The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 24, 1990, Page 15, Image 14
Nebraskan Classified 472-2588 Pise Monday, September 24,1990 1978 Olds Cutlass Supreme; V-8; All new brake rotors, cod springs, shocks, tierods, tiros, exhaust, bat S Excellent ctean car 488 7179/475-9290 22 Adoption__ - " ADOPT LET US HELP YOU! Happily married childless couple with lots of love and security to give wants very much to adopt your newborn. Expenses Legal/confidential. Please call collect 516 872-2567. _ ADOPTION Loving financially secure and well-educated future awaits vour baby. Your child will have the best of every fhmg. Expenses paid. Call collect 212-B76-2444 Caring, educated couple will love, embrace & adopt special infant. Dad is a pediatrician & morn helps families with sick children. Give yourself, your baby and us a chance. Call Mindy collect, 718-347-5020. Loving couple seeks baby to adopt into secure home. Call collect 201-586-3668. __ PREGNANT AND WONDERING WHAT TO DO? Explore the protection and benefits of adoption which are only provided by a licensed agency. No fee for our confidential services. Contact: Nebraska Children's Home Society 4600 Valley Road 483 7879. 36 Health & Fitness Complete 3 year membership to Mademoiselle Fitness Center S10. month Contact Jill 436-6086 or leave mes sage. _ Exercise Instructor Basic training workshop Saturday, Sept. 29th, 8:00am 5 00pm. Call Jan 476-1492 for information Karate The unique and fun way to get in shape. One class free Call 474-1729. 44 Lc^al Services Chapter 13 bankruptcy can discharge student loans. Statmore LawOHioes. 474-1842. Immigration problems? Call Clayton Brant, attorney, tor immigration help. 476 6583. 421 S 9th 4111, Lincoln. 60 Misc. Services Book Exchange Service Buying or selling books? Call in a list ot books you want to soil or buy. we ll put vou in touch with students with similar needs BOOKFINDERS. 466 6893/475-581S. 5pm-10pm, Monday-Friday. Don’t Wait For your windshield rock damage to spread Most insur ance companies pay in full. Mobile service. Glas-Weld 477 8661._ Scholarships/grants for college a'e available Millions go unclaimed yearly. For details. 1-800 334-388' STUDY ABROAD IN AUSTRALIA Information on semester, summer, and Intornshp pro grams All under $6000 Call Curtin University 1-800 878 3696 ___ TYPEWRITERS WORD PROCESSORS Rentals Sales Service Rent-To-Own BLOOM’S 1001 Gartietd 474-4136 62 Pregnancy PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT s a confidential helping hand Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment, 483 2609 78 Tutoring_ WANTED Basic algebra tutor tor student in Independent study course 435 8855 anytime 80 Typing & Resumes Word processing, checkbook balancing, appointments made, miscellaneous information gathering, errands, fili ng oct forms, etc . 464 9588, _ Word processing papers, reasonable prices. Call Mary 483 4010. All your typing needs. Saved until final edit and printing. Spell-check, proof copy with grammar check available. Extra style features available. Reasonable rates with fast service. Computer Type and Services 1630 Q Street. 476-8973 6^ ,e,mPaP*rs ,hat maka YOU look groat. Karen 483 Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 10 years experience, proven resulls. 464-0775. Resumes Professionally typeset or laser printed. $15 plus tax. Daily Nebraskan basement of the Nebraska Union Typing and Word Processing. Resumes-Papers. Call All-Type*. 477-0445. IIP Announcements ASUN Panel and Discussion Appreciating Cultural Diversity Week Topic will be Role of Racial Minorities and Women in Government in the 21st Century TODAY 1:00-2-30 p.m. Nebr. Union-City Campus Room to be posted ATTENTION HOME EC STUDENTS ASUN Senator/Constituent meeting Mon., Sept. 24 2:15-3C0p m. Home Ec. Dean's Office-104 HE Voice your concerns. UN-L speaks out on racism. Come see what UN-L students have to say on the issue of cultural diversity. Tuesday. September 25 at 7:00pm in the City Union. Room will be posted. Any questions call Tracy at 438-1883. Compete For Cash Prizes Homecoming Talent Show applications available at both City and East Campus CAP offices and booth in City Union. Due Sept. 28. What have you got to lose9 Emerging Leader Internship This non pa id position includes curriculum development and oo-instrudion of Emerging Leaders classes Great opportunity for a iumor or senior with leadershp experi ence! Applications at CAP City. CAP East. WRC or Culture Center are due October 1 by 4 :00 pm._ ENJOY COLLEGE MORE! Let National Scholarshp Services eliminate your finan cial aid hassles. Call today. 489-810? leave message. Fellow Collegians Don't miss your opportunity to check out UPC's Best and goofiest oommitlee Best of the Rest on Tuesday. Sept 25 at 4:00pm. Help us break a world record. Interested in making a change? Division ot Continuing Studies needs representation You can sign a petition in the City Union (booth) to change the eligbility requirements for a DCS Senator^ INTERVIEWING SKILLS WORKSHOP for ASUN positions September 25 - 4:00 pm City Campus Union for more informalx>n call 472-2581 _ INTRAMURAL ENTRY DEADLINES Tuesday. September 25 is the entry deadline for the following intramural activities: men's and women's flag football, co-rec soccer, and the golf tournament. For additional information call 472-346/. INTRAMURAL GOLF The entry deadline for the intramural golf tour nament is Tuesday. September 25. The flyer incorrectly lists the deadline as 10/2 Please be sure to enter on time. The tournament will be held Friday, October 5. Inquiries 472-3467. ISO: Meet on Tuesday. Sept. 25. at 7:30 p.m. in IES. All new members welcome Looking for a fun wayto get involved? UNL student Foundation is the answer Applications available in CAP Office. City Union Due September 28 MFIGAIDU vesl It 's back I Thurs. the 27th 6:30 City Union, Room Posted My Friend Is Gay and I Don't Understand --1 THE FAR SIDE By GARY lARSON Cxt'nfcutoo by UAwbnuR Sy-Oka* - ! - /&UN L. & \ 1 “Hi... Hi, Miss Collins.’' Minority Law Day College of Law is hosting Minority Law Day. Saturday Sept. 29, 1990. Activities from 8:45am to noon. Free eventl NU MEDS Informational meeting Tuesday. September 25, 6:00 p.m. at City Union. Room will be posted. AMCAS video. PBL/FBLA Meeting New/old members welcome. Tuesday. Sept. 25. 6 p.m.. CBA 120. PHI CHI THETA formal meeting, Tuesday. September 25, 6;00 p.m., City Union. PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION Beginners or advanced. Lessons can include use of rental guitar at $8 per week. Zager Studio 489-2430. REMEMBER: Homecoming Parade/Display Applications are due Sep tember 28. These are to be turned in to the East and main CAP offices.They are available in the CAP Office on East and Main Campus. STUDENTS AGAINST 2% Organizational meeting Tueeday, 6:30 p.m. in the Union. ft U.S. Peace Corps Video & Information September 26. 1990. 7:30pm Ne braska Union. UN-L Speaks Out on Racism Come see what UN-L students have to say on the issue of cultural diversity. Tuesday, September 25 at 7:00. UPC-KLPAC GET INVOLVED! HELP PROMOTE AND PROGRAM PERFORMING ARTS AT UNL LED WANTS YOU!! BECAUSE LIFE IS NOT A SPECTATOR SPORTI STUDENTS FOR CHOICE MEETING Thursday. September 27th, 7:30 p.m. Student Union, Room Posted. TENNIS LESSONS begin Sept. 25 at 4:45-6C0pm, Tuesday & Thursday through Oct. 25. Register at Cam pus Recreation by noon Sept 24 (Limit 10) Travel to London and Paris Why not join a UN-L study tour during semestei break? Study the arts or theater and earn credit. Cal! Flights & Study Tours 472-3264 lor details or stop by 1237 R Street, Room 102. Wanted. Wild and crazy musicians who want to get a great pep band together lor UNL home wrestling meets. H interested please call 472-6470. YOGA CLASS begins Oct. 2 on Tuesday and Thursday through Oct. 25. Class times are 12:10-12:50. Register at Campus Recreation by noon on Oct. 1. (Limit 12) 120 Greek Affairs Alpha Gamma Sigma and Alpha Chi Omega present "The Masters," Sunday. Sept. 23. 1 p.m. to 5:30 p.m Amy (AZD) Congratulations on making AGR Little Sisterl Xi Love. Mom 8 Sheri Gamma Phi Pledges. Thanks for the lun time Wednesday. We had a blastl Phi Delt Pledges Kappa Delta Pledges The Hunt is On Who will be your BIG SIS? ? ? ? ? Let the festivities beam SCHOLARSHIP WEEK Gamma Phi Beta style Pi Phi and TKE's new members. Thanks lor Friday s Frosh, it was great AGS new member* 130 Student Government Interested In making a change? Division of Continuing Studios needs representation. You can sign a petition in the City Union (booth) to change the eligibility requirements lor a DCS Senator. PUBLICATIONS BOARD Daily Nsbrsskan Advisory board to the Board o) Re gents- hire the editor, business manager, and advisor. Pub Bd acts as a publisher for the Board ot Regents and serves as a liaison between the paper and its university constituencies, paying particular attention to complaints against the paper. Applications available at 115 Nebr. Union. Deadline 4:00 pm. Sept. 28th, STUDENT GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN Senate positions open for the following colleges: Criminal Justice Graduate Division o! Continuing Studies Committee positions open tor: Publications Board Committee for Fees Allocation-residence hall & oft campus ASUN Grading Committee-grad, college Government Liaison Committee Parking Appeals Committee Teaching Council-Grad, college Additional information and applications available at ASUN office - 115 Nebr. Union Deadline - 4:00 p.m. Sept 28 140 Personals Blonde Klutz Apology accepted but someone should teach you the rules of the road! Brown-haired guy Paula Sue Roses are red, men are scum, Hope your next one isn't so dumb! HAPPY BIHTHOAY! Your Roomie Jane: Send me a persons! message by coming down to the Daily Nebraskan ottioe (in the basement ol ine Nebraska Union) before 2 p.m. _ Dan ■" || " —— 1 Grandpa's Ribs Restaurant $1.50 Pitchers Mon-Fri from 11-5.30pm Thursday All-You-Can-Eat Ribs Sunday 25$ Tacos 23rd & Holdrege 476-6076 campus notes I*0'1-I j by brian Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ACROSS 1 Songwriters Hall of Fame Abbr 5 John Philip 10 President of 1 Across 14 Manx murmur 15 Harold 16 Medicinal herb 17 Fitzgerald of songdom IS Actress Taylor 19 Actress Lynn 20 Duplicated genetically 22 Heraldic 24 Child's bed^ 26 -Amin, Ugandan exile 27 Slandered 31 Geometric curves 35 l arge wading bird 36 What the walls have 38 Competitor 39 Negative pref.x 40 Respects highly 42 -Gershwin 43 Utopian 45 Norse tale 48 Latvian native 47 A founder of l Across 49 Tenons' joiners 51 I-Camera 52 Anna of filmdom 53 Area 58 Mine's air shaft 62 Actress Anderson 63 Ceoiye M 65 Hebrews lineal ancestor 66 Kiribati s locale 67 Martini garnish 68 Trevi coin 69 Fionto and Koehler 70 Bowling alley button 71 Transmitted DOWN 1 Risky business, for short 2 Pea pod 3 Plinth 4 -Scott Key 5 Pilchards 6 Mine find 7 Armbone 8 Prophet 9 t acking vitality 10 Mother first U S canonized citizen 11 Jai 12 Israeli dance 13 Diamond, 5edaka or Moret 21 Unit of work 23 Smells 25 Whips 27 Smallest 28 Residence 29 Ocean greyhound 30 Reverie 32 Climbing vines 33 Bill of fare 34 Venetian blind parts 37 Kin of yuccas 40 Resm for varnishes 41 Strict disciplinarian 44 Gum-arabic trees 46 Door-frame crosspieces 48 Malice so Basis of logarithms 53 Building lot 54 Billy, Fred or Vincent 55 Geraint's wite 56 -Portei 57 Not that 59 Anne Nichols hero 60 Jerome 61 Part of Q.E D 64 Farewell, to Cato ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE [a * n I n 1 e^BaJ>T[eJd^JdJeJe|dJs]