The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 18, 1990, Page 10, Image 10

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Continued from Page 9
bury — may be engraved with two
lines. On each line, 16 characters are
Those buying the bricks can leave
just about any type of message as
long as it isn ’ t obscene. Past examples
include graduation dates, names and
birthdates, special messages, one
‘ ‘ Proud Nebraskan ’ ’ brick and a brick
for a favorite granddog (yes, a dog).
Some companies also have purchased
bricks and engraved their companies’
names on them.
The bricks cost $50 each and were
made available last October. Under
wood said that the response to the
bricks has been excellent. Approxi
mately 2,500 bricks have been sold
and more than $100,000 has been
raised to date. Some $75,000 was
used for this year’s programming.
The remaining $25,000 was kept in
reserve for next year’s programming.
Because interest has been so high.
Helios Creed, Germbox at Duffy’s Tavern
I Minneapolis sound-strangler
Helios Creed will play at Duffy’s,
1412 O St., Wednesday night.
Creed, a veteran of the Am
phetamine Reptile record label,
bases his music on an unbelieva
bly distorted guitar sound. A white
Jimi Hendrix from the planet Venus,
Creed runs his vocals and guitar
through a stack of effects pedals
that rivals Ml. Everest. Creed
specializes in playing solos with
knobs on his pedals, as well as
plucking the strings of his mutant
Opening group will be Kansas
City’s jolly boys,Germ box.
Violinist to play, lecture, convoke at UNL
Leopold La Fosse, violinist, will
give a lecture/convocation at the
| University of Nebraska-Lincoln
1 School of Music Thursday at 2:30
j p.m., in room 119 of Westbrook
| Music Building, 11th and R streets.
In addition to his convocation
appearance, La Fosse will be giv
ing a doctoral colloquium rnaay
at 2:30 p.m. in room 119 of
Westbrook. He will discuss sports
psychology as it relates to music,
and medical problems related to
the performance of music. The
general public is invited to attend
both the convocation and the col
ail about Cats
fA special store for cats, cat lovers1
and their friends
Gifts, Cards, T-Shirts, 1627 South 17th St.
Books, Collectables, Lincoln, Ne 68502
Jewelry, Cat Supplies 477-7877 (Purr)
Tues.-Fri. 10.00 a.m.-6 p.m. Sat. 10-4
t Closed Monday Sun- 1'4
What Can Make ACL!VUE"
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70th A O Streets , WBM
Underwood said, brick sales will
continue through May 1991. At that
point, sales will be evaluated and
possibly extended for a longer period
of time, she said.
• The UNL Grounds Department is
starting to lay the first bricks this
week, Underwood said. It may take
up to a month to get the already or
dered bricks laid, she said. Because
the bricks are more delicate and laid
by hand, installation is slowei than
Continued from Page 9
the conclusion that the murders are of
the pre-meditated sort.
The remainder of the story involves
Burke in eloquent fight scenes with
wonderfully executed ballet like spins
and kicks. These, of course, atone for
Van Damme’s inability as an actor.
Toward the end of the story, that
nasty fellow - the Sandman — drops
in to offer his deathly cheer to Burke,
instigating another important aspect
of this type of movie: the ending fight
scene where the better of the two men
will prevail.
* ‘Death Warrant’ ’ is a predictable
picture with weak foreshadowing that
gives away too much of the ending to
make the story interesting.
But, in line with many of the movies
being made these days,4 ‘Death War
rant” is more or less a harmless form
of mindless entertainment.
4 4 Death Warrant” is playing at the
Plaza Four Theatres, 14th and P streets.
172 Rentals
74 Social Services
_76 Travel
? Appliances 7fl Tutoring
3 Bicycles 80 Typing 4 Resumes
4 Books -
5 Clothing
6 Computers
8 Furniture 100 Rides
® Garage Sales 110 Announcements
12 Wise. For Sale 120 Greek AHairs
Musical Instruments 130 Student Government
of* c . 135 Meeting Others
14 Photo Equipment 140 per,onala
16 Sporting Goods 145 Lost A Found
18 Stereoi/TVs Wanted
1® JcMt Exchange 149 Fund Raising
20 Vehicles
zr~7~~-150 Child Cate Needed
22 Adoption 160 Help Wanted
25 Automotive 162 Work Study Jobs
30 Bndal 164 Summer Jobs
32 Cleaning/laundry
36 Health & Fitness
37 Horse* Boarding
38 Insurance 170 Roommates
40 Instruction 175 Rooms For Rent
42 Job Placement 180 Houses For Rent
44 Legal 185 Duplex For Rent
60 Misc. Services 190 Apartments For Rent
62 Prea nancv 192 Mobile Homes For Flent
64 pZJT
70 Religious198 Vacation Rentals
$3.00 per day for 15 words on individual student
and student organization ads.
$3 75 per day for 15 words on commercial ads
$.15 each additional word.
$ 75 billing charge Personal ads must be prepaid
Found ads may be submitted free of charge
DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. weekday before publica
The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver
tisement which discriminates against any person
on the basis of sex. sexual onentation. race,
religion, age. disability, marital status or national
The Daily Nebraskan reserves the nght to edit
or reject any advertisement at any time which
does not comply with the policies and judgments
of the newspaper
The advertisers agree to assume liability for all
contents of all ads printed, as well as any daim
arising therefrom made against toe Daily Nebras
2 Appliances
Whirlpool apartment size washer. Various selections
Good condition. $100 474-9066.
3 Bicycles For Sale
Univega Alpma Uno City/Ml bike 21 inch? Great for
studentl $150 or best otter 477-1005
8 Furniture For Sale
Full see bed. frame, headboard, mattress and springs
$65 Call 476 1534
New SI ,000couch. Must sell $400. New love seat- $100
Call Glenda, 421-1065
Quality used furniture and appliances at affordable
prioos Second Season 139 A. St. 477-9354
10 Misc. For Sale
I adies Ross 3 speed bicycle, S75; Early American seta!
$25; WurUrer organ, $500; 489-0535
Sharp HQ VHS VCR, wireless remote, works good $125
19* cotsr TV. $45 26* color TV $55 463 2349
Seta- lounge cha» and fool stool; drapes. 53* long > 1C
wide, wood drape rod, two mounted tires F78-15. two 61*
shades; 61* Venetian blinds; one kitchen chair; tull/twin
bed frame. 466 7665
19 Ticket Exchange
Courtesy of Bob Thurber
Thakar Singh
Continued from Page 9
turned from a year in Africa with
“Thakar Singh’s talk offers uni
versity students the opportunity to
look at something that isn’t tradi
tional,” Thurber said, “but could
provide alternatives (to outside
stresses) for them.
“The soul needs equal time.”
All sessions will be at 7 p.m.,
and will last for 2 1/2 to 3 hours.
WANTED: 4 tickets NU vs. Minnesota. Call 475-6916 ask
for Chris.
20 Vehicles For Sale
'87 Escort, red. 4 speed, 35.000 hwy miles.
Kenwood stereo. Iront wheel drive. $3600 475
New 376 miles. Must sell. $500 421 1065
Park anywhere. 85 Honda Scooter. Great tor campus
Must sell. $700 o.b.o. 423-0049
22 Adoption__
A warm, loving, stable, financially secure, happy', well
educated future awaits your baby. Your child will have
the best of everything! Expenses paid Please call coned
and in oonfxtonce 212 595 2495
Loving, financially secure and well-educated future
awaits your baby Your child will hava the best of every
thing Expense# paid Call colled 212-876 2444
C would Ike your child to be raised in a loving, caring
ncially secure family environment, please call us
colled. Medical legal expenses paid. Jim and Nancy.
818-760-7252. _ __
Caring, educated ooupie will love, embrace $ adopt
special infant. Dad is a pediatrician A mom h#t>s families
with sick children Give yourself, your baby and us a
chance Call Mindy colled. 718 34 ? 5020
Considering ADOPTION? Happily married ooupie with
love and aflechon to share seeks to adopt newborn to
make our family complete Reside m smell town near
Rocky Mountans Both educators, financially secure
Medical and alt legal expenses paid Please call Nancy
or Ken oollecl after 6pm or on weekends Confidential
(303)443 5968.___
Loving couple seeks baby to adopt into secure home
Call oollecl 201 566-3668 _
Explore the protection and benefits at adoption which are
only provided by a I toe need agency No Iwe for our
confidential services. Comad
Nebraska Children's Home Society
4600 Valley Road
___ 463-7879._
Warm, understanding experienced parents seeking
newfcom for adoption Let your child grow up xi rural
Nebraska We can hep with your expenses Please can
Dave or Mercy colled 402 761 -3179!
44 Li-nal Services
Chapter 13 bankruptcy can discharge student loans
St at more Law Offices 474 1842
60 Misc, Services
Book Exchange Service
Buying or selling books7 Call in a list ol books you want
to sell or buy. we'll put you in touch with students wit)
similar need* BOOKFINOERS. 466 68914 75 5819.
5pm-10pm, Monday-Friday
Don’t Wait
For your windshield rock damage to spread Most insur
ance oompames pay m lull Mobile service. Glas-Weid
Schotarshrps/grants tor college are available Millions go
unclaimed yearly For details. 1 800 334 3881
Rentals Sales Service
1001 Garfield 474-4136
62 PrcKnano__
PREGNANT? WRTHFNGHT .s a oonltdentia' helping
mert 4632M9®nanCV ,#*1' °*M ,0f Nipnmt
80 Typing & Resumes
All your typing needs. Saved until final edit and printing
Spell-check, proof copy with grammar check available
Extra style feature* available. Reasonable rates with fast
Computer Type and Services
1630 Q Street.
Resumes By Ann
Quality resumes, professional writers Over 10 years
experience, proven results. 464-0775.
Professionally types*! or laser printed $15 plus tax.
Daily Nebraskan
bassment of the Nebraska Union
Word processing, checkbook balancing, appointments
made, misoe'taneous information gathering, errands, fill
ing out forms, etc., 464-9568,
Word Processing, 488 8?0f> ,06/lme ■ straight typing,
excellent quality, fast, type* papers, resumes, etc
Word processing papers, reasonable price*. Call Mary
110 Announcements
Meeting Tuesday. September 18. 600pm. Burnett 3?0.
All interested are welcomel
Ag Econ/Agribusiness Club
Tuee. Sept ft al East Umon. Initiate meeting 530.
regular meetng 600 Everyona welcome'
Alpha Zeta
Meeting Wednesday September 19, 1990, 70Cpm in
the East Campus Union. Room wit be posted
AMS Adnwvstratwe Management Society meeting
Tuesday. Sept 18 at 630 pm m the Union. New mem
bers wetjome. _
Important meeting today. 430 p m in the Union. Ba
there I
Dear Pre-Medical Students.
We would like to invite you to the first N.U Meds
meeting on Sept f9th at 600 p m.. Nebraska Union
(Room wil be posted ) N.U Meds is a pre-medical
society organization We encourage you to take part in
this opportunity to learn more and help prepare for your
future m the niedica' profession Hope to see you a! the
first meeting of the year!
Smoerely. Shan Barrios,
N U Meds, President
P S If you are interested but unable to atlend. please
contact the N.U Meds office in the biological science
advising center in Manter.
Fast Pitch Softball
The entry deadline for the intramural men s and wmmen »
fast pitch softball tournament • T ueeday September 18
A St 5.00 refundable forfeit fee « required of each team
E nter at either Campus Recreation office Play will begin
814 end oontmue through the weekend as necessary
Horseshoe singles entries are also due Sept 18 472
3467 _
^ FREE folk show ^
Enjoy Jim Salestrom 1 00 3.00 th# Pnday m the NE
Jom the UPC Homecoming Committee in putting on an
exerting NU Avenue for Homecoming 1990 Meetings
Tuesdays. 4pm City Union.