The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 24, 1990, Page 16, Image 15

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    Interested in
graduate or
Attend the largest Graduate and Professional
School Fair in the region and visit with
representatives from colleges and universities
from throughout the Midwest and other regions
of the country
Thursday, October 4,1990
9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
K-State Union Ballroom
Kansas State University
Manhattan, Kansas
For information, contact your Placement Office or
call 1-800-232-0133, ext. 6194.
I :.j
School Fair
30 Colleges and
Universities Represented
Neihardt Staff age
Be Happy. Do Be Do Be Do. Just do If, we won't check
your recordsl Remember too, it's not HOW you play, it's
145 Lost & Found
Found: Men's watch on the sidewalk on the west side of
Cather Hall Call 436-8891 to claim.
Green folder containing Marketing 341 notes. Please call
475-3115, ask for Lynn.
148 Wanted “
Attention Center needs youl Do you have 2 8 hours a
week to help troubled youth? If so, you can gain valuable
volunteer experience by Interacting with youths in a
variety of recreation, crafts and educational activities in a
nationally recognized, community based correctional
facility. Call the Attention Center for Youth at 471 -7090
and ask for the volunteer coordinator.
Backtrack Records
3833 S. 48th
Lincoln's vintage record shop. Buying-Selling records,
tapes, compact discs. Great poster selection. 10% stu
dent discount.
150 Child Care Needed
Nanny Opportunities
Salaries $150- $400 week.
Join our successful Nanny Network and experience
growth with a great family on East Coast. Call Arlene
Streisand. 1 -800-443-6428. Minimum 1 year,
160 Help Wanted
La Pax Mexican Restaurant
Now hiring a.mVp.m. prop and line cooks full and part
time positions available. Excellent starting wage, 50% off
meat policy, fun working conditions. Apply in person 321
N. Coiner
211 North 70th
Now hiring mature evening and week-end kitchen per
sonnel. For appointment call 466-26G0 ask for Jan.
Lae's West has openings for bus people. Must be over 16
years old. Evening hours, full or part time. Call 477-4339
for appointment.
- ..I
Just Back from Brazil
Southside Blues at it's Finest
Mon. - Sat., Sept 24-29
136 No. 14th
X OFFER GOOD September 1990
A Rec Center
that fits YOUR schedule!!
Cottonwood Club
Welcome Back Student Bodies
FallStudent Special
Call 475-3386 for your FREE Tour!
Free Tanning Session with
Initial Sign-up
Co-Ed Jacuzzi Saunna/Steam
Aerobics 6 A.M. to Midnight
Championship Racquetball Crts.
Complete Nautilus Circuit
Complete Olympic Free Weights
.130 Weil "P" Sired / 475-3301. CLUB
Flexfcle hour* made for students. Part-time position
during early evening and early morning. Jobs available
now. Apply at Lincoln Janitorial Services 1033 0 St.,
Gold's Gialleria, Mezzanine Suite 1 (use N St. doors).
Godfather's Pizza
Drivers wanted. $4.25/hour starting pay plus $1/delivery.
Apply 1209 Q St. or call 464-730S
Great Evening Job!
So easy you won't even know you're working! Call now
and earn $6/hour. Linooln Premium Guide, 466-1397.
Great part-time opportunities
Flexible hours!
Competitive pay!
Fro# uniforms!
Free meals!
We can give you as few or as many hours a* you need
worked around your class schedule. Give us a call.
McDonalds 475-5238.
‘Hiring Now‘
TMI Corp., ranked in the "lop 10" by the telemarketing
industry's trade magazine lor the past 7 years, is now
hiring lor fall. $6.5CVhour guaranteed. Realistic earning
potential tn $ 10/hour Flexible scheduling-you set your
own hours around your classes! Day and evening hours
available. Paid, professional training. Convenient loca
tion 2 blocks from campus. Contests, prizes, fun, friendly
laces. Call today for a Personal interview: 476-7625. Ask
for Dianne Irwin. (EOE)
$5.00 per hour (up to
Full and parl-limepositiont available. Apply in person at
Artoy's 14th A Q. EOE ___
Earn up to $5.25 per hour
*$4.00 minimum to start (week-day noon-hour shift)
*1/2 price on-duty meals
* 1/2 price off-duty meals for you and a friend
‘Frequent performance/salary evaluations
‘Paid vacations lor all employees
‘Flexible schedule
‘Payroll savings plan
Hetiremem program
"Free uniforms
‘Co worker referral reward program
If you are seeking a iob that provides a challenge at a fast
pace, and an enjoyable atmosphere, we woulolike to tak
to you We are looking lor reliable individuals to be a part
of our restaurant teams.
Please apply in person daily at the following Lincoln
City Campus Union
University of Nebraska
14th & R Streets.
Business Internship
The ideal candidate will be self-motivated, have good
public relations skills, and enjoy working with youth. Must
be available by 2.30 pm daily, working up to 35 hours per
week. Good earnings.including bonus plan, vacation and
ho'iday pay. You'll need your own vehicle, mileage is
Mid. Please apply at the Internshp Otfioe, 345 Nebraska
Union, UNL Campus.
Clerks needed, late afternoons and nights. Apply in
person Mike's O Street Drive-In. 22nd and O.
Custodial person
Hours 400pm- 8'J0pm 5 days. $4 50per hour. CsH 474
["Early Week 1
E Specials I
I $1.95 Pitchers
7 p.m. to close |
50C Frosties
8 p.m. - 10 p.m. I
I25C Hurricanes
with Pitcher Purchase I
50C Frosties
8 p.m. to 10 p.m. |
Full time 7 am. to 3:30 p.m.
Full time 0 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Part-time 3:15 p.m. to 7:15 p.m.
Part-time 4:15 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.
We have temporary openings beginning on 10/1/90.
Duties include responding to incoming customer tele
phone calls on 800 number. Positions available for ap
proximately 8 to 10 weeks. Good oral communications
skills required. CRT skills or experience helpful.
Apply in person to:
Carol Wright 8alee
340 Apple Creek Road
Lincoln, NE 88928
Human Resources Department
Openings are available for: Fulltime 8 a.m. to4:15p.m„
full time 4:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m.. part-time 4:30 p.m. to
8:30 p.m., part-time 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m.
Exoudent benefits
Base wage and inoentive pay
Cafeteria and parking
Great working conditions
11 paid holidays
Tuition reimbursement
Eligible for wage increase after 6 months
Qualified candidates must be able to type 55/wpm with 5
or less errors.
Apply to Human Reeouroe Department Monday to Friday
8 am. to 4 p.m. Typing test will be given.
340 Apple Creek Road
Lincoln, NE 68528
Respond by September 21,1990.
Dietary Aide
Evening hours, $4.95 hourly Vacation and holidays.
Salary review after 6 months. Apply at Lancaster manor.
1001 South St., Lincoln, NE 66502.
Experienced grain cart and truck driver needed for fail
harvest. Close to Lincoln. 789-5135.
Need experienced farm help for fall harvest. 786-3139
Night lead employee needed. Excellent experience for
food management students. 30 hours/week. 3:30pm
9:30pm Benefits, holiday and vacation pay. If interested,
please apply at Square u Personnel Office. 1717 Center
Park Road aftar 1 pm. EOE
No selling involved!
Enjoy taking on the telephone? Gam valuable pb expe
nence while gathenng opinions over the telephone. Work
as little as 12 hours per week or more to tit your busy
schedule. You choose your own evening and weekend
hours. Call 483-7054 tor further information. WIESE
Now taking applications lor part-time pm kitchen and
dishroom help. Good starting wage, meals halt price. For
further information apply in person alter 8:00am to
6:00pm. Tony and Luigi's 5140 O St.
Part-time and full-time oooks and car hops needed,
paying up to $5/hour. Apply at: Sonic Drive Inn, 5601
South 48th.
Part-time computer operator
Journal Star Printing Co. has an immediate part-time
opening requmng 21rirs per week for a computer opera
tor to operate an IBM System 38. Work Thursday and
Friday evenings 5:30 to 110Opm, Saturdays 500pm to
120<jam, and Sundays noon-300pm Previous main
frame experience preferred. Receive vacation and holi
day pay. eligible for 40IK and pension plans. Apply at
Journal Star Personnel Dept. 926 P St. Closing date
Wed Sept 26
An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer
Individual to assist in editorial construction u newspa
per Sunday through Thursday, 7:30 pm until completion.
$4.50 hour. Must be reliable and effectively work with stu
dents in a learning environment. Not required to be a
student Honor academic schedule Prefer experience
but will tram. Informal ion contact Kitty. 472-1762 or to
appiy, 34 Nebraska Union.
Part-time salesperson/cashier, evenings and weekends.
Need extra income-try Holiday Station Stores. Apply;
Holiday Station, 2745 ‘O' Street from 8am-4pm daily.
Part-time service station attendant. Apply in person be
tween 7a.m. and 2 p.m., Antelope Park Amoco, 27th and
A streets.
Part-time dishwasher, kitchen help, and bus person.
Monday-Friday 10:30a.m.-2:30p.m. Apply in person
1309 "L" Street, Ming Palace.
Part-time position available in our tumbled brick pro
gram. Piece work brick handling. Flexible hours. Must be
at least 18. Average wage $8-11 per hour. Apply in
person, Yankee Hill Brick, 3705 S. Coddington. tOE.
Property Inspectors needed, many areas (Vacant/
occupied homes.) Part time mortgage service. 600 522
3990/800-677-6967. _
4 p.m to midnight
Monday to Friday
We have immediate openings for production work which
includes picking, packing, and taping orders for ship
11:45 p.m. to 7:45 a.m.
Sunday p.m. to Friday a.m.
Duties include operating inserting machines, and sorting
mail for direct mail operation.
Competitive wages
Shift differential
Excellent working conditions
Apply in person to:
340 Apple Creek Road
Lincoln, NE 68528
437 2257
Human Resources
Monday to Friday
6 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Just minutes from downtown.
Now hiring happy, friendly people for all positions and
hours. Excellent pay and benefit*. Top wages for high
quality janitor. Apply in person to: Manager, 221 North
66th. No phone calls pleaso.
The Intramural Sports Program is in need of outdoor
soccer officials for its oo rec soccer activity which begins
October 1. The first meeting for interested soccer officials
is Wednesday. 9/26 at 4:30pm in the Campus Recreation
Center Conference Room. If possible, please complete
employment form* prior to that meeting at 55 Campus
Recreation Center being sure to bring your driver's li
cense/social security card or other evidence of employ
ability. UNL is an equal opportunity institulxan. Inquiries:
Taco Inn 13th A R now hiring part-time day and evening
positions. Must be available for lunch shift. Apply in
person at 13th & R.
Shifts available M-F 5-9. Sat. 10-2. May work 4, 5. or 6
Expenence helpful, but will train good communicator with
positive attitude, $6.2S/hr ♦ bonus. REAL MONEY, no
waiting period, no penalties 438-1141 Ext. 304.
Wanted: Linesmen to be trained for Husker Volleyball
Matches. Trained officials will be paid 510 per match.
Call Dr. Hibner at 472-6460 for information.
X-mas Help
$8.10 to start
Local branch of national fit m seeks 40 part-time students
for seasonal rush. Start now. Permanent positions pos
sble Cal 467 2672.
170 Roommates
1 female roommate needed to share two bedroom apart
ment (ASAP') 2501 N. 43rd, 466-5572.
Female to share 2 bedroom $187 per month plus 1/2
utilities Close to campus. 477-6714.
M/F roommate needed 4 bedroom house. 5150/mo plus
1/4 utilities. 464 5242 _
Roommates needed No deposit. Closo to campus.
Central air Washer/Dryer. Cable. $225/month. Utilities
paid 475-7870.
1X0 Houses For Rent
4 Bedroom House
Campus close, 2 baths, needy remodeled, w/d hookups
Only $4001 Call 489-0621__
804 Y. Very nice, 3* bedroom 1 1/2 bath, basement,
parking. Wak to campus, $525. 475-1579 or 488-0061
190 Apartments For Rent
1522 Rose, brick 4-ptex. garage, two bedroom, central
air, appliance*, laundry, no pets. Oct 1 $360 489-9916
2412 W
Large two bedroom, all appliances, washer/dryer
hookup, wak to UNL, $355. Zimmer Management, 475
2740 R, nioer 2-bedroom, laundry, air. parking. $295.
All-new furnished one bedroom apartments Next to
campus. 20th $ R 290* electricity and deposit 466
9085 or 484-5170.___
Clean, one bedroom apartments 929 end 939 S 11th
Laundry, shower, well managed $200-$250, 474-2158
Downtown studio Refrigerator, dn.hwaslter. range in
cluded. Convenient Umversty, Capitoi, county/city build
mg Parking stall $275 Call 476-2851 fi.'m-4pm, ask for
14th $ G Street*, near Capitol Bldg., newer brx* bklg.
quiet and secure
*one bedroom
"economical gas heat
$255/month plus gas-electric Deposttone month s rent
can be split over 2 month* Phone 488-6889.
Need Privacy?
Efficiency/1 bedroom, near Capitol, dean, quiet, non
smoker. no pet*, single occupancy, low utilities. $220«
deposit 475-4808 ___
Newer 2 Bedroom
Microwave, ceiling tan. balcony, securrfy sys’em Mm
utes to UNL. no pet* $400 535 W Saunders 476 9240.
483 6057,483 1130 _
Nicely redone, south Lincoln, dose to campus and capi
lot Large 1 bedroom. $280. heat paid Efficiency $230.
heat paid 476-1911.467 5986
Willowhaven Apartments
1800 Knoi 476-6200
‘SUPER CLEAN, 2 bedroom, 1 bath
*2 bedroom, 2 bath, private balcony, contemporary
> color*
‘FIREPLACES, low ulilitiM
‘Close to downtown and campus
"Starling at $369
Joseph E. Kean Company 474-1666
i|!mj$m I J Wm
■ Need Cash? I
^ $6.50 an hour guaranteed
§§§ Earn up to $10 an hour '=
J§| Set your own schedule around classes §
Jj| Day & Evening hours available
pH Within walking distance, 2 blocks I
§£ Paid professional training I
Enhance your communication skills v
■ JMI 476-76251
1 uncoin's*Friendliest For A Personal Interview I
||j|| Telemarketing Center Call Deborah Dalaet ||