Editorial (Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board University of Nebraska-Lincoln Eric Pfanner, Editor, 472-1766 Victoria Ayotte, Managing Editor Darcie Wiegert, Associate News Editor Diane Brayton, Associate News Editor Jana Pedersen, Wire Editor Emily Rosenbaum, Copy Desk Chief Lisa Donovan, Editorial Page Editor Move on Abortion isn’t the only Souter yardstick In measuring Supreme Court nominee David Souter’s qualifications, abortion should not be the only yardstick. Such things as civil rights and affirmative action - and his competency in interpreting the constitution - should be given equal or more weight as emotional political issues. But Thursday, on the opening day of confirmation testi mony, the Senate Judiciary Committee, as expected, began grilling Souter on his views on abortion. Now Souter’s testimony is over. And still the New Hamp shire judge has shown no signs of budging on his refusal to speak out on the issue. On Friday, Souter told the Judiciary Committee why: ‘‘1 have not got any agenda on what should be done with Roe vs. Wade ... I would listen to both sides of that case. I have not made up my mind and I would not go on the court saying I must go one way or I must go the other.” Good for him. It would be nice to think that a judge would go on the court and listen to and weigh both sides of a case before making a decision. I It also would be nice if the process of selecting a justice would be less political. While it is difficult to imagine that Bush would nominate someone who didn’t share his Republican ideology, it’s easy to turn back the pages of American history. Look at William Brennan, one of the most liberal justices in the history of the Supreme Court. He was nominated by Republican President Eisenhower. Thai s not to say Souter will pick up the liberal flag where Brennan planted it, but at least Souter has indicated that he wouldn’t let conservative ideology force his decisions on con troversial issues. Today, the abortion issue is a political ax dividing liberals and conservatives, and ultimately Republicans and Democrats. The Democratic and Republican committee members seemed to bail Soutcr by asking questions that would, depend ing on the answer, pin him down as liberal or conservative. While Sen. Joseph Bidcn, D-Del., asked Soutcr to “open the window of his mind,” Strom Thurmond, a Republican senator from South Carolina, patted Souter on the back for not answer ing such an “inappropriate” question. But this is not a question of what is politically correct -- this is a question of whether he can interpret the U S. Constitution. Souter has proven in the last few days that he is a competent nominee. During the day-long hearings, he remains poised, for mulating solid argun^^K and answering questions knowl edgeably and logically. Positions on single issues and political ideology ! shouldn’t be the only weighing factors on the minds of the Judiciary Committee. Good thing the committee members aren’t nominees. — Lisa Donovan for the Daily Nebraskan mw—>i [■in— ■■ — ... iim.ahjiwj STAND manager offers apology for past actions What I did last year was wrong. The deal was wrong, keeping it a secret was wrong and involving the rest of the STAND party was wrong. I deeply regret my actions last year. Eveiything that the members of STAND wrote in their letter last Fri day (DN, Sept. 14) was true, and I’m sorry it happened. My actions were the result of a complete loss of faith and hope that AS UN could ever be really reformed. The moment that I accepted the de featist idea that some backroom deal could or should take the place of more open attempts at reform was the moment that I committed my most serious transgression. This was not only against STAND or the students, it was against myself as well. When I examine my basic beliefs about how the world should operate if it is to be fair and just to all people, I realize that what I did is a direct contradiction to those beliefs. Look ing back on all of it now, I can’t believe that I was arrogant, selfish and stupid enough to let myself get involved in the wholeness. Before all erf this happened, I would never have admitted to myself that I had the capacity of such a callous act. The responsibility for all this will weigh very heavily on me for a very long time. For how long? I have no idea. I was wrong to do what I did last year. I am sorry that I participated in anything thatcould have hurt so many people so badly. I hope, that with time, the hurts 1 have caused will be able to heal, and that everyone in volved will be able to find it in their hearts to forgive me. Mark Buhrdorf senior arts & sciences former STAND campaign manager r*H6Wnw>'nWi 90CT0* CONGRA^UUTlO^l 'Njjjf TO VOU DOCTOR f\ "TMA.NJK. J YOU . MOYN S 0(K16t 3 VJEU ,vm*t ARE VOttVJMTlNG fOR? WE ME HOME If it’s not broken, don’t fix it Flag issue represents misinformation, ignorance, suppression Some issues never die. They just smolder forever. In mid-June, the Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional the pro posed amendment that would outlaw the desecration of the U.S. flag. Congress killed the proposal a few weeks later. But last week, one network’s eve ning news program broadcast a story about a war veterans’ group petition ing for an appeal on the ruling. People still are pushing for a law the government has decided is uncon stitutional. Like abort ion, the issue is based on values rather than the law. It just won’t die. It just gels rehashed, again and again. On one side, you have those who adamantly oppose violating the flag, the proud symbol of the United States. On the other, there are citizens who feel their right to freedom of speech is in jeopardy. To hell with the farm crisis, the Middle East, the budget deficit and the homeless epidemic. This is a real whizzbanger of a problem, and it needs our full attention. Kids on crack? Who cares? Just so long as they don’t smoke it in Old Glory. Living in the world’s greatest na tion can have its drawbacks. Public ignorance and double standards are two that come to mind. We as a nation produce, buy and use American flag shorts, T-shirts, socks, cups, stickers, napkins, table cloths, overalls, underwear, swimsuits and wastepaper baskets. During the 1976 Bicentennial celebration, there were even toilet seals and toilet paper emblazoned with the flag. If the amendment were adopted, the United States would join nations with laws prohibiting destruction of the flag including Iran, Iraq, the Soviet Union, South Africa and Nazi Ger many. What good company. Strangely, those nations have more respect and admiration for their flags than for their own citizens. But that’s exactly what the 27th Amendment would have done - placed more faith in a piece of cloth than in the people, values and ideas the cloth represents. In fact, some still are trying to do it. Disallowing any form of free speech, as offbeat or distasteful as some may view it to be, is a danger ous step in the wrong direction. It’s mindless. Many of the same “patriotic” Americans who scream for the heads of flag-burners drive Toyotas, Hondas, Volkswagons or Chuck Green Porsches. They buy designer clothes made in Europe, eat at Italian and Chinese restaurants, and buy Japa nese stereos, televisions, radios and computers. They allow foreign cor porations to buy up American real estate and businesses, bit by bit. In fact, the Bush administration which originally pushed for the amend ment, secretly sent weapons to Iran - the world’s leading burner of the American flag. The debate is a twisted and de mented one, full of misconceptions and misinformation. Last week’s news story had a man comparing flag burning to the killing of bald eagles. “We don’t burn the flag for the same reason we don’t shoot bald eagles,” the man scolded. “It’s be cause they arc both symbols of our freedom.” And I always thought it was illegal to shoot bald eagles because there are only a few left on the planet Silly me. Some veterans, many with prehis toric, Archie Bunker-like “love it or leave it” attitudes, continue to vo cally support the amendment, argu ing that they fought wars for the flag. But they didn’t. They fought for what the flag symbolizes, not the least of which is the freedom to demon strate your opinions, and the belief that no idea should be suppressed. Suppression of any idea is about as un-American as a Koala bear. In other words, our flag stands for the right to bum it, if so deemed necessary. If not for the recommendation o the flag-burning amendment, feu people would have thought to bun the flag in the first place, and then would be no problem. But our leaders, with their infimu wisdom, have opened a big, juicy stinking, red, white and blue can o worms that will never close. It’: contrived patriotism at its best. Isn’t it funny how our govemmen seems to create problems just so it ha something to fix? Unless we realize what’s at stak< when tampering with the Bill of Right — the absolute epitome of our na lional love for tolerance - freedon itself may one day go up in flames. An amendment of this sort onl; would be the beginning. Next, mayb someone could devise a law prohibit ing political cartoons satirizing th< bonehcads in office? Shortly thcreaf ter, newspaper editorials criticizin government policies will be outlawed as will any discouraging words out o the mouths of John and Jane Public If you were born in the Unite States, you were bom with the right t< vote, the right to demonstrate am petition, the right to a fair and speed; trial and, yes, the nght to bum th flag. To be sure, 95 percent of Ameri cans would never think of burning flag. Why should they? Those sam people probably would never marc in demonstration against an electa official, either. But in both cases, it’s nice to hav that option. Next year marks the bicentenma of the Bill of Rights. To continue i support legislation so intolerant o Americans’ rights to free exprcssioi would be the greatest desecration o the flag imaginable. To hold sacred a piece of cloth i ridiculous. To hold sacred what tha cloth represents is American. fireen I* a senior news-editorial major. Daily Nebraskan night news editor, a sporl writer and a columnist. Idtcgjgjgcs Letters ana guest opinions sent to the newspaper become the property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned. Letters should be typewrit ten. Anonymous submissions will not be considered for publication. Letters should include the author’s name, year in school, major and groupaffili ation, if anv. Requests to withhold names will not be granted. | Submit material to the Daily Ne braskan, 34 Nebraska Union, 1400 r St., Lincoln, Neb. 68588-0448.