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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1990)
Osborne Continued from Page 6 we were rated number one at the beginning of the season just because we had Vince Fcrragamo returning,” he said. “That was a very uncomfort able feeling because I knew wc didn’t have the horses to be number one. “Idon’lquarrel with rankings, it's how wc pul it together, and you don't just do it w ith a quarterback,” In finding a replacement for Gerry Gdowski, Osborne said junior quar terbacks Mickey Joseph and Mike Grant share the lop spot. Two major scrimmages and one minor one w ill determine who starts against Baylor on Sept. 1, Osborne said. Nebraska returns two starters-Tom I’unt and Jim Wanek-on offense; both arc linemen on the left side. And Osborne expressed concern over the number of injuries in that depart ment. Second string left tackle Terry Eyman will miss some practice be cause of a viral infection, second siring right tackle Steve Engstrom has a sore hamstring, and second siring right guard Erik Wiegcrt still is hampered by a groin injur) that bothered him in the spring. “We’re kind of thin in the offen sive line,” Osborne said. “We’ve got some pretty big problems in the of fensive line right off the spot.’’ The defense, with eight starters, is back solid, Osborne said, with the exception of depth in the defensive line. “Defense may be the strongest part of the team in terms of quality and experience,’’ he said. Osborne also said middle guard Pat Engelbert, right tackle Kenny Walker and left tackle Joe Sims will give the Huskers a strong defensive front. “Sims worked hard to improve his lean muscle mass,’’ Osborne said. “Hc'salways had pretty good speed, but now his agility might be a little belter. Kenny we think ma> be one of the best pass rushers in the country.’’ Engelbert, he said, could turn out to be one of Nebraska’s better middle guards. Three of four starters return at linebacker, in Mike Pclko and Pat Tyrancc on the inside, and Mike Crocl on the outside. All four secondary players return, in comers Tahaun Lewis and Bruce Pickens, strong safety Reggie Cooper and free safety Ty rone Byrd. NOTES: •Junior winghack Nate Turner is out six to eight weeks alter breaking his collarbone in a non-contact drill during Sunday's practice. .... 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