Your friendly campus jeweler Lincoln Jewelry 13th & Q (Next to Val's) 1-xp.rcs 11/31/90 CQUpQN X OFFER GOOD September 1990 \ i numero unc ? Bring in this coupon § for a FREE regular wash We have big screen ^ TV, drop off laundry, DC pool tables, videos, Q dry cleaning, snack bar, small screen TVs ^ I I .itnit 1 Ptnifxn |ia Visit —i I uh! I V:r Atklrcn. L ^ Sonic KcxUiclimix Apply, A Rec Center that fits YOUR schedule!! Cottonwood Club OPEN 24 HOURS DAILY!! NO COURT TIME CHARGES! NO ’’EXTRA" FEES! Welcome Back Student Bodies FallStudent Special Call 475-3386 for your FREE Tour! Free Tanning Session with Initial Sign-up Co-Ed Jacuzzi Saunna/Steam Aerobics 6 A.M. to Midnight Championship Racquetball Crts. Complete Nautilusforcuit Complete Olympic Free Weights BAR & LOUNOE COTTONWOOD 330 Weil "P" Slrccl / 475-33W* CLUB __ Godfather * Pizza Driver* wanted. $4.25/hour starting pay plus *1 /delivery. Apply 1209 Q St. or call 484-730S Tuesday Nights ... .. 9 P.M. - 1A.M. *? . __ Draws Drinks ^ 7c $1.25^>-"-NX ((rx\y) 11 / pwnject^ J y rffilDERGROUNDl ProjecTTmports (Industrial Dance - Acid Music) Excellent Dave 13th & Q /475-8007 No selling involved! Enjoy taking on tha telephone’ Gain valuable job expe rience while gathering opinion* over the telephone. Work a* little as 12 hour* per week or more to lit your busy schedule. You choose your own evening and weekend hours. Call 483-7054 tor further information. WIESE RESEARCH ASSOCIATES INC. 1630 S. 70TH ST Arby’s $5.00 per hour (up to) Full and part-time positions available. Apply in person at Arby's 14th & O. EOE _ BURGER KING Co-Workers Earn up to $5.25 per hour ‘S4.00 minimum to start (week-day noon-hour shift) *1/2 price on-duty meals ‘1/2 price off-duty meals for you and a friend ‘Freauent perlormance/salary evaluations ‘Paid vacations for all employees ‘Flexible schedule ‘Payroll savings plan ■Retirement program ‘Free uniforms ‘Co-worker referral reward program M you are seeking a job that provides a challenge at a fast pace, and an enjoyable atmosphere, we woulcflike to tak to you. We are looking for reliable individuals to be apart of our restaurant team*. Please apply in parson daily at the following Lincoln location: City Campus Union University of Nebraska 14th 6 R Streets. Buainaas Internship The ideal candidate will be self-motivated, have good public relations skills, and enjoy woiking with youth. Must be available by 2:30 pm daily, working up to 35 hours per week. Good earnings,including bonus plan, vacation and holiday pay. You'll need your own vehicle, rmleago is paid Please apply at the Internship Office. 345 Nebraska Union, UNL Campus. r SCHOOL BOGGING YOU DOWN? j CHURCH WILL LIFT YOU UP! i \ r~3 UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL mi out itfint 4 mlK.ii/y ml iih ImUmiw Owdl - MluouH lymod SUNDAY WORSHIP ^_ AT 3:00 AND 11;OQ j DEMONSTRATION LAPTOP SALE PC-4641 $1495 Back-lit 640x400, 10 MHz 8088 40 mb Hard Drive PC-5541.... Back lit VGA, 16 Shades , 12 MHz, 80286, 40Mb Hard Drive PC-4521.$999 Back-lit CGA, 640K, 20 Mb Hard Drive, 716 MHz PC-4501-3..$499 CGA, 640K, Dual Floppy, 7.16 MHz Other Models Available co£5ESHA5p,RioD!jCTS’* Sharp/Midwest High Tech Steve Jorgensen 467-2617 Dietary Aide Evening hour*, S4.95 hourly. Vacation and holiday*. Salary review after 6 month*. Apply at Lancaster manor, 1001 South St., Lincoln, NE 68502. _EOE/AA_ Drivers lor local delivery. Part time, flexible schedule. Prefer some morning availability. Apply at Lincoln Lum berCo.932N.23rd. Now taking ^plications for part-time pm kitchen and dishroom help. Good starting wage, meals half price. For further information apply in person after 8:00am to 6O0pm. Tony and Luigi's 5140 O St.___ Part-time and lull-lime cooks and car hops needed, paying up to $5/hour. Apply at: Sonic Drive Inn, 5601 South 48th. Part-time computer operator Journal Star Printing Co. has an immediate part-time opening requiring 21nrs. per week for a computer opera tor to operate an IBM System 38. Work Thursday and Friday evenings 5:30 to 11:00pm, Saturdays 500pm to 1200am, ana Sunday* noon-300pm. Previous main frame experience preferred. Receive vacation and holi day pay, eligible lor 401K and pension plans. Apply at Journal Star Personnel Dept. 926 P St. Closing date Wed. Sept. 26. An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Part-time servioe station attendant. Apply in person be tween 7 a.m. and 2 p.m., Antelope Park Arrcco, 27th and A streets. _ Part-time dishwasher, kitchen help, and bus person. Monday Friday 10:30a.m.-2:30p.m. Apply in person 1309 “L" Street, Ming Palace. _ Part-time position available in our tumbled brick pro gram. Piece work bnck handling. Flexible hours. Must be at least 18. Average wage $8-11 per hour. Apply in person. Yankee Hill Brick, 3705 S. Coddington, EOE. Property Inspectors needed, many area*. (Vacant/ occupied homes.) Part time mortgage service. 800-522 3990/800-677-6987. RESIDENT ASSISTANT Part-time, 3-9pm to include every other weekend also 7am-3pm weekend* only. Apply in person. Orchard Park. 3110 South 48th._ Schlotzky’s "Full and part-time positions "Competitive pay "Flexible schedules "Free uniform* ‘Halt price meals anytime Apply in person at: 54th A "O”, 12th A "P". 33rd A Hwy 2. SOCCER OFFICIALS NEEDED The Intramural Sport* Program it in need of outdoor soccer officiate for its oo-rec soccer activity which begins October 1. The first mseftng for interested soccer off dale is Wednesday. 9/26 a! 4:30pm in the Campus Recreation Center Conferenoe Room. H possible, please complete employment form* prior to that meeting at 55 Campus Recreation Center being sure to bring your driver's li cense/tocisl security card or other evidence of employ ability. UNL is an equal opportunity institution. Inquiries: 472-3467.___ Taco Inn 13th 6 R now hiring part-time day and evening positions Must be available for lunch shift. Apply in person at 13th 6 R. Taste of India Now hiring part-limekitchen watery help. Please apply in person or call 475-1642 m Glass Menagerie. 1209 Q Street. TELEMARKETING Shifts available M F 5 9. Sat. 10-2. May work 4, 5, or 6 Experience helpful, but will tram good communicator with positive attitude, $6 25/hr. ♦ bonus REAL MONEY, no waiting period, no penalties 438 1141 Ext. 304. TELEPHONE RECRUITMENT Not a sales |ob. Need temporary night operators to call residential areas for the AmericanHeart Association campaign. Miust be reliable and have pleasant tele phone manners Paid by recruitment Call 4 74-1353. Work for Papa! Need your help at Papa John * Restaurant downtown Apply any time in person for oooks, Short-Order, table help and dishwashers. Flexible hours, excellent wages and benefits. Papa John's 114 S. 14-th St 170 Roommates_____ 1 female roommate needed lo share two bedroom apart ment (ASAP!) 2501 N 43rd, 466 5572 1 non-smoking. $225/mo. plus phone, all utilities paid. Close to campus, 478 6435 alter 1000am Female to share 2 bedroom 5187 per month plus 1/2 utilities. Close to campus. 477-5714. M/F roommate needed. 4 bedroom house. $ 15CVmo plus 1/4 utilities 4646242 __ Responsible male to share a two-bedroom apartment. 5175 plus 1/2 utilities 435-6435 evening*. Roommate* needed No deposit Close to can pus Central air Washer/Dryer Cable. 5225/monfh. Utilities paid. 475-7870. Wanted: Female non-smoking roommate. Quiet neigh borhood. 2 bedroom with ba loony, $’62 50,'each. low utilities. Call 4669314, if no answer 764 2951. ask lor Loh. 190 Apartments For Rent 1522 Rom. brick 4-plsi, garage. two badroom, oantraJ air, appliances. laundry, no pat*. Oct 1.5360 469-9916 2412 W Largo two badroom, all appliances. waahar/dryar hook jp. wall to UNL. 5355 hmrrm Managamant. 475 0180 _ 2740 R. moor 2-bodroom. laundry, air, parking. 5296. 488-6738 Ad-new turn n had on* badroom apart riant* Nail to campus. 20tti A R .'90» eteotnerty and dapoaH 466 9095 or 464 5170;_ Downtown studio Relngerteor. dishwasher. range in cluded. Convenient University, Capitol, oounty/erty bodd mg Parking stall 5275 CaM76-2PM 8arrv4pm. ask to. Donna. Newer 2 Bedroom Microwav*. coding Ian, balcony Mcurdy system Mm pat* 5400 535 W. Saunders 476-9240. 483-6067, 4661130 Nioa 3 bedroom wdh washer/dryer hookups 646 N 25th. •vadabia October 1 5465 « utiidws Cal Brian,477-7406 or 423-1371. Nioaly redone, south Lincoln, cdosa to campus and cn tol. Largs 1 bedroom, 5280, beat paid Eftuwnoy. 0240, baal paid. 476 1911,467 5986 Willowhaven Apartments 1806 Kited 476-6200 _ "SUPER CLEAN, 2 badroom, 1 bath 2 badroom, 2 bath, private balcony, contemporary colors "FIREPLACES, low utilities ‘Close to downtown and campus ‘Start,ng at 5369 Joseph E. Kean Company 474-1666