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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1990)
L.1£_]_ , m 1 Bring in this coupon gPfc Wl »gf for 1 FREE regular wash JJ5 C| © at Lincoln's newest, largest, w (Oil most entertaining Laundromat!!! imwe. mm| ' 2*We have exercise bikes, tanning beds (at 56th St.), big screen TV, 11 small screen ^ ffffv" I TV’s, drop off laundry, dry cleaning, snack mSm - © ' 1 bar, pool tables, videos 1; '" 3 'I ■j' “ 'i' -1 i. | OFFER GOOD [ Limit 1 Coupon Per Visit and Per Address | SEPTEMBER 199C || Some Restrictions Apply A Rec Center that fits YOUR schedule!! Cottonwood Club OPEN 24 HOURS DAILY!! NO COURT TIME CHARGES! NO "EXTRA" FEES! Welcome Back Student Bodies FallStudent Special Call 475-3386 for your FREE Tour! Free Tanning Session with Initial Sign-up Co-Ed Jacuzzi Saunna/Steam Aerobics 6 A.M. to Midnight Championship Racquetball Crts. Complete Nautilus Circuit Complete Olympic Free Weights BAR & LOUNGE COTTONWOOD (j JUO West "P" S(reel / 475-3306 CLUB CNA, CSM Home Health Aides EARN MONEY IN YOUR FREE TIME Be a Kelly® Caregiver! We offer long and short term assignments in your community. You’ll enjoy advantages like a flexible work schedule, good pay, hourly or live in assignments and more. Call today for information. 467-5520 HKELiy^r The Ki-lly Giif Pooplc EOE M/F/H/V Not an agency-never a fee Interested in | graduate or professional school? Attend the larges! Graduate and Professional School Fair in the region and visit with representatives from colleges and universities from throughout the Midwest and other regions of the country. Thursday, October 4,1990 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. K-State Union Ballroom Kansas State University Manhattan, Kansas For information, contact your Placement Office or call 1-800-232-0133, ext. 6194 School Fair 30 Colleges and llnivorcitiac Ronrocontori Part time job, pays more than minimum. Ag experience helpful. Call J. Mead 665-2250.__ Part-time delivery person, flexible hours, contact Mrs. Martin, 489-27j7:__ Part-time and full-time cooks and car hops needed, paying up to $5/hour. Apply at: Sonic Drive Inn, 5601 South 48th. _ Part-time dishwasher and bus person. Monday-Friday 10:30a.m.-2:30p.m. Apply in person 1309 “L Street, Ming Palace. Part-time telemarketing, flexible hours, contact Mrs. Martin, 489-2717._ Part-time grain handlers. Fall harvest, flexible hours. Must have farming background. Greenwood Farmers Co-op 789-2335. Daryl or Gayln. Runza restaurants 11th and Cornhusker, & West O. The quality hour customers have come to expect has made Runza a leader in the fast food business for over 40 years. We have both part-time and full-time |obs avail able. It's the perfect job for a college student with our many locations within five minutes from campus. We offer: Competitive starting salary-84.25/hr for lunch help Flexible scheduling Great working environment Sonus programs 50% meal discounts both on and off duty Opportunities for advancement Stop by and apply I Sears Part-time help automotive department. Tire and battery installers, morning hours needed. Auto dispatcher needed, flexible hours, 15-20hrs/wk. Apply at Sears Gateway Personnel, Monday 10:00-7:30pm, Tuesday Friday 10:00-4 00pm. Equal Opportunity Employer M/F. SHOW BIZ PIZZA Now hiring happy, friendly people for all positions and hours. Excellent pay and benefits. Top wages for high quality janitor. Apply in person to: Managei, 221 North 66th. No phone calls please. Student Organization Work Study Poaition Available Assist students in planning events, develop computer skills. Join the CAP teaml To apply contact Lynn Peter son, Campus Activities & Programs, 200 NE Union, 472 2454.__ Taco Inn 13th & R now hiring part-time day and evening positions Must be available for lunch shift. Apply in person at 13th & R. UI1A STEAM B O,* T JANUARY 2-12 • 5,6 OR 7 NIGHTS ' BREC KE N RlO/^fe JANUARY 2-9 • 5,6 Ofl 7 NIGHTS VAIL/BEAVER CRFRK JANUARY 2-12 • 5, 6 Ofl 7 NIGHTS - ^ ^*71 9th ANNUAL COLLEGIATE WINTER SKI BREAKS m 1 TOLL FREE INFORMATION A RESERVATIONS 1-800-121-5911 Need someone to work 5-7 hours Saturday and/or Sun day. Will work in grocery store filling shelves and dis plays, $7/hour. Caul Larry at 331-4052 or write 4421 S. 76th Circle, Omaha, NE 68127. No selling involved! Enjoy taking on the telephone? Gain valuable job expe rience while gathering opinions over the telephone. Work as little as 12 hours per week or more to fit your busy schedule. You choose your own evening and weekend hours. Call 483-7054 for further information. WIESE RESEARCH ASSOCIATES INC. 1630 S. 70TH ST Oriental De-Lite Lincolnsquare Food Court Courteous counter help to work lunch shift, experience not necessary, free meals, apply in person, Lin colnsquare lower level food court, 13th & O. Work for Papa! Need your help at Papa John’s Restaurant downtown. Apply any time in person for cooks, Short-Order, table help and dishwashers. Flexible hours, excellent wages and benefits. Papa John’s 114 S. 14th St. X-mas Help $8.10 to start Local branch of national firm seeks 40 part-time students for seasonal rush. Start now. Permanent positions pos sible. Call 467-2672. 170 Roommates Female roommate needed. Non-smoker. 2 bedroom apartment close to campus. $1 flO/mo. Call after 5:00pm 477-9858 Michele.___ Female to share 2 bedroom $187 per month plus 1/2 utilities. Close to campus. 477-5714. _ Male, NO util., NO dep. Very close to city campus. 2 kitchens, 2 bathrooms, ready now. $ 150/month. 435 8865 Ken.__ Male/female roommate needed. Non-smoker. $200 plus 1/2 utilities. Call after 5:00pm 423-7319. 190 Apartments For Rent 4 Bedroom House Campus close, 2 baths, newly remodeled, w/d hookups Only $4001 Call 489 0621. 180 Houses For Rent__ 2412 W Large two bedroom, all appliances, washer/dryer hookup, walk to UNL. $355. Zimmer Management. 475 0180 _ 2740 A, nioer 2-bedroom, laundry, air, parking, $295, 488-6738. _ _ All-new furnished one bedroom apartments. Close to campus. $290 +electricity and deposit. 466-9085 or 464 5170. _ _ Downtown studio. Refrigerator, dishwasher, range in cluded Convenient University, Capitol, county/citybuild mg. Parking stall. $275 Call 476-2851 8am-4pm, ask for Donna. Large 1 bedroom. Idael for East Campus student. To see after 5 call 489-6668 _ _ Need Privacy? Effictency/1 bedroom, near Capitol, dean, quiet, non smoker, no pets, single occupancy, low utilities, $220+ deposit 4754808 ____ Nice 3 bedroom with washer/dryer hookups 545 N. 25th, available October 1. $465+ utilities. Call Brian, 477-7406 or 423-137V_ Nicely redone, south Lincoln, dose to campus and capi tal Large 1 bedroom, $280, heat paid. Efficiency. $230. heat paid. 476 1911.467-5986 _ On* and two bedrooms, close to campus New carpet, most utilities paid $295-$425. Cherry Hilt Management 489 3387 or 464-2697. We're Conoco, the Hottest Brand Going. And if you're a Business or Engineering Major, have we got a date for you. On Thursday, September 20, 1990, from 6:30-8:00 p.m., we'll be hosting a reception, and we’d like to meet you. See the "Main Calendar" in the Placement Office for the room location. Come find out about the career opportunities at Conoco. And we ll be back on campus to interview on October 9,10, & II. So, mark these dates, it could be the .beginning of a very hot future. A Du Pont Subsidiary Conoco is coming September 20, 1990!