WEATHER INDEX Today, sunny and warm, northwest wind 5-15 News Digest.2 n miles per hour, high around 85. Tonight, fair, tow Editorial.4 in the low 50s. Wednesday, sunny, continued sports .7 warm, high around 85. Arts 4 Entertainment.9 Classifieds.10 September 25, 1990 University of Nebraska-Lincoln Vol. 90 No. 21 Members of the news media talk with officials at a preview for the NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt on Monday at the Lied Center for Performing Arts. AIDS quilt to visit Lincoln Committee hopes AIDS display will increase awareness By Adeana Leftln Staff Roporter AIDS is here. That is the mes sage members of a commit tee to bring an AIDS quilt to Lincoln are trying to com municate. Dave Anderson, co-chairman of the quilt committee, said Monday during a preview at the Lied Center for Performing Arts that ‘we think you’ll be changed by seeing the quilt” “It’s a bad thing in that more people are dying of AIDS,’ ’ he said. “It’s a good thing in that it might keep more people from dying of AIDS.” The quilt, consisting of 12,000 panels, is owned by a group in San Francisco. Almost SCO of those pan els will be displayed in Lincoln next month. Dwight Miller, a Lincoln resi dent wi tn AlDSrsatd he hopcdinow’" people would become aware of the disease through the display. “For me, the quilt coming to Nebraska is proof that people real ize that AIDS is coming to Nebraska,” Miller said. Margaret Nellis, interim director of the University of Nebraska-Lin coln Campus Activities and Pro grams Office and a member of UNL’s Task Force on AIDS Education, agreed. “We’ve been working for sev eral years to educate people, espe cially students, that AIDS is here,” Nellis said. “The fact that we have quilts to present can speak to people in a way posters and pamphlets can’t,” she said. Gayle Brygger of Lincoln lost a brother to AIDS. Brygger said she was excited about the idea of shar injj part of ter brother’s memory with people by making a ywcHor the quilL “They’re not just nameless faces,” she said of the victims. “It could be someone you know.” Brygger said making a panel was “a wonderful, satisfying experi ence,” she said. “It was a very personal sort of grieving experience.” she said. “The panel is very much like Bill was." Brygger’s panel is one of the 25 to 35 panels expected to be added while the quilt is in Lincoln, Ander son said. Last October, Anderson traveled with friends to Waterloo, Iowa, to see the quilt displayed there. “If Waterloo could do this, then certainly Lincoln could, too,” An derson said. See QUILT on 6 UNL comes up short on classroom space By Jennifer O’Cilka Senior Reporter Although students sometimes get stressed out because lim its are placed on the size of classes, many University of Nebraska-Lin coln departments have stretched their limits to serve students. Ellen Baird, associate vice chan cellor of academic affairs, said stretch ing class limits further with the cur rent facilities could hurt students more than it would help. John Peters, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, said UNL needs more classrooms. “ Wedesperately need moreclass room space, a large lecture hall” and the development of better classrooms, he said. Peters urged students to take a stand on the classroom issue by show ing interest in a capital construction project before the Nebraska Legisla ture. The plan recommended by the NU Board of Regents calls for $1.4 mil lion to ‘‘improve substandard class rooms/class labs” at UNL between 1991 and 1993. The proposal ranks ninth on the regents’ priority list of projects. Baird said limits on class sizes vary according to departments, disci plines and the level of courses. ‘‘We are finding that in some o the required courses (those require* in several majors), in some instance the smaller class sizes are meaninj we can’t cover student need Baird said. Increasing the number of student accepted into the classes could realb be shortchanging students in classe in which they require individual at lention, Baird said. ‘‘My experience is that (the de partments) have tried very hard tc accommodate needs as long as then is classroom space,” she said. Baird said the small number o large-size classrooms at UNL is a bij disadvantage. ‘‘We’re very squeezed for space on campus,” she said. Stephen Hilliard, English depart mcnl chairman, said more than 13( sections of freshman English are of fered, each with a limit of 22 to 2! students. The National Council o Teachers of English recommend; classes of fewer than 20 students. Hilliard said he did not know for sure how many students could not get into their requested courses each semester, but said many have to wait to take it. Because all UNL, colleges require freshman composition, pres sures are placed on the department to open more sections. Hilliard said about 110 additional students are absorbed into existing sections through overrides. That number of students is roughly equiva lent to four sections, he said. “People, faculty, are very gener ous on taking on extra students be cause we want to help the students,” he said. English teachers take heavy teach ing assignments and even two or three extra students can increase that greatly. Hilliard said press\ire also exists at upper levels of English because of the increasing number of majors. “We are experiencing pressure across the board,” Hilliard said. “That leads to a great deal of frustration of students. It’s difficult.” Lack of available qualified faculty and space also creates problems, Hil liard said. Classes in Andrews Hall run from 7:30 a.m. into the late afternoon and evening. “Sometimes we might have the [ funds from somewhere to add a class, 1 but we don’t have the room,” he said. 5 Jim Lewis, math department chair, r said size limits in Business Calculus ’ 104 and the two traditional calculus courses, 106 and 107, mostly arc 5 determined by the size of the room. , He said about 126 students will gain 5 registration to a class in an audito . rium that scats about 120, Lewis said. “We permit 126 to gain registra . lion with the hope that during the first , week (of classes) it will settle down . and everyone will have a scat,” Lewis said. f In Math 106 and 107, students are r divided into recitation or discussion sections of about 30 students, Lewis said. College algebra, which is taught > by graduate students, is limited to ) about 35 students, Lewis said. “We’re always caught between i the con flict that the class would work r > See CLASS on 6 Foreign student enrollment up UNL expanded global view, adviser says By Heidi Monnich Staff Reporter An increase in the number of foreign students attending the University of Nebraska-Lin coln is the result of increased aware ness of the global perspective and how it affects students, UNL’s inter national student adviser said. Judy Wendorff said the university is becoming more interested in recog nizing and recruiting from certain areas of the world that are not represented at UNL. “The whole university, state and U.S. are more aware of global per spective and how it plays on stu dents,” she said. “UNL admissions is more interested in recruiting for eign students now, as a resource.” Foreign student enrollment at UNL this fall reached 1,194,180 more than last year. In 1989-90, 1,014 foreign students attended UNL, 89 more than the previous year. Peter Levitov, director of Interna tional Educational Services, said the foreign student enrollment a! UNL has stabilized in the 1980s, after large increases in the ’70s. The university appointed a com mittee in 1987, composed of faculty, staff and students, to examine ways to attract more foreign students, he said. The committee recommended a greater commitment to foreign student re cruitment to create an increased inter national environment at UNL. Since then, the university has pro duced a videotape, distributed to about 60 embassies, and has gained expo sure through foreign students return ing home after attending UNL, as well as from faculty members visit ing foreign universities. Wendorff added that, while UNL has made improvements in the num ber of foreign students attending the university, enrollment does not com pare well with other universities. Levitov said that in 1988-89 about 2.500 foreign students were enrolled at Iowa State University, more than 1.500 attended the University of Kansas and about 1,800 were at the Univer sity of Iowa. Those figures compare to the 925 foreign students enrolled at UNL in 1988-89. Patricia R. Johnson, international student programs coordinator, said this year’s increase could be partly because of the relative inexpensive ness of colleges in the Midwest. Johnson said transferring credits here also was easy for foreign stu dents. Wendorff said a possible reason foreign students found credit transfer easy last year was because of the existence of credentials analyst. The analyst examined foreign stu dents’ transcripts and determined how many credits were needed to make up for discrepancies. There is no credentials analyst at UNL this year, but Levitov said fund ing has been approved for added cleri cal assistance in the graduate and undergraduate foreign admissions offices. The new positions will allow staff members additional time to perform the credentials analysis that was done by the analyst last year. Number of foreign attending UNL 1194 1,008 I Source: Foreign Student Office. John Bruce/Datly Nebraskan