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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1990)
r —— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — i ! 2 FOR THE PRICE OF ONE ! t SUN - THURS <j 2 ONE HOUR OF HOT TUBBING c OR ANY TANNING PACKAGE 3 r 818 P 475-8989 *"! 1 Not valid with other offer* Coupon expires 9-15*90 L___(COUPON)__J IwflGEY DRUG] I For fill Your [ I Necessities! I Greeting Cards Hair Care Products I (It’s Worth The Trip) (To Grease It Up) S I Gifts Jewelry 8 (Free Wrapping) (To Add To The Outfit) B Prescription Drugs Colognes & Perfumes B (When Mother Nature Gets (“What’cha Coverin Up?’’) j|j Are You Losing Money On Your Checking Account? You're not getting the most for your money if you're not earning interest on your checking account or if you're still paying to write and order checks. At First Commerce Savings, you'll receive: •INTEREST PAID on Student Accounts. *NO Minimum Balance Requirement (However, $1(X) initial balance required to open the account.) • FREE introductory standard order. • 24 Hour Access with your First Commerce Card. •FDIC insured up to $100,(XX). •Student I.D. required. 62 Pregnancy__ FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Confidential counseling available. Call for an appointment. LINCOLN CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER 941 0 Streot, Suite B-1 475-2501 PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment, 483-2609. 80 Typing & Resumes Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 10 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. Resumes ■ Professionally typeset or laser printed. $15 plus tax. Daily Nebraskan basement of the Nebraska Union I Typing and Word Processing. Resumes-Papers. Call | All-Typea, 477-0445. I — ; 110 Announcements I To send your personal message, come to the Daily 1 Nebraskan office, basement of the Nebraska Union Ads \ received before 2 p m can be published in the next j weekday's paper WALL STREET JOURNAL i ‘Kinko's-12th 4 P (Vend.) ‘Student Union-14th 4 R 'Nebraska Bookstore-13th 4 Q ‘Rampark News Stand-12th 4 P | ‘Reader's Choice-Atrium Want to get involved in student politics and ASUN7 Government Liaison Committee is an interesting and rewarding way to learn more about the issues affecting UNL and the students. Interested7 Come to the first meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 5 at 6:00 p m. in the City Union. WANTED: Students interested in making an impact on important issues at UNL. Everyone welcome and encour aged to attend the first meeting of the GOVERNMENT UAISON COMMITTEE AT 600 p m. Wed Sept 5, City Union. "Odyssey Program: A Journey With Another Leader” WANTED: Fifty new students interested in developing their leadership skills through mentoring relationships with student leaders. Interested? Stop by the Campus Activities 4 Programs Offices. 200 Nebraska Union (472-2454) or _ 300 East Union j472-l790) ‘COMMUTERS* Are you tired of riding alone? Use the Commuter Board iocated in the Student Information Center to fill your car. (Rm. 116 Nebr. Union) *NAA* National Assoc ot Acoountants-Student Affiliate Group First meeting lor fall 1990. Thursday. Sept 6. 6<X). City Union (room posted). Bring checkbooks for dues. All accounting Majors welcome! Professional dress (te: no jeans or snorts). -DECA OFFICERS Important meeting. Get ahold ot Trisha ASAP. ACACIA LITTLE SISTERS Back to school meeting! Execs 600, Reg. 6:30. Tonight Appearing at the Pla-Mor Ballroom, Thursday, August 30th. 9 12 30. The Rumbles. 6600 West O Street Astronomy No'etaker needed tor Astronomy 103 with Schmidt or Taylor To apply call Jon s Notes 476-8006 or stop in at Jon's Notes located at the upper level of the NE Book store. Attention All Marketing or Advertising Majors! TONIGHT! Marketing Club Informational Meeting at 6:00 in the Union (room will be pos'ed) Exec, meeting at 5:30 ATTENTION Politically interested and active UNL students i Government Liaison Committee Organizational meeting- Wed Sept 5 6:00 p.m - City Union, room to be posted. Everyone welcome to attend Blues band available to play at parlies, reasonable rates Call 435-5297 evenings CAMPUS RECREATION INFORMATION MEETING There will be an informational meeting for any one interested in knowing more about the Campus Recreation Center. Campus Recrea tion programs (Intramural Sports, Club Sports, Fitness/Tntrudional Classes. Outdoor Adven tures, Informal Recreation, etc ), and special services and adivities The meeting will be Thursday. August 30 at 6:30 p.m. in the Ne braska Union (room will be posted). 472-3467. CROSS COUNTRY MEET The intramural cross country meet will be held Thursday, Sept 6 at Oak Lake Paik. The 2.1 mile race will begin promptly at 4:30pm Enter on site, no fees. Competition is open to both men & women. Bring your current UNL photo I.D 472-3467 _ DECA/Delta Epsilon Chi cirst meeting of the year All interested, please attend. Old meatier*, we hope to see you there. New members always welcome September 5. 7-8 pm. NE Union. Room posted Enjoy a free hour of tubbing on your birthday. Call The Tubbery. 475 8989. r——————————— Gay/Leebian Student Association Our first meeting of the semester will be Thursday, August 30, at 8:00pm in 342 Nebraska Union. Everyone is welcome. Intramural Deadlines Wednesday, Sept. 5 is the entry deadline for the following intramural activities: men A women's tennis singles, co-rec tennis doubles, men's & women's slow pitch softball, and co-rec flag football. Contact the Campus Recreation office for more information at 472-3467. NEWLY FORMED Bisexual Men's Social/Support group. For more information write: BIGUYS P.O. Box 80913 Lincoln, NE 68501 _ PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION Beginners or advanced. Lessons can include use of rental guitar at $8 per week Zager Studio 489-2430. PUNT, PASS, KICK The intramural punt, pass & kick competition will be held Wednesday, Sept. 5 at the Cather/Pound fields (17th A Vine) from 4 p.m-7 p.m. Enter on site, no fees. Competi tion is open to both men A women. Bring your current UNL photo I D. 472-3467. SAA Welcome back to where the tun don't lack First meeting 500 this Thursday. Meet outside Wick at 4:30 for Welcome Back Reception STUDENT DIRECTORY EXCLUSION FORMS NOW AVAILABLE Forms are now available for University of Nebraska Lincoln students who which to EXCLUDE individual student information from the 1990-91 Student Directory. This form is for EXCLUSION OF INFORMATION ONLY, no changes can be made The name-exclusion forms may be completed in the Office of Public Relations. 209 Administration building. Forms must be completed in person before Sept. 14, 1990. Proof of registration or identity is required lor completion. STUDENT ORGANIZATION ORIENTATION SUMMIT SCHEDULE Culture Center-4:30jxm. to 5:30 p.m. August29, September 5. 10, 11. 12. 17. 24, 25, 26 Sunday. Sept. 9-6.30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. East ltnion-4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.. August 30, September 6, 13. 20, 27 The men of Beta Sigma Psi and the Little Sisters of the Gold Rose would liketo announce their annual Fall Rush. Rush will take place Sept 11.12,13 at the Beta Sig House. Any young woman wishing to rush please call: Dave Glatte: 435-7251 Terry Planing: 474-1279 Elizabeth Dana: 438-1623 THE UNL TAE KWON DO CLUB INFORMATION CALL 476-0788 EVENINGS OR 2-3915. TUTOR? If you are in need of a tutor, or if you are interested in being a tutor...stop in the Student Information Center, 116 Nebraska Union and fill out a tutor form. ★ UNL Seniors: Homecoming royalty applications now available in both CAP offices and from 10-2mtheCi1y Union. Due Sept. 5 at noon. We Need YOU! Interested in: 'Meeting new friends7 'Gaming valuable work experience7 ‘Personal development training7 'Helping remove barriers that exist tor women7 'Having storage space here in City Union? ‘Finding a place to study, relax, meet friends and get personal messages7 YES? Then become a Women s Resource Center Volun teer. Call 472-2597 or stop by 117 Nebraska Union for more information. 120 Greek Affairs A HUGE welcome to the wonderful new pleoges of Alpha Cni Omega- you guys are the bestll Love, the Actives ACACIA LITTLE SISTERS Back to school meetmgl Execs 6:00, Reg 6:30, Tonight BETA SIG LITTLE SISTERS Officer meeting Thursday, 7:30 at the house. Regular meeting next Thursday at 7:30 Congrats to the new Pi Phi pledge class! Shondra A , Nicole A., Christa B,, Amber B., Katie C., Tori 0., Elyce B., Amy G., Katie G., Karla G., Staci G , Marianne H., Heather H., Susan M„ Dane H., Shelby H , Shawnda K., Britney M.. Heather M.. Emily M., Jennifer M., Kim O.. Elizabeth P., Renee P , Lisa R., Michelle S., Jamie S , Kim V„ Laura W . Alicia W., Nicole W , Juliet Y. Love, Your Pi Phi Sisters GREEK YEARBOOK STAFF APPLICA RONS AVAILABLE NOW Applications for Editorial, Advertising, and Photo staffs are available at the Greek Affairs Office. Nebraska Union 332 Applications are due Sept 6.4:00 pm, in the Greek Affairs Office Apply nowi It’s not too late! UNL fraterndies are still accepting applications for tall rush. If interested, applications may be picked up in room 332, Nebraska Union H you have any questions, contact the IFC office at 472 2M2 Lori B. (Gamma Phi), Congratulations on a |ob well done as Overall Rush Chair 11 Love. Your Sisters TACO • BELL. | 245 N. 13th St. I I FREE drink refills anytime Location Only I — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — j 130 Student Government ATTENTION ~~ Politically interested and active UNL students Government Liaison Committee Organizational meeting- Wed. Sept. 5 6:00 p.m.- City Union, room to be posted. Everyone welcome to attend. REMEMBER GOVERNMENT LIAISON COMMITTEE MEETING WED., SEPT. 5- 6:00 PM CITY UNION _ STUDENT GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN Senate positions open (or the following colleges: Agriculture Arts & Sciences Graduate Division of Continuing Studies Committee positions open for: Campus Recreation- residence hall member Committee for Fees Allocation- residence hall ASUN Grading Committee- grad, college Teaching Council- grad, college. Scholastic Commission Chair Government Liaison Comm. Additional information and applications available at ASUN office - 115 Nebraska Union Want to get involved in student politics and ASUN? Government Liaison Committee is an interesting and rewarding way to learn more about the issues affecting UNL and the students. Interested7 Come to the first meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 5 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Union. 140 Personals Trent J. Happy Anniversary! Love Ya! Kaila To girl that bumped into bike at 16th 4 Y Streets T uesday the 28th, I would *ove to bump into you again. Ploase call even if answer is no 477-6070, ask for Gary To send your personal message, come lo the Daily Nebraskan office, basement of the Nebraska Union. Ads received before 2 p.m. can be published in the next weekday 's paper. Jenny B„ Now you can say you got one. Corey Dawn P., Happy 21st B-Oayl Get ready to staggerl Steve 145 Lost & Found Lost dorm key found near Henzlik Hall. Call to identify. 477-7456. _ _ Lost: Pair of blue/black glasses in black case. 489-6281 or 488-8500. 148 Wanted Backtrack Records 3833 S. 48th 489-3817 Lincoln's vintage record shop. Buymg-Selling records, tapes, compact decs. Great poster selection. 10% stu dent decount. 150 Child Care Needed College instructor needs babysitter lor infant Wednes days. 12 30530 p m 421-7670^_ Nanny Opportunities Salaries S150 $400/week Join the only successful nanny network and experience growth with a great family on the East Coast For details call Arlene Streisand. Inc. 1-800-4436426. Minimum age: 18 Need a responsible individual to care for my 2 grace school age children from 3:30- 6.00pm weekdays. Must have own transportation and references. Excellent pay and a pleasant environment. Please call 489 3254 after 6:00pm Occasional weekend, evening care needed for 9 and 7 year-olds. Must have own transportation 488-8955 Part time sitter wanted two mornings a week Flexible days 489 0799 160 Help Wanted SS Offer AVON on campus for earnings and personal discounts. 483-7645. Leave message $100 Signing BonusT TMI Corp . ranked in the Top 10" by the telemarketing industry's trade magazine for the past 7 years, is now hiring for fall. S6 50/hour guaranteed Realists; earning potential to $10/hour Flexible schedulmg-you set your own hours around your classes’ Day and evening hours available Paid, professional training. Convenient loca tion 2 blocks from carrpus. Contests, prizes, fun, friendly faces. Receive a ‘S100 Signing Bonus (‘after 60 days employment) by applying now Call today for a personal interview 476-7625. Ask for Dianne Irwin. (EOE) Aerobic Instructors. Experience piefarred. Apply a! the Downtown VMCA. 1039 P Street 475 9622 Attention PE Majors. Junior high volleyball and soccer coaches needed Season starts soon. Pleas# call Carol, 489-0341, Buggy Bath Car Wash is looking lor part-tima help S3 80 starting Apply in person at 2304 N 48th Church Nursery Supervisor Sundays, 10:15-1145 a m., S>t Mark's on the Campus Call Jeanne Durbin, 466-9153 ■ $1.00 OFF | Your Favorite K * Drink * 1823'tr St. I ® Lincoln NE 6K.M)8 I